
I am not a caring person. I am protective, yeah that's what I used to say. That is until I met Johnny Cade and PonyBoy Curtis. The youngest of our gang and two of the most deserving kids I ever saw. I met Johnny first, he was about 10 and I was just a kid myself. I saw him run from his house and then saw some Socs start to jump him. I pulled out my blade and scared em off. I knew he saw me as some kind of hero after that and soon after he met PonyBoy. I remember it well.

~~~Cue Flashback

Johnny and I were sitting on a bench watching the other kids play. Johnny looked like he wished he could be out there playing. I told him to go on the swings or something but he just mumbled somethin like, "It's no fun alone.." and then a auburn haired kid stood in front us. He held out his hand, "Well of course swingin ain't no fun alone! You look like fun! Let's play swings together! You too mister!" He seemed like he was demanding rather than asking.

"What'r your names?" He asked us

"J-johnny Cade.." He said shyly

"Dallas Winston, now scram." I had replied coldly.

"Johnny... Cake..Dally Wenstin." He tried out our names. He bit his lip and tried over and over to get the names right. I took pity on him and just told him, "Dally is fine, ain't that right Johnnycake?"

Johnny smiled big and bright, it was the first one I'd seen him give anyone.

"Cool! My name is Ponyboy! Yup, that's my name! Says so in the records! Now let's go play!" He grabbed Johnny's hand and mine. I tried to shake him off but he had quite the grip for an 8 year old. He led us over to a bunch of other people.

"Hey colt, who're these guys?" The tallest one asked.

"This is Dally and Johnnycake!" He proclaimed proudly.

"It's Dallas Winston and Johnny Cade." I corrected. Pony just stuck his tongue out at me.

"Well I'm Darry, his oldest brother. That one over there is our middle brother Sodapop, that's Two-Bit and that one is Steve." Darry said. I just gave them cold looks while Johnny waved slightly.

"Ugh this is BORING, we're going to the swings!" Pony said and pulled Johnny and me. I didn't know why I was letting him pull me around and I still don't know. But that was the day my mind and heart got invaded by two littlest greasers...

~~~~~ End Flashback

Today I was watching the kids at the park, ha, deja vu. Johnny and PonyBoy were being chased by Two-Bit and Soda. Darry and Steve just watched with amused grins. Ponyboy came sprinting towards us and he dived behind me. He was wheezing and I thought this was odd considering he was a track runner. Plus Darry had gotten him off cancer sticks.

"Dally...*wheeze*get*cough* two-bit off*wheeze*" He was hiding behind my seat trying to catch his breath. Darry must'a heard because he called out, "ALRIGHT Five minute break kiddies!" Two-Bit and Johnny fell in the grass wheezing and laughing. I looked behind me and didn't see Pone. I turned to look at Soda and was met with big green eyes.

"Shit kid warn a guy." I said annoyed, when in truth I hadn't planned on looking at him today. It made my heart race and my stomach go all funky. I didn't like it. Soda was watching me and I flipped him the bird. Pony swatted my hand down and I glared at him. He just grinned. Damn that smile of his.

"Don't flip my brother the bird, it's not nice Dally." He scolded.

"I can do whatever the hell I want. Don't do that again."

"Only if you don't do it again." He replied with a smirk. He was enjoying this, I just knew it. It was like he knew I could never hit him, just like I'd never hurt Johnny. I just rolled my eyes and he laughed and plopped down next to Johnny. Johnny smiled at him as Pony made a shitty blonde joke. Two-Bit pointed towards me and then Pony blinked.

"Whatcha pointin' at Dally for?" He asked

Johnny looked like he was fighting back laughter, "Pony, Dally is blonde."

At first Pony didn't seem to understand then it dawned on him. His mouth dropped into an "O." It was pretty funny, the guys laughed and Two-Bit was watching me.


Pony sprung up as soon as Dally did. Pony bolted for the swings and Dally chased after him yelling, "HOLD IT BRAT. " Pony just laughed and ran. I had noticed something off about Dally since the hospital. When he thought Johnny had died he had lost it, but Pony had swooped in front of him. A couple bullets had hit him and we had watched Dallas scream. for Pony to wake up. Pony had just scolded him, telling him that the yellin was hurting his ears. He had scooped Pony into his arms and held him tight, the heater was long gone. He had thrown it and Darry had hidden it. But something had really changed in him when he got out of jail and he saw Pony in the white sheets of the hospital.

