Author's Note:

So I know that I have not updated this story in over two years and I truly am sorry for that. Things got in the way and life threw some unexpected things at me and I had to put writing on the back burner. The only reason that I am putting this up after such a long time is to let all of those who have read this story that I've decided to end it and not continue on. It's a decision that was difficult to make, I have still been writing for this verse and I still love this idea, but I no longer have time to write and edit in the way I once did. I hope that those who have followed and liked this story understand. Your encouragement kept me going for a long time, but this is no longer something I can do with the same enjoyment that I once had.

I would like to bring up another reason why I've decided to end this story. It was recently brought to my attention that this story had been posted on a different website platform without my knowledge or consent. Someone else was taking credit for the work I did in creating this story and that fact has really put me off from posting any of my work. I'm sorry that my readers are the ones who have to suffer from the actions of one other person, but it takes time and effort to write and I don't appreciate my work being used by someone else.

For those of you who did read this thank you for your time and for staying with this story even though there were more than a few bumps and gaps along the way.