Alright, everyone, this is the epilogue. Before you read it I would like to say a thousand thanks to everyone that has reviewed, followed and favorite this story. When I started this fanfic I didn't expect it to be a major success as it is now. So since it's that way I would like to say thanks to all of you. To those that have sent their OCs to me they will make an appearance in this epilogue.

EDIT: This is to inform any reader reading this that I'm removing an OC due to the misbehavior of (the author) IronNinja3. He has upset my friends and likes to stalk before about their real names and bother them to read his stories while also criticizing them awfully. I can't work with a person like him, so I decided to edit his character and any other influence that OC had in the sequel.

Now let's get to it.

Epilogue: Views to upcoming events.

In an unknown location, six magical beings sat around a round table. These beings were special individuals, each already playing a role in different universes. The first was a woman very well known as Mother Nature. She had a plant like dress with vines on her wrists and down to her legs. She had green hair that had roses on them and green eyes.

The next was Master Time or Time Lord. He wore a white cloak and had a chain around his neck that had a circle clock. What was noticeable of him was his age. He had white grey hair on his hair, mustache and beard. He had white silver eyes that displayed seriousness and discipline.

Another was a ghostly looking being. The person was girl with pale skin and red eyes that could literally kill if anyone upset her. She wore a shirt that exposed her right shoulder and abdomen. She also had red lips and wore dark jeans with death skulls on them.

The other was a massive creature. He was twelve feet tall, had muscles that were big and had brown eyes. But his appearance wasn't all as he also had dark blue skin that were rock like and a large fangs in his mouth.

The next was a woman with a pleased smile on her face. She was very well known as a being of love and compassion. She has fair skin like a human, wore a white shirt with a heart on it and light blue pants. The very thing noticeable was that she resembled a sixteen year old teen, but she was actually millions of years older.

Lastly was a man with an almost dark heart. He was an exact opposite of the woman with compassion. He had dark green skin and a scolding look on his face. He wore a dark open cloak with a black shirt and black jeans. He wore a long chain around his neck, had rings pierced through his ears and red eyes.

Master Time, the oldest of them all, stood up and raised his hands, "I now call in the session meeting of the Multi-versal Lords and the universal Lords."

"Agreed." All the attendants said.

Master Time bowed before sitting back on his seat with authority, "Recently, I received reports about a being known as the Sorcerer. He was defeated by someone they call the Ninja, a teenager that is chosen by the purest of heart in every four years and is passed down to another. The current one defeated the Sorcerer and he is no more. Am I right, Death?"

The ghostly woman from earlier snickered. She reached out her hand and an energy orb formed. In it was the Sorcerer held with chains against the wall and groaning.

"No! I was so close!" The dead Sorcerer cried out and then sighed, "I miss Minion."

Death clutched her fist and the orb was gone, "As you were saying?"

Time Master nodded. He wanted to speak, but the being with a scolding look interjected with a glare, "I don't get why we're here. These are matters that should be taken by our inferiors. I know the report was directly from that Clockwork, the ghost master of time."

"Calm down, Bellicus." The woman of love said to him calmly, "Once in a while we must consider the safety of others."

Bellicus scoffed, "Whatever. All you do is talk all sweet and junk. It makes me sick, Serena."

"What did you just say?!" Serena, the woman of love, stood up and glared at him.

"You heard me." Bellicus said like it was nothing.

"Take it back!" Serena yelled, clutching her fists tightly.

Bellicus formed a small grin, "No. What are you going to do about it?"

Serena gnashed her teeth as her body aura charged up. The two people sitting next to Bellicus ducked down just in time to avoid a massive heart size blast that shot Bellicus and his seat to a wall.

"Ow." Bellicus cringed.

"ENOUGH!" Mother Nature became angry, "We came here for a meeting so get your heads straight and sit down!"

Serena gulped and gladly sat down. Bellicus only grumbled as he took his seat back and sat down. Time Lord only shook his head disappointedly before continuing.

"Now that your quarrels are done we have more important matters to attend. I know talking about such small problem as a battle between a Ninja and a Sorcerer is none of our concern, considering the Time war that keeps going on, I do have my reasons for bringing this."

"And that would be?" The huge man asked with a booming voice.

"That my friend Goliath is what we want to know." Death said.

Time Lord didn't answer, but instead tap the table. It began to fizzle like water before displaying like a screen. All the Lords looked down on it and watched some events take place.

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It was night time in Norrisville and the streets were deserted. The lights were still on, but no one would care about what happened outside. Such an example is when a flash of purple light came up on the streets. It followed by a rip in the air, almost like it is on a paper. It was actually a rip from another dimension as two menacing hands opened it widely.

Through the rip, a strange creature came out with a hard groan. She was a female from her hair and disgusting look. She wore a black and purple dress and her hair was long. She also has purple pearls around her neck. This woman was known as the Sorceress.

When she came out she fell to the ground the rip closed and disappeared. She began to pant heavily just as her body began to change. She was no longer a creature, but now resembled a human teenage girl. She had long beautiful hair that went down her waist, green eyes and wore a white shirt and blue skirts. The pearls were still around her neck but are smaller.

"Finally, I'm free again." She said as she got up. She looked at herself with disgust and scoffed, "Not this again. As a result of my escape I've turned into this irritating form. No matter I'll just…" She stopped when she smelled something familiar, "The Sorcerer? He escaped?"

