Stuck in the past

Trent Fernandez- Mercer has been stuck in the past for two months already; he does not have many memories of himself or how he got there or who he is. All he does remember is that his name is Trent Fernandez- Mercer and that he is part of the Dino Thunder team as the white ranger.

He was lost and confused with bruises and cuts covering his body, when he luckily met his knight in shining armour saved him; Tommy Oliver.

Tommy Oliver and Trent Fernandez- Mercer went to the police station to try and find out what happened but the police could not find anything. Tommy Oliver offered Trent a place to stay until the police found something.

"Trent!" Tommy called up the stairs; Trent walked down with a tired look on his face and greeted Tommy with a lazy smile. "You look tired man" Tommy looked Trent over while Trent shrugged his shoulder giving a small wave to Jason, Kim, Zack, Billy and Trini. Tommy smiled slightly while grabbing Trent's hand and pulling him towards the sofa. Trent sat down close to Tommy while the movie played in the background; Trent lent his head against Tommy's shoulder and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

Trent grabbed his head in pain "What's happening to me?" Trent asked himself as he stumbled down the beach with his hand in a lot of pain. "Ah!" Trent screamed as he fell to the floor, the gem glowing brightly and Trent's head spinning widely. He held his head in his hands until he felt trapped, suddenly he felt like he was watching a movie with no control over.

Waking up with a startled look, Tommy looked at him with concern "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" Trent looked around the room and noticed that Tommy's friends were all gone "where'd everyone go?"

"We watched the rest of the movie and they decided to leave to let you sleep peacefully." Tommy smiled widely and ran his fingers through Trent's hair. "You're cute when you sleep" Trent blushed widely as he stared at Tommy for a second, Tommy leaned in and kissed Trent sweetly before pulling back quickly. "Sorry"

"Its okay" Trent smiled and pulled Tommy into a sweet kiss, Tommy pulled Trent onto his lap and ran his tongue on Trent's lower lip; Trent opened his mouth and allowed Tommy access, while running his hands under Tommy's shirt.

Tommy and Trent slept together that night, making long sweet love as they kissed each other with passion. Tommy knew deep down that when Trent could his memories back that he would leave, that's why he tried to do things that would not bring his memories back, and he knew that it was wrong but he loved Trent too much to lose him. He wants Trent to remember his past and know things about his family and previous friends but he doesn't want to lose the one person he has fallen in love with. But Trent, Trent just wants to put the missing pieces together.

2 weeks after Tommy and Trent made it official Trent was stood up by Tommy on a date. Trent had gotten a job at the Youth centre and finally had enough to take them both on a date at a really expensive restaurant, so when Tommy didn't show up Trent was angry. Trent waited an hour before giving up "Waiter" Trent called "Bill please"

"Of course sir" the waiter gathered the bill and handed it to Trent with a sad smile

"Guess I should have known he wouldn't come" Trent mumbled as he paid the bill, handing it to the waiter his name badge caught his eye "Liam?"

"Hmm thanks you sir, hope everything works out for you" The waiter nodded his head in thanks and went to leave

"Wait do I know you from somewhere you look very familiar" Trent asks, the waiter puts out his hand

"I'm Liam Fernandez" the waiter smiles, Trent nods his head in shock

"T-Trent Mercer" Trent stuttered out and pulled money out his pocket "Here's a tip"

"Thanks you Trent, I appreciate it"

"Your welcome" Trent smiled as he walked out and slowly walked down the street with his hands in his pockets, the rain pouring down his face and hitting his body while he shivered from the cold. Trent was always thinking about Tommy and his friends why Tommy always disappeared suddenly. Trent had thought that Tommy was cheating on him at one point but that thought was quickly dismissed, he knew Tommy would never do that, he hoped so. Irritated Trent picked up speed and looked to his side as he heard voices loud and laughing together, Trent looked closer and watched as Tommy was standing there in the park with his friends.

"Trent?" He heard Trini question, he saw Tommy's head snap up from his conversation with Jason and ran towards Trent. Trent watched Tommy's reaction before walking faster, away from Tommy and towards Tommy's house, he would go somewhere else but he knew that he had nowhere to go. "Trent wait!" Tommy yells, running after Trent, Trent runs towards the house door and unlocks it, slamming the door wide open Trent thanks that Tommy's parents are away on a business trip.

"Trent listen" Tommy says as he stops Trent from walking up the stairs, Trent paced back and forth in the small corridor full of anger and hurt.

