Much to Tessa's surprise, Will was actually a pretty decent guide. He led her out through the grandiose gates of the Institute and into the streets of London, entertaining her with light conversation. He was as sarcastic as he was witty, and Tessa did not even feel an ounce of boredom. Tessa would never say this aloud, but she absolutely loved Will's company.

It was a beautiful night. The London streetlamps casted a warm, yellow glow around them, combined with the bright lights of the surrounding restaurants and pubs making it ever more lively. On top of that, the classical architecture made the place even more appealing and almost intimate. People were out and about in the streets, running around and dancing and just having a damn good time. Most were drunk of course, but Tessa expected that.

As they made their way forward, a drunken lad stumbled out of a pub they were walking in front of and bumped into Tessa. Tessa lost her footing and tripped over a manhole cover. Before she could completely fall over, Will caught her arm and hoisted her up, suppressing a laugh.

"What?" Tessa snapped, feeling her face redden.

"I don't even get a 'thank you'," Will feigned disbelief, clutching his hand over his heart.

"Get over yourself, Herondale," Tessa said, rolling her eyes in annoyance, though she didn't want Will to let go of her. Unfortunately, he did and he pushed her along, walking down the street.

"Herondale? Are we on a last name basis now?" Will asked. "And how would you like it if I started calling you Gray? Not very ladylike is it now, Gray?"

Tessa decided to ignore this, but really because she couldn't think of any comebacks. Honestly, she enjoyed this playful banter with Will. "So where are you taking me?" she said, trying to change the subject.

Will seemed to get the hint. "It's a surprise," he said in a hushed voice, and gave her a brief wink. If Tessa had blinked, she would have believed that she didn't really see it. "Also, you should be grateful I saved you from that manhole. If you fell through, a dragon would have eaten you up and that would have been the last the world would have known of Theresa 'insert middle name' Gray."

"I have a middle name, William Owen, and it's Adele," Tessa chuckled.

"Wait how do you know my –," Will started, and then narrowed his eyes. "Cecily," he muttered under his breath, and Tessa laughed.

"And what do you mean by dragons?" Tessa said, not wanting him to be distracted yet again.

"Haven't you heard the stories?" Will asked.

"What stories?" Tessa replied, raising and eyebrow dubiously.

"Good lord, it's a good thing you have me as a guide or else you would be dead in the streets in no time," Will said, morosely shaking his head.

"Tell me Will," Tessa urged him.

"The dragons that live under the city," Will continued. "If you fall through a manhole, the dragon will eat you up and that is the last anyone will ever hear of you. Say, don't you have something similar in New York City? Alligators in the sewer?"

"Those stories aren't real Will. Surely someone like you would know that," Tessa said simply.

"All stories are real," Will said gravely. "You should know that."

"Dragons? Really Will?" Tessa laughed.

"What?" Will said, unable to hide his grin. It was beautiful and dazzling, as always. "It only makes sense," Will went on, "dragons are amazing and better than those puny little alligators. In time, you'll learn how magnificent London is."

Tessa pouted. "But I love New York. And don't call us puny!"

"Ah, I shall have to convince you otherwise. Starting with now." Will abruptly stopped, causing Tessa to nearly trip again. "And here we are. Feast your eyes upon the spectacle before us," Will said, with a grandiose gesture in front of them.

They were standing right at the steps of a huge structure in front of them, which was unlike any of the buildings around them. It was a tall, white church of some sort, with two tall towers on either side. Right in the middle was an immense dome with a perfect curvaceous shape. It must have been a few hundred feet tall. And Tessa knew exactly where they were.

"This is –," Tessa began to say, but Will cut her off.

"St. Paul's Cathedral. One of the most popular places in London."

"It's magnificent," Tessa said in awe and made her way up the marble stairs. Halfway up, she stopped and turned around, frowning at Will, who was still standing below. "We can't go in, can we? I mean, it must be closed."

Will shook his head. "Sadly, you're right."

"Then why did you bring me here?" Tessa said, crossing her arms and looking at Will disapprovingly.

"Because I wanted to," Will stated, and Tessa knew he was telling the truth. She offered him one of her rare smiles, which he returned, much to her delight. "You needed to see around the city, and the closest most popular place to the Institute is St. Paul's. So, here we are. And might I say, it offers the most magnificent views of the city."

