Disclaimer: I don't own TRANSFORMERS, Digimon. And Pokemon

Hi, all! I'm quite new to this site and I support Takari, PatoGato and Pearlshipping. And I love doing crossovers. So I hope this Digimon-Pokemon-TRANSFORMERS crossover will be a hit.

For TRANSFORMERS fans, I'm going to place some G1, Victory and Zone characters in the story.

As for Digimon, I'm going to have the story centered after the events of Adventure 02.

And lastly, for Pokemon, it'll be sometime during the recent adventures after Unova.

Do R&R and tell me of your opinions so that I can work on my writing skills.

Thanks a bunch!

Chapter 1: Origins and the Chase

The universe is vast, unending and always full of mystery. Many have always wanted to venture into the stars, into the unknown. There may be endless possibilities and worlds at every turn. And one such world that existed out there was a planet known as Cybertron. The entire planet was one big city, teeming with life. The locals that inhabited the planet were as mechanical as their home was. They were known as the TRANSFORMERS. To many beings, from other corners of the galaxy, who have seen or heard about these magnificent beings, they claimed that these life forms were intelligent robots who have copied their every way of living. However, there was no copying at all. The TRANSFORMERS were able to think and feel like most organisms out there. They were able to build towering structures and adapt to society. And what was most special about them? Their tremendous ability to shape-shift their entire body structure into a vehicle. Well, they weren't TRANSFORMERS for nothing. They can turn into almost anything, one vehicle for each and every one. Cars, jets, tanks, you name them!

A long time ago, these beings have lived in an era of glory and peace known as the Golden Ages of Cybertron. However, those days became nothing but a memory, taken away by war. A civil war raged between two factions. There were the Autobots, the peace-loving side. And the other side, the Decepticons, the tyrant and power-hungry warriors. Both were led by two equally-matched leaders. Leading the Autobots was Optimus Prime, who always favoured peace and freedom, for it is the right of all sentient beings. The leader of the Decepticons was the malevolent Megatron, who desired tyranny and conquest.

After a long period of endless sieges and war, their home planet has been drained of its rich sources of Energon, their most important fuel and life force to all TRANSFORMERS. Cybertron became nothing but a barren wasteland. Ruins were everywhere and there were countless casualties on both sides.

To escape the horrors of war, Optimus Prime and the Autobots arranged an exodus and secretly built a gigantic vessel to leave Cybertron in search of a rich source of energy for conversion into Energon. However, the Decepticons have found about the plan. Once the Autobots finally took off from Cybertron, the Decepticons followed suit. So, the race was on for the Autobots, to save Cybertron from certain annihilation and defeat the Decepticons, once and for all. However, a mysterious portal opened up in front of them and the two ships have entered through it, without any acknowledgement of a Space Bridge (portal) to be opened. But there was no time. The Autobots needed to escape and anywhere they went would have to do. It's time to explore the unknown for the Autobots, and their Decepticon enemies.

In the emptiness of space:

A large, golden spaceship appeared out of a portal. The vessel, the Ark, was on its way to find a reliable source of energy. Powered by four huge engines, it came to a slow, cruising speed. Inside its command bridge, the crew of the ship, led by Optimus Prime, was managing the ship with the greatest of care and vigilance.

The valiant Autobot leader sat on his command chair, cautious and worried about his epic journey.

"Star Saber," called the Autobot leader, to one of his crew. A tall, winged Autobot with a sword in its holster behind his back.

"Yes, sir?" asked the Autobot lieutenant, awaiting orders from the commander.

"I need a radar scan of the vicinity. I fear our enemies might be near. We can't risk losing our ship and the cause of this journey." Ordered Optimus.


"Oh, and one more thing."


"Inform Dai Atlas to have his men check our supply caches, just in case we might have unwelcomed guests in our ship."

"Will do, sir."

The Autobot walked off to do his duty.

"Aww, come on ol' buddy! I've checked them twice before we left for the Space Bridge."

That was the Autobot weapons specialist and closest friend of Optimus, Ironhide. Hot-headed and cranky, the old-aged Autobot attempted to reassure Optimus of the ship's safety.

"I know, Ironhide, but I just need to be extra sure." replied Optimus, as he rested his chin on his hand.

"Yeah, I guess I might've missed a few spots. Must be getting' old." *chuckles*

As Optimus chuckled back at his friend's sentence, a small, younger Autobot under the name of Bumblebee, walked to join in the chatter, with a worried look at his face.

"Well, I have to agree with Prime. Those caches are really huge! Must be big enough to fit a Dinobot in there." said the youthful warrior.

Optimus and Ironhide just chuckled away at the joke, making Optimus feel more at ease. If anything could boost his morale and determination, it was the trust from his faithful comrades.

