Chapter 17
A/N: Sad to say...this is the final chapter of Our New Adventure! I decided to squeeze in the two chapters in to one but removed some parts which is the "8 years from now" event. It's a quite funny storyline but it's too random so I guess I just ended this with the [SPOILER ALERT]. ;) Thank you all so much for all the wonderful comments and support you have given this story. It really means a lot to me. I had so much fun writing this and I hope you enjoyed it too. I'll be writing one last story before the year ends so watch out for that. It's an episode story, meaning, I am writing as if it was an episode of Glee. Care to guess what it's about? ;) Person who can guess gets a cookie! LOL. Anyway, after that one episode story, I'll be writing a new Fabrevans fanfic again on January! It's still in the process of plotting so please be patient. Thanks again so much for all the love! As always, Read, Review and Share. Xoxo
Quinn was leaving for Lima in about 2 hours on a Tuesday night. She'll be staying there until Saturday morning and Sam's birthday was on Sunday. Mrs. Figgins gave her the leave of absence from Tuesday till Friday and she doesn't have work on the weekends. Quinn has finished packing since Tuesday morning and has spent the rest of the afternoon bonding with her kids. Sam arrived at about 6pm and her flight is at 8 o'clock. They were just gonna have dinner at the airport. Sam entered the house, looking quite exhausted.
"Andrew, daddy's home." Quinn said as she kissed her husband. From his room, he ran out to be carried by his father.
"Hi, daddy!" He said, with Sam embracing him and spinning him.
"Hey, big boy." Sam kissed him and brought him down. "You ready, babe?" Sam asked when Quinn entered their room.
Sam followed her and saw her luggage was ready and her handy carry was almost done. It was a bittersweet feeling for Sam to see her wife go back home to her mother even just for a couple of days. "Yeah. I'm almost done. Can you please check on..." She paused when Sam's phone rang really loud.
Sam pulled out his phone and when he saw who it was, he looked at Quinn like he was a nervous little boy. "Uhm... I'm... I'm just gonna get this... What do you to be checked?"
Quinn was staring at his phone, then at Sam then back at the phone and again at Sam. "Just...check on Andrew and Abby if they're ready." She said and went back to her bag.
"Okay. I'll be back." He smiled and went out as he answered the phone.
Quinn was feeling this curiosity again. Ever since that night at the wedding, this was the only time Sam didn't answer a call in front of Quinn. She had to check one more time before she leaves her kids to Sam. Quinn peaked through the door and Sam was in the living room, facing against their bedroom door. As best as she can, she tried to eaves drop on what Sam was saying.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Sam giggled. "No. Just stay here in our house, okay? I'm about to take Quinn to the airport now. We're not gonna get caught." He giggled again and Quinn felt like all the blood in her body started boiling.
Quinn suddenly slammed the door and screamed. "Sam!"
"Oh, shit. Wait, Quinn's shouting. I'll see you later." He said and hung up. He ran to their room and Quinn's arms were on her hips with eyes glaring at the man who just entered the room. "What happened, babe?" He asked.
"Who were you on the phone with?" She asked and her face was not changing.
"Uhm... Just a friend... Why?"
"Friend?! Is your friend a boy or a girl?" She tried her best not to shout.
Sam started sweating. "Were you eaves dropping while I was on the phone?" He asked.
"Well, if I didn't I wouldn't have known that you're letting someone stay in our house tonight...oh, and yeah. You're not gonna get caught?! Sorry to burst your bubble, Samuel but I just caught you in the act!" Quinn finally shouted what she wanted to say. She was so mad at him, she wasn't sure if she'll still leave for Lima. "Is this why you wanted me to leave New York? Huh?!"
"Quinn! I'm not cheating on you, okay? That was my office mate, Sam!" He said and pulled out his phone. He scribbled through the call log and gave the phone to Quinn. Quinn grabbed it and saw the name Sam Tan. "Okay, it's my fault. I really didn't want to tell you but Sam and I are going to drink. We're celebrating his promotion at work and he wanted to drink at a bar. I can't just leave the kids so I told him we'll just drink here when I tuck the kids in bed. I know you wouldn't allow that so I just decided not to tell you and I'm sorry." Sam looked at the floor and scratched his head.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" Quinn felt guilty about what she did. She sat down on the bed and covered her face. "You never leave a room just to answer a call before." Quinn felt really bad about this. She felt like she was such a controlling wife.
Sam walked to her and kneeled so that their eyes were levelled with each other. "Baby, I'm sorry okay? I should have just told you about it. I assumed you'll get mad so I didn't tell you." He held both her hands tight.
"Sorry for barging in on your privacy again. Your words just made me really curious on what was going on. I should have just asked you calmly." Quinn kissed Sam's hands. "Just...tell Tim to keep quiet when the kids are asleep. If he's too drunk to drive, he can stay in but if he's fine, he has to go."
Sam smiled at her. "Yes, ma'am. I promise."
"But if the kids wake up in the middle of the night, you guys have to stop okay? I don't want my children seeing you guys with liquors in hand."
"Copy that, soldier." He smiled again. Sam cupped her face and kissed her on the lips. "No more fights, okay? You trust me, I trust you. We're gonna be alright."
He smiled and she nodded in response.
"Let's load your stuff in the car. You're gonna be late for your flight." He said as they stood up. Sam loaded her luggage in the car. Quinn said goodbye to Cooper and they whole family got in the car to go to the airport.
Before boarding, Quinn gave Sam a list on what to do and everything he needed. Saying goodbye was the hardest part. Quinn knows it and she can quite see it in her son's face. Andrew was tearing up a bit. "Baby, Mommy will be gone for a couple of days, okay? I'll be at Grandma Judy's place."
Andrew just nodded and kept quiet.
"While I'm gone, you and Abby sleep beside Daddy okay? We wouldn't want Daddy to cry, right?" She joked as the boy smiled a bit. "You take care of Daddy and your sister. You promise?"
"Promise." He said with the most heartbreaking tone. The little boy started to cry.
Quinn was starting to tear up as well but she tried to hold it. "Give mommy a hug." She said and he wrapped his arms around her head tight. He continued to cry as Quinn tried to calm him down.
"Shh, don't cry. I'll be back soon, I promise. I'll call you everyday."
Andrew just nodded and continued crying. Quinn eyed Sam to get Andrew before she backs out from leaving. "Come here, Andrew." Sam said. He really couldn't carry the boy since he was carrying Abby on his right. Quinn just brought him down on his feet.
"Be a good boy, okay?" Quinn told Andrew when her flight was being called to board. She picked up Abby from Sam and kissed her. "Keep an eye on, daddy." She whispered but Sam heard it anyway and just giggled. Finally, it was Sam's turn. "Please be a good boy." She told Sam as she handed Abby to him. Sam giggled. "You're the naughtiest of the three." She joked and kissed him on the lips. "I love you, Sam. I'll call everyday. I'll try to call every hour." She said as she hugged her husband. "Take care of my kids or else I'm going to throw your body in the ocean." She threatened once more and Sam just giggled.
Before she could think twice about leaving, she finally boarded. Sam tried to quiet down Andrew while Abby remained clueless. Sam did every type of bribing just to calm the boy down and nothing was working. Race cars, Barney, staying up late and McDonald's Spaghetti. When Sam told him he'll buy Andrew all the ice cream he wants, he started calming down.
"Wooo! Finally. I didn't think it'll be this hard without your mother." Sam said when he finally stopped crying. "We'll buy lots of ice cream later okay? Daddy's just waiting for someone." Sam said, checking the time. It was already 8:40 pm. Quinn's plane left about half an hour ago. The flight from Kentucky should have arrived about 10 minutes ago. Suddenly, a lady's voice called him from a back.
"I'm here, Sammy."
Sam turned around and saw Santana with her luggage. Andrew heard a familiar voice and his face lit up when he saw his favourite Aunt. "Auntie Nana!" He said and ran to hug her. Sam stood up to hug her as well.
"There you are. I thought your flight got delayed." He said in an embrace. "Welcome back."
"It's great to be back! My flight was actually on time. I had a hard time looking for you guys." She said and faced the little girl. "Abigail!" Santana squeeked in excitement as she carried the little girl. "How I missed you and your chubby cheeks." She said.
"What are you doing here, Auntie Nana?" Andrew asked, pulling the hem of her skirt to carry the boy too.
"You haven't told them?" Santana asked Sam.
Sam shook his head. "I was waiting till Quinn's in Lima. Andrew will definitely speak about it when Quinn's around."
Santana giggled. "What if Quinn calls and Andrew tells her that I'm in your house?"
"Well, that's your job as of now, right?" Sam teased.
Santana's jaw dropped as she slapped Sam's arm. "Excuse me, Evans. I agreed to come over this early to help you with your plan and not babysit my niece and nephew." She said giggling. "How about we leave now? My feet and butt are killing me."
Sam reached for her luggage as they went to the car. Sam was carrying Santana's stuff while Santana held on to the children. They walked straight to the car and left the airport.
"So, what happened when she screamed a while ago?" Santana asked.
Sam laughed. "She was eaves dropping on our conversation. I was so nervous when she started questioning me. She thought I was cheating on her." Santana joined in laughing. "I wanted to laugh but I wouldn't want to get killed. As fast as I can, I changed your name to Sam Tan." Sam laughed out louder and the kids in the backseat were just so clueless.
"What the hell, Sam? You couldn't even think of a better codename for me? I'm so bummed."She placed her hand on her chest as if she was really hurt.
"I had no time to delete all letters, okay?" He laughed. "Sam Tan was the closest to Santana. Quinn's a really smart girl. I think she somehow suspected it was you."
"If Quinn and I stop being friends because of this, I'm hanging you in your room." She said and they both laughed.
"Daddy, are we gonna buy ice cream yet?" Andrew asked from the back who was looking quite sleepy.
Sam looked at the mirror and saw his son, somehow falling asleep beside his sister. "You look a little tired, buddy. We can just buy your ice cream when you get home from school. Would that be okay?" He asked.
Andrew just nodded as his eyes were slowly closing. Since the kids were already tired, they decided to go straight home. Santana tucked the kids in Sam's bed while Sam unloaded all her stuff. Sam also brought down the things needed for his discussion with Santana that night. The trunk of his car has been off limits to Quinn ever since he started hiding stuff there. After unloading the stuff, Sam sat on the couch and rested his head. Santana came out of the room.
