Disclaimer: I don't own Kuroko no Basuke or Bleach.


To survive in the world of Hueco Mundo, you either had to be under the 'protection' of a stronger Hollow, be a strong Hollow yourself, or have hella good skill in sneaking, surviving, and hiding from the masses of salivating Hollows hungering for anything that moved.

He was a strong Hollow, ruthless and merciless, and there was no surprise he managed to survive. He was, as he called himself, the epitome of Emptiness.

She, on the other hand, was just very good at sneaking around. Like a shadow... a very deadly as she was weak, tiny, light-colored shadow with deadpan eyes.

They walked through the dunes of sands together. Not many noticed the smaller, white-colored Hollow lagging just a bit behind the intimidating figure of the Bat Hollow, and those that did didn't live long enough to even get 3 foot near her, what with getting ripped apart by her... 'companion'.

Sometimes, she wondered if it was because they were getting too close to him since they had to cross his personal space to get to her. No Hollow wanted to be near another Hollow unless it was to tear out their neck, and considering the conditions of Hueco Mundo, it wasn't surprising he shot a Cero at anything within 50 feet, and if he was in a particularly bad or good mood (he was emotionless on daily basis, so any change was worth taking action on; and either way, those trash would get killed. Mercy did not exist in their world.), he would get close in to personally slaughter them with his own hands.

But then again, he seemed to have no problem with her trotting behind him, much closer than any Hollow —or anything alive, really— ever got.

Personally, she didn't like killing, but she knew it was necessary for survival. One just doesn't survive long enough in Hueco Mundo to be a sickly sweet saint. Even for her it was too much. And it wasn't like she wouldn't defend herself, and she had no problem with choosing between "Me or Them", but she just hated blood in general because it was bright and dirty and so eye-catching — and maybe she hated it because it could endanger her and threaten her survival. That could explain her reluctance to go near any corpse, even if it meant abandoning the chance to absorb larger amounts of reiryoku.

So, she didn't gag, flinch or recoil when the bigger white-armoured Hollow ripped out what seemed like the spine of a lion-like Hollow.

Though, she did grimace under her mask and gingerly stepped away from the sand soaked by blood.

Golden eyes flickered to her when he detected her movements, before he turned back to the rest of the Hollows with an uninterested gaze as he dropped the bloody piece on the sand. He seemed oblivious, or just didn't care, that blood was splattered over him. He, almost lazily, absorbed the reiatsu those trash leaked out, simultaneously making sure to keep his companion within sight from the corner of his eyes.

He took a step, the movement looking so menacing and murderous despite the uninterested air around him.

The Hollows who thought he was an easy picking for their pack shivered and took three steps backwards.

He lunged, wings batting violently and claws outstretched for the kill.

And then it was over.

The sand got utterly painted in red.

She took the long way to reach him to avoid blood, landing by his side before long and trotting after him quietly when he resumed his measured pace.

"You don't wish to touch blood." he stated abruptly in his monotone voice.

She blinked once, twice, feeling startled. "Un." she nodded.


She cast him a glance. "It's bright," she said as if it explained everything, and to her, it probably did.

"Bright," he repeated with a deadpan.

She nodded dutifully. She didn't know why he was so... talkative today, but she wasn't questioning it. "It leaves stains too," she said, sending his bloodied, armoured, clawed hands a pointed look.

He blinked slowly as he stared at his hands contemplatively, "It will fade." he said matter of factly. Why should he care if the blood of those trash were over his hands? In their world, blood-coated appendages was a sign of strength and superiority. There was nothing to be unsettled about.

It wasn't the first time he had to dirty his hands with trash.

Unlike her, he was noticed by the Hollows and had to fight his way out. He didn't have the luxury of making himself invisible to unwelcome trash, and to survive he had to take care of trash quiet often.

"We're going." he ordered.





Strangely enough, since then, he made sure he wasn't touched by blood of trash unless it couldn't be avoided.

(He didn't have to dirty her with blood of trash that way.)

Sorry if it's boring. But, in all honesty, I don't have many ideas for this. I want to flesh out their relationship before Cannon comes around, but I'm getting shrivveled like a vegetable there. And sorry if Ulquiorra is OOC (I know he is OOC, u_u).

Also, there is no mention as to what type of Hollow my FemKuroko is (still haven't decided on a name D: I'm debating on whether making it a spanish or Japenese name; also, thankyou those that suggested the names, I'm taking them in account.). Well, it's not like Hollows have types aside from their abilities and 'classes', but they generally take on a form at some point in life. Grimmjow is some type of feline, Ulquiorra is a bat, Starrk and Lilynette are wolves, Harribel is a shark (I wonder how that turned out during her time as an Adjuchas...) and ect. I'm open for suggestions on this. T^T

Options so far are: Wyvern, weasels, blackbirds, dolphins, griffin, hedgedog, lynx, wren... Ect, ect.

Mmmmm. I'm leaning torwards small little animals, like weasels, lynx, wren and blackbirds. A huge, flashy, heavy animal is likely to attract attention, and that does not fit with FemKuroko's profile; then again, her survival depends on the factor of remaining hidden. Nothing is concrete, please send in suggestions.

...I think I'm gonna make her name Spanish, since that seems to be the 'language' of Hueco Mundo.

I've been thinking of making her first name have the 'Double letter' thing, and have her 'last name' be "Tenebra(e)", it means shadows or darkness and yeah it's from Final Fantasy (Don't own) and it's cuz I want SOME PART of her name to mean darkness/shadows/ect, but accent well to the 'common language' of Hueco Mundo (or comes close to it. "Tenebrae" reminds me of "Tinieblas" xD). But then again, looking for a name with Double Letters AND suits FemKuroko is so damn hard. U_U I want it to start with the letter "T" too, but still have the double letter most seem to have.

Damn. I'm so damn picky.