Hello all,
This is my second story to write here and I hope you enjoy it. Also to be cautious the rating is T just in case, but may change later depending.
It was a dark stormy night that they would meet in the darkened cave off the coast of Scotland. The three figures waited impatiently for the fourth. As it was their patience was thin to begin with as they sat around a small fire and occasionally looked to the entrance. "A' canae believe we're doin this! King Fergus would hae our heads if he knew."
"Quiet Macintosh yer nae helpin the situation." Lord Dingwall spoke up as he poked the fire with a stick.
"Indeed." A voice behind them sounded causing Lord Macintosh to shriek like a girl and whirl around. No one had heard the dragon approach due to the thunder and lightening, but as lightening streaked across the sky the three lords saw the large shape as the dragon peeked in behind the man. Puffing out his chest Lord Macintosh tried to look brave after his embarrassing girlly scream. "Yer late Vikin'."
"In case you failed to notice Lord Macintosh there is a storm raging out side. Now what is this about?"
"Stoic ye know Alvin the Treacherous has learned ta train dragons much like yer clan, did ye teach him?" Lord Dingwall asked sharply.
"No we are still trying to figure out how he learned this..." Stoic said annoyed as he frowned and sat down by the fire. Whether Alvin just learned by trial and error, or stole the secret somehow was a mystery that still irked Stoic. He wanted to crush Alvin for coming for his son, and at one point stealing the book of dragons, but now the outcast threatened the very alliance Stoic had fought to get with King Fergus. Needless to say Alvin had to be stopped before he could do much more damage.
"He's gatherin' a army ta him, Stoic! He's also raided a few small outlyin' villages taking not just valuables but women!" Lord Macguffin finally spoke up.
"I know why do you think it was so hard to come out here, my people and I are preparing for war. He has gathered other Viking clans to him, and even with dragons my clan is outnumbered!" Stoic had jumped up from his spot and was pacing back and forth in front of the cave entrance. Was this why the clan lords had called him? To blame him for what Alvin was doing?
"We know tha' Stoic. We called ye ere fer tha' reason. Alone we're easy pickins but together we could stop 'em." Lord Macintosh spoke up. Stoic stopped pacing and turned to face the lords.
"You are talking about an alliance, but that would take..." Stoic knew what 'tradition' would demand to form an alliance. Such strong alliances could only be formed by way of marriage. "Has King Fergus agreed to this?"
"Nae, he says he won' force his daughter ta wed." Lord Dingwall replied.
"Then why call me out here?! I have an entire village to look after including dragons-"
"Becuz time is up! It's been three years, she had her chance ta choose but dinnae. Yer son technically won her hand, if yer son takes her as his wife...we will stand behind ye." Lord Dingwall said.
Stoic stood there wide eyed at the three lords. Years ago these very lords banded together to stop the Vikings from raiding their lands. Now this?! Never in all his years did he think these lords would ask him to do this. "You are asking me to go against King Fergus and force his daughter to marry my son?"
"Aye." All three lords answered, the look on their faces was plain they didn't want to do this, but what choice was there? Even still Stoic was already shaking his head his clan had just made peace with King Fergus. He couldn't jeopardize that!
"No, no I can't do that! Besides Hiccup would never-"
"Stoic, if we dunae make a firm alliance wit' ye, we're all doomed." Lord Macintosh spoke up. It was amazing how those words rang true when the sound of thunder followed. As though Thor himself was agreeing with the lords. But now it was not just about keeping the peace with King Fergus or protecting his people, it was about his son. The one person he never thought he would be proud of, and now he considered Hiccup his pride and joy. He had grown into a fine young man, he had trained dragons, learned to fight, and even won the competition for the Princess' hand! Nowadays it always felt like he was asking more of his son when Hiccup had gone above and beyond to prove himself. He knew if he asked Hiccup would do it, but he did not want to ask this of his son. Stoic looked up as a hand came to rest on his shoulder and saw Lord MacGuffin. The lords understood that this was just as difficult for Stoic the Vast as it was for them.
"We'll stand wit' ye Stoic." Lord MacGuffin finally broke the silence. What made all this so much worse was the fact that, it meant going against King Fergus. It was a betrayal to the king and queen, but as Lords: Dingwall, Macintosh, and MacGuffin were going to stand with him. It meant that King Fergus and Queen Elinor could do nothing against him, not with the support of the other lords. Still it felt wrong to go behind the King and Queens back, he had spent years trying to earn their trust and form an alliance. Now he was being asked to break that trust and form an ironclad alliance to bring everyone together and stop Alvin in his tracks. Stoic glanced behind him Thornado was still peeking in and watching carefully the whole interaction. If he did nothing, Lord Macintosh was right they'd all be doomed. For a few minutes Stoic was silent then nodded before giving his answer.
"Very well I will ask Hiccup."
