Sorry I haven't updated in forever I have been busy with life and school. I also lost all my passion for my stories there for a small amount of time, but enough with this on with the story.


Chapter 3

Optimus P.O.V.

Optimus' mind raced with ideas as for why Megatron could be there at that time and why he could be after them. The only thing that he could think of was that he some how found out the prime would be there along with Jack and wanted revenge. He couldn't allow that to happen, not to the boy he looked at like a son or the gladiator who helped raise him. He decided that he would have to see how this went then go from there.


Third P.O.V.

The three turned around in sync and stared down the massive metal warlord who had kept two of them imprisoned for many years. All of them looked as though they were ready to go down fighting to their deaths for the others, but only one was really ready for that outcome and it wasn't the prime.

"So you really think that I would let all of you pathetic fleshlings go, I would never." Megatron stated with hatred blazing in his eyes. "I plan on keeping at least you three, especially you Nightshade you are after all my prized fighter, you should have just waited a few more days and you wouldn't have to be human anymore."

"I would never give up my humanity for you master." Nightshade spat out with venom. "I will never allow you to harm the others either, especially not my own apprentice or his friend, not on my soul."

All that they got in response was a dark chuckle before they all ran for the doors to that they all came through hoping to be free. They ran to the secondary tunnel that they had received data bursts about once they had seen the last set of gladiators leave. Once they left the tunnel they, for the first time in days/ years, saw the sun shining in a way that can never be replicated. Optimus then turned to jack knowing that both of them were safe now with their freedom, but then he realized they didn't know what would happen to Nightshade.