You know, this Idea has been in my head for quite a while so I finally wrote it down.

This is a crossover between Transformers Cybertron and Transformers Prime so I do hope you enjoy it, especially all you older transformers fans.


Quick side note: The story takes place mostly in the Prime universe after smokescreens arrival and as for the Cybertron universe, it takes place after the defeat of Galvatron, near the end of the series. Of course, the only thing I'm changing is that hotshot still transformers into some silver sports car thing like at the beginning of the series because I miss his old mode.

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers Cybertron or Prime, so don't sue me, K?

"Lord Megatron, it appears Soundwave has located an unknown Autobot." One of the Vehicons reported as Megatron walked into the bridge.

"Display it on the main screen."

What appeared on the screen was a blue-silver sports car, driving across the barren rocky dessert at breakneck speed. It was actually quite obvious that they were dealing with and Autobot, considering the fact that the Autobot symbol could be seen as clear as day on the front hood of the car. "Soundwave, where is the Autobot's location?" Soundwave quickly added the coordinates to the screen, much to Megatron's surprise, this Autobot was almost directly under the ship.

"What do you propose we do, my liege?" Knockout inquired.

Megatron paused, "Let's give this Autobot... a welcome to earth present."

"Coby, any luck finding out where we are yet?"

"Almost Hot Shot, I just can't seem to get this GPS to work right. The screen just keeps fizzing out, as far as I can tell, were in the middle of nowhere. I've also been trying to contact Lori but my cell phone isn't working either and the same goes for the communicator as well." Coby sighed and leaned back in his seat, still tinkering with his GPS. "I mean, it looks like were on earth but how is that possible?"

"I wish I new, last I checked we were on Velocitron." Hot Shot started to slow down, something had his attention.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm detecting signals on my scanner but I can't tell what there are."

Coby noticed a few shadows rush over them. "Could they be Decepticon signals?"

"Maybe but why would any Decepticons be foolish enough to attack Autobots after all that has happened?" At that moment, the five jets in the air turn around, heading directly for them. All bearing the same insignia, they were definitely dealing with Cons.

"I don't know about you, but I don't want to find out." Hot Shot agreed with Coby's statement and began to speed up, hoping to outrun these jokers. The jets, or to accurately identify them as Decepticons began to open fire, forcing Hot Shot to start swerving uncontrollably.

"Coby, you might want to hang on. this rides about to get a little bumpy." The young Autobot speed up even faster.

"Great thinking Hot Shot, but there's one small problem." Coby said with what Hot Shot believed was a sarcastic tone. "There's a canyon right up ahead!"

"I'll admit that Autobot is fast, but there's no way he's going to outrun our troops." Megatron snickered to himself, "Lay waste to that Autobot!"

Knockout watched the scene play out, almost disappointed actually. This Autobot could have been have been fun to race with... what was he saying? He's a decepticon! It wasn't just that though, something else was bothering him. If there's a canyon up ahead, then why won't this Bot start slowing down, or at least turn in the other direction. Is it trying to commit suicide?

"Hot Shot! Why aren't you slowing down!?" Coby practically yelled, his grip tightening onto the seat.

"Look, I have an idea."

"BUT WE WON'T MAKE THE JUMP!" Coby protested.

If Coby could see Hot Shot's face, he would have noticed the small smirk and that glimmer of confidence in Hot Shot's eyes. "Not without a little help. If I could just get at the right angel..." Hot Shot's speed began to increase once more, as they grew closer and closer to the edge.

"I can't look." Coby closed his eyes, praying that Hot Shot knew what he was doing.

Hot Shot knew he only had one shot at this.




The Autobot flew off the side of the cliff, and immediately started falling. That's when he made his move.


A fast dash of light flew past the vehicons on the sky, hurtling straight towards the Autobot. No one knew what to make of this. One moment the Autobot is falling to his death, and now he's... flying?

"How could an Autobot just grow wings? Soundwave, explain what is going on this instant!" Megatron furiously ordered.

And for once, Soundwave didn't have an answer for him. All he could manage to produce was a graph, showing the large increase in power emanating from the Autobot. This was very strange indeed.

"Optimus." Ratchet called over to the Autobot leader, "I am detecting an extreme power surge in the radar and what appears to be some kind of cybertronian signal."

Optimus scanned over the data as Arcee and Bumblebee walked over to get a better view at what they were dealing with. "Is there anyway for you to get a visual?" asked Optimus.

"I could try." After a few moment, Ratchet was able to get a visual on the screen.

"Cons." Arcee pointed out.

"Look's like it. But who's that?" Bumblebee asked in a series of beeps, pointing to the small car on the screen.

"Hold on just a sec." Ratchet zoomed in, revealing that this was no ordinary car. "An Autobot?"

"It looks like it. And It appears it is being attacked by the Deceptions. Ratchet, ready the ground bridge."

"But Optimus," Arcee jumped in front of him. "We can't just go in blind. We don't even know if this isn't some kind of trap!"

"I know Arcee, but if it is indeed and autobot, then that is a risk we will have to take."

"And a perfect landing if I do say so myself." Hot Shot proclaimed, as they flew towards the ground. "Coby, you can open you eyes now."

"I know, I know." Coby sighed with relief, he would've been a goner if Hot Shot didn't use that Cyber Planet Key. "Next time, give me a warning before you do something like that, ok?"

Hot Shot chuckled, "Yeah, sure..." He noticed that the Cons were still on his tail. "But we're not out of the woods yet."

"Hey, Hot Shot. Who are they?" Coby pointed to a small group of bots in the distance. From what he could tell, they were definitely armed.

"Hopefully they're on our side. I'm detecting their signals but they different from the others so they should be Autobots!" Hot Shot hopefully exclaimed. "Hey, doesn't one of them remind you of Optimus?"

The 'Autobots' moved in closer too them, blasting away at the Decepticons. Hot Shot slammed the breaks, causing him to swerve to the side. There were three Autobots, the insignia was as proof enough. And Hot Shot was right. The middle one DID look like Prime! But he didn't recognize the other two. The Optimus Prime doppelganger spoke first. "I am Optimus Prime and these are my comrades, Bumblebee and Arcee. Who are you?"

Hot Shot took a minute to respond. Did he just say he was Optimus? That can't be true, can it? "Maybe we should just play along for now" Coby whispered, unsure if the Bots outside could here him.

"The names Hot Shot." He rolled down the window to reveal a surprised Coby, who awkwardly waved his hand. "And this is my friend Coby." Needless to say, the Autobots were a little shocked. But this did explain why the mysterious newcomer didn't already transformed into his robot form. Just who was this guy?

Before they could ask anymore questions, three more vehicons appeared in the distance, slowly closing in. "Ratchet, open the ground bridge, we have two new comrades joining us.

Two? Ratchet began to feel uneasy, "Please let it not be another human accompanying that Autobot." Ratchet pleaded as he activated the ground bridge. Waiting for the others to come through.

So here you go.

I'm calling this my first REAL story since I actually have plans for this one. If there are any errors or mistakes, let me know so I can change them.

Thanks for reading.

Please review~

It's for a good cause!


Not really...