"Well, that was easy. I never thought putting kids to bed isn't that hard." She said and sat beside Sam. "I think I'm ready to be a mother." She added, reflecting on what she just did.
Sam giggled. "No, Santana. It was just easy because they were tired but when they're not..."Sam paused and smiled. "It takes forever to put them to sleep. Quinn usually doesn't get enough sleep when Andrew's too alive at night."
"Uh-huh..." She was looking straight at the air. "Guess, Puck can have that job. I need my beauty rest every night."
"Speaking of Puckerman, when is he arriving?" He asked.
"He'll be here on Friday night. His boss won't let him go that easy. He's acquired too many absences for the month. If he doesn't go to work for the rest of the week, he won't have any salary for the month." Both of them laughed at the guy.
Suddenly, Sam's phone rang. He looked at the time and it was already 10:30 in the evening. Quinn must've arrived in Lima already.
He answered it. "Hello?"
"Baby, it's me." Quinn said, sounding really tired.
"Oh. Hey, babe. How's your flight? Are you in Lima already?" He asked.
"Yeah. Just got home actually and I feel sooooo tired." Her lazy voice proves her statement. "Did you and Sam push through the drinking there?"
"Sam...your friend."
Sam totally forgot about that Sam friend but when he looked at Santana, he remembered. "Oh, uh... Not really. Sam...decided to just spend the night with his family. Such a good guy." He giggled. Santana stood up and went to the box on the dining table. "Is this it?" Santana mouthed.
Sam nodded at the Latina.
"Mhmm. Are the kids sleeping already?"
"Yup. They fell asleep on the way home." Santana was trying to open the box and see what's inside but Sam spanked her hand. She let out a quiet moan and rubbed her now red hand. "Look, babe. It's been a long flight. You should go to sleep. I'll call you in the morning, okay?"
"Uhm... Yeah, sure. I'll talk to you in the morning, I guess." She said but before Sam could say goodbye, Quinn remembered to remind Sam about the morning errands. "Oh, Sam. Andrew's uniform is in the closet, don't forget. I experimented the other day and added milk and mayonnaise on Andrew's scrambled egg. He liked it and wants it for his breakfast on bread. Abby's vitamins are on the cabinet in top of the stove. She needs to drink it after her oatmeal for breakfast. When you give her a bath..."
"Quinn!" Sam stopped her. "I got it, okay? You don't have to worry about anything. I've got everything covered." He giggled at his wife's blabbering.
Quinn exhaled deep. "I've just never been this far with them. You know that. You can't just tell me not to worry."
"Well, don't. We'll be fine over here." Sam assured her and Santana was quietly laughing her ass off. Sam saying he's got it covered yet he called Santana for help.
"Where are you leaving the kids tomorrow when you go to work?" Quinn asked.
"I'll bring Abby to work and Andrew when I pick him up from school." Sam's excuses were all planned.
"Okay, good. Goodnight, babe. I love you."
"I love you too, babe. Goodnight." Sam hung up and Santana finally laughed out loud. "What?" Sam asked, smiling.
"You just sound so funny on the phone, you little sneak boy." She laughed. "I can't wait till Quinn finds out all about this."
Sam laughed as well. "Shut up. Go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning."
Santana agreed. It's been a long flight and all she wanted to do was sleep. Both went to their rooms; Santana is staying in the guest room. Before both doors closed, Santana peaked back at Sam.
"Oh, hey Sam."
"Yeah?" He looked back at her.
"You're a really good and sweet husband. As Quinn's friend, I'm really glad that you're doing this for her." She smiled and he smiled back.
"Even if this surprise wedding doesn't happen, the money's still for her...and the kids."
"What do you mean? You already planned this before?"
Sam put both hands inside his pockets. "I wanted to surprise Quinn. I was saving up to buy us a new house...a bigger one." He said, looking at the walls of their beloved home.
Santana had a big smile on her face. Sam really loves his family. Maybe, he did forget about giving Quinn the grand wedding but he did remember to give his family a better home. He was saving up for a bigger future for them. Apparently, he gave up all his savings on that house because he saw how upset his wife was about not having an actual wedding. "Quinn's a lucky girl. Can't wait for tomorrow. Goodnight, Sam." She said before finally entering the room to sleep.
Morning came and Sam took care of the kids while Santana made breakfast. Sam told Santana everything Quinn ordered Sam to do for the morning. Sam was given the leave of absence from Wednesday till Friday. His boss new about his plans and so he was allowed to be absent to prepare. Andrew was sitting at the dining table for breakfast with Abby while Santana was cleaning up her activity area in the kitchen. Sam went inside the bathroom to take a bath when the phone suddenly rang. After days of telling Andrew that Quinn will call every now and then, he ran to answer the phone knowing who's on the other line. Santana was busy cleaning up the kitchen to even hear the phone ring.
Andrew jumped on the couch before answering the phone. "Mommy, is this you?"
"Andrew? Where's Daddy? Why did you answer the phone?" Quinn was surprised when she heard her son answer the phone.
"Daddy's taking a bath and Auntie Nana's in the kitchen. Abby and I..." Quinn's eyes widened as her jaw dropped.