The Sorceress flew high above buildings and looked around. She tried looking for the Sorcerer but couldn't find him. When all hopes seem lost she found a small green hat and flew down to it. She recognized it as a Japanese hat the Sorcerer wore.

"If he's hat is here then where is he?" She asked herself and looked around. She caught sight of Flute girl as she walked home and flew in front of her. Flute Girl quivered and took a step back, but the Sorceress barked at her, "If you know what's good for you you'll stay! Now tell me what happened to the Sorcerer!"

"R-Ran-Randy beat him." Flute Girl quivered in fear.

"Randy?" The Sorceress was lost, "As in the Ninja of Norrisville?"

Flute Girl didn't answer, but nodded. The Sorceress formed a smirk, "Excellent. The Ninja's identity is known. I can use this to my advantage." She then shot her hand forward at Flute Girl, "Go to sleep!"

A purple mist shot into Flute Girl and she fell to the ground. The Sorceress looked down on her and touched her feet to the ground.

"When you wake up you won't remember our encounter. By the meantime I have to avenge my love."

With that said the Sorceress took off to the air to begin her work.

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The Sorceress failed to notice that someone watched from the top of a building. Like her he seeks revenge but has allies to help him. When he saw her take off, Catfish Booray set down his binoculars and took out a chaos pearl.

"It is true. The Sorcerer has failed. But now is the time we commence our plan for him. Wouldn't you agree?"

Within the magical item, it swirled before revealing three other figures. They all nodded with sly smiles on their faces, agreeing the approval.

"Excellent." Booray grinned.

*************************************(LINE BREAK)************************

Not too far, Minion lay in an alley, crying to himself. He had a small piece of cloth in his hand and was weeping for the dead Sorcerer. But his moment was ruined when a bunch of other rats came and began to laugh at him.

Minion turned his back and tried to ignore them, but he couldn't hold the shame. The rats were laughing because of his failure to destroy humanity when he had the power. They also laughed because he wept for his friend.

Minion tried ignoring them, but he couldn't for long. Tears were coming down from his eyes as he tried to hold the emotion he felt. But that didn't last long as he turned back and grew twelve feet tall. The rats making fun of him stopped laughing and quivered at the giant before them.

"From this day onward, I shall destroy the Ninja and make him pay for the Sorcerer's death. So says I, Minion, king of the rats!" Minion growled into the air.

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Marci Mcfist took a seat with a worried and sad look on her face. She was visiting Norrisville prison to talk to Mcfist who was at the otherside. It was a visiting day and she decided to talk with her dear husband. Of course there was a barrier that made sure they didn't touch but they could talk to each other through landlines.

Marci picked up the landline and faced Mcfist, "Hey, honey, how's the court case going?"

"Not good, Marci." Mcfist frowned, "I tried contacting my lawyers but none of them are willing to take my case. I tried calling Viceroy but he won't help now that he has the recognition he always wanted." Then he snapped when someone came to mind, "This is all the Ninja's fault! If it weren't for him I wouldn't be here! Everything I've worked for is down the toilet all because of him!"

"Calm down, honey." Marci said calmly, "I'll fix this. I promise."

Mcfist sighed and calmed down, "Alright, Marci. But if I can't get a lawyer soon I might be facing life sentence."

Marci gasped, "They won't do that, would they?"

"I think they will." Mcfist said sadly.

Marci was silent for a while before she looked up to him, "Don't worry, honey. If I can't get a lawyer for you then I'll start where you stopped."

"Which is?" Mcfist asked, confused.

"To destroy the Ninja." Marci told him firmly. She got off her seat, "Goodbye, honey. I'll see you next time."

Mcfist was dumbstruck about what Marci said that he only waved to her. He couldn't believe what she just said and when he let it sink in he only had one thought that he said.

"This can't be good."

Marci walked out the doors of Norrisville Prison and went into her car. She put in her seat belt and was about to start the car when she looked at a suitcase on the passenger seat. She wasn't surprise of its presence considering she had ordered for it and now that it is there she can get on with her plan.

"Don't worry, honey bun, the Ninja will be history by the time I'm through with him."

After saying that, Marci started the car and drove off.

*****************************************(LINE BREAK)*****************************

Randy let out a yawn as he walked back home. The party at Mcfist industries by Bash was great, but now he was exhausted. He and Howard had left when it was almost over and departed to their various homes. Randy's wasn't far so he was able to get there safely, not that anybody will fight the teen that defeated the Sorcerer.

However when he got to the door he got a feeling someone was watching him. He at first shook it, but decided to look around just to make sure. All he saw was the deserted street and heard only the quietness of the night.

Randy simply shrugged the feeling and walked in. But if he had stared at the fence a bit he would have notice a Ninja figure hiding. When Randy went in the figure came out and jumped to the top of the roof. It made its way to Randy's room window and watched as Randy came in and climbed up his bed. The purple haired wasn't asleep.

The light in the room was bright enough for the figure's face to be shown. It was none other than NomiRandy or Jack Cunningham as he called himself.

"Soon, his life will be mine." Jack snickered before jumping off the house.

*****************************************(LINE BREAK)*******************************

Back at the Dimensional Lords, they watched as the screen display went off before facing each other.

Bellicus glance at Time Lord with no expression, "So you were saying?"

"Are you serious?!" Mother Nature snapped, "You saw what we just saw so stop pretending!"