"Oh, have you seen them before?" Tessa inquired.

"No, it's supposed to be a blasted thing to endure. Stairs after stairs after stairs. I'm afraid I don't have enough stamina for that."

"Uh huh, sure," Tessa said, not believing him at all, especially with a body like his.

"Tess, really! I'm telling the truth!" Will exclaimed with a little too much emphasis.

Then, it dawned on Tessa. "Will, are you afraid of heights?

"Nah, who ever said that?" Will said a little too fast. "And besides, I promised that I would do it with Jessamine one of these days."

"Mhmm," Tessa said, absentmindedly.

"Well, let's head back," Will went on hurriedly, "you should come back another day when the sun's out and it's not gray for a change."

"Like that would ever happen," Tessa said under her breath, as she skipped down the stairs to start walking back with Will. If he heard her, then he must have ignored the comment.

They continued their way to the Institute, but this time in silence. Slightly awkward silence, but not completely awkward. Tessa also realized that Will was taking her a different way than before. Not wanting it to be quiet between them, Tessa decided to ask Will something.

"Will, what's Jessamine like?" Tessa asked, not knowing why she settled for this topic. Not that she had a chance with Will or anything. Everyone had warned her he was strictly off-limits, and Tessa knew it was best to follow through with that. Plus, Will probably didn't even find her attractive, more just as a friend.

Will jolted back, seemingly surprised by the question. "Jessamine?" he reiterated, turning to face Tessa. He searched her face as if to see if she was hiding anything, but Tessa only nodded. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious," Tessa said, and she really was. "Everyone keeps talking about her, and I hate feeling out of the blue on everything."

"Well, as you know, she's my girlfriend," Will said, his voice betraying nothing. Tessa only nodded. "And we go way back. We've known each other for years, even before our days at the Institute. I've always had a sort of crush on her. I mean, you should see her Tessa and you would believe me." Tessa felt a rush of jealousy, but brushed it off. Jessamine was Will's girlfriend after all.

"Anyway," Will continued, "I never thought she felt the same way as me until I asked her out my freshman year. Much to my surprise, she said yes and we've been together ever since. It will be three years next February. Of course, Cecily and Jem said they saw it coming all along."

"That's sweet," Tessa said, and she really meant it. Jessamine had known Will for a long time, whereas Tessa had only known him for a week. "So why did she leave?"

"Oh, that's a long story," Will said, and there was a hint of sadness in his voice. "Basically, her parents didn't agree with the education that the Institute, so they decided to transfer her to Vauxhall Academy down in Chelsea."

"Why so late in her education though?" Tessa asked in surprise.

"Her parents are mad," Will said angrily. "I never really liked them much."

"Do you miss her?" Tessa said, then wanted to slap herself.

"Of course I do," Will said wistfully. "Who wouldn't?"

"Oh," Tessa said lamely, then turned her attention to the ground.

"She's out of town at the moment," Will went on as if Tessa hadn't said anything. "Her term doesn't start until next week, and I intend to visit her every day."

"That's nice," Tessa said.

"Of course it is," Will snapped. "I love her." Still more silence. "So," Will went on, "how are you in the love department? Did you leave a string of broken hearts behind in New York? Because you definitely seem like the type who would." Tessa wasn't sure if this was a compliment, or an insult.

They turned a corner, and Tessa's stomach suddenly grumbled loudly. Instinctively, she placed her hand over her tummy.

"You alright?" Will said, and she was saved from answering his previous question.

"Just slightly hungry," Tessa mumbled, realizing she hadn't eaten since lunch. It was nearly ten at night and she still hadn't eaten dinner.

"We have to get you food then," Will said with concern. "Lucky for you, one of my favorite sandwich places is right at the end of this street."

Sure enough, they were in front of a small café that would have gone unnoticed if Tessa didn't have Will.

"This place?" Tessa said doubtfully.

"Prepare to be amazed," Will grinned and pushed his way forward. He ordered two cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches for the both of them and paid for Tessa's sandwich. Tessa fished through her pocket and insisted to give him money, but he refused and shoved her hand away.

"I owe you for this," Tessa said to Will.

"No you don't. It's my treat," Will said.

"No, it's not right. I'll get back to this," Tessa said, shaking her head.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you?" Will chuckled, and Tessa glared, taking a bite out of her sandwich. Her mouth immediately burst with flavors and within no time she had finished the sandwich. It had to be one of the best she had ever tasted.

