Hi, I'm not dead. It's just called highschool. I'm sorry, for the super late chapters. If I had a beta this would be easier.. *hint hint*

When Asami Sato opened her eyes she was greeted with the sweet sleeping face of Korra. Dark eye lashes fanned out, a small snore escaped Korra's mouth. Letting out a small giggle, Korra began to stir and awoke. Blinking away sleep her vision focused on Asami.

Green met blue and blood rushed to both of their cheeks. Asami gave the shy Korra a small kiss on the forehead. Letting out a small exhale Korra sat up in bed chest exposed. She looked down a bit shocked, then it came to her. She and Asami really did go all the way. What would this mean of her and Asami now?

Getting out of bed Korra began to rewrap her wrappings, Asami enclosed Korra in her arms and sensually whispered in her ear, "Let me help you." She took the white wrapping in her hands and began to wrap them around Korra's chest. It was customary for women in the Water Tribe to wear wrappings of some sort, though the younger generation had begun to wear bras.

"Asami, I don't want to sound mean, but you should probably should go. I don't want Tenzin to see us like this." Asami nodded in understanding as she began to redress herself.

"Oh whoa, wait," said Korra as she walked to her dresser and pulled out a blue tunic and a pair of loose blue leggings. "I can't let you go you in that dress." She smiled as she accepted the clothes.

"Also here are a pair of flats, I never wore them you can have them."

"Oh no, Korra I couldn't," Asami said her hands waving away the shoes. Korra shook her head, long hair shaking around her shoulders. "No, I'll never wear them anyway. Take them," the shoes where thrusted into Asami's hands.

Moments later Asami was sitting on Korra's windowsill getting ready to leave. "Well, I better go." Asami exclaimed as she kissed Korra on the cheek. "When will I see you again?" she asked, Asami pondered this thought.

"Tonight in the park at 7:00, we can go out to dinner." Korra nodded her head as Asami jumped out the window and bounded her way down to the ferry dock, her long hair trailing behind her in dark streams.

Giving a sigh of awe Korra realized that she wasn't fully dressed. Pulling on the clothes from the day before she made her way down to breakfast. Down in the breakfast room the Air Acolytes were abuzz with news from Republic City. For there was a new organization at large, that threatened the benders of Republic City.

Many were brushing off this new as rumors and some were taking it seriously. When Korra finally arrived, the talking stopped for the Avatar would surely give them some news that will put the silly rumors to lie. She had no such news.

She caught sight of Tenzin and sat down in front of him. They both silently ate, but then Tenzin broke the silence. "Korra, have you heard of the equalists?"

"No, I haven't, why do you ask?"

"Well in that case I think that you need to attend the council meeting today."

At the meeting

"Now let's begin with the topic at hand," began Tarrlok, he paced in front of his fellow council members who were seated at the half circle table. "There is a rebel group at large and they are calling themselves the equalists."

"What threat do they pose?" The council member that represented the Fire Nation asked.

"They claim to have been 'oppressed' by the benders. They say that they will take away our power if we are not careful." He answered, his voice sullen. Face pulled into a grimace when he laid eyes on Korra.

"So what have they done to pose a threat?" Korra asked, her face stone cold, blue eyes steeled over. Tarrlok gave an amused smile at Korra's question.

"Well, Little Avatar they have begun to vandalize shops ran by benders, then they moved on to physical attacks, damaged property, resorting to actual physical attacks. Though all of these seem to be amateurs work, but if they continue to grow it will be a problem. So that is why I would like to ask if Chief Beifong would employ some of her men to patrol areas where bender populations is high, especially in the suburbs.

The council members murmured in response, Lin Beifong nodded her head in agreement. Accepting the task she left the council meeting early. The meeting went on, more in depths of the attack and what threat they could pose. At the time Korra did not see a big threat, but if only she knew what really was going on.

Asami Sato walked up the back steps of her estate and opened the back door. It was the entrance for the servants, but Asami often used this door when she had to sneak back in without her father knowing.

As she walked up the grand staircase to her room she heard an abrupt voice. "Asami Sato!" She cringed as she slowly turned and faced her furious father, his face was red, beads of sweat where noticeable on his face.

"What are you doing, just now getting back at 8:30 in the morning? Kai called me yesterday, told me that you ran away he said that he couldn't find you. So I had to tell him that you got cold feet."

"He tried to sleep with me, dad. They all do that. Just because I am pretty and have a rich father they think that they can sleep with me."

"That is bullshit! I am tired of the lies, tell me what really happened. Where did you sleep? Where you with your tramps again?" Hiroshi spat, his voice resonating with harsh words.

"I did runaway, because I don't like men dad. I ran away too my girlfriend, not my tramp. I never had any tramps. I don't like men dad. Never have and never will." Asami shouted, feeling the anger erupt from her core.

"Asami, I am tired of this nonsense. I want you to marry a nice man and settle down."

"But dad, I don't like men, I don't want to 'settle down', have you ever once asked what I wanted?" She was shaking, tears clouded her vision.

"I have raised you on my own for over ten years, this is thanks I get from you?"

Asami raised her hand to her head and sighed. "Dad, I love you, but I can't do this right now." She began to walk away from the enraged, confused man. That's when he was really set off.

"Asami Sato, come back here this instant!" She spun around strung out curls flying around her scowled face. "What is it father?!" She screamed as she clamps her perfect teeth.

"I want you to end this little fling of yours. One month is all you get to end it and keep it in the past. If you don't I will disown you as the heir to Future Industries." She flinched, this really hit her.

She never once did expect her father to threaten this. He really was serious this time. But should she really be fazed by his words? They were most likely just false empty words, but this time it was different. Something in his words resonated in Asami's mind. She just knew that this month would be the one that will change her life forever.

Somewhere in Republic City

Amon would never think about siding with a pair of benders, but if it meant achieving his goal then that's what he would do. He first found out about Korra's troubled past from his lieutenant, whom reported to see the commotion that the Avatar and her so-called Mother caused.

After some investigation Amon found out about the Avatar's past and the great scar that it had caused her. He knew about her inability to bend and her fear of coming to Republic City. He had her in the palm of his hand. All he had to do was execute his plan perfectly.

It wasn't hard to capture the Avatar's parents, they always followed the same routine: every day the mother would teach a morning class in the local river that was in the park. Then she would walk around and do some daily chores. Then afterwards she would go and help her husband at the docks. They both would guide the boats to the dock down the canal, using their waterbending.

The father followed a routine similar to his wife's. Then both at the end of each day they would go back to company quarters and they would eat a silent dinner and go to bed. Every once in a while it was reported that they would talk about the Avatar or venture out looking for the girl.

It was out on one of those searches where they captured and brought to Amon's headquarters. When the pair woke up they were greeted with the sullen face of a masked man. The woman looked up at the man. Panic filled her face, immediately she tried to bend, trying to pull the water from the air. She was suddenly stopped, feeling her muscles stop working.

The deep voice of Amon filled the room, "Don't you dare try to use your futile bending on me. I can assure you that I am much more powerful than you or any other bender."

The woman felt feeling return to her muscles, whatever had trapped her was gone. If this only was a small taste of his powers what else could he do? The man woke up when his wife fell to his side.

Being the sullen man he was, he showed little to no surprise. "What do you want with us?" He asked, voice deep filled with challenge.

Amon held up his hand, "I assure you snow savage, I am not here to hurt you, but to form an alliance of sorts." The woman who was still filled with panic forced the words from her mouth, "What do you want?"

"I want you to help me."

"Why would we do that," the man asked, voice rising.

"Because I can help you get something dear to you both lost ever so long ago, something that was taken away from you."

The husband and wife both looked at one another, "Korra," they whispered in unison. They needed no more of an explanation. They both knew that this was what they needed to do. So it was done. Amon lowered himself to working with benders. They would be working on equal grounds, or at least that's what they thought.

In all actuality it was obvious what Amon was doing, but fortunately for him the pair were clouded by twisted revenge and envy for their daughter to notice.

When the time came he would end the three of them. To die 'one big happy family'.