Chapter 1:

This is Berk. Twelve days north of hopeless, few degrees south of freezing to death and it's located solidly on the meridian of misery. This is my village and, in a word, it's sturdy. This village has been here for nearly several generations but every building is new. Here we have hunting fishing and an amazing view of the sunset. The only problem is the pests. See some places have mice or mosquitos, we have -

"Dragons." I close the door, shielding myself from the blast of fire that came from the dragon outside. Seeing that it was gone, I rushed outside, trying to get to the forge. Passing by several people, I try to ignore them and get to my destination. "What are you doing out here?!"

"Get back inside!"

"Morning Hiccup!" Yup. That's my name. Hiccup Horrendous Hadock the Third. it's not the best name, especially for a girl, but vikings tend to think that if we name are children a scary name it'll keep them safe from trolls and ogres. Like our personalities wouldn't do that.

I'm not paying attention, and I find myself face to face with our chief, Stoick the Vast. "What is she doing outside? Get back inside." He tells me as he hurls a rock at another dragon. Our chief is known for his toughness, it's said that he popped the head of a dragon of when he was a baby.

"Oh good morning. I thought a dragon carried you off." I look at my godfather with an innocent look. "Who, me? No, I'm just to much of a hardcore viking for their taste." I bluff, because I'm far from a meaty viking. In fact, I'm the smallest person in the village. "Well, precious, we have a long day ahead of us. You can start by checking the balance on these arrows for me."

I assume my position right by the window, checking the arrows one by one. A loud splashing sound catches my attention. The other teens of the village are currently on fire duty. There was the chubby and studious Fishlegs, the arrogant and blunt Snotlout, the slightly deranged twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut. And then there was, sigh, Ander. Behind him was an explosion and I could hear my breath hitch. As you can tell, I kind of have a crush on him. But he would never notice me. A tugging on my vest brings me back to reality.

"Oh no you don't. Not after the last time." Gobber scolds me. "Ah, come on. I'm never allowed outside. How am I supposed to make my mark of you don't even give me the chance to do so?" I give a sad look. "Ah ah ah. You have made your mark, in all the wrong places. Look, you can't pick up an axe, heck, you can't even throw one of these." Gobber holds up a bola, only for it to be taken by another viking and hurled at a dragon.

"Okay, you have a point there, but I won't need to throw it, with this." I say as I pull the sheet off of my new invention. Gobber groans as it launches a bola at an unsuspecting viking.

I grin sheepishly at him. "Just a mild calibration flaw." But he just groans some more. "Look, we all know that you mean well, but you have to stop all of this." He tells me. "But you just gestured to all of me." I point out. "Exactly. Stop being you." He says cheerily. "You sir, are playing a dangerous game."

"Oh yeah?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me. "Yes, this much viking spirit, contained, there will be consequences!" I shout, trying to to sound intimidating. It doesn't really work, because he says deadpan, "I'll take my chances. Now I'm needed out there. Stay put. Right there. Sharpen some swords while you're at it. Be safe, ahh!" He ran out side wielding his prosthetic hammer hand.

Seeing this as my chance, I wheel my invention out to a nearby cliff. Along the way, I scope out my choices. The Deadly Nadder would get me noticed, a Gronkle would definitely get me a date, Hideous Zippleback, exotic, twice the heads, twice the status. Monstrous Nightmare, only the really tough vikings go after those since they have a nasty habit of lighting themselves on fire. Someone cries out, "Night Fury!" As a purple flame hits a post. Night Furies, this one never steals food, is never seen, and never misses.

No one has ever killed one, but I'm going to be the first. Positioning my machine on the cliff, I scope the sky for my target. Finally, I see a blur of black zip across the sky and I take aim and fire. The bola hits something and it goes down somewhere over Raven's Point.

"Yes! I actually hit it! Did anyone see that?" I ask looking around, I see someone did. "Anyone except you." I tell the Monstrous Nightmare currently staring at me. Running as though Loki was after me, I try to hide from the dragon trying to make me it's next meal. "Gods! Why me?" I scream out at the sky as I hide behind a post. One good thing about me size.

The Nightmare shoots, and the pole is gone, along with most of my hair. I sigh."Well, I was planning on cutting it anyway." The Nightmare is about to fire again, when a fist comes into contact with the side of it's face. The dragon tries to fire again and Stoick smiles. "You're all out." He tackles the thing and finally it submits.

"Take this one to the training arena." He tells Snotlout's dad. Several vikings drag the unconscious dragon off. But all is not well. Several dragons escaped the nets that they were in and are currently flying off with our sheep, cattle and fish.

There's one more thing you should know. "Hi...Dad." I say to Stoick. Yep, that's right. I'm the chief's daughter, his only daughter. "On the bright side, I hit a Night Fury."

"Hiccup, you can't keep doing this. Winter is almost upon us an we just lost half of our food supplies thanks to you."

I shrug sheepishly. "Well if you ask me, the village could eat a little less."

"This isn't a joke." Dad snaps at me."Gobber, make sure that she gets home. I have her mess to clean up." That last part stung. "Nice going Hiccup." Snotlout sneers at me. "Thanks I try my best." I say sarcastically. "Guess you're just like your mom, always screwing something up."

Heat flushes through my veins. I punch him in the face, knocking him off his feet. "Don't you ever talk to me about my mother, you pig faced, viking wanna be!" I scream at him, going in for the kill, before I'm pulled back by someone. I look to see it's Ander. I shrug his grip off of my arm and run to catch up with Gobber.