
Neji felt like he was going into shock

"So dad, how did you and mum get together?" His youngest daughter Suiren asked from her place on the couch next to him

"Yeah grumpy, how did you and mum meet" Masaki grinned at his father, he only called him grumpy when he wanted to annoy him. The twins were now 18 and his other daughter Suiren had just turned 14

"Um well…. Ask your mother" Neji pulled at the collar of his top

"Well mums not here so you tell us" Suiren pouted at her father, her eyes filling with tears

"Okay then" Neji muttered and watched as the tears disappeared "I do wish you'd stop doing the tears" The fake tears always worked on him, he would do anything once the tears came into play

"We first met in school, I didn't really know your mum then all I knew was she loved Chinese things and had her hair like that, with the two buns on the top. We left school and I didn't really know her then but we went to the same college and were in the same class so I did get to know her a bit. A couple of months after we finished the college course we went to your uncle Naruto's for a party and your mum and I slept together, she left the next morning and I didn't see her for 4 years, by this time she'd had your brother and sister, who didn't like me" Neji whispered that last bit in her ear making her giggle

"What you whispering about?" Hiriko asked as she walked into the room

"Nothing, dad's just telling Suiren how he and mum met" Masaki looked at his twin "What are you wearing?" Masaki sprang out of his seat

"A skirt and top why?" Hiriko asked frowning trying to see what was wrong with her outfit

"You can't wear that, it's not a skirt it's a belt" Masaki pointed at it

"Mum said it was alright before she left" Hiriko glared at her brother

"Your brother is right go upstairs and change" Neji told her from the couch

"No, I'm going out for a date and like hell am I going to get changed I'm already running late, I'll be back later" Hiriko started to leave

"Stay right there young lady" Neji stood up, a frown on his face

"Neji what's wrong?" Tenten had come back

"Your daughter is trying to go out dressed like that" Neji told his wife

"Oh, when she's upset you she's my daughter but all the other times she's ours or yours? She looks fine" Tenten stood next to Neji

"She's not fine she looks like a whore" Neji spluttered

"Neji, that is my skirt" Tenten turned to face him a cold look on her face "Are you saying that I look like a whore when I wear it?" Tenten asked

"No it's different with you" Neji sputtered

"That's it, you can sleep on the couch tonight" Tenten shouted poking him in the chest

"But" Neji whimpered

"I mean it" Tenten growled at him before turning to her daughter "Hiriko you look great, you'd better be going to you'll be late" All 4 of them watched as Hiriko ran out of the door, slamming it behind her

"Now, what were you all talking about?" Tenten asked sitting on the couch next to Suiren

"Dad was just telling me how you both met" Suiren told her mother as she shuffled over to hug her

"Oh, and how much did he tell you?" Tenten wrapped her arms around her daughter

"He got up to, you slept together and left and had the twins, then Hiriko came down and it all kicked off.

"Okay then. I can tell you the rest. I came back to here to go to your aunty Sakura and uncle Sasuke's wedding. I'd been living with your uncle Haku and Zabuza until then. I was staying at Sakura's until the wedding and your father found out I was back and that I had kids" Tenten smiled at the memory "He came round to Sakura's and Masaki shouted at him. Your dad then tried to get along with us, be a part of our lives and such. We got closer and your dad realised that he was madly in love with me didn't you darling?" Tenten smiled sweetly up at her husband

"Yes dear" Neji muttered as he sat down

"Then the night of the wedding your dad slept with Karin who I don't like and I left again with your brother and sister back to Zabuza and Haku." Tenten frowned "Everyone told me how they beat your dad up after they found out that he'd slept with Karin. He came to find me at Zabuza's and your uncle Zabuza tried to kill him, in the end your dad stayed with us for a bit and we got even closer. Then your dad asked me to marry him and the day after we found out that I was pregnant with you. We got married and I went into labour just after we got married. Then I had you" Tenten smiled down at her daughter

"Wow, nothing normal happens in our family does it" Suiren laughed

"No but normal is boring" Tenten laughed

"I'm going to have a lie down, Neji are you going to come with me?" Tenten asked standing up

"I thought I was to sleep on the couch"

"Tonight but you can come with me now" But" Tenten cut him off

"No ifs no buts no coconuts" Tenten poked him again and walked up stairs followed by Neji leaving their 2 children downstairs

Tenten threw herself on the bed, bouncing slightly

"Come one stop frowning" Tenten giggled

"How could you let our daughter go out dressed like that?" Neji sat next to her

"Oh stop being a baby, I used to go out dressed like that all the time and you never complained then" Tenten poked him, a smile on her face still

