This chapter is slightly weird because it is important to the plot later on, but it is just weird for now. So, here goes nothing and by that, I mean everything!

It was already four days after Serena's birthday/the first battle with the Scouts, and three days after the Sailor Starlights left their mysterious message; today was the 4th of July, so that meant just another day to relax for the Soldiers and to actually spend time with their families. The worries of protecting the world and stopping the Scouts disappear, and for today they were replaced with happiness, fun, and laughter with their parents, siblings, and relatives.

But that laughter and fun was nonexistent for a stressed-out Winona.

It was barely 8:00 am and the Native American woman was scrambling around to gather up her textbooks and work clothes. With Darcy still asleep for the time being, the older Soldier quietly ran away her home to find all her school materials as her work clothes were in the dryer.

"Out of all the days to schedule me for both that make-up test and work…. I mean, shouldn't the shop be closed by now? And why do I have to take my test today?! I know I missed the final and everything but making me take the test today seems ridiculous…" Winona said to herself as she searched for her final textbook.

As she stuffed her backpack full and zipped it up, she sighed. "And now I am talking to myself. This day has gone off wonderfully."

The older woman placed her bag at the door and as she went to the back of the house to grab her clothes out of the dryer, she mindlessly pushed the voice message button on the telephone.

All morning, Winona tried to call everyone she knew to at least take care of Darcy. But unfortunately, most of her classmates were out of town or too drunk to take care of a kid, most of the Soldiers were spending the day with their families, and she couldn't push a sick child on her elderly parents when they can barely take care of themselves.

When she got the dryer, she heard a young male's voice say through the voice message "Winona, this is Orion…. My grandfather is out today and I am letting Serena hang out with her family with Rachel, so I will be over there in an hour most likely."

For the first time that morning, Winona smiled and let out a deep breath.

She grabbed her clothes out of the dryer, folded them and placed them in another bag, and began humming happily as she grabbed a pen and notepad off the coffee table. As the clock began ticking away, Winona wrote a quick note


I had to leave because my test started at 10. The house key is under the potted plant, and Darcy probably won't wake up until one because she stayed up so late last night. Everything you need to know is on the fridge, and try to make yourself at home a little bit before taking Darcy to the firework show


She placed the note on the front door and as she walked out, she noticed that the sky was a cold grey color and the wind was colder than usual.

But she had to shrug it off as some storms coming in, or both Janelle and Charlie were in bad moods.

She locked the door tight and ran out to her car, ignoring the strange and sudden weather change. As she stuffed everything in the back seat and got into the driver's seat, she knew that something was off but she had to calm herself down.

"Orion will be here in an hour, so Darcy will be fine. She is 12 after all, so there is no need for me to worry that she will get hurt or anything." Winona said as she took a deep breath and started the car.

As the older woman drove away from her house, she never realized that Darcy was no longer in her room.


She woke up not in her bed, but in a circular queen-sized bed with sheer white canopies surrounding the bed. The silky white sheets had her tiny wrapped up in a warm cocoon, and the pillow her throbbing head was laying on felt like a soft white cloud compared to her old childhood pillow. The bed itself was soft and comfortable, convincing her to go back to sleep when she needed to wake up.

"Where am I…? Al I remember is Winona sending me back to bed after she saw I had a fever…" Darcy said to herself as she forced her blurry vision to clear up.

The first thing that her senses picked up on was the smell and sound of nature; the room she appeared to be smelled like fresh roses and rain as the scent of something sweet filled her nostrils. Then she heard someone play a harp, but it seem more natural as she began to heard the sound of rain falling all around the bed she was in.

She finally stood up and saw that the bed was not in a room itself, but in a small outside temple. It was nighttime with a crescent moon above the bed, and she could see roses circling the temple's pillars as the rain she was hearing was actually hitting the roof of the temple.

Then she looked down to see that she was in a long, pure white wedding dress with sheer sleeves and a poofy skirt.

Darcy quickly wrapped the covers around her and blushed as she screamed, "Where the hell am I?"

"You are home… with me." A man said in a smooth, gentle voice.

Darcy turned to see a teenager no more than 15 and 5'11'' tall in front of him. He had bluish-white hair that fell just above his collar and his bangs curled towards his forehead. He was muscular-built with broad shoulders, but also lean. He had pale, smooth skin with inhuman beauty and purple shadows under his eyes, as if he had not slept many nights. He had golden eyes and on the center of his forehead, a matching gold horn. He wore a white high-collared, form-fitting, tunic that had blue accents and diamond designs with white boots.

The Soldier of Saturn looked at the man for a few good minutes before screaming.


But the man smiled and knelt down next to the bed. "My lovely Darcy… please calm down. I shall answer your questions."

The young Italian girl bit her tongue and despite the angry look plastered on her face, she nodded her head slowly at the man.

The white-haired man smiled as he stood up and bowed at Darcy. "My name is Helios, the guardian of the Golden Crystal and Elysion, and the priest to my king. I did not bring you here myself per say, but my Maenads did in fact. The reason they brought you here was because they were doing so under my orders. You see… I love you Princess Gothel and I brought you here so we can finish what happened between us so many years ago."