"Wait. Auntie Nana? Auntie Nana's there?" She asked.
"Yes. Auntie Nana's cooking breakfast." The boy answered as Santana saw him on the phone.
Santana ran to Andrew. "Andrew... Uhmm, hey. Let me talk to your mommy for a while." Andrew looked at her and gave the phone.
Santana prayed with all her might before speaking. "Hey, Q. What's up?"
"Santana? What are you doing there?" She asked, feeling confused about everything.
"Uhm... You know, Q. Here's the thing. Uhmm... Last night, I arrived and thought of surprising you and the kids but... I saw Sam at the airport and he told me that...You're in Lima and...won't be back till Saturday. I'm only till uhmm... Friday so I asked Sam if I can stay at your house for...a couple of days instead of getting a hotel room..."
"But uhm... What are you doing in New York?"
"I...have a meeting at ABC here so...yeah." She replied. She was sweating more than she has for the past 5 years. Their plan was totally ruined.
"Oh my God. Is that Quinn?" Sam asked Santana and Quinn heard it loud and clear. She was getting upset again because she doesn't know what's happening. She was completely clueless.
"Santana, can I please talk to my husband for a while?" Quinn said with a serious tone.
"Uhmm... Yeah, sure." She handed the phone to Sam and Quinn was sure she heard some arguing although the words weren't very clear.
"Hey, babe. What's up? How are you?" He said in the most innocent voice he could use.
"Why didn't you tell me Santana arrived last night and slept in our house?"
"Uhmm... Yeah. About that... I totally forgot, you know. I was really tired last night and I couldn't think straight. Santana was already sleeping in the guest room so... Totally forgot. I'm sorry, babe." He said and giggled.
"Really..." She wasn't satisfied with his answer.
"Yes. Really." He giggled again.
"Sam, I'd like to talk to my son, please. Give the phone to him."
"Yeah, sure. Hold on." He said and gave the phone to Andrew. Sam pulled Santana to the kitchen to discuss what happened and what to do about it. There was a bit of shouting that happened because both of them were panicking.
"Hi, mommy." Andrew said, feeling happy to hear the voice of his mom.
"Hi, baby. Mommy would like to ask you a question and I want you to answer them as honest as possibly you can."
"Mhmm." The boy said.
She didn't want to think badly about her friend but she just had to make sure. Sam's been constantly hiding things from her and she wants to find out what's wrong without stepping on anyone's foot. "Where are dad and Auntie Nana?"
"Mhmm." Quinn said as she rolled her eyes. "Okay, tell me. Where did Auntie Nana sleep last night? Did daddy sleep beside you?"
"Daddy and Abby and me slept in your bed. I don't know where Auntie Nana slept." He said, as truthful as he can.
"Okay, I want you to keep an eye on daddy, okay? Mommy's not there to watch your every move. No one will protect daddy but you. You got it?"
"Yes, mommy. I love you."
"I love you too, baby. Kiss your sister for me. I love you both. I have to go. Grandma Judy needs me."
"Okay." The boy said and hung up. He went back to the dining table and kissed his sister's head. "That's from mommy. She said she loves you, Abby."
Sam went back to the dining area. "Where's mommy?" He asked his son.
"She had to go. Grandma Judy needs here."
"Without saying goodbye to daddy?" He asked, quite irritated that everything's not going his way.
Andrew just gestured that he didn't know why and went back to eating.
"Great. Everything's a failure." Sam said, scratching the back of his head.
"Come on, Sam. We're not sure about that yet. As long as the word isn't heard by Quinn herself, the plan is still on." Santana said, comforting the guy. "Go get dressed. You have food tasting in an hour and Andrew's gonna be late for school."
Sam gave her a hopeful smile and went inside their room. They were going to drop Andrew off to school then head off to food tasting. After that, they were going to the venue to settle their account. The final payment was being made today 'cause they will start preparing and decorating tomorrow. Their part of the venue is a closed garden place. It has a giant door at the entrance like those of the church. The theme for their wedding will be nature which includes millions of flowers and petals. Quinn will be wearing a beautiful white dress which can be turned into a gown just by clipping the lower part of it which was separated. Sam will be wearing a simple white tuxedo.
Sam, Santana and Abby will pick up Andrew from school by lunch time and they will head off to the cake tasting. During lunch time, Sam and Santana explained to Andrew what was going to happen and he was more than excited for it. He promised that he'll keep quiet about it but Sam didn't believe him.
Quinn was quite upset after the phone call from New York. She really didn't know what to think. Santana is her friend and has never had any interest in Sam, or so she thought. She isn't the type that Sam would actually like so she refuses to believe that her husband and her friend were doing something behind her back. Her mom entered her room and saw that she wasn't herself at the moment.
"Quinnie, are you alright?" She asked as she entered the room to sit beside her daughter.
"I don't know..." She said and looked down at her feet. "Sam didn't tell me Santana was in our house since last night."
"What do you mean she was in your house?" the mother asked.
"I really don't understand too but Sam's been constantly hiding things from me recently."
"Like what?"
