WARNINGS: rated M for language, suggestive themes, etc.

"Men do fancy a necessity where there is none, yet that will carry them through thick and thin." – Richard Baxter

This was beyond inappropriate, beyond insubordinate. This was more on the border of suspension and department transfer.

"This I such a bad idea," I whispered, as I felt my tie being undone. Agile fingers moved downwards, repeating their previous action of undoing – pullover, sweater vest, dress shirt.

"Jesus, Spencer, what's with all the layers?" He muttered, completely ignoring what I had just said.

"This is a really bad idea," I stressed, trying to sound serious and not turned on. Apparently I wasn't very convincing because Aaron continued even more vigorously.

"Aaron, we're at work!" I tried, a final attempt at deterrence. A bombard of slow, solid kisses delivered along my neck, on top of my pulse point, was his only reply.

"Oh, God," I panted. You wouldn't think to look at him, but underneath the suit and tie, the drill sergeant routine, the guise known as the "Hotch Stare", Aaron could be very enthusiastic.

As if reading my thoughts, his hands traveled downwards. Clothes were being dropped faster than Aaron was moving. When roughened hands became engaged with my belt buckle, I reached my cutoff point.

It was time to return the favor.

Shoving his shoulders back, I backed Hotch against a row of filing cabinets. Quickly tugging off his jacket, his shirt and tie disappeared soon after. Muscles, flexed and calloused, looked as good as they felt. As I ran fingertips up and down his chest, goosebumps appeared. I couldn't help laughing when I saw how heavily he was breathing.

"Tease," Aaron hissed in my ear, quickly turning the situation to his advantage. With a leg pushed behind my knees I fell into him. My legs buckled, he spun me around till I felt a flat surface beneath me. His body pressed completely against mine while arms pinned me down. Completely spread out across an unused desk, Aaron smiled down at me. Rising up, I placed a playfully wet kiss on his left nipple.

"Spencer," Aaron whispered, his hands a mesh in my hair.

"Yes?" I exhaled, enjoying the way his nipple hardened.

Tilting my head back, Aaron gave me a look that instantly stopped me. I sat up, the lightheartedness of our situation gone. Everything was suddenly very, very serious.

"Spencer," he repeated, just looking at me as if he didn't know what he wanted to say.

"Aaron," I answered, knowing he was remembering what had happened just a few hours ago. What had almost turned into a complete debacle.


"Earlier you said your victims never had a chance. I think you know, deep down, it was you who never really had a chance." Reid finished, never breaking eye contact with the death row inmate.

"Is everything all right in here?" the guard said as him and the warden burst into the room.

"Fine," Hotch snapped, pushing past everybody to get out, "We're done."

"Is it true I never had a chance?"Chester Hardwicke demanded.

"I don't know. Maybe," Reid said without a backward glance, rushing after Hotch.


"You saved us today, you know," He whispered, "Hardwicke could've killed us. If you hadn't-"

I couldn't take that look Hotch had on his face. It wasn't at me, but it might as well have been. Sliding my arms around him, my intertwined hands settled behind his back. His head dropped on my shoulder, a heavy sigh escaping and hitting my neck.

"Through thick and thin, Aaron, I'm with you," I whispered, holding him closer and hoping he believed me.

Reviews are my plot bunny's food. Please, please, please, please feed him.