After that long explanation, Darcy felt her face grow hotter but it wasn't because of embarrassment or admiration.

"Y-You…." She said with a shaking finger.

Helios smiled and nodded his head. "It is all true. I waited for you for century after century, and at one point my loneliness became so much that I fell in love with the daughter of my king."

Darcy shook her head in anger and yelled, "You mean that you still Darien is your king?! Because all I am getting out of this is that you were in love with that Rini kid since Orion never told us about you lusting after Rachel…"

For a moment, Helios looked confuse as he nodded his head. "Of course Darien is my king…. Who else would be king?"

"Um, how about Orion Ishaan… you know, the real holder of the Golden Crystal and the actual future king of Crystal Tokyo?! Ring a bell?" Darcy said sourly as she turned her head away.

But Helios continued to have a blank look on his face. "I am so sorry but I believed that you are wrong."

That made Darcy snap her head back at the priest as she growled, "Who gives a flying frick if I am wrong or not? The point of all of this is that you are trying to make me have sex with you when clearly I am not the same person I was in the Silver Millennium!"

With those words, Helios' expression changed into a darker one and he spoke in a low tone. "What does that mean?"

Darcy shook her head and balled up her fists. "I am telling you that my name is Darcy Rabasca, I am 12 years old, and I live in Los Angeles, California with my foster mother! I am no longer Princess Gothel of Saturn but I do hold the title of Neo Saturn and someday, I will become Queen of Saturn!"

Without warning, Helios' gentle face was ruined by an ugly frown. For a moment Darcy felt scared, but she kept her ground and stared down the man with hateful eyes.

But the priest said nothing to the girl herself as he turned around and whistled towards the forest. Darcy was confused, but she felt her spine tingle with fear and as he gave her an unusual devilish smirk at her, she felt her body paralyzed even though she knew that she could move.

"The Maenads shall convince you to love me… one way or another." Helios said in an unnatural voice as he disappeared into thin air.

Darcy sat there in shock as she began to hear something rustling in the bushes and trees.

She turned to her right to see two teenage girls coming out of the woods; they looked exactly the same with long, curly hair that had two buns on each side of their heads, pale skin, skinny and tall bodies with gaunt faces, and brown-green eyes rimmed with thick lashes. The only difference is that the one with red hair wore a light pink Grecian-inspired gown with a long cape and the one with brown-black hair wore a light green Grecian-inspired gown with a short cape.

"W-Who are you two?" Darcy asked.

The two girls looked between each other nervously and said at the same time, "We are the Maenads of Elysion."

"I am Hebe." The redhead said in a soft voice.

"And I am Enyo." The brunette said in a confident tone.

"Oh… what are you going to do to me?" Darcy asked nervously.

Both of the Maenads looked at each other again, and shrugged with sad expressions replacing the nervous looks on their face. Darcy watched them walk over to her and sat down at the edge as they looked at her with sadden expressions.

"Master told us to bring you…." Hebe started off. "But we didn't want to…. He made us bring you by scaring us."

"He wasn't been the same since the thread of time has been changed. He didn't realize it had been changed until it was too late…. but that memory was erased and he returned to believing that Serenity's former lover is still going to become king. And now, he is under the notion that you are the same woman as you were in the Silver Millennium… his lover." Enyo continued.

Darcy's eyes widen at the thought and she grabbed on to Hebe's arm with fear.

"Listen, I know this isn't much, but please get me out of here and I will help you! If he plans on doing what I think he is doing, then I need to get out of here!" Darcy begged.

But the Maenads shook their heads as their tight mouths and teary eyes gave Darcy her answer.

"We are so sorry… you must or else he will tell Darien." Hebe said sorrowfully.

"And God only knows who Darien will tell…." Enyo added as she smooth out Darcy's long hair.

The young girl's eyes widen and she rested her head on Enyo's arm trying to process what has been told to her. She couldn't help the tears that began to form in the corner of her eyes, and she felt something ball up in her throat; she wasn't too sure if it was vomit or a sob. Her mind began to think of a million things to say or ways to escape but her body was too tense for her too move.

But as soon as she felt the ball coming towards her mouth, she heard a familiar voice at the front of the bed.

"I know who already knows…. Me." Orion said calmly as he kept a bored expression.

Darcy and the Maenads looked to see Orion between the open canopy's curtains and while his face looked calm, the narrow eyes and small frown gave away that he probably heard everything and was not in a pleasant mood.

But Darcy didn't care as she jumped from under the sheets and wrapped her skinny arms around Orion's waist. She felt him rub her back as she sobbed into the hem of his shirt, finally letting go of some feelings she had since arriving here.

"O-Orion, how did you f-find me? H-He took me… and I'm scared….!" Darcy cried.

