This is my first story. YAY! I've had this idea for a while now as I was shocked to find no previous crossovers between Harry Potter and Princess Princess. If you could review that would be great! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Princess Princess. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Mikiyo Tsuda respectively.


He couldn't take it anymore.

Ever since the end of Voldemort, he hasn't been able to rest and grieve in peace. Everyone from everywhere has been banging at his floo in Grimmauld Place wishing to speak to him. Thankfully, Kreacher has bcome a lot more tolerable towards him and blocked it.

Hermione and her need for his public image to get her followers for S.P.E.W, Ron and Ginny and Mrs Weasley telling him to quit being 'respectful' and marry Ginny already (decidedly not agreeing with him on the fact that he is very much gay. As if the full page picture of him snogging Oliver Wood wasn't proof and that he was just going through a phase.) And then there was Kingsley, as the new Minister of Magic, constantly harassing him with applications for various ministry positions, obviously starting with the auror department, as well as everybody else in Wizarding Britain calling upon him to marry them sign their autographs or just give them his babies.

Harry was sick of it. With the truth of the betrayal of his friends and so-called family he just wanted to follow where his family has gone. And with the ever watchful eyes of Kreacher on him joining the dead is pretty hard to do. Well, if suicide isn't possible, then the only other option is running into the unknown and there is only one item that could achieve that.

The Veil of Death.

Now, you would assume that walking into a building full of important people and artifacts straight after a war would be impossible. Especially when there should be a lot of guards on high alert and your name is Harry Potter.

Apparently not. All Harry did was make sure that he still fit under the invisibility cloak and that nobody followed him out of the house.

The first part was quite simple, as Death's cloak it increases in size with the user. The second part was apparently also quite easy. With Grimmauld still under the fidelius with Harry as the secret keeper creeping out onto the first step without being seen was still possible doubled with the invisibility cloak then it was as if it hadn't happened.

After apparating into the atrium at the MoM, Harry landed himself in a crowd of builders and ministry workers getting the ministry up to scratch and as such any movement was construed as someone else bumping into others.

With ease he made it into the department of mysteries and in front of the veil before he noticed anothers prescence.

"Hello Harry."

"L..Luna?!" *huh* " I should've guessed this was too easy."

"They say they'll miss you."


"Neville, and the Twins. They say they'll miss you. When I tell them."

"Thanks Luna. Tell them I'll miss them, as my only true friends you four are my family. You always will be."

"Be happy Harry."*grins*

"I will." Harry walks up to the veil. "Goodbye Luna." And he falls... to his future.