"His contacts on his phone, meeting up with friends...and now, this. Yet, I was just on the phone with him last night but he said he forgot that Santana was there 'cause she was already asleep. Psh!" She rolled her eyes. "I don't believe him." She sighed and her mother pulled her in an embrace. "Do you think Sam's cheating on me? Again?" She asked. He did cheat on her before so it wasn't that impossible for him to do it again.
"Honey, you wouldn't know unless you ask him. Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"Yes. He just told me to trust him and we'll be okay."
"Then, trust him. I'm sure he's learned his lessons before. Be observant but never assume." Quinn smiled, feeling safe in her mother's arm. "Now, let's go. We're gonna be late for the conference. It's time for you to meet new friends." Judy said as they walked out to the car.
They arrived at the conference just in time and Quinn saw a lot of young and not so young faces around. She was surprised to see men at her age. She thought the participants were bringing their daughters. Guess, you can bring your son if you don't have a daughter.
The first half of the day's event was over and Quinn felt like she fell asleep about 80% of the time. It was so boring and she couldn't even understand what the old people were talking about. Finally, it was lunch break. The buffet table was opened and Judy left Quinn to be with her friends. Quinn had to sit alone. While munching on her salad, a guy sat beside her.
"Hey, you look like you need some company." The guy said.
"Uhmm... Not really. I'm fine." Quinn smiled and went back to her food.
"I'm Josh, by the way." He introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you, Josh. I'm Quinn." She smiled.
"Wow. Your name fits your face. You're so beautiful just like a queen." He giggled and Quinn couldn't help but giggle back. Suddenly, Quinn thought two can play Sam's game. She decided not to show the guy that she was wearing a ring.
"That's very sweet of you, Josh. Thank you." She smiled again, as she sipped her glass of water.
"You're welcome. You're like the prettiest girl I've ever met." He continued to compliment her and Quinn was just laughing hard inside.
"Stop it, silly." She said with a very flirty smile. Suddenly, the guy's arm went behind her. Not really touching her but it was on top of the back of her chair. Well, that was fast. Quinn thought.
"So, did you fall asleep a while ago? I know, I did."
"Yeah, kind of. I couldn't understand what they were talking about." Quinn replied.
'Such a boring event. I wouldn't really be here if not for my mom's request. I just had to accompany her." He said.
" too." Quinn said as she finished her plate.
"How about...we ditch this place? You and me, let's get out of here." He invited with a smirk on his lips.
Quinn just looked at him like he was some kind of crazy. "And where are we gonna go, if ever?"
"I don't know... We can go to my apartment and... I don't know. Do...each other...I mean, stuff." He said as he adjusted his pants. Quinn knew exactly what he meant and she decided to stop the flirting.
Quinn rolled her eyes and moved her seat away from the guy. "Uhmm, sorry. Not interested."
"Why's that? Are you...still a virgin?" He whispered.
"I'm most certainly am not!" She defended, rolling her eyes at the guy once more.
"It's cool, babe. I can teach you different techniques. I promise, you'll still be able to walk after." He whispered again and Quinn has had enough.
"Yeah, well...try telling that to my husband." She said, moving her fingers to show him that she's wearing a ring.
The guy just laughed. "We don't really have to tell your husband. Come on, just a quick fuck and I'll bring you back here." He said and Quinn just stood up. She would've slapped the guy in the face but she didn't want to make a scene. Not when there are about 120 people in the place. She did the mature thing by standing up and just walking away from the guy.
One thing that pisses Quinn off is when a guy just wants to bang and leave a girl. Even if she's married, she got turned off by this Josh guys who seemed pretty nice and cool on the outside but his intentions weren't fine. Quinn went straight to get some dessert and apparently, another guy has tried to make a move on her. Maybe this time, the guy wouldn't be such a jerk anymore.
"Hey, beautiful." The guy said, who came up from behind her.
She turned around and smiled. Jackpot. This looks interesting.
"I've been watching you from afar and I guess that guy just got rejected." He said, quickly pointing at Josh.
"Well, he can be a jerk." She said, giggling.
"Well, I'm not." The guy said and Quinn just looked at her. When he smiled at her, she smiled back. "I'm Eric. You are?" He asked when he extended his hand for a shake.
"Quinn. My name's Quinn." She introduced back, shaking his hand.
"Very beautiful. You're perfect, you know." He said and Quinn found it weird 'cause he already thought she was perfect and all he knows is her name.
"Thanks. You're very nice." She smiled.
"So, uhmm... Do you maybe want to sit over there and" He asked.
"Yeah, sure. That'll be fine." She said and they walked toward the seats. The guy pulled out a chair for her and she said thank you. Finally, they were seated and Quinn was ready to dig in her Mango pana cota .
"So... Quinn, what do you do for a living?" Eric asked.
"I... I bake. Head Pastry Chef." She proudly said. "And you?"
"I'm a real estate agent." He said and his seat seemed to be moving closer and closer to hers.
"Oh...makes sense why you're here." She said and didn't bother to care his distance.
"How old are you, Quinn?" The guy asked.
"24... I'm turning 25 in a couple of months. You?"
"Oh, cool. I'm 28. I just turned 28 about 2 days ago." He smiled.