"I'm not pretending." Bellicus defended himself, "These…villains are nothing of our concern. We have a time war going on so we don't have time for unnecessary trivialities."

Serena shot a glare at him, "You're so heartless!"

"Why thank you I try my best." Bellicus smirked.

Hearing that, Serena nearly jumped off her seat, but Mother Nature and Death held her back. She was able to calm down a bit but she couldn't help glare at Bellicus.

"Hey, keep her away from me." Bellicus shifted back with fear.

"ENOUGH!" Time Lord interjected. He had a bold look on his face that would make anyone submit, "Though I agree with Bellicus on some things he is wrong about the main reason. The threat of the Sorcerer is nothing compared to the one the Ninja will face. That is why we must observe this closely until the need for our intervention is required. Now let's watch."

The Dimension Lords agreed and looked back at the table as it became a screen.

****************************************(LINE BREAK)****************************

A strange black mist entity flew through the walls of the Norisu Nine dojo. It was like there weren't any obstruction to stop it. The entity kept going until it got to a narrow room. The walls were decorated with the Norisu Nine symbol and at the far end was the Tengu stone, standing on a big wooden pole.

However, when the entity tried kept close it was met with fire coming from the right wall. But it didn't harm it as it made its way there. The entity got close to the Tengu stone without any problem before forming into an mysterious person.

The person had an appearance like a vampire. It had fangs and its skin was pale than the normal human being. The vampire was muscular and was six feet tall. It wore a dark shirt with a dragon skull at the chest and black pants. Its face was visible even as he wore a cloak that covered his head. But unlike other vampires seen on movies it made its head became upside down.

"Took easy." The vampire spoke with a Transylvanian accent.

"Not so fast!" Shouted a female voice.

The Vampire growled lowly, but turned behind him. He saw Kim standing in a battle stance as she glared at him.

"It isn't enough that I have to leave Norrisville, but now a freaky bat is in my home. Not cool!"

The Vampire chuckled with a small grin, "You call me a bat." His head then changed back to the right way, "Foolish and naïve girl you have a lot to learn. But then I shouldn't say that to the girl with the knowledge of ancient Ninja skills."

Kimiko remained quiet as she narrowed her eyes at him. There was something very familiar about him and when she remembered who he is she gasped with eyes wide open, "Lord Transyl!"

The vampire did a mocking bow, "In the flesh. Since you know who I am I suggest you leave."

"Not happening." Kim yelled before charging at him.

Lord Transyl snickered and his eyes flashed red, "Big mistake."

Just then a huge explosion took place at a part of the Norisu Nine and Kim was sent crashing to the ground outside. She let out a small groan as she got up to her feet and shook her head.

"Well…I didn't see that coming."

"But I did." Lord Transyl said, walking out of a huge hole in the dojo, "Now hand over the Tengu stone and I might let you live."

Kim's focus straightened and she got into a stance. She shifted her eyes to the right and found the Tengu stone lying close to her. She then shifted her eyes back at Lord Transyl before running to the stone and picking it up quick. Then she turned back to the vampire and smirked.

"You'll have to grab it from my hand."

Lord Transyl's smile grew, "Well that shouldn't be a problem."

Before Kim knew it, the vampire's eyes began to swirl like hypnotism at work. Unfortunately for Kim, she made eye contact with him and found herself moving forward against her wish.

"Now, give it to me." Lord Transyl commanded with a menacing voice.

Kim nodded and began to walk faster. There was still resistance from her free will, but it wasn't enough. She got close to Lord Transyl and held the Tengu stone in front of him. She held the stone up to him, which made the villain to smirk. But at the last minute, Kim snapped out of the control and grinned, "Surprise!"


Kim threw a quick punch to Lord Transyl's chin, sending flying a few feet away. While he was down, the Tengu stone began to flash an orange light. Kim brought it close to her like she was listening to it. Surprisingly she spoke to it, "Yes I know he's powerful than me but I won't do what you say. I can't trsut you!"

The Tengu stone glowed again but brighter. From Kim's point of view, she knew what it was saying and shook her head in disagreement. But then suddenly her other senses picked up an attack heading straight to her. Fortunately her reflexes picked up just in time to jump aside as a small sized blast flew past her.

However upon hitting a tree, the collision and explosion blasted several trees in its path. Kimiko gawked in shock at the level of power before turning back to where Lord Transyl stood. It turned out that the dimensional vampire was the cause of it, as he had his hand forward at her. Kim felt frightened at what he would do next and turned to the ancient stone in her hand. Though she was powerful herself, Lord Transyl was clearly a higher level than that.

"Fine, you got your point!" Kim yelled at the stone and tightened her grip on it. A few cracks formed from it, allowing dark mist to flow out of it. Kim gulped a bit and readied herself, "Now let's kick his butt."

Suddenly the Tengu's body began to wrap all over Kimiko's body. A dark flow of energy poured out in the form of a purple aura that made Lord Transyl to stay where he was, The aura finally died down to reveal a new form Kimiko now possessed.

Lord transyl was shock to see she wasn't a giant bird. Usually when the Tengu took possession of someone its body fuses with the host and changes that person to a giant bird. However Kimiko had her human like look but with different features. She wore a black vest with a purple short sleeve shirt underneath and a purple skirt with black stripes.