The gang had vowed that neither of the littlest greasers would ever be alone again. There was barely a moment when I saw those three seperate. PonyBoy and Johnny were best friends and Dally was their protector. But if one watched Dal closer they'd see how Dally hung around Pone more. I never thought I'd see the day that Dallas Winston would get more protective of anyone but Johnny. I was pretty sure Dally had a crush on Pony, so that's why I took every oportunity to watch those three interact.

"OKAY I GIVE DAL! I'M SORRY! " Pony cried as Dally had him pinned under him against the slides. The big metal slide had always made Pone nervous. "Man just do not make me slide backwards!" he pleaded. Darry went to help his baby brother but I held his arm.

"No seriously, watch."

"He don't like heights! Dally knows that!" Darry retorted throwing my hand off. Johnny held onto his other arm. We both held him. "What is the matter is with you two?"

Soda took our side and laughed, "Nah Dare, just watch. I think there's something those two need to figure out." So Soda had noticed the two oblivious boys attraction to each other as well.

"Nah, I think I'll just let you fall." Dally said with a smirk.

"I swear to all that is holy Dallas Winston if you let go you will so regret it!" he cried looking pale.

"Oh yeah, what'r you gonna do?"

"I'm never gonna help you with your homework ever! Like never again Winston!" he threatened.

"I think I can live with that." he said and let go of Pony's legs. Pony yelped and covered his face. Dally hopped from the stairs and caught Pony so he wouldn't fall on the ground. Pony uncovered his face and looked up at Dally. I couldn't help myself, I wolf whistled. Darry tore himself from our grips and smacked the back of my head. Pony's face was red and boy do his ears get red.


Dally is the biggest jerk ever! I don't like heights of any kind and I had always hated this freakin slide. I didn't trust it, it was old and worn. It could keel over any second with our weight! But as soon as ZI expected to hit hard ground I was met something hard but not the ground. I was scrunched up heard first into Dally's chest. He just smirked at me. He had his arms around my waist so I didn't fall. I felt myself begin to blush and Two-Bit wolf whistle didn't help at all. Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid Two-Bit! Darry smacked him upside the head and Dally helped me to my feet. Then I promptly smacked his chest with my hand.

"Don't EVER do that again dally!" I said hands on my hips. I remembered my mom used to do it when she was mad at dad.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"I just did!" I argued with a smirk. I went to go complain to Soda and walked towards him. The gang was laughin at me and even Johnny seemed to be laughing. He stopped instantly when I sent a pouty look at him.

"Aw shucks Pone we're just messin." Two-Bit said when he saw my pout.

"Yeah well-" my response was cut off by Steve.

"Can we go back now? It's gettin dark." he complained. He hadn't wanted me here in the first place. I had heard the guys talking about hanging out together. Just them becuase they were oldest. I knew I kept them from all going to buck's and gettin wasted or goin to a party. Steve doesn't like me because I tag-a-long a lot. Well sorry mister snooty pants but Soda is the one that drags me along. Sometimes I don't even want to go but Soda or Darry insists. Today was supposed to be just them. I guess I ruined his day once again.

We all walked home and I refused to talk to Dally the whole time. Johnny tried to get me into the conversation but I just stuck my nose in the air and walked ahead.

I heard from behind me, "Well what's his problem?"

"Wow Dal, you actually got him to shut up for once." Steve's voice said.

I tightened my arms around myself, Steve really knew how to make a guy feel like shit.

"Ah lay off Steve!" Soda said swatting him.

"What? I didn't do nothin!" He argued.

I got home first and went to the kitchen to get apple juice. Seriously I'd sell my soul for the rights to apple juice. I'd have so much cash and we'd all live like kings and no one ever be unhappy. But I'm not rich and I'm just staring at my half full glass with a sad expression. I sigh and put the now empty glass in the sink and go to bed.


God damn can that kid hold a grudge! He hasn't said a word to me since the park. Johnny keeps trying to pull him into the conversations and Steve looks pleased that he just ignores us. He's walking ahead of us now and he has his arms wrapped around himself. Johnny frowns, I look at him. He just turns to glare at Steve when he makes some snide comments. I see Pony wrap his arms tighter around himself. My eyes bore imaginary holes into Steve's head. He feels my glare and raises his eyebrows. We glare at each other and Darry chides us onwards. When we reach the house it's quiet.

Pony must've gone upstairs, there's a glass in the sink and I smirk. So he's already had his sacred apple juice. What he doesn't know is that when I sleep here I take swigs out of it. The juice is for Pony specifically and we'd all been given strict orders not to touch it. Darry threatened to skin us all. Pony drank apple juice in the morning before school and before bed. I looked at the clock, it was barely six. We hadn't even had dinner yet! Why was he going to bed? Then I thought about what an ass Steve had been today and my scaring him shitless (while funny as hell) didn't seem to help him.

I thought about heading upstairs but Johnny beat me to it. Either he was a observant as me or he just knew Pony was upset. I swear those two are mentally connected or some shit man. Its really creepy in my opinion and sometimes even Johnny knew Pone was upset before Soda. Speaking of Soda he didn't seem to notice that his baby brother was missing. The others were just hanging around and no one noticed the absence of two. I sat down at the kitchen table and watched Darry and Soda cook. Soda wanted to turn the potatoes green and after a lot of arguing he got his way. Okay gross, green potatoes? I don't understand that, at all. Darry had made baked chicken, a favorite of Pony's. Soda has turned the potatoes green and the corn is an errie purple color.

He yells, "FOOD'S READY." and we all pile around the table. Johnny comes down alone. He looks kinda hacked off and keeps sending the table glares. Like whatever happened was the tables fault personally. Jeesh what had those two kids been discussing that got Johnnycakes so worked up. I stood and went upstairs to see why Pony wasn't comin. I opened the door and saw that it was dark, I turned on a lamp and poked his sides.

"I said I ain't hungry John-oh..hi Dally." He said once he realized it was me.

"Darry made your favorite, why ain't you down there?"

"I ain't hungry."


"Why do you care anyhow? Just go away..please.." He added a 'please' because his tone was spiteful. Which he knew was a tone I did not tolerate being spoken to in. I swatted his knee and he just curled into himself in the blankets.

"Is this about Randle?"

Silence. Ah ha, so I was correct. Then again, I am always right. "If your up here poutin you may as well stop it. You poutin is just the response he likes and if you really want him to lay off you are gonna have to start stickin up for yourself. Stop being a baby and spit his own medicine back at him. Don't worry about gettin punched coz no one hurts the baby remember?"

"I ain't no baby..." he whined as he stood up. But he got tangled up in the sheets in his fury and fell straight to floor. He would've hit the hard wood floors but I prevented that. He was blushin so hard a part of me wanted to kiss him for being so cute. Wait what? Ah hell! I dropped him on the floor to keep my cool. He made a small 'thump' and he glared at me.

"Well we'll be eatin, better hurry and get yer dress on or you'll starve." like any of us besides Steve would let him starve. I was walking towards the door when he stuck out his arm and pulled at my leg. Not expecting his hand to touch me I tripped and landed on the floor with a very loud 'WHUMP.' "Oh you are gonna regret that!" I said in a deadly tone. He scrambled up and ran downstairs. I chased him and skidded to a halt. He was sitting next to Darry and Soda and looked at innocent as ever. He had green potatoes in his mouth like he'd never done anything wrong in his life.

"Glad you could join us Dally." He said with a smirk.

"You are so dead kid." I said in a cold voice but if anyone were to pay attention they'd see it was more playful than a threat. He laughed and my stomach did a weird flippy feeling thing. Oh my god was I getting sick? Better not be, I got shit to do. Darry and Soda give me looks that 'you-ain't-touchin-my-baby.' Dinner goes as usual and then I see Johnny and Pony having one of their eye conversations. Pony raises his fork and stabs a piece of chicken with more force than neccassary. Johnny responds with an annoyed eye-roll. When dishes are being collected Johnny and PonyBoy do them. They whisper to each other and Pony seems to finally cave as he dries the final one.

Ohhhhh what was the arguement? Is Dally really that oblivious?

R&R kittens~

Stay Gold, FFQ123