Hey everyone long time no speak! No this is not a chapter, but I'm going to explain why I stopped updating. I realized that I indeed have given Lucy too much power, make Team Natsu kick Lucy off the team with no apparent reason. Also this is my first time writing a fanfiction. Over the past couple of months I've been reading taking ideas from other book authors of how to write, also watching these two shows over again to capture the characters personalities and I can say I have improved sky high. I tried to write the story again from scratch a dozen times but I didn't like each version of how it ended. So finally I wrote a plot that I really liked going into further detail of this story whole, and trust me none of the characters are as much OOC as in this story.

Starting tomorrow I'll post chapter 1 of the new version of The White Wolves. I won't delete this story but just start a new one from scratch. I will say this now, school and work has gotten in the way of my free time which usually is my write fanfic time, so that can be explained why I haven't updated much over 2014, my New Year's Resolutions is to update more often over the year. Another reason why I haven't updated much is my laptop went missing the other day. I have no idea how it disappeared or if it was stolen. The whole new story of the new version, and including my other stories was all on that laptop, ready to update. When I discovered this I was devastated all of my hard work and so many all nighters was wasted. Because of this I lost the motivation to write it again. But now I realized I needed to do this because people are waiting of how this story ended, not to mention the other stories. I bought a new laptop er well the surface tablet, and wrote it out all over again and I refused to update until it'll cover four months of once or twice a week updates. Yeah, a lot of work.

Also if you haven't read JJLock15's story The Dragon Princess of the Night yet, I'm co-writing for her. Which is also another reason why I haven't been updating because I'm helping her with her first fanfic.

Anyway back to the topic, I'll start a new version of this tomorrow from scratch and I'll do my best not only to update this story but my others as well. And before I forget thank you for the ones that stayed with me over the past year. Thank you so much, you guys are the best!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