"I told you that you would love it," Will said with joy. "Let's keep going. There's one last place I want to show you."

They continued their walk when Will turned to Tessa once again. "You never answered my question, Miss Gray."

"Hmmm, what was that?" Tessa said, pretending like she forgot although she clearly knew what it was. Love life. Yuck.

"Your love fun?" Will said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Ugh," Tessa said in annoyance. To be honest, she did have some experience, but wasn't comfortable telling Will. Back in New York, she had a great friend group: Clary, Alec, Isabelle, Magnus, Maia, and Jordan. And of course, Simon and Jace. Tessa had always had a slight crush on Simon Lewis, Clary's best friend from when she was five, but Tessa had never acted on it. And she sort of forgot about it during the past summer. That was because of Jace Wayland.

Oh Jace. She had known Jace for a long time, but they had never gotten close until summer break. And he was hot. Tall, muscular, blonde with tawny eyes, and all angles, he was every girls dream. He was also notoriously known as a heartbreaker, and Tessa never thought she would have a chance.

That was until they started working at a local bookstore together. Turns out that Jace shared a similar passion of books to Tessa. And although they didn't necessarily read the same books, they still loved reading in general. After spending a full three months together at the bookstore, what was first awkward encounters turned into friendly banter then to flirtatious comments. That was until Tessa's last day. They were both closing the shop together, and right when they were about to leave, Jace kissed Tessa. And to Tessa's surprise, she reciprocated it. They went their separate ways and Jace promised that he would keep in touch.

She had never heard from him since.

"Earth to Tessa," said a voice, and Tessa jerked back into reality. She had stopped in the middle of the street and Will was frantically waving his hands in front of her.

"Sorry," Tessa said quickly, and started up again, walking in front of Will.

"Tessa, you never answered my question," Will pressed on.

"Nothing, it was nothing," Tessa said, not wanting to tell Will about it. She didn't need to recite her sob story now.

"That didn't seem like nothing," Will said.

"Not now Will, maybe another time." Or maybe like never.

"Fine," Will said, not sounding convinced. "Here's something that will cheer you up." He dragged her to one of the street vendors on the side, who was selling some sort of trinkets.

"They're charms," Tessa said levelly. Will was already busy looking at some on the side, when one caught Tessa's attention. It was simple silver charm consisting of a stack of books. She picked it up and went over to the vendor.

"Would that be all, ma'am?" he asked.

"Yes," Tessa said, handing the vendor the change. She examined the intricate details on the charm, without noticing that Will was busy with the vendor. When Will was done, he went to join Tessa on the street corner. Tessa held out the charm to him.

"What's this?" he asked in confusion.

"It's for you," Tessa stated.

"Tessa, you didn't have to repay me for the sandwiches with this," Will shook his head. "And besides, what am I to do with a charm?"

"Figure out a way to use it," Tessa rolled her eyes, "and it's a belated birthday gift, Will. I still have to pay you back for the sandwiches anyways."

"I –," Will said, but Tessa cut him off.

"Just take it Will. Please."

Will nodded and silently took it, pocketing it away. "That reminds me," he said, "I have a little something for you." He pulled out something from his other pocket. "I got this at the same vendor; just something for you to remember London."

He placed the charm in the palm of Tessa's hand, and she inspected it. It was a charm of Big Ben, but made entirely of clockwork.

"I saw that it matched your necklace," Will explained, indicating to the clockwork angel necklace Tessa always wore. She never took it off.

"It's beautiful," Tessa said, and attached it to her necklace. She looked up at Will, who was watching her every movement with a certain intensity in his midnight eyes. When he realized she was staring back at him, he shook his head.

"Well, let's head back. I still have to take you to the last place." They started down the road when Will made a sudden left and took them down a slight hill. As they walked further down, Tessa noticed a looming structure approaching them. As she neared it, she recognized it was another church, but much smaller than St. Paul's. And as she saw the sign, she knew immediately where they were.

"Temple Church!" Tessa exclaimed. "How did you know?" she turned to Will.

"You're a reader, aren't you? I figured you must start your book journey through London somewhere. And this is the closest place to the Institute." Will smiled at her.