"However, I'm still puzzled about that mysterious Space Bridge. I didn't really ask for one to be opened? But I bet some resistance fighters back on Cybertron were able to help us open one up." said Optimus, in theory.



The alarms were as loud as a live performance at a concert. Red lights shone here and there as the whole crew rushed into action.

"Optimus!" alerted Star Saber, as he entered the bridge from his inspections. Beside him was another winged soldier, Dai Atlas.

"We have Decepticons right on our tail! We have to high-tail it!"

The Autobot commander nodded as he steadied himself at his chair, ready to take command.

"AUTOBOTS! Let's get outta here!"

The ship was at full throttle, as the pilots, Jazz and Sonic Bomber, were controlling the ship to escape its pursuer, a larger pointy Decepticon ship, the Nemesis.

"Sir!" called Jazz.

"What is it, Jazz?"

"We may have Decepticons at our back, but you won't believe what's up front!"

The crew watched in horror as Jazz pointed out at what appeared to be an asteroid field!

"I think we have to find another way around…"

"No time!" Optimus wasn't willing to waste time on that move. "We have to go forward! Into the asteroid field! Fire the forward cannons, Ironhide!"

The ships wing cannons fired away at the asteroids as it sped through the dense asteroid field.

Meanwhile, in the Nemesis, the Decepticon leader, Megatron, was sitting at his chair, with his eyes focused on the Ark.

"Megatron! The Autobots are just going through the asteroids! They must have their logic centres (minds) short-circuited!" yelled Megatron's lieutenant, the notorious Air Commander of the Decepticons, Starscream, known for his attempts to overthrow Megatron and take over as leader of the Decepticons.

"The Autobots are many things, but they aren't fools, Starscream." replied Megatron. Facing his most loyal and trustworthy servant, Soundwave, he gave an order.

"Soundwave, full speed ahead! Chase them down in the asteroids and prepare to board their pathetic vessel!"

"Yes, Megatron." answered Soundwave.

"WHAT?! Into that?! T-That's suicide!"

Megatron stood up from his chair and walked towards Starscream. The next thing you know it, he grabbed him by the throat and picked him up. The Decepticon struggled to be released from Megatron's grip, but to no avail. He then mercilessly threw him at a wall and the cowardly Decepticon crashed to floor. As he stood back up, he remained silent and returned to his post. He mumbled under his breath.

"You'll pay for that, Megatron. One day"

Megatron turned to the rest of his crew.

"Any further objections?"

The whole crew returned to their positions and continued the pursuit as Megatron ordered.

-The Ark -

As the Nemesis chased and fired continuously at the Autobot ship, the Ark's shields began fading away with every hit taken.

"Prime! We're losing shield power. 50%!" alerted Sonic Bomber.

"Keep flying this rustbucket straight forward, Sonic Bomber, and keep those guns blazing!" shouted Victory Leo, Star Saber's close companion.

"I need men to secure the hull and man the defensive turrets!" ordered Prime.

"I'm on it!" answered Bumblebee.

"I need Cliffjumper, Hound, Ratchet and the Brainmasters with me!"

The Autobots raced to the guns. Suddenly, a huge explosion rocked the ship and sent Bumblebee and his squad flying back to the bridge. Optimus rushed from his chair and helped up his fellow Autobots.

"ARGH!" screamed Blacker, one of the Brainmasters. His leg was badly ripped from the explosion.

"Hang in there, Blacker!" called out Ratchet, the Autobot medic.

As the Autobot ship slowed down and its shields gone, the Autobots could only look on as the Decepticon ship moved in beside the Ark.

"Well, shields are down. Guess we have to fight." said Jazz.

"Autobots. Prepare your weapons!" ordered Prime.

-The Nemesis-

The Nemesis moved slowly in position parallel to the Ark. Megatron grinned as he gave the next order.

"Soundwave. Prepare the boarding tubes!"

As ordered, three long tubes with claws came out from the Nemesis and attached themselves to the Autobot ship. One of them hit the bridge. That one was specially placed for Megatron. The mighty Decepticon rose from his seat and walked towards the entrance of the tube, proudly and confident as always.

"Decepticons! Take your positions."

His followers all raced to the tubes and ran as fast as they could. Many were anxious to fight the Autobots while others were psyched about getting into the action.

"Lord Megatron!" called out Liokaiser, a winged Decepticon Seeker. "It is an honour to be fighting alongside you in this glorious battle!"

The Decepticon leader continued to walk on to the Ark.

"Yes, Liokaiser. Today, we wipe out the Autobots. Tomorrow, we conquer the universe!"

-The Ark-

"Autobots! Here they come!"

The first Decepticons enter the ship's bridge. The heat was on. The Autobots clash in a firefight with the Decepticons. Some engaged in close quarter melee combat while others fired their guns at long range.