Her face appearance was quiet different from the clothing she wore. Her eyes were bloody red while her cheeks had purple streaks of purple feathers coming from the sides. Her feet were bird like with huge feet claws and red scales that went all the way to her knee. Also her human hands had sharp claws as red bird like scales went all the way to her elbow.

"Incredible." Lord Transyl said in a low tone, "Such power coming from you. I must have it."

"You will not!" Kim sneered.

Without moving her body, her eyes flashed entirely and a blast of flames came out of her. It destroyed the earth entirely, right at the path of Lord Transyl, and hit the dimensional vampire. When the dust cloud formed from the attack cleared, it revealed Lord Transyl standing though damaged. Some part of his clothes was burnt out, revealing his pale skin with wounds to the open air. However his skin healed right away and his clothes returned to normal.

Lord Transyl snarled angrily. His back suddenly sprung out bat like wings which he then used to fly up in the air. Kimiko followed his lead as bird wings sprung out from her back and shot her into the air. Both foes came at each other, their fist held back to throw a blow. Once they came close, their fist hit each other and sent a massive force that threw tore through the trees and the earth itself and blew them off.

However despite the amount of power put out, Kimiko and Lord Transyl stayed still. They flew backwards and charged at each other, throwing fist blows and kicks. For each blow they did, they would fly around direction and hit each other again and again. Their speed and power was so much that from afar someone would see a flying fiery blur and a dark blur.

The tide of the battle came to a twist by Kim. The Japanese girl suddenly threw an unexpected uppercut to his chin that sent Lord Transyl flying. The dimensional vampire lord came to a stop in the air as he rubbed his chin when suddenly Kim appeared behind him in a flash and spin kicked his back. Lord Transyl hit the ground hard and brushed right through the surface hard.

Kim flew a few feet above him. She took a deep breath and let out a mighty fire blast, "TENGU ROAR!"

The mighty fire blast tore right through the air and hit the ground. The collision was so terrible that it burnt out several trees around and made a huge crater. However despite the devastation, Lord Transyl stood with his hand up as a purple dome shield was over him.

"Is that all you got, Kunoichi!?" Lord Transyl cocked a grin.

Kim growled lowly with her usual human voice. She speed right down at Lord Transyl in a dive formation and collided her fist with the shield. The dimensional vampire lord didn't flinch or strained as she attempted to break right through. He simply let out a laugh and blew up her shield, sending Kim flying back.

Upon reaching the ground, Kim landed safely with her knees bent. She skidded a bit far and came to a stop. Her eyes were on Lord Transyl, who's laughter came to a stop as he looked at her.

"Come on, Kimiko! I heard so much about you! Give me what you got, or is that all of it?"

Kim formed a little smirk, "Only a fool would wish to step into the home of a bear and poke it while it sleeps."


Kim didn't answer as she took off yet away and flew straight at her. Lord Transyl quickly made a purple wall shield with just his hand, preventing her from punching him. However this time she put so much force into the shield that it began to crack. Lord Transyl became shocked and held up both hands to keep the shield. But due to the awesome power Kim possessed, she broke right through the shield.

Lord Transyl stepped back in shock and gasped, "Impossible!"

"Indeed it is!" Kim said.

The Japanese girl let out a bird squeak from her mouth and sent her foot at the bottom of Lord Transyl's chin. The force of the attack sent him flying high up into the air. But that didn't stop Kim as she formed a whip made of water in her hand.

"Ninja water whip!"

Immediately as she said it, she shot the whip at Lord Transyl's ankle and pulled him to her. He came close to her and received a powerful blow to the face, which sent flying through several trees. He then skidded right through a small size pond and hit the end of it. He let a loud grunt as he made contact and opened his eyes to look forward.

Kim flew close to him but not to attack. She landed on a big rock across the pond and landed on it. She stood up straight with a firm look on her face and spoke, "Now you listen very well, Transyl. The Tengu stone stays with me whether you like it or not, I will not dishonor my clan's vow to protect it."

Lord Transyl coughed and grinned, "You sure about that?"

Suddenly a giant being appeared behind Kimiko , with the empty Tengu stone in its hand. Before Kim could turn, it charged up the stone with electric charge and struck it right behind the Japanese girl. She let out a horrid scream as she felt something pulling out of her. The scream was so much that it was like a tortured bird screaming.

The Tengu was pulled right out of Kim and was back in the Tengu stone. The crack on it ceiled right away.

Weakened, Kim fell off the rock and hit the water. A merciless laughter ruptured the air, which turned out to be Lord Transyl. Despite all the beatings he got, the dimensional vampire got to his feet like no harm had come upon him.

Lord Transyl snickered, "It was fun watching a demonstration of the Tengu's true power but now I got to go."

The giant behind Kim walked to Lord Transyl. That gave Kim the opportunity to have a look at it. The creature had the appearance of an exact Frankenstein but with brown hair. red eyes, a muscular body with green skin and two tower conductors on its shoulders.

A purple portal formed behind the two powerful beings and they turned their back at her. But despite how weak she was, Kim stumbled to get to her feet and called out to them, "Transyl!"

Lord Transyl turned his head at her with the grin on his face, "You've lost girl. You failed your clan."

"I did." Kim acknowledged but she kept a straight face, "But you won't get away from this. Someone will stop you."

"Oh and who? The Dimensional Lords? Ha! Their pathetic rules keep them from intervening at some extents. By the time they can intervene, it will be too late. The Time war will be won by my hands."

"I wasn't talking about them."