"The da Vinci Code is one of my favorites," Tessa said breathlessly, "and I would kill to have a look inside. I wonder if it's just as it is in the book. Or if it's different. Ah I want to know!"

"It's one of mine too," Will chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" Tessa said accusingly.

"Just watching you talk about books," Will smiled, "I've never seen anyone get so excited and feel so connected. Well anyone but me of course."

"Books are like people," Tessa said matter-of-factly. "In fact, I feel more in touch with them than with at times." It was true. Books offered a sort of refuge that people could never do in some ways.

Will nodded and glanced down at his watch. "Shit! It's nearly eleven. Time just flies by when you're having fun, doesn't it?"

Tessa could only agree, and together they made their way back to the Institute. It was close by – only a five minute fast walk and they were back by the entrance to the dorms. But they were not alone.

A lone figure stood off to the side of the dormitory. As they neared, Tessa saw that it was girl, just around her age. And damn, was she gorgeous. She was shorter than Tessa, but miles prettier. She had long, wavy golden locks that fell way past her shoulders. Her lips were perfectly shaped and her eyes were a warm, brown color. The girl didn't even notice Tessa; she was staring right at Will, adoration filling her eyes.

"Jessamine?" Will stuttered in shock. So this was Jessamine. Tessa was not surprised.

"Will!" Jessamine exclaimed and bounded towards Will. She ran into his arms, who in return lifted her up before planting a passionate kiss on her lips. They kept kissing, while Tessa stood uncomfortably to the side, unsure of what to do.

They broke apart, after what seemed like ages, and stared down into each others' eyes. It was cute, Tessa supposed, but also made her want to gag. But they had been dating for a long time, and Tessa knew she couldn't meddle with it.

"I've missed you so much Will," Jessamine said hurriedly.

"Me too, Jessie," Will said, "though you came a lot earlier than I expected."

"I caught an earlier flight and decided to surprise you," Jessamine said nonchalantly. "And who is this?" she said, turning her attention to Tessa for the first time.

"Oh," Will said, who seemed to also forget Tessa was there. His face deeply reddened in pure embarrassment. "This is Tessa Gray."

"You must be the new girl from New York," Jessamine said with kindness, but there was a slightly cold edge to her voice. It was as if Jessamine sounded like Tessa was replacing her. Not to mention she clearly knew who Tessa was. "I'm Jessamine Lovelace. It's a pleasure to meet you." She extended her hand, and Tessa reached forward, shaking it.

"Likewise," Tessa said, finding nothing else to say.

Jessamine then turned to Will. "I can't wait to tell you everything," she said. "Want to go?"

"Um," Will said, unsure.

"Come on William, you know we've been dying to see each other."

"Yeah Will," Tessa chimed in, much to her surprise. "You should go hang out with Jessamine."

"Yes!" Jessamine beamed, and Tessa was tempted to roll her eyes, but stopped herself.

"Of course," Will said, slightly strained, "let's go Jessie." He avoided all eye contact with Tessa

"Well you kids should go have fun. Bye!" Tessa said and turned to head into the dorm. She looked over her shoulder and saw Will and Jessamine retreating away from the Institute. For a split second, Will looked over his shoulder right at Tessa, trying to say something. Just for a moment. And Tessa couldn't quite tell what he was trying to say.

Sadly, she turned back and headed inside the dorm.

Hi friends! Guess who's finally back? MEEEE!

Okay, yeah I'm terribly sorry for being MIA for so long! Even though I did promise this chapter a long time ago... but school was just so busy! Again. But at least the term is over and it's now the holidays, so I can focus more. Well, hopefully. I'm taking a class, but I should be able to update on weekends. So yay! Also, I was suffering from terrible writer's block, but I think it's cured so I'm back in business!

Anyways, thanks to everyone - reviewers, favoriters (is that spelled right?), and followers - for sticking with this story. I love you all so much. It means a lot to me, really. But I'll try not to disappoint and focus on this story more.

On a side note, COHF is coming out soon! AHHHHHHH! I'm so stoked for it I can't even wrap my head around it. Once I'm done with reading it, I plan on revamping my TDA fic, so that should be up soon.

So yay! I'm alive! There is so much more to come in this story. Don't forget to review, favorite, and/or follow. Any feedback is much appreciated!

Okay I'm done. It's like 4 in the morning and I must get sleep.

Bye bye for now!