Here's chapter 12, enjoy! ^^

Street Dancing

Chapter 12: The Last Straw

'You've got to be kidding me…'

Misaki stood there, transfixed at what he just heard.

'You're telling me that they're brothers? But they don't even look an ounce bit alike!' Misaki thought to himself as the two brothers continued glaring at each other for god knows how long. ((Yeah right Misaki :P they don't look alike at all))

As if reading the brunette's thoughts, Isaka put a firm hand on his shoulder and stooped down to whisper.

"Hard to believe it huh? Yup, they really don't get along together as a matter of fact… Why don't you head off towards the meeting hall? Ijuuin-sensei should be there to help you fill in on what you've missed." Isaka shot a quick glance towards Aikawa before turning back, "we'll try to cool things down from here Chibi-tan. Head out before it gets uglier."

With a quick nod at Isaka, Misaki slipped passed the four and headed down towards the elevator.

"You're that Taka-kun aren't you? How come you're down here instead of being up there with the other contestants? Trust me; I'm not here to deal with half-assed feeling. Be here on time if you want to stay in this competition."

Misaki cringed as he remembered the words Usami-sensei had literally thrown at him.

'Maybe I really am not fit enough to be a part of this thing. Since I am only just a plain street dancer who's always late at everything…' Misaki though as he walked into the elevator and pressed six. The slight hum that echoed around the brunette seemed to calm his senses just a bit. But, before he could brace himself, the doors of the elevator swung open and out Misaki went into an ever-so-familiar waiting room. At first he was a bit surprised to see the place empty but then he remembered something.

'Oh right, I forgot, the meeting's over…' sighing Misaki started walking around, trying to look for someone who he can ask directions for to find Ijuuin-sensei. He slouched as he continued on walking. Seemed like Usami's rant kinda' pushed the boy down hard. Misaki heard the elevator door 'bling' in the distance.

"Maybe I really shouldn't have joined this competition… What if I just embarrass myself again and get pushed down even lower? Why do I always have to be late at everything I do!?" Misaki desperately whispered his thought out loud.

"Maybe it's because you're just plain lazy to get yourself an alarm clock. Don't tell me now that you're backing up, especially since you just became the thirty-first contestant, the one in the limelight." A deep familiar voice behind the brunette spoke softly.

Caught totally off guard, Misaki turned around surprised only to be greeted by the stagnant face of Usami Akihiko.

"Don't ever let peoples words get to you. Words deem to get way deeper than any bullet can to your heart. But that doesn't mean that what I've said to you earlier was wrong. Take the competition seriously; millions would have begged to get an opportunity that you got." Usami continued in that same soft tone, so much different from the harsh voice he used just mere moments ago.

For the first time since they met, Misaki realized how soothing and beautiful Usami's eyes were. A soft purple that strongly reminded you of lilacs and lavenders, the same type of flowers that his Nii-chan had planted in their front lawn. Scrunching his eyes at the painful memory, Misaki bowed his head deeply at the head judge as he tried to push the memory away.

"I am deeply sorry for missing the meeting today. I have to admit that it was due to my own foolishness that had caused this to happen. I promise, from the depths of my heart that I will not let this happen ever again. Gomenasai!" Misaki apologized with his head held low.

To Misaki's utmost surprise, he felt a gentle hand slowly tousle his hair. Slowly looking up he saw that Usami was smiling at him warmly. It was something that Misaki saw for the first time since they met. What was even more surprising was the fact that it was Usami's hand on his head. Misaki shivered under Usami's hand since it felt cold, freezing cold; cold enough to calm his mind down and think positive once, think that he actually had a chance of winning.

"Apology accepted." Usami chucked as he took away his hand off the chocolate locks.

But the two weren't aware that somebody was watching them from the corner of a wall, somebody with raven black hair and startling black eyes. The figure of Ijuuin Kyo slipped away silently from the scene after seeing how the act unfolded.

"So that's how it is then…" Ijuuin whispered bitterly as he walked away in the opposite direction.

"Hey kid, I hate repeating things, so you better make sure you don't forget what I tell you about the competition, since it is my second time saying this." Usami mentioned seriously as he led Misaki down the hallway, away from the waiting room.

"I promise sensei, I won't forget." Misaki assured with a similarly serious expression as he let his eyes sweep over his surroundings.

The floors were tiled creamy white that struck your eyes against the black sparkly background of the walls and ceiling. There were posters on some of the walls, advertising the upcoming competition.