"Oh?" Lord Transyl took the Tengu ball from the Frankenstein creature and glanced at it. Then he looked back at Kim, "You really think Randy Cunningham is more powerful than me? I'll admit his battle with the Sorcerer was…impressive. But I'm a being even the Dimensional Lords fear. But…" He turned away and began to walk to the portal with his creature, "we'll see if he can truly stand against me." With that said, he and his slave was gone.

Kim felt exhaustion come over her legs and fell to the pond. She began to gasp rapidly until she regained composure and got to her feet. She whipped her hair back and smiled, "I guess we will." She looked up to the nightly stars and closed her eyes, "The Time War is drawing near every day. Please don't fail me, Ninja."

Next to Kim, a bag packed with all her things appeared. She took the strap and put it around her shoulder before taking out an amulet in her and whispered to her, "Take me where I am needed."

The magical item flashed brightly and engulfed Kim in a flash of white light, When it died down, Kim was gone.

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"You can't be serious about this, Time Lord." Death said as she shook her head, "If Lord Transyl is free we'll need to interfere."

"I agree." Goliath said, "I motion that we interfere immediately."

"I object." Time Lord said.

"So do I." Mother Nature said.

"I second objection." Serena said, "And so does Bellicus."

Bellicus raised an eyebrow at her, "You're not the boss of me." Serena simply shot a glare at him and he felt uneasy, "Alright, I object."

Death only scolded in a low tone as she faced Time Lord, "Since we're not in total agreement then what should we do. We both know Lord Transyl is a big threat than that Sorcerer could ever be. A Ninja won't be able to stop him and you're apprentice didn't do a very good job. I will admit he is powerful, but Lord Transyl is stronger."

"You seem to not notice, Death." Time Lord turned to Death's direction, "The last time Lord Transyl was around he was defeated by a Ninja of 2005. Though that timeline was erased from every memory other than her and the Nomicon, Lord Transyl was imprisoned in a weak state and he is still weak. But I fear he is growing stronger and will one day go after the Ninja of 2005, K.C Cooper." He then became silent and said, "Have faith in M and the Ninja. They are not alone in the battles ahead."

Master Time then touched the table and it began to fizzle like water again. The other members looked at the table as it displayed more events taking place.

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Kick Buttowski went fast on his skate board. The reason for this is because a twelve feet tall rock lion was chasing him. How this happened was unknown by the daredevil, but it didn't mean he shouldn't run for his life. All he was did was head home, but then the creature began to chase him out of nowhere.

At the moment, Kick headed to a direction he knew very well. He may not have powers, but he had skills and was strategic. He and the monster soon got to Dead Man's drop, but Kick was the first at the edge. He got off his skateboard and took out a red scarf from his jumpsuit before waving it at the lion rock creature.

"Leo! Leo!" Kick called out to it and waved the scarf like it was a bull, "Come get me you big softy."

The beast got angry and came faster. It would have hit Kick, but at the last moment the kid jumped out of the way and the monster was over the edge. This caused the bull to fall off the edge with wide eyes before it got crushed by the huge rocks spikes at the bottom.

"Well that did it." Kick said as he looked over the edge. He threw the scarf away and got on his skateboard before leaving like nothing happened.

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A girl with long dark brown hair slump down on her bed in her room. She had chocolate brown eyes and nice skin. Her bangs covered her dark purple frame glasses and she wore a short sleeved red shirt with the Norisu Nine symbol in black. She also wore black skinny jeans, a large dark grey hoodie that the sleeves that went up to her finger tips.

The girl was known as Rebecca Nakamura. She recently moved to Norrisville four hours ago, but her things weren't in her room. This was because she was exhausted from the unpacking and just needed to rest for a while now. It was also because she was sad because of the move. She was only told about it yesterday and she wasn't happy about.

She sighed, "What do I do now. Norrisville sounds boring, but I wonder if that ninja guy is real." She let out another sigh and got off her bed and headed to the open window, "Well I'll just find out when I get to school. I hate it."

Rebecca became silent for a while as she stared at the stars in the sky. But that didn't last as she heard a humming sound. She looked back at her bed and saw an amulet. It had a red jewel in the shape of the Tengu. At each of the wind of the Tengu were one white feather and a black feather. The jewel and feathers had a gold chain. It was the amulet producing the humming sound until Rebecca picked it up and looked at him.

"What is it now?" She glared at the amulet with irritation.

The amulet continued to hummed, almost like it was telling Rebecca to wear it. Rebecca gave in to the humming and wore the amulet. But once she did, her pupils shrank down as she saw a vision.

Lord Transyl stood above Norrisville High and watched as Norrisville burned like hell. The next vision had the Ninja thrown against a wall. He let out a groan before looking forward and found the Sorceress, Jack Cunningham and Minion standing with huge grins on their faces or thought to be in Jack's case since he wore a mask. The final vision had a glowing orange light from the Tengu stone dying.

Rebecca gasped as she came back out of the vision. Her pupils return back to normal, but she took some time to breath before standing up straight.

"Sounds like hell is going to be thrown down soon. I have to help the Ninja."

The amulet flashed a bit white before dying down. It was like it was agreeing with her, but it also knew more than what she saw will be happening.

************************(LINE BREAK)***********************

An anthropomorphic raccoon woman walked out a shop. It was called K.C's Military Antique Shop and she was the owner. After a long day at work it was getting late and she had to go home for the day.