"What!" Trent spat out "I don't mind that you spend time with your friends, I never tie you down or tell you to stop doing thing, but leaving me for an hour at out date that I spent so much money in reserving is just horrible."

"Trent, I'm so sorry"

"You're always doing this, running out of dates, cutting our conversations shorts, telling me you'll be back but every time you do come back you're covered in cuts and bruises."

"Please forgive me, I promise it will not happen again" Tommy begged, pulling Trent closer to him, he wrapped his arms around Trent's waist and forced a smile.

"Tommy, if it happens again, I'll leave" Trent warned before pulling Tommy into a passionate kiss before Trent ran up the stairs and smiled as Tommy chased him.

Trent sat on the top of one of the Zord's cursed under his breath as he nearly fell of yet again, giving in he climbed down and sat at the base of one of them, why did we have to clean them anyway, their huge!

"They'll forgive you Trent" Came a sudden voice; Trent jumped up and looked around with scared eye noticing Dr O standing in the corner of the room.

"Wow, you really know how to sneak up on people" Trent laughed and sat back down, Dr O let out a small laugh as he dropped down next to Trent.

"I don't think they will forgive me, not after what I did" Trent looked down sadly

"Trent, I was once an evil ranger, I fought against my friends, but you know what?" Dr O leaned forward and stared at Trent "They helped me through it and forgive me"

"But the difference between you and me is that my team mates hate me yours liked you."

"Then, I'll help you through it" Dr O smiled sweetly at Trent, hidden emotions dancing around in his eyes.

"Thanks Dr O" Trent smiled brightly 'How I wish that you would call me Tommy once again' Dr O thought as he grabbed a sponge and smiled at Trent.

"I'll help you clean them"

"Thanks" Trent smiled brightly and watched as Dr O walked towards the Zords, Trent felt bad, very bad because he is the reason Dr O is stuck as a ranger and he just wished he knew how to reverse it but the isn't the evil white ranger anymore that side has disappeared. 'I wish that somehow I could be with you, without people judging us' Trent once again started cleaning the Zords, enjoying the company of his mentor and teacher, even if that's all he could ever be to Trent.

Trent bolted up in his bed and looked down around him with confusion at first but memories hit him like a ton of bricks as he remembered everything. Trent's eyes widened 'Oh god I slept with my teacher' Trent hid his face in his hands while slipping out of bed, suddenly noticing that Tommy was in fact not here. Trent ran a hand through his hair in relief. 'He's going to remember this as well, remember me… Wait a minute' Trent got dressed fully and looked around the bedroom quickly 'Dr O must have known this was going to happen, he lived it.'

Trent was confused as to why Dr O- Tommy would let this happen if he knew it was going to happen. Slowly walking down the stairs and outside as he breathed in the fresh air.

He didn't know how long he had been walking but in the end he ended up downtown, the place was clear and quite open spaced, but what got Trent thinking was that there were no people around him, Trent carried on walking until he saw the rangers in the park, the rangers had been thrown back and Tommy- the green ranger- was being held in the grip of Rita's new monster. Trent couldn't watch Tommy get hurt, he knew that he was not supposed to help or change the past, but he had already caused a lot of problems already.

"White Ranger, Dino power!" He shouted and in seconds there stood the white Dino ranger. He ran at the speed of light around Rita's monster and killed it. 'Deja Vi' Trent thought in his head as he stepped out of the way of the explosion.

"Who are you?" The red Mighty Morphin ranger asked the white Dino Thunder ranger.

"I can't tell you that" the white DT ranger said as he slowly walked towards them until he was in front of the rangers "But I Know who you are" Trent couldn't help it, he wanted to mess with them a little before telling them who he is.

"Who are we then?" The pink MM ranger said with smug expression expecting the DT ranger to get it wrong, Trent just lifted his hand and began pointing to each ranger as he spoke."

"Kim, Trini, Zack, Billy, Jason and Tommy Oliver"

"W-What? H-How?" The pink MM ranger stuttered in embarrassment.

"Who are you? Do we know you?" The green MM ranger asked in horror

"Pretty well actually" the white DT ranger smirked and took a few steps backwards "I'm from the future"

"Future?" The blue MM ranger asked

"Yes" the white DT ranger sighed "I can't tell you any more then I already have" Trent looked at the green ranger with sadness in his eyes.

