
Three weeks passed and things in Titan's Tower had settled down to normality. Well, as normal as things could be for the time being. The city had been fairly quiet, criminals only causing trouble every few days, and the majority of the Titan's had settled back into their routines. Batman had visited once to check up and though he hadn't said much, he seemed to be content. Well, it had only been two weeks since everything had happened, so they weren't expecting a miracle. Starfire wasn't quite used to not joining her friends on their missions, and her flight still hadn't returned, but her overall demeanour was better. She smiled almost as much as she used to. Perhaps the biggest change was that Starfire had taken to wearing her Tamaranian armour again. It hid the scar and allowed her to absorb solar energy so she had changed into it the day she got back.

Currently in the Tower, it was a typical day. Cyborg and Beast Boy were playing games, Raven was reading, and Starfire and Robin were sat on the roof. Jason had been taken back to Gotham with Batman from the Watchtower. There were things they needed to discuss and Bruce wanted to keep Jason under a tight lead until he could be fully trusted again. And Slade? Well, he had been moved out of intensive care and could move independently again, but his leg was still healing and he had been sentenced to life in prison. Not that it gave any of the Titan's any confidence what so ever.

Robin looked over to Starfire who was perched next to him with her arms wrapped around her knees, a small smile on her face as they watched the sunset. She seemed happy enough, and there were moments when she would joke and laugh and just generally be herself. But Robin wasn't stupid. She wasn't happy. Not really. Not truly. Because if she was, she would be able to fly, and until she could then she wouldn't be allowed to fight. Raven had been working with her closely to help her control her power. There had been a few accidents, broken windows, and burnt furniture, but other than that it was going okay. And Robin had been working with her to steady her anger that had grown, which was also going well. But he knew that until they found a way to get rid of the scar, she would be slightly angry not matter what.

They sat in silence, just enjoying the changing colours of the sky as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, and Robin scooted closer to her, taking her hand in his before standing and helping her to her feet. She caught the small smirk on his face as she stood and before she had time to question it he yanked her forward and she fell. He moved to the side and let her fall a bit before catching her and turning her in the air. She opened her eyes and found herself to be held in Robin's arms as he leant over her and she giggled. Robin moved his face closer to hers and stole a small kiss from her before pulling her back up to standing. Starfire took hold of his hand, entwining their fingers, and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Silently they both moved towards the door, smiles evident on their faces.

When they reached the Command Centre, they could pear Beast Boy shouting, and found out why when they entered. He was laid on his stomach on the sofa, a controller in his hands and Cyborg sat on the poor boy.

"Cy! This is unfair!" Beast Boy squirmed, his arms and legs flailing. Cyborg just ignored him and carried on the race. Raven moved over to the table where Robin and Starfire had pierced themselves.

"Usually I hate to hear those to argue, it drives me crazy, but if Beast Boy can't figure out that he can change into an animal to get Cyborg off, then he deserves to stay there." Raven flashed a small smirk as she said it, and Robin and Starfire laughed. Well, she had a point at the end of the day. "How are you?" Her question was aimed at both of them, not just Starfire.

"You know," Robin looked at Star who took his hand and smiled back. "I think we're going to be okay. It's a long road, but it's not impossible. Besides, I made the mistake of letting her go once, I won't be doing it again."

"You know, I might not be into all this lovey dovey emotional stuff, but I am relieved you two sorted this out. The emotions you radiated were driving me insane."

"Well don't worry, from now on, Star and I have agreed to talk no matter what. Even if the truth hurts, we share our feelings." Robin kissed Starfire's cheek and looked back at Raven who seemed happy though she didn't smile. "Besides, there's nothing we can't get through. Not just me and Star, but the whole team. Even Dumb and Dumber over there. As long as we're together. We'll be okay."

So that's it guys. I know it's been a long time coming but this is the end. Don't worry, I'm going to write a sequel very soon :) thanks for reading. Midge :)