She wore white tank top, blue baggy pants, wore red gloves and red sports shoes. She also had black hair and dark blue eyes. On her light shoulder was the Norisu Nine symbol.

Her name was K.C Cooper. She just locked the door to her shop and began to walk down the street. It was mostly lonely, but she didn't mind. She could handle herself without help considering the skills she possessed.

Suddenly, the ground shook as something huge landed. K.C Cooper halted and turned back to find a huge rock beast standing. It was huge, had a big mouth, a round stomach and green eyes. It looked down at her and began to huff in mindless rage.

"Well someone got in the wrong side of town." She said without a hint of fear.

The rock monster raised its hand and sent it down on her, but the anthropomorphic raccoon jumped back. She took a defensive stance as she watched the beast get closer. When the gap between her and the monster was closing, she turned back and sprinted into a run.

However, the beast jumped over her and landed in her front. It turned back and dove its open mouth at her, but she slide between the legs and continued running. The beast cried out in rage and chased her with its might.

K.C Cooper wasn't worried about it as she summoned inner energy between her. Her body became covered in a black aura as she felt special energy run through her body. When the time was right, she shot fire from her fists and propelled into the air. She also began to fly to another direction by using the flames from her fists to help.

The beast looked up and growled before following her. It kept its sight on her and destroyed anything on its path. K.C Cooper was glad no one was in the street during the time as she kept flying. A plan already formed in her mind and she headed straight for an abandoned building. It used to be hotel, but due to some monster incident in 1991 it was closed down.

K.C Cooper flew through a hole in the hotel and went to the ball room. The beast followed her as expected and went to the ball room with her. The room had dozens of columns holding it up different parts of the huge hall. K.C Cooper began flying around them as she thought of a plan already. The beast followed, but it ran through them like they were thin air.

Finally, K.C Cooper landed on the ground and stood in one place. The beast saw her and went faster, but when it got close it raised its hands as it was ready to crush her. However, K.C Cooper spins her body around. This created a fire tornado that covered her and blinded the monster. When it died down she was gone.

"Hey, rock head!" K.C Cooper called out from somewhere else.

The monster turned back and growled as it found her standing at the other side of the room, close to a window. K.C Cooper wasn't threatened by the monster's glare, but instead pointed to the remaining column in the room that stood at the middle. It then dawned on the monster at it looked around at the other columns that it destroyed.

"You wouldn't dare." The monster spoke.

"Try me." K.C Cooper smirked.

The anthropomorphic raccoon shot her hand forward, sending a fire fist at the column. Due to its poor condition it broke easily and the entire ceiling began to cave in. The monster cried out as it got crushed by the ceiling. K.C Cooper glanced at it for a second before jumping through the window. She landed outside safely, just in time to look back and watch the entire hotel collapse to debris.

"Huh, I guess it was weaker than I thought." K.C Cooper said before stating some facts, "But that makes sense unlike that sudden attack. Who could have sent a monster? The Sorcerer is dead so he's out of the option. I guess that will be mystery to be solved another day."

After saying that, she took off to the air like before and headed home.

****************************(LINE BREAK)*************************

A girl with short brown hair yawned as she walked into her new room. A day ago she moved into Norrisville, but wasn't to attend the school yet. Already she was exhausted from helping her mother at the candy store and some other things.

The girl had short brown hair, wore a sleeveless pink dress that was covered with a black vest. She also wore black leggings underneath and fingerless gloves on her hands. This girl was Jennifer Martinez.

For a moment she felt like jumping to her bed and sleeping off, but she then noticed something off. Her bedroom window was open and so were the curtains.

"Huh, I could've sworn I closed that." Jennifer said to herself. She simply shrugged off the thought and went to close it. She paused for a moment as she noticed a man with a cowboy hat jump into a bush. She glances at the spot for a moment before closing the window and curtains.

But though she closed the windows, Jennifer couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. She thought about going to check the bush she saw the strange man in, but then something caught her eye. On a small round table was a wooden box with the Norisu Nine symbol on it.

"Who sent this?" Jennifer asked herself as she walked close to it. She removed the cover and found a book. It was colored black with red lines and the Ninja's symbol on the center.

Jennifer picked the book and kept it on the table. She also found a paper attached and read it.

"This is the Ninja Nomicon. Listen to it wisely."

Jennifer knew it was talking about the book and placed the paper next to it. She looked into the box and took another paper and read it.

"You are the new Kunoichi, the partner of the Ninja of Norrisville."

Jennifer blinked as she let it sink in. Then a smile formed on her face, "Woah! That's so bruce! I can't wait to tell everyone."

Like magic, the paper glowed and added more words which she read.

"You can't tell anyone." Jennifer frowned, "Aw men, but everyone knows the Ninja's identity." But instead of arguing forward, she put the paper away and looked back into the box. A wide grin formed on her face as she took out the mask of the Kunoichi that formerly belonged to the previous Kunoichi, Kimiko Mimi Yamamoto.

With that same grin on her face, Jennifer wore the mask over her head. She felt so much energy rush into her body that it lifted her off the ground. The mask produced black and red stripes all over her body. It went from shoulders and downwards. Soon enough in her place was the new Kunoichi of Norrisville.

Jennifer got off the ground and inspected herself. She wore a suit similar to the one the Ninja wore. It had the usual black and red stripes with a red scarf around her neck. But hers had a bow tie around her neck, wavy pink hair and a skirt.

