Chapter One

Disclaimer – I do not own The Vampire Diaries, I am simply playing with them. I do own Elisaveta Petrova though.

At a castle surrounded by beautiful countryside and lavish gardens, a birthday party was being held in honour of a wealthy Lord that was rumoured to be looking for a young woman to take as a wife. Those of high propriety gathered to both welcome and bid happy birthday to the mysterious host that no one had yet witnessed amongst the partygoers. Talking with several older noblemen and women was a young female of about eighteen years of age. Her long black hair was in a complicated up-do with a few artfully loose curls framing her heart shaped face. She had stunning chocolate brown eyes that danced with the laughter reflected on her upturned pink lips. Her exotic skin looked darker in the low lighting than it really was and the shadows added mystery to her features. Her narrow yet gently curved frame was covered with a square necked blue dress. It had bell sleeves and silver detailing ran along the neckline and edges of the sleeves. Her feet were not visible.

"Excuse me, I must find my sister," she said politely, nodding her head in respect. Her voice was light with a playful hint and it sounded with a well practiced English accent to cover her usual Bulgarian lilt.

"Of course, Miss Petrova," one said and the young woman departed, finding her one year older sister with a young man they had become acquainted with upon arrival in England: Trevor. Her sister, Katerina Petrova, was much like herself although her heavy curls were only pulled away from her face and hung down her back in dark brown locks. She too had big, brown eyes but in a slightly lighter colour than her own but her skin was the same shade. Katerina was slightly taller than her with more curves and wore a red wine coloured dress, detailed with silver like her own. Glittering, simple jewels highlighted her beauty.

"Ah, you remember my sister Elisaveta," Katerina said brightly as she appeared at her side. Elisaveta smiled at Trevor but the poor man only had eyes for an uninterested Katerina.

"Trevor," she greeted kindly. He smiled vaguely in her direction as Elisaveta gave a disrespectful but unnoticed roll of her eyes. The sandy haired gentleman excused himself and hurried off.

"He is so smitten," Katerina commented whilst Elisaveta looked at her with amusement. Katerina looked back with a wistful smile.

"He is – but you always say the same thing about true love, Katerina. And you do not return it," she replied easily, knowing her older sister was not in love with Trevor as he so believed he was in love with Katerina. Their conversation was interrupted by the return of Trevor. He gained Katerina's attention by touching her arm and Elisaveta noted Katerina turn. However, she continued her conversation with a charming Duchess that had travelled far to be at the celebrations. The woman was much older than Elisaveta but made for an excellent conversationalist and proved to be quite experienced in socialising. She also held intriguing stories that had Elisaveta laughing and nodding eagerly in response.

"And of course, you must meet my sister," Katerina's voice drifted into her conversation just as the duchess concluded a tale. Nodding her head in farewell, Elisaveta offered her compliments before turning to her sister. