The Doors of Death stood in front of them, strong, huge, and over powering. They reminded Frank of goth garden gates, the way the doors were designed made him feel that he was falling into doom. Which Percy and Annabeth had already done, which was the whole reason they were there. Then he stood and listened, he didn't want to remember this, yet he wanted to hear everything. He would have to say that this moment was the most silent one of his life. Even annoying Valdez took a moment of silence, which must have been hard for him.
He couldn't believe they had made it. It seemed like only a couple of weeks ago they had need to be here, yet they had made it faster than they had thought. It seemed so unreal to him, like some hydra should pop out of no where and attack them. Dang it, he jinxed it! Now a Hydra would show up, great another monster to add to their list.
It was weird not knowing if we were going to come out alive or not. Knowing Hazel, she was worried sick about everyone's well being. Sure in the war there was a risk, but they were sure which would not be coming back. It was just so stressful.
If Hazel closed the doors, then he would feel lost. He would never know which direction to go, or what to do ever again. He would never forgive himself, he would feel that it was his fault. She couldn't die the same young age twice, that would be horrible. No one should have to go though that much pain. It wouldn't be fair, it should never happen to someone, and defiantly not twice.
If Percy closed the doors, he would lose the closest thing to a family member he had left. He was pretty sure his grandmother had died in the fire, and if not she had told him that she was ready to go. Percy was all he had left family wise. He couldn't lose him too. He has had one of the most messed up lives he had ever seen, and it wasn't fair for him to die this way.
If Jason were to close the doors, he would lose a great leader. Frank may not have known Jason before this quest, but he really does his job well. He always, like Percy, knows how to stay calm and collected when something goes wrong. He knew what to do when a teammate was down, and inforced the no player left behind rule.
If Piper were to close the doors, he would be sad. He hadn't known Piper well, but she was a great person. For a daughter of Venus, the girl could fight. She didn't side line herself when a battle showed up, she fought with he rest of them. Frank had learned to respect that.
If Annabeth were to close the doors, he would be heartbroken. He hadn't known her long, but his friend would lose it. Percy would break down, and Frank could do nothing but watch him. She was the logical one, and he had almost trusted her with his secret, which was hard to earn from him. He didn't just trust anyone.
Finally, If Leo closed the door, he would lose the only understanding person he knew. Sure, he seemed mad at Leo all the time, but he was just worried about losing his girlfriend. He knew about the Sammy history, and it freaked him out. But Leo understood, he knew what it was like to lose a mother. To have to answer all the questions that will end with "Sorry about your mom". He just understood.
Losing these people was not a option, he wouldn't be able to handle the lost. He didn't want to go through what he had to go through with his mom, it would hurt. Anymore loss would make him feel worse. He remembered what Mars, oh his dad, had told him he would have to do. He didn't think he could do it.
It's funny how the group had worked so hard to get her, but no one wanted to go in. They seemed to just want to hold the moment. They just wanted to think of what might be to come. It was like They all knew what was inside there, and didn't want to get near that.
Everyone looked at the door, as if studying it would force them to close. They seemed to hope that Annabeth and Percy would pop out say something happy and upbeat. Even though the crew was all out of sorts worrying over them. Everyone looked stressed, like if one feather dropped they would go into full battle mode. The poor feather would never see it coming.
As they inched toward the door, several thoughts came into his mind, and they weren't exactly happy ones. Who would be stuck in this hell hole for the rest of their life? Why would someone volunteer to close the doors, knowing their fate would be sealed.
It made him worry, he knew Leo was having some attitude problems, well self-esteem problems. No one would really notice it, unless they themselves had the same problem. He seemed to hate himself, and blame himself about everything, which Frank knew was wrong.
Frank had to admit that he had some self-esteem issues himself, looking at himself you could see why. People thought he looked like a giant fuzzy adorable panda, and he didn't want to look like that. He is an accident prone teen, who seems to ruin everything he touches. He felt like he wasn't going to live to see the end of the war, which most likely would happen. His life line, a stick or what was left of it, was almost gone. As soon as it was gone, so was he. His giant fluffy Panda cuteness would be gone forever, stuck in the underworld.
The doors opened and someone came out...