"THIS IS SO BRUCE!" Jennifer exclaimed. It was a good thing her parents weren't around or they would have come to check what was going on.

Jennifer kept looking at herself with excited eyes before walking to the window.

"I have got to try this out!" She said before she jumped out the window.

But just as she left, something formed from the Ninja Nomicon. It was an average size looking teen that resembled a samurai. It had a white and purple kimono with the Norisu Nine symbol on the shoulders. Its face was barely seen due to a cloth covering the nose and mouth.

The samurai walked to the window and watched Jennifer sprinted away. It then knew its mission and went after her to begin.

At the meantime, Jennifer jumped from building to another. She did kicks and punches and other moves she could never do. But when she landed on another house she had a feeling that something was coming and quickly jumped to the right. She looked at where she once stood and found an arrow standing there.

"What the juice?" Jennifer asked with mix of shock and fear.

When she looked at the arrow again she knew it came from the left and turned to the direction. To her surprise, she saw a samurai standing on a house just a block away. It put down the bow it used to fire the arrow and began to sprint to her direction.

Jennifer was a bit taken back from it, but got into a fighting stance. She watched as the samurai came closer before it jumped off the final house close to her and landed just a few meters from her.

"Who are you?" Jennifer demanded as she shot a glare at him.

The samurai didn't respond as it drew out its sword and charged at her. Jennifer shrieked and moved back just to avoid a swing from the sword. But more came faster than the normal human could comprehend. Luckily for her, Jennifer was able to dodged them all while moving backwards. She realized she was almost at the edge and stay still from falling.

However, the samurai came running to her again. Jennifer became stiffened by this, but then a plan formed. She cocked a grin and allowed the samurai to swing his sword at her again. But instead of dodging it, she jumped back in a flip and kicked him. This knocked the samurai down and allowed Jennifer to land on another roof top.

"Wow, that was so bruce!" Jennifer exclaimed with excitement. But just then the samurai got up and Jennifer slumped her shoulder, "Aw men. Can't you just stay down?"

The samurai did not respond but shot its hand forward at her direction. A chain came out from its sleeve and wrapped around Jennifer's shoulder.

"Uh Oh." Jennifer became wide eyed.

Before she knew it, she was launched into the air and was going around in circle. She right above the samurai whom was making her to spin around in a circle. Jennifer tried to think of a way to break free, but how could she when it kept going on and she felt her launch coming up.

"Let me…go. I…I think…I'm gonna hurl." Jennifer managed to say.

The samurai became wide eyed as it dawned on him he might get bathed in Jennifer's lunch. He quickly faced the other way and threw her to the street.

"I didn't mean it literally!" Jennifer screamed. She landed face first on the street and muttered, "Ow…that hurts."

The impact to the ground wasn't as painful as Jennifer thought. She guessed it was because of the Kunoichi suit that she didn't have broken bones or any injury. She got up from the ground and stood on her feet. She turned back to the house she was thrown from and found the samurai standing at the other side of the street.

"What's your deal?! Who are you?!" Jennifer yelled. She was getting angry at it all and got into a fighting stance. Just because she had the suit didn't mean she knew all the skills. But now she was ready to fight the samurai better.

The samurai walked causally to her and told her in a deep voice, "Believe in the weapon that is in the suit."

"What are you –WOAH!" Jennifer dodged to the right at the last second just in time to avoid a chain.

The samurai withdrew its chain back into its sleeve and shot it back at Jennifer. But this time Jennifer caught it with her hand and pulled it back, pulling the samurai off his feet and heading straight to her. She clutched her fist tight and threw it hard at the samurai, knocking to the ground.

"Take that!" She exclaimed with glee. But the samurai got back to his feet and faced her. Jennifer got over the moment of happiness and began searching through her suit, "Come on there has got to be something useful in here."

As she searched inside the suit, Jennifer caught something and brought it out, "Ha ha!"

Now in Jennifer's hands was the Kunoichi sword. She awed at it with gleeful eyes before holding it to a battle stance.

"Alright, now I'm ready." She smirked.

No sooner did she say it, the samurai attacked. It swung its sword at her but she swung her sword at it, deflecting the attack. She then put much force which forced the samurai back. It had a moment of surprise before Jennifer came with a battle cry. She began to swing and strike at the samurai that it resulted to defending itself.

The more Jennifer attacked the more steps the samurai took back. It became so much that it jumped back, giving a big gap between it and Jennifer. The new Kunoichi halted and watched the samurai try to catch its breath. She was also silent as she patted a bit from the fight.

The samurai finally came to himself and charged at her again. It came fast and swung its sword at Jennifer. However, she bent backwards to avoid it and did a backflip. Her feet hit its chin and knocked him to the ground.

Jennifer tightened her grip on her sword. She was ready to end it all and so she did it. She sprinted straight at the samurai and jumped high into the air. She then did a front flip and raised her sword above her. The samurai saw her coming, but couldn't do anything as she came down on him. Her sword struck its chest and it disappeared into mist.

Jennifer stood straight to the air and let out air, "That's right! I went for it and won! But what was that all about."

Before she could think more of it, she heard a humming sound. She traced it to her feet and saw the Ninja Nomicon lying there.

"Wait, how did this get here?" She asked herself as she picked it up. She then opened it and words formed on the pages.