Quinn's eyes widened as she took a bite from the dessert. "Oh my... Happy birthday, I didn't know. Here..." Quinn said, giving him the extra panna cota she got. "There's my birthday gift. It's delicious, you should try." She said and smiled.
"Well, I know a better gift that's more delicious..." The guy said and licked his lips. "Your lips have been so inviting even since I laid eyes on them."
Quinn's eyes widened again. Another one? Maybe she really shouldn't do this. "Look, I'm married. I'm pretty sure this ain't a club for you to hit on me. Just like that other guy." She said, pushing the dessert away as she lost appetite.
"It's just a kiss, come on. I just want to taste if your lips are as perfect as you." He winked at her.
"Close your eyes." She said, opening her purse as she reapplied some lipstick. The guys smirked and closed his eyes. He puckered up his lips, waiting for hers. After a couple of seconds waiting, he said "Babe, I'm waiting. Maybe we can add some tongue to it, you know." He said.
A couple of more seconds later, still no lips. When a minute has passed, the guy opened his eyes and saw that he was alone.
Quinn left the guy waiting and went to her mom.
"Oh, hey Quinnie. How did making friends go?" She asked.
"Who knew Lima was full of jerks?" She said as she sat beside her mother. "I just had two guys who wanted to either rape me or harass my lips." She said in exhale and her mother just laughed.
"Well, why didn't you tell them you're married?"
"I didn't at first 'cause I thought I would want to get back at Sam but then when I finally told them I'm married, they don't even care." She ran a finger through her hair. "I miss my kids." She said.
"Who says you can't call them? It's already past 12. Andrew's done with school, you should call Sam."
"I don't want to call, Sam. I'm too pissed." She sighed. "He's taking the kids to his office so maybe I'll just call when they get home."
"Whatever you want, dear." She said, patting her daughter's back. "Just a couple more days and you'll be back home. Speaking of New York, I have some great news for you."
"I hope they're really great news, though. What is it?"
"'I'm coming to New York with you on Saturday! Isn't that exciting?"
Quinn smiled. That was really good news. Her kids were finally gonna see their Grandma again. She knows how happy Andrew and Abby are when her mom's around. "That's nice. I can't wait, mom." She said and smiled. "What are you gonna do there, anyway? Just a visit?"
"Well, I'm going to a friend's wedding on Saturday evening and I was hoping you could come with me."
Oh, great. Another bonding time, Quinn thought. "Who's getting married?" She asked.
"My colleague. The last time she saw you was when you were 4. She was hoping to see you again, 20 years later." Judy said.
Quinn thought this one's easier to do for her mom. They'll be in New York which means, she won't have to be so far away from her kids. What's one more activity before celebrating her husband's birthday, right? "Okay, fine."
"I picked you out a dress already if that's okay. I just based it on the size of the favourite dress you have at home. The baby blue florals."
"Great. I love that fit on me. I didn't even know I left it here." She said and they were called to go back to their place for the second half of the event. Quinn told herself, it's just a couple more hours. She just needs to wait and wait to get it over with.
Quinn and Judy's flight on Saturday was 8 in the morning. On Friday night, Judy decided to give Quinn a thank you gift for coming with her to the event. Judy ordered home service massage for Quinn and her. The thing was, Quinn's massage was different from hers. Quinn will be getting a massage that will put her to sleep for 12 hours. It was that relaxing. Quinn's dress arrived at 10 pm on Friday when she was already asleep.
Quinn opened her eyes as she stretched her body. She felt so relaxed and new. Today's the day she goes back home. She turned to the side to get her phone and when she opened it, there were 7 missed calls from Sam and about 15 messages of 'where are you' from him, as well. She jumped out of bed and saw it was already 10:45 am. She overslept. She missed her flight. As fast as she can, she called her husband. At the first ring, he immediately answered.
"Quinn, where are you? What happened?" Sam asked with a nervous tone.
"Oh my God, I overslept. I missed my flight! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She said walking around the room. "Where are you?"
"The kids and I are still here at the airport. I asked if your plane arrived and they said it landed about an hour ago. You got me so worried right there!" He said and Quinn felt really bad for oversleeping.
"Well, I'll check on my mom first and see if we can get the next plane to New York. I'll call you after 5 minutes."
"Okay, great. I love you, much."
"I'm fine, Sam. Don't worry. I love you too." She said before hanging up.
Sam hung up and kept his phone in his pocket. He was actually in the venue already, doing some final checks. He looked at the big gate at the front where Quinn will enter in a couple of hours to walk down the aisle, hand in hand with her mother. Sam couldn't help but tear up a bit. Sure, they're getting married for the second time around but this feels different. It was the actual wedding. What's more nerve wrecking was that it was a surprise wedding for Quinn.
Quinn ran out and found her mother in the living room, reading some magazine. "Mom! Why didn't you wake me up? We missed our flight! Sam's in the airport waiting for us." She nearly shouted.
"I'm sorry, honey. Just like you, I overslept. I just woke up a couple of minutes ago." She said, in a more relaxed way.
"Ugh!" Quinn shouted in frustration. "Okay, I'm just gonna call the airport to get the next plane back to New York." She said and dialled on her cell.
"Oh, honey. No need. I already called. The only flight that's available for us is at 4 in the afternoon. I already took it but we're gonna have to be dressed on the way back. The wedding starts at 6 and we have to go straight there from the airport."
