Sophie smiling as her father came back to his lair.

"Today is the day Sophie, we will be ruling on top this time," Pitch crackled as he picked up his little shadow princess.

The ebony child smiled, "Top ! Top!"

Pitch cradles his adopted daughter, "Yes on top! While everybody else will be on the bottom of our feet. And I know just the place we can start the nightmares."

The duo disappeared into the darkness.

Brugess' town was sleeping soundly a peaceful dreams were spread well until now, Black nightmares ran around the sleep town. Children whimpered of the former good dreams to the nightmares, as the nightmares did there master's bidding.

Pitch and Sophie sat on top of clock tower watching it unfolded.

"You heard that Sophie?" the nightmare king questioned, "That's the scream of agony of losing hope. It's beautiful, no?"

Sophie nodded, "Top now?"

Pitch chuckled, "No not just yet. Very soon though."

The nightmare king heard sleigh bells' ringing, "The fun is here!"

The Guardians' heard the call as soon Sandy felt something wrong with dreams he gave to the children. Bunnymund jumped off the sleigh to the ground throwing his boomerangs, but was quickly joined by tooth defeating the Nightmares by her fast speed.

Sandy transformed his sand to an airplane to spread good dreams once more. Pitch shot his arrow at the sleigh giving it a hard landing for North. The Russian Santa Claus made it the metal scratching on the rooftop.

"Jack you okay?" North asked getting up from his seat to help Seraphina.

The winter sprit nodded,"Yeah I'm fine. I'll handle Pitch."

Before the Russian could say anything else the youngest guardian flew off.

Meanwhile Pitch grabbed Sophie and made the dark sand disappeared on her to the woods were more of the Nightmares were placed.

When he turns his head, he punched in the mouth by Jack.

"Wow I'm surprised you can punch like that," the dark king barked laughing.

"Where is she?" Jack growled aiming his staff at Pitch.

The ebony haired stopped laughing, "Like I told you before where she is safe and love."

"You know that's a lie, "Jack hissed.

Pitch chuckled, "Temper temper Frost."

Seraphina's vines wrapped around him tightly to point he could barely breathe, "Oh you wish you did do that."

"Why's that?" Mother Nature asked making the vines grip tighter.

"Because I'm not the only one feeling it," he answered.

Then blood curling scream come out, in the woods Sophie was screaming for the pain of the vines tighten around her chest. The Nightmares raced into the town, some of the dark horses ripped the vines of their master.

"Until another time Jack," Pitch said as he was on one the horses; the Nightmare and Pitch raced into the woods where his little princess was on the ground tears tracks on her cheeks.

"Daddy," she choked making grabbing gestures, the king accepted the gestured.

"It's okay daddy has now sssshhh. No more crying," he muttered as he brushed her hair.

"You were very brave for daddy," He continued as they disappeared into the lair.

Soon Sophie fell asleep for the pain.

"Don't worry my princess, we'll be on top soon," Pitch smiled down at her as he placed her on the bed.

The guardians tired and battered went to Sandy's island where he kept storage of all the children's dreams since they were born. The short man picked the large box that had Sophie's smiling face on there and hammer next to it. Sandy raised his hand with the hammer and was about to come down on it until it was stopped by the Easter bunny.

"D-do we really have to do this North? " Bunnymund asked still facing at the smiling picture of his little ankle-biter.

North took a deep breath, "It's for the best. She's with Pitch now; her own family doesn't remember her. She's already a sprit, she's just like us, and she can only be seen by other spirits."

The Russian put his hand on Bunnymud as Sandy once again raised his hammer and mashed the box that turn into sand. Jack was at the back of the room tears falling from his cheeks.

I will get Sophie back and make Pitch pay for this!

Hey Stars! See I'm alive sorry for not being on in a while, my life has been crazy and I hope you'll forgive me! So that was the last chapter of this story, but wait There's going to be a squeal soon!

Love you y'all
