artfulusername asked: 20. Arishawke modern AU

20. Alone at Last

Hawke's fingers itched as they punched in the door code, tingling relentlessly as she waited the interminable one-and-a-half seconds it took for the electronics to unlock. As soon as she was inside, she threw her bag on the counter and nigh-leapt onto the sofa next to the penthouse's other occupant.

"Arishok," she breathed, reaching for him. "You would not believe the day I've had, and I'll tell you all about it later, but right now I just need you to fuck me like my life depended on it."

He didn't resist, but stayed facing the coffee table as she began sliding her hands around his waist and under his shirt, tugging it free of his belt insistently.

"Hawke," he said flatly, "may I introduce Josephine Montilyet, Consul General of Italy."

Hawke froze in horror, then slowly turned to the open Skype screen she had overlooked in her haste. Staring back at her was a woman with bound-up chestnut brown hair, a prominent nose, and warm smile a mile wide.

"Consul," she greeted weakly.

"Miss Hawke, I presume." The diplomat's rich accent clearly spelled out her entertainment at the situation. "I'm familiar with your work, and Arishok speaks quite highly of you."

"I'm glad?"

With a chuckle, Montilyet turned to Arishok and lifted her chin. "It seems you have more… pressing matters to attend to. No matter – we will have the meeting tomorrow with the rest of the committee to finish the minor details."

As both issued farewells and the screen went black with a blip, Hawke groaned and sank into the cushions. "Oh my god, I am so sorry– "

"Our business had concluded," Arishok said. "We had moved onto final pleasantries. You were no inconvenience."

Mortified, Hawke stared at him from behind her fingers as she dragged her palms down her face. "I announced to a videoconference that I wanted you to fuck me like my life depended on it."

"Yes," he agreed, arms wrapping around her to pull her onto his lap, "you did."

And just like that, the furious hunger that had been plaguing her was back. His hands found her skin, teeth and tongue at her throat, and she arched into his touch with a gasp. Oh, she needed this right now. Fast and hard and -

Upon second thought, she quickly reached behind them both to shut the laptop, and a chuckle rumbled in Arishok's chest.