"Yes but that is different, I could have you all to myself after" Neji grabbed her hand and held it

"Well you've got me all to yourself now" Tenten giggled as she crawled up to him, swaying her body as she went

"I don't think the kids need to hear us" Neji tried not to look at her

"Well I promise I'll be quiet" Tenten purred, stroking his chest

"Tenten, I really don't think it would be a good idea" Neji gulped, he was so close to snapping and taking her there

"Don't be such a baby" Tenten whispered in his ear

Neji closed his eyes and thanked the lord when Masaki knocked on their door

"Me and Suiren are going out, I don't know when we'll be back but we'll get something to eat while we're out" Masaki told them then they could hear his footsteps going down the hall. Not long after they heard the front door open and shut

"Well, we're all on our own. No need to be quiet now" Tenten whispered before placing a kiss on his jaw

After they had sex again they went in the living room

"Where do you think they went?" Neji asked looking down at Tenten, they were sat on the couch, her head on his lap

"I don't know but Masaki said that they would get something to eat while they were out" Tenten smiled sleepily up at him

"You forgot that Naruto and Hinata are coming round for tea didn't you" Neji looked at her and watched as her eyes grew wide

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" She shrieked jumping up and running to find her phone to ring the kids and tell them to get back

Once she hung up she turned to Neji

"What time are they coming? What should I make?" Tenten asked her hands going to her hair

"They will be here in 2 hours and whatever you feel like making" Neji told her

"Fine be helpful" Tenten shouted before she ran into the kitchen

When Naruto and Hinata arrived they found an upset Neji, a cross Hiriko and the other 2 children were amused

"Did we come at a bad time?" Naruto asked

"When has that ever bothered you?" Tenten asked walking out of the kitchen

"True, true" Naruto nodded

"Come on shall we sit" Neji growled, glaring at Tenten

"Okay?" Naruto replied but it sounded more like a question than an agreement

Everyone took their seats around the table, Naruto and Hinata were sat next to each other and Neji and Tenten were as well. The children were just speed around.

Dinner was going well for Tenten until she felt his hand slide up her leg

"Neji" She hissed

"Hm" Neji turned to look at her

"Is everything okay?" Naruto asked

"Yes everything is fine thank you for asking Naruto" Tenten smiled at him before she gasped as Neji moved his hand to press against her knicker covered womanhood

"Are you sure you're okay, you look a little red" Hinata looked at her friend

"I'm fine thanks" Tenten stuttered as Neji slid 2 fingers past her knickers and into her entrance, she could feel herself becoming wet

"Well okay then" Naruto muttered something was bothering Tenten

"Mum?" Masaki asked looking at her, she was red and shaking slightly

"I'm just a little warm that's all" Tenten let out a small laugh and began to fan herself with her hand

"IF you need you can go outside, it's cold out there" Naruto looked like her was going to pat his back for coming up with a good idea

"No I'll be okay in a sec" Tenten jumped slightly as Neji added a third finger

"Dad what are you doing?" Suiren asked, she could see her father's arm moving

"Oh, fiddling with a button" Neji told her before he pulled his fingers out of Tenten and held up his hands. Tenten let out a whimper as his fingers left her

Once she had seen Naruto and Hinata off Tenten ran upstairs, opening the door and shutting it softly behind her she jumped on her husband who was lying on the bed

"That was mean you evil, evil man" Tenten growled at him, straddling his hips

"You enjoyed it though, I've never seen you come so quietly" Neji gave her a wicked grin
"If you don't stop I'll do something to wipe that grin off your face" Tenten warned

"Like what, would you do it if I do this?" Neji asked, his hand slipping up her skirt again, only to find she'd took her knickers off

"I'm warning you" Tenten gasped

"Really" Neji slid a finger into her

"Fine don't say I didn't warn you" Tenten grinned at him before she quickly pressed her lips to his. As quickly as she had pressed her lips to his she drew back looking at her husband who now looked confused

"I'm pregnant" Tenten told him ask she took his hand and placed it on her belly

"Again?" Neji asked

"Yes, you never use fucking condoms so how it's took this long for it to happen again I don't know" Tenten rolled her eyes

"Pregnant?" Neji asked

"Yes, pregnant. Baby growing inside me again, result of having sex pregnant" Tenten told him

"Damn it. That one's going to stop me from getting any as well" Neji growled before taking his wife's lips with his again. Truly he was happy, he was with the woman he loved and had 3 soon to be 4 wonderful kids, even if they did like to cock block him