"You're not an evil ranger then?" The green MM ranger asked

"No I'm no" Trent tried not to let too much information out, as he didn't want to change too much about the past.

"Hey!" the white ranger stilled but turned his head to the side and saw his team mates running towards him. The red DT ranger looked at the white DT ranger and gave him a pat on the back "How are you?"

"A little confused" The white ranger admitted

"What?" The red MM ranger shook his head in shock "A whole team of you?"

"Yes, we are from the far future, we must return to our time now, we cannot answer any questions we just came back for Trent." The black ranger informed them and walked towards the white ranger, grabbing the white rangers arm gently he whispered "Before you change anything else, you already changed my sexuality." The white ranger laughed loudly before his laughter slowly died down. The black DT ranger looked at him with concern "What's wrong?"

"What about you? I mean past you" The white DT ranger asked

"I'll be fine" the back DT ranger replied with slight sadness seeping into his voice.

"No Tommy it's not fine" the white ranger argued "I'll explain it to younger you but I won't mention you being a ranger or the teams"

"If you want" The black DT ranger muttered then looked at the other Mighty Morphin rangers "We have to go now before it's too late, goodbye"

"Wait!" the green ranger shouted

"We can't" The black DT ranger said and started walking off with the other Dino thunder rangers. Once they were out of sight they all demorphed and Trent sent a sad smiled towards Dr O.

"I guess I better get going" Trent muttered

"I'll come with you" Dr O said and looked at the Dino thunder rangers "You guys meet us by the bridge; we'll be there as soon as possible."

"Alright Dr O" Ethan confirmed and walked off with the others towards the bridge while Dr O and Trent started running towards Tommy's old house. Dr O hid outside so his past self wouldn't see him, whereas, Trent went inside the house and waited on the bed until Tommy got back.

After what felt like hours, hours of fidgeting and rehearsing lines in his head, Tommy finally walked back into the room, Tommy's entire face lit up once he saw Trent. Jumping onto the bed and wrapping his arms around Trent's waist, Tommy rested his chin against Trent's shoulder. Trent felt the tears gather in his eyes when he stood up and gently pushed Tommy of him.

Tommy looked at him with hurt and confusion written all over his face, Trent looked down sadly while informing him "I found out about my past today, Tommy I have to leave"

"Why?" Tommy stuttered out, his heart breaking and his eyes filling with tears "Trent we can still be together right, I love you" Tommy stood up quickly and tried to grabbed Trent's hands, Trent felt tears silently fall down his face

"Please stay Trent; I don't know what I would do without you"

"I'm sorry Tommy, but I have to" Trent whispered and laid one last kiss on Tommy's lips before hugging him tightly "We'll meet again, I promise" Trent whispered into Tommy's ear and kissed him gently on the cheek before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him Trent leaned against it letting out a breathe he didn't know he was holding him. Hearing the most heart breaking thing in the world Trent felt his heart break; the love of his life crying.

Pulling himself away from the door he stumbled his way down the stairs and out the front door, forgetting Dr O was out there he felt someone grab his arms and pull him into a hug. He turned his head and wrapped his arms around Dr O. "I'm so sorry" Trent cried as he buried his face in Dr O's shirt, Dr O smiled sadly at the boy in his arms while carefully walking them down the steps of the house and towards the others. Trent stopped them both half way through the journey, his tears had disappeared and all that was left was red puffy eyes as he looked behind him, glancing at the now small house that he knew Tommy was crying in. Dr O turned Trent's body towards him, placing a hand under Trent's chin he forced Trent to look at him.

"Trent listens, I know you didn't know that it was me, but getting over you was the hardest thing I ever had to do" Dr O told Trent running his other hand down the side of Trent's face.

"But- Dr- Tommy" Trent stuttered out confused as to what to call his teacher now, after all they have slept together but not quite at the same time. Trent leaned in and kissed Dr O, he needed to know what he was feeling; he needed to sort out his feelings. Dr O was shocked and went to respond but Trent pulled away fast "I'm so sorry Dr O"

"It's alright" Dr O pulled Trent closer and hovered his lips over Trent's "I never really got over you" Tommy went to kiss Trent but Trent turned his head slightly.

"That makes me feel so much better" Trent said sarcastically

"Let's go" Dr O laughed and went to pull Trent along with him but Trent turned Dr O around and kissed as passionately as he can before running of towards the other Dino Thunder rangers.