'This showbiz must be really important for the J-pop industry…'

Usami suddenly stopped causing Misaki to almost run into the head judge in front of him.

"This here is where you'll be waiting to be called out by your stylist." Usami said without looking at the brunette, "All the other contestants are also waiting in this room." Usami pointed his gaze at the door in front of him.

"Stylist?" Misaki asked a bit confused.

"Well, you need a costume designer and a make-up crew to help you get ready for each part of the competition. Do you expect yourself to walk out on live TV with thousands of people watching just wearing a regular pair of tattered shorts and a plain t-shirt?"

"I guess not… that would be pretty humiliating." Misaki frowned as he imagined himself doing so.

"Exactly! So why don't you go in there and wait until your contestant number is called? No need to explain anything else for now. Go and get to know your stylist better so you can learn to work with him. We'll be calling all you contestants in after an hour or so for a final announcement before you head home for the day." Usami concluded as he twisted the door knob and opened the door revealing a room quite similar to the one they used before for the rehearsals, but just a tiny bit smaller and totally deserted.

"Huh? Where's everyone?" Usami asked confused as he looked around when another judge suddenly appeared from behind both Misaki was Usami.

"Ah! Usami-sensei! I've been looking all over for you!" The judge named Takano Masamune greeted the head judge.

"And you must be the thirty-first contestant eh? How come you're so late? Your stylist has been waiting for forever you know…" Takano stated after spotting Misaki's small figure.

"Ah, I'm really sorry… I promise that this won't ever happen again!" Misaki bowed his head and apologized guiltily.

"Don't apologize to me" Takano chuckled, "the real person you need to apologize to, is the man standing behind you. If he's okay with it then I'll also be."

"It's okay Takano-sensei, he already apologized. By the way, where is everyone?" Usami questioned as he took another back glance at the open door.

"Huh? What do you mean by that sensei? The contestants are already with their assigned stylists. Where else would they be?" Takano asked confused at Usami's question.

"Really now? Has that much time already passed? It's scary how time sometimes flies by…" Usami admitted as he scratched his head, "Taka-kun, I guess we'll have to take you to your stylist ourselves…"

"Ah, you must be Taka-chan! Please take good care of me! I'm Yukina Kou, I hope we'll be able to work together~" a tall light brown haired man greeted the teenager with a sparkling smile.

"O-Oh, I'm Taka Misaki, I hope that you'll also be able to take good care of me too." Misaki shuttered slightly as he peered at his stylist's glittering smile. The man in front of him even had a collection of different colored ear rings that were dangling on his two ears which reflected the light off nearby tube lights.

The two judges, Usami and Takano had shown Misaki into a dressing room in which the young stylist, Yukina Kou a waited.

"Wow! I can't believe that I'm actually responsible for the thirty-first contestant! You know Taka-chan; you're pretty hot with the media right now, especially since you were the first one to break the traditional rules." Yukina stated amazed with the youth in front of him.

"Well, I'm not all that amazing…" Misaki blushed, "I'm just your average kind of guy…"

"An average guy who was the first to get a second chance! Well, enough about that; let's discuss your costumes."

So, the two spent the next half an hour discussing about the competition and the costumes that were going to be used. Misaki, being who he was, was astonished with almost everything Yukina presented to him. Together, at a desk, the two came up with a proposed plan.

"As long as the clothes are simple and comfortable enough to move around and dance in, then there shouldn't really be a problem." Misaki added as he looked at the different designs Yukina came up with, "But I really think we're going a bit overboard though… The fabrics and tailoring needed to make all these must surely be really expensive…"

"Nonsense! If you're worried about the fabrics, then don't be because the JSA is paying for all this. As for the tailoring, I'll be making the costumes for you so you don't need to worry. I consider making costumes a favorite hobby of mine. If it wasn't then I wouldn't have been involved in this competition at all. So why don't you just relax. As for deciding which costumes to wear when, I'll be doing that part depending on the criteria of your challenge." Yukina finished with a light smile that reminded you of men from shoujo mangas.

"And to honestly admit, I think these designs are much more fitting and comfortable for the type of competition you'll be soon participating in. Many of the wealthy contestants that come here to compete usually bring their own desired stylists along with them. But trust me; money doesn't always buy you skills. It's not like I'm talking high of myself, it's just that you should have seen the contestants of the last competition" Yukina nodded his head in disappointed, "most of the costumes that the contestants whose stylists they had brought along with were nothing compared to the costumes that I have suggested for you. Not only were they expensive but they were also crazily designed. I personally thought the contestants looked like overly dressed old women. Be grateful since my costumes don't outshine the person himself."

