"The Very Secret Admirer" by Quidditch, Anyone?

Wrapping Up The Plot

...In Pretty Pink Foil, Of Course

Hermione stepped into the warm Common Room and let the silence and darkness wrap her up in its subtle welcomeness. Such a relief it was to be away from horrible parties and love notes and Ron.

Speaking of Ron...

"Oh, bloody! Why d'you have to come follow me, eh?" Hermione scolded as the portrait hole opened again and revealed a figure with red hair.

"Because, like I already told you, I wanted you to stay. It's no fun with you there, really," he said honestly.

"Oh, right," she mocked herself. "Real fun, I am, sitting alone and snapping at everyone who talks to me."

"So why don't you just come and dance with everyone else?" he asked reasonably.

"Because," she said uncertainly, shifting her weight. "No one really wants me there anyway."

"Are you daft or something? I-want-you-there!" Ron said loudly and clearly.

"Well," she waved his claim aside. "I mean, not anyone that matters."

Ron turned red and locked his jaw oddly. "I don't matter, do I?"

"I-I didn't mean it like that!" she said quickly. "I just mean no one would, let's say, want me to be their date."

"And who said I didn't?" Ron asked in the same tone, this time with his arms crossed.

Hermione stared at him and actually let this hit her ears. "Yeah, right, Ron..."

Ron put on an odd expression never seen by her before. He looked like he was seconds away from running away, blushing, screaming, whispering, and confessing something all at once. This could only mean one thing. That's right, teenage movie confessions at proms and make-out points.

"Hermione, did you ever read that letter you got?" he asked her.

She blushed and started tucking bushy strands of hair behind her ear. "No. No, of course not. Why would I read such a stupid thing?"

Ron sort of half-smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, guess you're right," he started for the door.

"Wait!" Hermione hollered. Oh, come on! She wasn't stupid! To her he had already confessed that he sent that stupid piece of parchment to her! He wasn't getting away that easy.

"Ron... Ron," she stuttered. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"

He smiled mischievously. "Well, all right then."

Leading her over to the couch, he sat with her face-to-face. "You know how I said I had an, er, bad experience with Valentine's Day?" His eyes weren't only laughing, they were cracking up. "Well, when I was real little, Mum made me dress up as cupid during one of her parties," he finished quickly.

Hermione stared at him. Then she fell over with giggles. "She did what?"

"Yeah, I know!" Ron blushed. "In diapers and everything..."

It took a few minutes for Hermione's laughter to die down. Then she came back to reality, thinking of how cupid-boy was supposed to be telling her about the note.

"Well, actually, Ron, I was... I was wondering if you knew anything about that note I got," she asked timidly, her fingers intertwining with each other.

Ron's smile died away. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "Well, er,"

She swallowed.

Ron rolled his eyes and sprang up suddenly. "I sent it to you, all right?" he screamed at her. She smiled smally as he rambled on for a few minutes. Something about how he wanted to tell her he liked her at the ball, then the ball got canceled, then she didn't read the note, then another ball was taking place... on and on.

"Okay, Ron? Will you shut up a second?" she interrupted.

He stopped with his mouth still open. "What?"

She grinned. "I like you too, okay? I think you already knew that. As a matter of fact, I think we both have known all that stuff for, er, some time. So let's just go back to the party, all right?"

Ron wasn't really sure how to respond, so for the first time in his life, he did what Hermione said and, indeed, shut up.

Aww, they finally get it. Excuse me, I have to gag... okay, I'm back. I'm really, truly sorry to all of you who were anxious to read some teary-eyed love note from Ronniekins, but I haven't had too much experience in that area. If you're dying to hear one, then go look up 'lovely' in a thesaurus, get some words that rhyme with 'baby', and randomly type them out in a completely nonsense way on some pink and scented paper. Your girlfriends will love it. Anyway, have an extremely belated- or extremely early, however you look at it- Valentine's Day and I hope you all get pretty flowers and conversation hearts that taste like Plaster of Paris.

Lots of Love,

Hearts and Kisses inc.