Her mom explained tons and she was just getting her headache back from the other day. "I'll call, Sam." She said and dialled Sam's number. Unfortunately, it was Andrew's classmate's birthday and Sam was going with him and Abby. Quinn said, okay. She and her mom will just take the cab on the way to the wedding.
The Evans household was a full house that day. Sam's family was there to prepare with the New York gang, Santana, Puck, Rachel, Blaine and Kurt and their adopted little boy, Adam. Sam's mom along with Rachel and Santana prepared lunch for everyone as they got their hair and makeup done. The clock stroke 5 and it was time to go to the venue.
Quinn did her makeup but Judy volunteered to fix her hair. Judy styled her hair in a simple updo but she was gonna wear a floral headband that'll look like a crown. Quinn noticed that her mom was becoming emotional while fixing her hair.
"Mom, are you okay?"
"Yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Judy asked, trying to stop the tears in her eyes.
"'re crying. Obviously, that's not normal." Quinn was more than curious.
Judy giggled. "It's nothing, honey. Really. I just remembered...when you were little, I used to brush your hair every morning and night. Now, you're all grown up and this will probably be the only time I get to fix your hair again." She started to cry and Quinn was getting quite teary as well. She didn't say a word but she held onto her mother's hand.
"Your dad would've been so proud to see what you've become." She said and squeezed her hand.
Quinn smiled and held back her tears. "Thanks mom...for everything." She said. "Come switch places with me. Let me do your hair. After all those years you did mine, let me do it for you this time." She said as they did. She brushed her mother's hair and kissed it. Then, she whispered I love you in her ears which made her cry more.
The plane back to New York was quite awkward. Everyone was looking at them like they were in some kind of a freak show. Somehow, Quinn felt like she was being watched all the time ever since they got to the airport. She didn't bother to mind it anyway. She just wants to get that day over with.
They landed in New York at about 5:45 pm and ran to get a taxi as fast as possible. Luckily, one cab stopped by in front of them. They got inside and Judy gave him the direction. Quinn noticed that the driver was wearing a tuxedo. His face looks familiar too.
"Hey... I know you. You're the taxi driver Sam and I always get when we're from the airport! What a coincidence to ride your cab again." Quinn said, smiling.
"Yeah, that's me. Nice to see you again, ma'am." He smiled. "Where's your boyfriend?"
"Husband. He's with the kids somewhere. I just came back here with my mom." Quinn said as the driver and Judy nodded at each other.
"Oh! Husband and kids. Looks like you both have grown so much already." The guy giggled. "So, you guys going somewhere formal or something?" He asked.
"Yeah, my mom and I are going to a wedding. How about you? You seemed dressed and all to just be working."
"Yeah, well I'm going somewhere special tonight too." He said and suddenly, Quinn's phone rang. It was Sam.
"Hey, babe. Mom and I are in a cab already. How's it going there?" She asked.
"Quinn..." He said, seriously and plainly which Quinn found scary.
"Will you marry me?" He asked and there was a big relief in Quinn's chest. He was just being his sweet self again. Quinn giggled.
"What is it this time? Yes, I am home. I'll definitely see you later tonight. Don't worry." She giggled again.
"Just answer me, babe. Will you marry me?"
She realized that his tone was so darn serious.
"Yes, I will. Now tell me what's going on." She whispered in her phone but apparently, Sam hung up.
Quinn noticed that they're already at the venue. They didn't go out of the cab yet. Judy grabbed her hand and she was tearing up again.
"Mom, what's going on?" She was more than confused right now.
"I want you to know that I'm so very happy for you, Quinnie. You have chosen the perfect man. The right man for you."
And now, she was sweating cold.
"That night you and Sam went to his friend's wedding...he called me up and he was crying."
"You're Pirate Queen?" She asked in such surprise. She never expected that to be her mother. Was there something going on between her husband and her mother?!
"What?" Judy asked, not sure what she was talking about.
Quinn realized that it was a nickname Sam used to call her mother. It was quite mean but when you think of it, it was actually funny. "Nothing, forget it."
Judy didn't mind that and proceeded with her speech. "Anyway...your husband was crying. He saw how badly you wanted that wedding."
Quinn was now having clues on what's going on and her stomach was twirling in nervousness.
"He felt bad that he actually forgot to give you the actual wedding. He teamed up with me...and Santana..."
Now, everything's making sense! Quinn thought.
" prepare everything. Everything was a set up dear. From the conference, to him hiding things from you and up to this day, this moment...everything is planned. Everything is being filmed.I love you, Quinn and I couldn't be happier to see you have the best in life because of one person who loved you through whatever. The guy who was more than willing to give you more than the best there is."
The driver went out and opened the door for Quinn. She was starting to tear up. Everything was planned. She had some clues but never guessed it to be a wedding. Quinn got out of the car and saw lots of people waiting for her by the closed door. Suddenly, her dress was being turned into a gown and she was given a beautiful bouquet to hold on to. Judy hooked her arm on her.
"You ready to walk down the aisle?" Judy asked and both of them were just crying happy tears. Quinn was feeling numb, speechless and all mixed emotion there is.