Misaki smiled, he really did like the stylist he was appointed to. Misaki had a good feeling that they both would be able to work together as a team.

"Thanks Yukina-san, I'm happy I got you as my stylist! I really wouldn't like to look like an overly dressed old lady!" Misaki thanked with a big smile as he extended his hand for a proper shake, "I hope that we'll be able to work through this thing together!"

"I sure hope so! With my costumes, how can you possibly lose?" Yukina joked as he grabbed Misaki hand and returned a steady shake, confirming their deal. But before anything else could be said, the loud speaker on the ceiling clicked on and out came the voice of Usami Akihiko:

"I would like all contestants to come to the meeting room on the sixth floor for the final announcement before the competition officially started. Please be there as soon as possible as the announcement will take place within twenty minutes, thank you."

Misaki walked silently yet quickly towards the meeting room where Usami had asked the contestants to gather in. He was in a pretty good mood, especially since he met Yukina Kou. Misaki was happy that he was able to become friends with someone who he can trust and who could help him all the way through the course of the competition. Misaki grinned silently as he remembered his goodbye to the stylist as he left for the meeting room.

"Hey and Taka-chan, if you ever need any help or want to ask for guidance about anything, be sure to come and ask me! I'll be glad to lend you a helping hand!" Yukina had said as the brunette walked towards the door to the corridor.

"Oh, it's okay Yukina-san, I wouldn't like to be a burden to you outside this competition... After all, I bet you have other things to do as well as make costumes…"

"Again with your blabbering… Just shut up and except that you're too naïve to ask help from the dazzling Yukina Kou!" Yukina said with his head held high.

Yup, Misaki was definitely sure that he had made a new friend today.

Breathing in deeply, Misaki stepped into the meeting room. He was a bit surprised to see that the room wasn't as full as it was the first time he went there. After all, this time there were only thirty contestants compacted within the slightly spacious and elegant room; every one of them who have received the approval from the judges in order to compete in the Rising Stars dance competition; every one of them a challenge to the inexperienced Misaki.

Twisting his head around, Misaki tried to look for the certain someone he had made friends with on the day of the rehearsals, the person named as Onodera Ritsu. But just when the brunette was about to give up on finding him, someone poked him slightly on the shoulder to gain his attention.

"Wow! I can't believe you made it! This is so awesome!" the person named Onodera Ritsu exclaimed as he grinned sheepish.

"I can't believe it myself either… And congratulations you also made it!" Misaki replied as his grin widened at the mere sight of the new friend he made a week ago. Some of the other contestants were looking at the pair of teenagers talking with the same excitement in their eyes. Everything was about to get so real from this point on.

"Hey, have you heard? There's supposed to be thirty-one contestants participating this year in the competition. That guy must be so lucky! This is the first time anyone has ever been given another chance!" Onodera stated as he took a seat and let Misaki take the other beside him.

"I'll let you on a secret Onodera-kun, I'm actually the thirty-first contestant." Misaki whispered audibly for the other to hear. But before the other can process the statement any further, another voice had interrupted their quiet conversation.

"Well look who made it… You're that Taka-kun who lives in that shitty bar down the side streets… If you're the thirty-first contestant than you gotta be joking." The figure of Ishi Shizuku stated loudly causing the other contestants to start whispering all around them.

"Wait, he's the thirty-first contestant?"

"No, they're only allowed thirty in this competition, right?"

"Well, isn't that breaking the rules thought?"

"Wow, the thirty-first contestant!"

The whispering broke like wild fire all over the meeting room. Misaki slowly got up to face Ishi-kun his face passive of any kind of emotion.

"I don't think it's your responsibility to comment about other people you know! I bet you're jealous!" Onodera raged as he also got up to defend his friend.

"Jealous? Oh please! The only reason that hobo ever got into this competition was by bribing his way in! How much did you pay the judges huh Taka? I bet you don't have any kind of talent at all!" Ishi pushed on with that smug expression still glued to his face.

"Why you little…!" Onodera was about run towards Ishi when he was suddenly stopped by Misaki by the arm. Misaki gave him a nod that it was alright.

Pulling up the sleeves of his shirt, Misaki slowly took steps to where the kid named Ishi stood firm. Misaki had the last straw.

Woohoo! ~~ Hope you liked the chapter ^^ Reviews are always a pleasure!