Eli woke up to the sounds of rocks bumping against his window, one thrown each 5 seconds. Clack… clack… "Geez, who throws rocks in Slugterra?" he mumbled as he passed a hand over his face, yawning. Swinging his feet of bed, he was careful as he brushed his hair quickly and changed his shirt. His ribs had healed fairly quickly, but he still felt some pain.

He walked towards the window, opened it and nearly got hit by a rock.

"Sorry Eli!" Danna said apologizing. "Didn't see you." She tossed the rest of the rocks to a side and looked up again. The Shane chuckled and put his elbows on the window seal.

"It's ok Por. What's up?" he asked. "Some news, need, help?" he added, but Danna just shook her head.

"Wondered if I could come with you." The pink haired said, her eyes shining with excitement. "I get bored nowadays."

Eli smiled. "Sure, I'll open the door. Give me a sec." he said. He then closed the window and walked down the stairs; he saw Pronto sleepwalking again and just shook his head slightly annoyed yet amused. He stopped midway to the door, looking at both sides: Kord was still okay, and asleep.

"Evening, Eli." Danna said as the Shane opened the door for her.

"Evening." He replied with a curt nod.

The brown skinned girl sat on the couch. "How's Kord? I heard about it." She said quietly.

Eli sat in front of her, shaking his head. "More frequent attacks," He sighed. It's not a prophecy, it's a curse… he thought once again. "each one stronger than the other, and sometimes softer. It's complicated." His elbow rested on his knee, chin on his hand.

"And now you have to go to the deep caverns? Sounds cool. You can use the Shadow walker to pass, but to come back… that'll be the hard part." Danna grumbled.

"That I know… But we'll figure it out." He said. "Wait here."

"I'm not going anywhere Shane."

Eli walked the stairs again and knocked on Trixie's door. "Wake up Sting." He said opening her door slightly. "It's time to go." He walked to Kord's room, he knocked again. "Get up Kord." he said softly, a bit frightened that he would wake up crazy.

Danna understood what Eli was doing and looked at Pronto who was eating in his hammock. "Treasure." She chuckled. Pronto came awake with a jolt, his head moving sideways.

"Where?" he asked.

"Karah, wa–" Eli started saying.

"I'm already up Shane." Karah interrupted. "Sorry." She said. Eli just shrugged and left.

The navy haired boy returned with Danna and found her talking with Pronto.

They waited till the rest walked down the stairs. Kord and Trixie had their normal uniform while Karah came down looking somewhat like a doctor (she is a nurse/doctor, for slugs).

Eli raised an eyebrow at her. "It's part of my look." She had clarified before they left.

The Shane Gang was now at the edge of the Portal that separated Slugterra with the Deep Caverns.

"Remind me what we're looking for here." Trixie said looking at the Guardian Slugs.

"A plant." Kord said simply.

Danna walked to Kord's side. "I lend you my Shadow Walker Kord, just be careful with it please." She said. The troll and nodded and looked at the rest, as in cue, they made a circle around the cave troll.

"Where are you planning to go?" said the hissing voice of one of the Shadow Clan.

Kord and Trixie turned around immediately with Eli put on his Shadow Talker. "To the Deep Caverns, where else?" the three of them said.

"Oh, it's the Zane and the Sting descendents. I remember." The young Shadow Clan member said. "The Deep Caverns Eli Shane?" it asked. The boy just nodded.

"We need to cure Kord from his cu–prophecy. It's making him crazy." Eli said, careful at what he was saying. "It's a bit urgent, so if you excuse us we–"

"Oh please, you won't be able to come back. Who will take care of the Caverns? A new gang of slingers?" the creature said slightly annoyed with the Shane recklessness. "You will make your own choices… I'll open the portal in an hour. So I suggest you go now." It said hissing.

Kord grinned. "Good, thank you." He chuckled before all of the Gang, Danna and Karah put their hands on the Ball, then he pressed it.


"Welcome to the Deep Caverns Karah, I hope you like your stay." Eli half joked to the slug nurse. She just rolled her eyes and threw a small rock at his head. "Ow!"

They ran behind a wall to stay hidden from the Dark Bane. They had to be careful or they would be captured again. As they sat down to catch their breaths, Trixie looked at Eli. "What's the plan, Shane." she said. Eli nodded and half smiled: he had a plan for sure…

Fifteen minutes later…

"That was your worst idea yet Eli!" Karah exclaimed as she held the plant in her hands.

"And we are running out of time!" Pronto yelled.

Eli was running up ahead, the Dark Bane barking at their heels. "I didn't have any other choice guys!" he yelled back at them as they circled around in an area waiting for the Shadow Clan to open.

"This is ridiculous!" Danna burst out lifting her hands in the air.

The Shane Gang had located the plant inside Brimstone's lair, so there was only one way to get inside there. Pronto ran in to distract the Dark Bane while Danna tried to figure where the plant was hidden inside. It wasn't so hard for her because that plant was used as a decoration on top of a small table.

Eli, Trixie and Kord made sure that Pronto and Danna were safe and sound, Karah kept the slugs safe and would warn the Gang of more trouble came. In the end, the devil-like-lava-throwing creatures started to chase them; the plant was somewhat sacred to them.

Eli was tired; the Shadow Clan was taking too much time. He got closer to the wall of the portal and banging his fist on it. "Were WAITING!" he shrieked. Then, he ducked down to dodge a hit from a Dark Bane.

Everyone was running around, yelling out things to Eli and to the Dark Bane. They couldn't run for ever though, and they couldn't use their slugs either. "Eli! This was–is a bad idea!" Pronto said to his leader.

Kord was getting very tired though, perhaps because it was he is big or something. But he suddenly started to twitch, his fingers first and then his arms, his shoulders and neck. "Graaah!" he closed his eyes, when he opened them, they were red again.

"Kord's wrath is coming!" Trixie shouted with a slight giggle, she sounded relived.

The Dark Bane was startled while looking at Kord, he was progressing in his transformation. His arms were a darker shade of blue and had claw like fingernails. The tattoos on him turned black. He roared and ran towards the small army of Dark Bane, his hands stretched out.

There was a fight going on for ten minutes and the Portal opened. There was the Shadow Clan waiting… with the Dark Clan. "Hurry Eli Shane!" Both leaders hissed.

Eli looked at Trixie and Pronto, nodding. "Kord Zane!" they shouted to the troll. It seem like he heard them and turned his head around before being hit by those stick like things from the Dark Bane. His body started to come back to normal and he closed his eyes as he ran towards the portal. As he crossed it, he felt normal once again.

The Gang, Karah and Danna had already crossed, making sure no Dark Bane passed. They watched both Clan Leaders hiss and lift their hands with Fandango slugs to close the portal.

"That was a close call." Kord mumbled to himself.

"Far too close Kord Zane." The Leaders of the Clans said. "Do you know what would have happened of you died?" Kord shook his head. "The Dark Clan would also transform and then become the Death Clan." The Shadow Clan leader said.

"Death Clan?" Kord, Trixie and Eli asked.