"That was amazing! It worked bud!" Hiccup called as they flew through the air and resumed their patrol of the island. Thus far Alvin had not struck Berk, but the outcast Viking had struck small villages and towns along Scotland's coast. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before Berk would be attacked too. So Hiccup had organised regular patrols of the island and had been training every Viking not just to ride a dragon, but to prepare for war on the backs of dragons. Aside from vigorous training, and regular patrols; Hiccup began inventing devices to protect and defend Berk. Gobber was always busy working on constructing the devices with guidance from Hiccup. As soon as the device was made Vikings were also trained in it's use. The latest invention was a type of glider suit for dragon riders to wear and use if knocked off their dragons. It just might save the rider's life, "I can't wait to tell the guys, this will help if Alvin comes around. I mean sure he and his people can ride Dragons but with this?! Even if we fall or are knocked off our dragons we have better chance of surviving."
Toothless merely made a guttural purr in response as their patrol was coming to an end they neared Berk. Landing on the hillside just beyond the village, Hiccup dismounted and gave Toothless a pat. Already his friends were waiting for him as he removed his helmet to reveal not a boy but a man. "We were looking for you, Hiccup."
"Oh sorry about that guys, Toothless and I were on patrol and test-"
"Hiccup your father has returned," Astrid interrupted with a worried expression.
"What happened?! Did Alvin attack?!"
"No! No your father is fine, but he looked..." Astrid trailed off trying to think of the proper word to use.
"He looked like someone skimped on his mead, then gave him nothing but a fish bone to eat." Snotlout replied stiffly. "He told us he needs to talk to you immediately."
Nodding Hiccup headed down the hill past his friends towards Berk, Toothless in tow. Entering the house he set his helmet down to find his father stoking the fire in the living room. He was reminded of four years ago when his father told him he would be going for dragon training. "Dad what's wrong?"
"Sit with me son." Doing as his father asked they sat in silence for a few minutes before his father sighed. "Do you know why we fought the highlanders before making peace with them?"
"Because of the raids, we took everything of value from the coastal villages including women. Then the highland tribes banded together and drove us out. Until you made peace with King Fergus, you swore to never allow such evil acts to continue." Hiccup said recounting what he was told of those dark times.
"I worked hard fought hard for peace with King Fergus..." Stoic trailed off looking completely drained. Hiccup felt dread overwhelming him, his father wouldn't go back to raiding would he?
"Dad what's wrong?!"
Unexpectedly Stoic looked to his son and put his hand on his shoulder. "Before I say what is wrong, I need to say this. You make me so proud everything you've done. You trained dragons, saved our clan, trained to be a fine warrior, and won the competition for the princess' hand. Know that what I ask of you no matter your answer I will not be angry. I will always be proud of you."
The look in his father's eye that all but pleaded for forgiveness was what worried Hiccup most, but the words meant a lot to him all the same. His father nowadays was making up for most of Hiccup's life, when Stoic considered him a complete failure. "Of course dad."
Nodding Stoic straightened and took some deep breathes. "I met with the other highland clan leaders, you remember competing with their sons for the princess' hand?" When Hiccup nodded he continued, "They recognise Alvin as a threat to everyone. He's struck some coastal towns, but nothing big yet, they propose an alliance."
"Oh boy don't tell me they have daughters, dad." Hiccup replied nervously.
"Well they do but they are too young for marriage. No they propose an alliance by marriage to Princess Merida." Stoic said.
"The Princess? Has she decided on whom she wants to wed?" Hiccup asked sceptically.
"No son she has not, but the lords recognise that it was you that won the competition. They said they would stand with us on the union." Stoic wanted to go slow in his explaining and he had gone as slow as possible knowing Hiccup was a very smart lad. Just then his son's eyes widened as his quick brain picked up on what was being asked of him.
"Waaaaaiiiitt a minute dad you are saying the other highland lords want to push for the union? But it was agreed the Princess would choose for love not be pushed-"
"I know son none of us like it, but we have little time left before war finds us." Stoic looked to the floor. For too long a silence reigned as both thought over the situation, but Stoic knew better then to push. Meanwhile Hiccup was in turmoil sure he and Astrid never worked out, and none of the other girls his age interested him; but this?! Forcing the Princess into a marriage like that! For a moment he went back to the last challenge of archery, he and Lord Dingwall's son were the only one's to hit the bullseye, well until Princess Merida showed up. All he could think was she had so much fire and was beautiful when allowed to be herself. He wasn't even angry that she split his arrow in two, he respected her choice, perhaps that was why he and Astrid never worked out. After seeing the Princess no one else could compare. So when it was decided that in the end Merida would decide whom to wed, Hiccup was happy for her.
He was so deep in thought he had not even heard Toothless come in but woke up when the dragon affectionately nudged him. In months they would all be at war with Alvin and two choices lay before him. Refuse and go to war which could mean Toothless and many others dying or force the princess to wed and unite to stop a common enemy. This was why his father had said he would support his son's choice no matter what. His father wasn't demanding he do this, but asking him to. He could say no, but what would be the price later on? His father? His friends? Gobber? Toothless? Imagining them hurt or worse was too much and it would be all his fault! That would be the point he'd wish to be back at this moment in time and decide to do something horribly wrong to prevent the deaths of those he held dear."Odin forgive me..." Hiccup whispered before speaking up. "What do I have to do?"