DISCLAIMER: NOT MINE! So I was on holiday last week as ever it lead me to a fic idea, this is the first time I have ever featured Strickland in it for more than a "good job team" he has a little bit of a starring role here so please overlook any slight out of characterness there may be (I hope it won't be much if any at all)! Enjoy, and as usual reviews would be spiffing! :)

"Come on you lot before he changes his mind" Sandra called to her boys wheeling her suitcase towards Robert Strickland's car.

"I still don't get why old Stwickers is taking us all for a week's getaway" Gerry moaned, the prospect of a solid week with Strickland was less appealing to him than being stabbed in the eyes with a sharp hot rod.

"Because of all UCOS' hard work over the years Gerry, you aren't appreciated as much as you should be" he said opening the passenger door for Sandra.

"Thank you, Sir" she smiled giggling slightly at the fact this was the first time she had seen the casual side of her boss in his salmon pink t-shirt and white shorts.

"I still say a pint would have sufficed" Jack said, he hadn't been one for going away since Mary died, he hated to leave her for any long period of time.

"Well I thought it would be a nice way to bond Jack" the Deputy Assistant Commissioner said putting the last cases into the boot.

"Where are we even going anyway? I need to tell Esther so she can join us on Monday, if that's still okay" Brian said racing to the back seat so he didn't have to be squashed up in the middle.

"Of course it is Brian, I was going to keep our location under wraps until we got there but as I am already in the holiday spirit, we are going to The New Forest, an old friend of mine has a manor house out there overlooking the forest itself, I'm told it is very beautiful this time of year" he smiled pleased with his choice of destination.

One person was not however, Gerry Standing. "On second thoughts I don't think I will come, thanks for the offer" he said pushing Jack out the way so he could vacate the car.

"Oh, is it the aristocrats that put you off?"

"He's scared of trees" Sandra explained.

"Hylophobia the phobia of forests" Brain added.

"Well you don't have to go into the forest and you can have a room not facing the forests" he called out of the window desperate to have all his team there.

"If that's possible" Sandra muttered under her breath.

"Nah, I'm sorry sir but I can't".

"Please, Gerry it would mean a lot to me and how many times call me Robert or Rob even while we are not in the office" he smiled as much as he got on Gerry's nerves a lot of the time he knew he meant well and valued his team.

"Alright, Alright it wouldn't be as fun without me."

"You wish" Brian and Sandra both said at the same time.

"Budge up Jack so I can get in then"

"No chance you called heads, you're in the middle" Jack argued.

"Well I'm not coming then" Gerry huffed folding his arms like a child in the playground who was only going play the game he had chosen.

"Oh for god's sake Jack budge up, Gerry get's in before Strick- sorry Robert changes his mind."

"Excellent, does anyone object is we listen to God's Thunder?"

"I do."

"So do I"

"Me too" Sandra, Jack and Brain replied retrospectively.

"I don't" Gerry said smirking as he did knowing Robert only needed one person to agree with him in order to listen to one of his favourite albums of all time.