*Air Raid*Whats up this is a new story about me and my brothers!

*Swindle*And the combaticons are in this too.

*Air Raid*Whatever!

*Kittycon lover*~Walks in~How the heck did you two get in here?

*Swindle*Uh hello I am a genius I think I know a bit about locks~holds up a paperclip~

*Air Raid*I just found the door open~smiles~

*Kittycon lover*Note to self buy a new lock... Anyway that doesn't answer my question!Your an Autobot~points at Air Raid~and your a Decepticon!~points at Swindle~

*Air Raid*I'm on break~lays back in the chair~

*Swindle*Same here~copies him but flips the chair over~(THUMP!)

*Kittycon lover*Oh great... I own none of the characters in this story nor do I own transformers...

*Swindle & Air Raid*On with the story!

Air Raid stood on the edge of a canyon waiting for Silverbolt. He could barely make out the shape of his second youngest brother Slingshot standing on a ledge farther down in the canyon. He was hidden pretty well thanks to his shadowed paint job.

The sound of a jet came up behind Air Raid. He turned around just see it convert into a silver and white mech with red on both sides of his chest plate. It was of course Air Raids oldest brother whom was the leader of there small team known as the Aerial bots, Silverbolt.

Silverbolt stood tall and mighty. His blue optics blazing with confidence and sadly anger. His brother knew that Silverbolt was thinking of the ambush that the Combaticons had set up on them; harming there youngest brother Fireflight in the process.

Luckily they had left Skydive back at there hidden base(which was here somewhere hidden in the canyon literally in it) to watch over and help Fireflight recover.

"Silverbolt; Slingshots in place"Air Raid informed his leader."Would you like me to go cause a diversion and lead the team here?"He asked.

"Go right on ahead brother"Silverbolt ordered. He smiled as Air Raid transformed and take off into the sky."Slingshot!" He called out walking closer to the edge of the canyon and looking down into it at Slingshot whom was holding his gun tightly against him; ready for anything that got thrown at him. Silverbolt tried not to focus on how

"Yeah what is it Bolt?"Slingshot shouted back looking up at him.

"Get ready for the coming fight!"Silverbolt looked up into the sky and said."Also be ready to contact Skydive and Fireflight; for we are going to need them if you know what I mean."Hopefully flights okay...

"Yes sir!"Slingshot shouted back as he reloaded his gun so that he would be prepared for the coming fight.


Air Raid flew high above some cyber-trees, scanning the area for any signs of the cons. Just then a signal flashed up on his radar showing that five cons where practically beneath him. Without thinking he blasted down into the trees and transformed in midair only to land in front of five cons. Air Raid shifted his left hand into a rifle and shot the biggest con that stood in the middle of them. The mech had a green paint job and he was big and mean; it was Onslaught.

Onslaught hit the ground with a loud "Thud!"His team just stood there glaring at the Aerial bot whom had a wicked smile stretched across his face plate."Grr don't just stand there! Get him!"

"Just try and catch me!"Air Raid activated his rocket boots and flew up into the air then transformed back into his jet form. He flew forward and knocked them down onto the ground then flew back up into the sky and waited for the chase to begin.

"Combaticons take this stupid Aerial bot down!" Onslaught shouted at his team.

Every one did so. Vortex transformed into a jet and flew up into the sky after the Aerial bot followed by Blastoff whom was a and Brawl both converted into a tank while Swindle converted into a yellow war car.

Air Raid took off with blinding speed back to the canyon with the Combaticons chasing after him. He luckily dodged the missiles that Vortex shot at him nearly causing Air Raid to crash into a rock; luckily he avoided it and flew into the gap from the center of the canyon where it opened up.

Slingshot ducked down as he saw his brother fly by with Vortex and Blastoff on his tail. When they passed by Slingshot ran and did a spiraled flip into the air before converting into a fighter jet and flew down farther into the canyon following the cons on the ground. He was surprised to hear Silverbolt transform and take off after Air Raid and the two cons.

Revenge is ours! For what you did to our youngest brother Fireflight!

*Air Raid*Pure awesomeness!

*Swindle*Is your team like ninjas or something?

*Air Raid*Yes and we are totally going to kick your axle!

*Kittycon lover*Can somebody help me get these two to leave already!

*Air Raid & Swindle*You do know you could of just asked!~leaves~

*Kittycon lover*Huh that was easy... I will have another chapter posted up real soon cause I wrote this and had already finished it so I am slowly making progress in posting up the whole story. Please review I want to know what you think of this story so far!