A car pulled up in front of the high school, well hidden by the darkness the night provided. "So, this is the place," A rotund teenager said, eyeing the building.
"No duh. What the hell were you expecting, fatass?" A girl asked, annoyed at having to be out so late.
"Tayuya, calm down," a third voice ordered.
"Or what, Kidomaru?" the redhead asked.
"All three of you shut up," a voice hissed, silencing the teens at once.
"Sorry boss," Kidomaru muttered, looking away from the female in front of him.
"Kabuto, what can you tell us about this place?" Orochimaru asked, already ignoring his other subordinates.
"Well, this place is a little different from what we normally deal with," the computer geek explained, pushing his glasses up as he spoke. "Normally, when we enter a school, we just have a few small gangs that can easily be crushed-"
"It really isn't much fun," Sakon interjected. "The fight's always over so quickly; I always wonder if it was worth our time."
"You're insane," Ukon replied. "It's better to end things quickly, brother."
"You two should shut the hell up," Tayuya snapped. "I just want to hear the fucking information and get the hell out of here."
"Calm down Tayuya," Kimimaro ordered.
"As I was saying," Kabuto went on a rather annoyed tone, "this place is different. There is already a central power in place that pretty much has the entire school by the throat."
"Oh really?" Orochimaru asked, voicing the opinions of his subordinates. Now they were interested.
"The organization is called the Akatsuki-"
"What the hell?!"
"Tayuya, I told you to be quiet."
"That has to be the stupidest-"
"One more word out of any of you and you'll regret it!" Orochimaru hissed, yellow eyes narrowing. The teens quickly shut up; pissing off their leader was never a good idea.
"Anyway, this Akatsuki has all the bases covered. Bombings, threatening messages, hacking the school computer system on a whim; you name it, these people have done it."
"How many?" Orochimaru asked.
"Supposedly there's ten people total; nine males, one female."
"Either that bitch is a total slut, or they're all fags," Tayuya stated.
"Watch your language," Jirobo commanded.
"Why do you say 'supposedly'?" Kimimaro asked.
Kabuto grinned before continuing. "These people are professionals. They have never once been caught in the act, and there's never any evidence left over to bring the criminals to the light. They're smart, to say the least."
"The Akatsuki is a bit soft." Kabuto bent down and retrieved several papers lying on the floorboard. "The bombs have only been set off in empty rooms. When the system is hacked, no changes are made that could seriously hurt someone, like giving a kid AIDS or something. They don't actually harm people; they just show off that they can."
"Being able to do something and actually doing it are totally different things," Kidomaru stated plainly.
"We can use that to our advantage," Sakon noted.
"Great. This sounds like it'll take some time," Ukon growled.
"Brother, you are far too impatient for your own good."
"Orochimaru, what do you suggest we do?" Kimimaro asked calmly.
The snake remained quiet, thinking, before looking up at his subordinates with a sadistic grin on his face. "We've heard what they're capable of doing. What say we show this Akatsuki exactly what we're capable of doing? There's no point in holding back against these people. The other fools around here have already decided that they are the power to fear, after all. If we want to bring this place to its knees, we have to completely and totally crush the Akatsuki. By any means necessary."