Quinn nodded and she locked her arm on her mother's, feeling really nervous. Suddenly, she started hearing music from the inside.
My love, My first love
There's only you in my life
The only thing that's right
You're every breath that I take
You're every step I make
The doors finally opened and there she saw all the people she cared about and cared for her standing and looking at her, just like she dreamt of. The place was beautifully decorated and at the tip of the aisle, was the man waiting to spend forever with her. It wasn't that clear but she knows Sam. He was crying.
And I
(And I-I-I)
I want to share
All my love with you
No one else will do...
There were standing still but she can feel her knees weakening. She wasn't sure if she can stay any longer but she wants to witness her life change in front of everyone's eyes.
And your eyes
Your eyes, your eyes
They tell me how much you care
Ooh yes, you will always be
My endless love
There were now told to walk down the aisle and she can feel her eyes bawling. Good thing, she wore waterproof mascara. They were walking down the aisle and she was smiling at everyone she saw. Everyone she wanted to be there was present.
Two hearts that beat as one Forever (oooo) And love 'Cause ('Cause you) you,
Our lives have just begun
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
Ohh love
I'll be a fool for you,
I'm sure
You know I don't mind
Oh, you know I don't mind
You mean the world to me
I know
I know
I've found in you
My endless love
Finally, she reached the end of the aisle. There she was, standing in front of the guy she loves. It was so adorable how Sam was actually crying harder than her. She saw her little girl, being carried by Sam's mother. She wondered where Andrew was. Judy, gave her daughter's hand to Sam as the couple stepped forward to start the ceremony.
"Hi." Sam said, as he held hands with her. He was still very emotional and he could only pull off a goofy smile at her.
"Sam..." She said and her voice cracked but Sam place a finger on her lips.
"Shhh. We're getting married and besides your vows, the only words I want to hear from you is I do." He smiled and faced the pastor.
The ceremony was very emotional, solemn and you can feel the love surround the place. Since it was a surprise wedding, Quinn had to come up with an impromptu vow to say. It was a way to challenge her journalism skills.
Quinn's 2nd much awaited Sam finally arrived and she just wants to kiss him so bad. Andrew was the adorable ring bearer. He gave his parents the ring and Quinn started her vows.
"Sam... I don't know what to say. You and your surprises keep me speechless every single time." She giggled. "Well, first I have to say sorry. Sorry that I almost cheated on you when I was in Lima and here you are...I thought, you were cheating on me with Santana and all but that doesn't matter. I've never wanted anyone like you. You're the love of my life. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you...and the kids. I love you, Sam...more than anything. Even death won't keep us apart." Quinn placed the ring on Sam's finger.
It was Sam's turn. "When we got married by the judge... I thought that was it. We're married. But then I realized, it wasn't the contract that really mattered. It's the union, the solemnity, passion... the moment. It was that moment when you walk down the aisle and accept the guy you'll spend the rest of your days with."
Quinn started to tear up. "I'm not really the type to speak about my feelings in front of everyone. It took a lot of courage for me to do this." He said and everyone laughed. "I'm not sure if you know but today marks the 5th year we first met at the airport here in New York. That was some crazy meet up but it was worth it. It wouldn't have been as fun as it was if we didn't fight for Mr. Hanson's taxi." He said and everyone laughed. "Honesty and cooperation. That's what he told us when we told him we were engaged, to have a lasting marriage. Here I am in all honesty wanting to cooperate with you make this marriage worth lasting a lifetime." He sighed again. "I have loved you since day one. We may have gone through several obstacles which led to some separation and all...but I never stopped. I never stopped loving you, Quinn." He was starting to cry again. "I'm sorry if it took a while for the wedding...I guess I just needed to be sensitive of your feelings to realize the things I should do. I want you to know...that there will never be anyone to stand in our way. It's just you, me and the kids. The world won't matter as long as we have each other. I love you so much, Quinn. Even death won't keep us apart." Sam was about to place the ring on Quinn's finger but realized, the ring was too big.
"Crap. They gave the wrong ring." Sam blurted out and everyone wondered what's going on. Sam mouthed to Puck. "Are you sure this was our ordered ring?"
"Yeah. Size 9 for both." Puck said.
"Size 9 was for me! Quinn's size 6!" Sam silently shouted at Puck. It was becoming a failure. The ring was too big to fit Quinn's finger and everyone was panicking.
"Oh...I thought that was a 9 also. Guess the paper was upside down when I read it..." Puck said, scratching his Mohawk. Sam wanted nothing to do but cry right then and there. It became a complete disaster. His heart was racing and his hands were shaking.
"Sam, calm down. Just use my old ring. It's still our wedding ring, anyway." Quinn calmed him down.
"No, Quinn. We're supposed to wear these new golden rings."
"It's fine, Sam. It's still from you." Quinn gave him the ring and he had no choice but to use it.
"Perfect." Quinn said and smiled. Finally, they were wed. One last thing that's left was the kiss. Sam took a deep breath before leaning in to his wife. "I love you, Quinn."
"I love you, too Sam." She smiled and they sealed the ceremony with a kiss. Everyone cheered, everyone applaud as Mr. And Mrs. Samuel Evans faced the crowd, feeling complete. They finally got the happily ever after they wanted.