
Summer time is a great time to relax or make a change. For Stiles, it was the latter part he was focused on. He ran his hand through his wild mane in frustration, nose stuck in a book, furiously taking notes. The title of the book "How to be Sexy" was firmly in his hand. He was so busy taking notes that he had no idea it was 2:00 AM in the morning. Stilinksi had a focus this summer and it wasn't scary.

First day of School:

Allison and Lydia were in the car talking about each of their own summers. They were dressed to the hilt in their best looking school clothes listening to "Good Time" by Carly Ray. Allison had spent the summer away while Lydia had spent her summer being a lifeguard. They had lots to talk about and were so excited to be reunited.

"Oh, my god Lydia. It's Stiles' jeep behind us. What if Scott is in there? I am not ready to see him. Speed up. PLEASE?"

Lydia did not want a ticket but started to put her foot on the gas when she heard and saw Stiles old, rusty jeep pass. Loud music blared on by and flash of blonde hair. She glanced at Allison. "I don't think they wanted to see us either. "

They both laughed at that one. But the look on Allison's face told Lydia that despite a summer away, there was still some heavy duty unresolved feelings for Scott. She squeezed Allison's hand and made light of the situation by rapping a silly song.

"Have you seen Isaac, Scott, or Stiles this summer Lyd?"

"Just Isaac, had a few latte's with him this summer. Surprisingly enough, Stiles did not call me at all this summer. Maybe, he finally gave up!"

The idle chit chat continued until they hit the school parking lot. Lydia made sure to park far away from Stiles' Jeep. They grabbed their backpacks and purses and walked into the school. To Allison's dismay, the first person she saw inside the school was Scott. He smiled at them and raced on by. It was uncomfortable for them still, obviously.

Lydia was putting her books in her locker when she felt the door open and a rush of fresh air hit her face. She turned to look and crinkled her face in surprise. "WTF", she whispered to herself.

Stiles was walking down the hall with a blonde in his arms. She quickly guessed what Stiles had been doing all summer. He had a deep tan and very thick muscles outlined by the tightness of a gray v neck sweater and tee. His hair had grown out longer, still shorter on the sides and length, but much longer on the top. It made him look more like a young man. His eyes were lit up and his smile wide as he laughed at something the blonde had said. His height was taller and his walk more confident like. He stopped at his locker and opened the door to sneak what looked like a quick kiss. She couldn't quite pin what was majorly different besides his looks until a word entered her mind. Confidence, yep, that's it, she thought to herself. So, there she was next to her locker staring at him like an imbecile, as he walked on past.

Just as he about to pass her locker, someone threw a football at him, which he caught very easily. He spotted her and gave her a quick wink and tossed the football back and laughed. She thought it was rude for him to just walk on by without saying hi. She grabbed her stuff for class and walked on by spotting Stiles around a bunch of people, talking animatedly having a great old time.

Allison walked up to her with a big smile and look of amazement. "Is that Stiles? He looks different. Wow!"

"More like an ass!" Lydia snorted.

"He was always cute but did you see those biceps?"

"Stiles, cute?"

Allison looked surprised. "Sure, very cute, and that sarcastic humor. Guess, everybody else figured it out."

They continued to walk to class. Lydia was still early but waited by the classroom door for the teacher to open the door. Aidan grabbed her instead and pushed her in the utility closet. They made out for a few seconds when they heard the door open and close. Not wanting to get in trouble, Lydia put a finger over Aidan's mouth to silence him.

Lydia heard a gasp and a purr. A little bit of light under the door highlighted two figures pushed up against the wall. She could hear tiny moans. Not being afraid, Lydia turned on the light. It was Stiles running his fingers through blonde strands, kissing passionately. They both turned to see who it was. Stiles gave her a cocky smile, his brown eyes blinking at her mischievously, his hair tousled, and smile seductive.

"Why won't you get a room?" Lydia snorted for the second time.

Stiles stopped the kiss and gave her a sexy smile. "Thanks for the suggestion. I might have to take you up on that offer." He then went back to his make out session.

Lydia's mouth formed a surprised "o", while Aidan pushed her out the door.

"If that's not a transformation", laughed Aidan. "Stilinski, finally getting some."

Lydia was pissed off the rest of the day and made no further comment.