As the fight continued for half an hour, Optimus was struggling to throw off a few Decepticon soldiers from his back, when he saw a familiar face walk into the bridge. It was his old foe, the one and only, Megatron.

"Megatron." Optimus threw off the soldiers attacking him and ran straight towards Megatron, only for the Decepticon leader to draw out his wrist-mounted Fusion Cannon at him and fired. He barely dodged the blast and became locked in a fist fight with Megatron, a usual sight to see if you ever fought alongside Optimus Prime or Megatron. As the fists flew and the kicks swung, Megatron was able to pick up Optimus and threw him at a control console. He raised his fist and swung it at Prime. The Autobot dodged the punch and countered with a fist at Megatron's face, sending the startled Decepticon flying towards to the other end of the room.

"Give up, Megatron!" demanded Optimus. Megatron rose to his feet.

"NEVER!" he swung both of his arms at Optimus, sending him hurling towards the flight controls. As Optimus got up and resumed the fight, the control panels started to fritz and jolt, with its navigational systems severely damaged.

"WARNING! WARNING!" The ship's main computer, Teletraan 1, started to alert everyone inside that the ship was out of control. Five minutes later, the ship began rocking. It may have passed the asteroid field, but the ship continued to shake violently as the fighting continued.

"The ship is out of control!" Optimus ran to the controls to see if he could repair them, only to be blasted at the back by Megatron. His back was scarred with a big hole. He fell to the floor as some of the other Autobots watched in horror.

"Megatron." Optimus gasped with every breath as Megatron moved closer.

"This time it really is…" said Megatron, proudly.


As Megatron aimed his cannon at Prime, Optimus could only look helplessly as the cannon was ready to fire.

Suddenly, Soundwave, who was still at the Nemesis, interrupted Megatron via comm-link.

"What is it, Soundwave?!" responded Megatron, with a strict voice.

"Megatron! Experiencing some technical difficulties in the Nemesis. Must withdraw!"

"No, Soundwave! My victory is near! I am one step closer in annihilating Optimus…"

He was suddenly punched by Optimus, falling to the ground.

"It's over, Megatron!" yelled Optimus.

"Yes, Prime. For you!"

Before they could do anything, the ships began to rock more violently. Soon, the tubes were forcefully detached; leaving most of Megatron's stranded in the Ark.

"No. NO!" shouted Megatron.

The whole interior was shaking so badly as if an earthquake hit. Everyone braced for impact, except for some who carried on the fight. The front view of the bridge shattered from the force and began sucking everything out, from tiny chunks of debris to unfortunate soldiers.

The two leaders grabbed on to Optimus' command chair. Optimus landed a punch at Megatron, but Megatron grabbed on to Prime's leg.

"If I am to be sucked away into the vastness of space! I'm taking you with me!" yelled Megatron.

Optimus was losing his grip, struggling to shake off Megatron. Finally, he let go, sending the two of them hurling into space.

"PRIME! NO!" cried Bumblebee, as he and others watched as their leaders vanished.

-The Nemesis-

At the bridge, Starscream had just returned from his dogfights with the Autobots. He looked down, with sorrow.

"It is now a dark day for the Decepticons. Our leader, Megatron's spark has been extinguished."

However, he was only shedding crocodile tears as he raised his head, grinning.

"All. Hail. Starscream!" *laughs*

As he was enjoying his ascension, he turned around and noticed that all of the Decepticons have left the bridge.

"Where did everyone go?!"

They all had rushed to the safety of escape pods and jettisoned out of the falling ship.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" the new leader screamed as the ship crashed into the surface of the planet's Moon.

-The Ark-

"Ratchet! The Ark's systems are fading! We're losing altitude!" yelled Sonic Bomber.

"*groans* I can see that, Sonic Bomber!" replied Ratchet. The ship was making a steep descent in to the planet's atmosphere, as it began to rip apart.

"Quick, everyone. Into the stasis pods!"

The Autobots left some of the Decepticons still on board and made a dash to their stasis pods. Upon entry, a form of gas enveloped as the pods closed with the Autobots inside. This gas was to knock them out into stasis lock (TRANSFORMER hibernation). With everyone asleep, the ship was able to pass through the atmosphere, but it soon crashed into a widespread area of ocean. However, everyone, in their stasis pods, was still intact, though some who weren't probably weren't so lucky. The ship began to sink into the deep, blue sea, with the remaining survivors trapped inside their stasis pods, dormant. Only time could tell when they would resurface. Without a leader, the Autobots were at a disadvantage, and should the war begin again, they would probably have more downs than ups. For now, the ship lay deep under the sea, stuck at the seabed, rusting away as millions of years went by.

How was it? Yeah I feel it could use some more touch. But this is my first crossover fanfic and I tried my best! So, please R&R and tell me what you think! Next chapter will be the DigiDestined's turn!