Jennifer smiled a bit and closed the Nomicon, "I can't wait for my next lesson, but hopefully it will be less painful. On the meantime let's see how Norrisville handles a new Kunoichi."

**************************************************(LINE BREAK)************************

The Dimensional Lords watched the screen like table. They watched Jennifer walk back home before it all faded away and nothing showed. But there was a small silence that took place before Death broke it.

"I fail to see your point. You can't honestly think those individuals will help the Ninja to beat Lord Transyl. M has a better chance with all of them combined."

Time Lord shook his head disappointedly, "You fail to see the point. Power isn't what matter, but the attitude of an individual. All these beings like Naruto and Avatar Aang have their own attitude that helps them with their powers. They are powerful beings, yes, but when facing a threat like Lord Transyl requires will power, intelligence and readiness."

"Whatever." Death scoffed.

Time Lord sighed deeply at her attitude, but changed from it as he became more serious.

"With Lord Transyl in another universe we all know what this means." Time Lord received nods from the others and continued, "This Time war…is getting out of hand."

*********************************************(THE END)******************

AUTHOR EDIT: Just for the record, I'm not being a bad person here. I don't want to be judged that I'm removing an OC because of a 'small' dispute. IronNinja3 is very disrespectful to me and my friends. I've tried so many times to reason with him but he refused to stop. He even tried putting my real name in a review (which I never gave to him. I'm guessing he's now a stalker). Please be careful around him.

Anyway I hope you like the new version of the battle with Kimiko. That's all for now, please let me know what you think of it. Bye


And with that I end the story. It has been a pleasure writing this story and I would like to thank everyone that has read it. But now it has come to an end with over twenty-nine chapters. Everything that happened in this chapter will be explained in the sequel, but if you want to know PM me and I'll tell you with some hints.

Now I'll like to thank Thailia 10 for guessing the reference for chapter 13. He/she gave a full detail of it and I appreciate you did all that. Also, I would like to thank KindHeartedJenny for helping me in some of the chapter. It was partly her work that made this story as good as it could be. So in a way she was a partner in this. Thanks for the help!

So I want to reveal the main things you did not know. The name Yamamoto actually came from a character in Ben 10 called Julie Yamamoto. I'm a Nigerian and I didn't know what last name to give Kim that will suit her, so I gave her the name of a cartoon I like. But there won't be a crossover with Ben 10 in the sequel. There were some references from the cartoon that most of you loved without knowing it was references.

The sequel won't come up until three or four weeks from now. I know it's a bit too far but I'm currently writing the WAEC. Did you honestly think I wasn't writing it? It's just that I found some time to write this story when there was. So in later weeks the sequel will come up with some crossovers like Danny Phantom and other shows.

The sequel will be called Randy Cunningham: The Cross of Worlds. Why is it called that? Well you'll just have to find out when it comes out. The sequel will take place during their final freshmen year and summer. I think I might make a crossover with Phineas and Ferb, but I'm not sure.

With all that cleared up. I am proud to say that this story took place after season one of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It wasn't easy to do and there were some scenes that were by coincidence happened in the show. But I also had to stop some updates so some episodes can happen and I can see them before continuing this story. In the end I'm very happy that this story was a huge success and I thank everyone that is reading this for sticking to the story.

Now to the song I promised. It's called Keep it up notch and is based from the Phineas and Ferb one hour movie Across the second Dimension. I know it's not summer in this story, but I just love the song. If you don't want to listen to song then you can just stop here.

*****************************************(LINE BREAK)*************************

*A dark skinned teen dressed in dark rock and roll clothes (Me) walks to a speaker. He carries an electric guitar and put a plug into the speaker. A surge of electricity comes from it and into the guitar. Suddenly everything is in the cartoon world and main cast of RC:9NG and Phineas and Ferb are there.*

*Rocks music begins*

Phineas: Oh yeah!

*A little of guitar solo*

Phineas: If you're lookin' for fun, baby, we're a shoo-in but we're a little young to be doin' what we're doin. Yeah!

*Another guitar solo is head and Randy walks in*

Randy: We've got heads full of dreams and sneakers full of feet. The world is our oyster and life is tastin' sweet.

Phineas and Randy: We're takin' off like we're in a supersonic jet. But if you think we've gone about as high as we can get, just watch! We're gonna kick it up a notch!

Ferb: Kick it up a notch!

Phineas: Oh man, you know it's true (Kick it up a notch)

Ferb: Kick it up a notch!

Phineas: We're gonna push on through.

Ferb: Kick it up a notch!

Phineas: We're not content to go with the flow (Kick it up a notch) 'Cause everybody knows summer rocks but we're ready to roll. Alright, MC, let's roll!

MC:*Long Guitar solo*

Ferb: Kick it up a notch!

Sorcerer: Yeah, crackin' up the evil.

Ferb: Kick it up a notch!

Sorcerer: I'll cause political upheaval!

Ferb: Kick it up a notch!

Sorcerer: Yeah, I'm gonna get upheaval on you!

Ferb: Kick it up a notch.

Randy: Oh man you know that's true (Kick it up a notch)

Ferb: Kick it up a notch

Randy: We're gonna push on through (Kick it up a notch)

Ferb: Kick it up a notch!

Phineas and Randy: Not gonna go with the flow. 'Cause everybody knows summer rocks but now we're ready to roll!

*Rock music end*

MC: Bye, everyone and until next time stay awesome!