The Australia teen gave the younger girl a small smile and said, "I'm the holder of the Golden Crystal, and this place had a strong magical energy from another planet. I came here to check it out and realized that the energy was yours…. And from what I heard in the last few minutes, I need to have a talk with Helios, or at least give him a good few rounds to the head."

Darcy laughed and hugged him harder as he looked at the Maenads as said, "Helios… that's not really him…. is it?"

Hebe messed with the long skirt she wore and answered in a soft voice, "It is Helios, but something is wrong with him."

"What's wrong with him then?" Orion asked.

"A woman came… she had the eyes like the devil but the voice of an angel. Helios saw that the thread of time had changed and wanted to find you, but she came and messed with his mind. He contacted Darien and began watching Darcy obsessively…. He wanted to marry Darcy so that she won't be so focused on her Soldier duties."

Orion felt his blood pressure rise and held Darcy close. "As romantic as some girls may see that, it is wrong for him to force marriage on her at this age."

"But he loves her!" Enyo snapped.

"He loved her in the past, and I am sure they could fall in love again… but only when she is older." Orion told the brunette Maenad. "And I know who this woman is…. She is an enemy of my future wife."

"And who is your wife exactly?!" Enyo yelled loudly.

All Orion did was let out a deep breath and smiled at the Maenads. Then, in a calm and even voice, he answered Enyo. "My wife is Neo Moon, better known as Serena Tuskino and Neo Queen Serenity. My name is Orion Ishaan, better known as Earth Knight or King Orion during Crystal Tokyo."

With the two Maenads shocked at his words, Orion grabbed Darcy's hand and turned around. As he pulled out the Golden Crystal from his chest, he looked back at the Maenads with a sly smirk.

"One day, she will be back but to cure Helios. Tell him that if he really loves her as he says, then he will wait until then."

Both Maenads nodded their heads in agreement as the Golden Crystal's energy surrounded Orion and Darcy. They watched as the two Soldiers disappear, with no traces left behind.


"And that is what happened when you were gone…" Orion explained to Winona.

It was 8:30 pm and Darcy was asleep on the living room couch, still shaken up by what happened to her. The fever she had beforehand returned and now she was buddle up in covers as she sneezed and coughed herself to sleep. Orion and Winona were sitting at the dining table, but they spoke in low whispers so the younger girl won't hear them.

Winona sat there in shock but finally her voice returned, "It is not the part about him wanting to marry her… I mean, you and Serena would marry each other right now if you could."

"Then what is bothering you?" Orion asked.

"That Ashley would go that far to take down one of our own… and that she brainwashed one of your most loyal servants into unknowingly working for her." Winona answered.

Orion nodded his head. "How are we going to get him back to normal? I mean, he could come after her again…"

"Impossible… I am practically with Darcy every day and when I have to work or go to school, she is with her normal babysitter. Helios may be under a curse, but he has enough sense not to show himself to me or a human." Winona replied.

"True… He didn't try to come after her when I brought her home." Orion eyed Darcy's sleeping form on the couch and added, "But how do we fix him?"

"Well… how about we go with the plan you told the Maenads?" Winona answered. "We get Darcy back to Elysion and when she has Helios' trust, she can use a small portion of the Golden Crystal to heal him. I can help you find information on how to give Darcy that energy to heal him…"

The Australia teenager nodded his head but his eyes never left Darcy's sleeping form.

"Orion…. Is something wrong?" Winona asked tenderly.

"Winona, may I see your phone? I just remembered something and I need to call Ellie." Orion answered.

The woman's eyes widen but she pointed to the kitchen and said, "It's near the sink."

Orion got up and went to the phone as he remarkably remembered the number Ellie put on her Cosmic Communicator.

After a few moments, the line finally picked up and al he could hear was a chirpy, "Ello?"

All he could do was chuckled at the redhead's sunny attitude. "Hey Ellie… it's Orion."

"Hey, what's up?"

"Listen, remember how you are babysitting Chibi Chibi, Diana and Rachel this weekend for some odd reason?"

"It's not an odd reason! I love children and since my parents will be out of town again, this will be a perfect chance to get in some good mommy skills since my siblings will be staying at Granny's and I get too annoyed by them to practice my mad skills!" Ellie said loudly.

"Well, can Darcy come too? Winona had me babysit her today and I actually have to see my own past life's memories, so Winona will be too busy with helping me with that to actually watch her." Orion slightly lied; he wasn't actually planning on looking at his past memories until late.

"Sure~!" Ellie answered in a sing-song voice. "Did Winona agree to this idea?"

Orion gave a convincing fake laugh as he said, "Of course! She actually told me to call you because she was just leaving work and was going to get her something to eat, so it will be a while before she is home."

"Then bring her on over! Tell her I will see her Saturday!" Ellie announced as she hung up the phone.

Orion sighed in relief and looked at a very confused Winona, but he chuckled and gave her a confident smile. Even though he had not spoken yet, Winona felt relief rush over her and she smiled back as the teenager walked back over to the table.

"Nobody is going to take Darcy again. I promise you that much…."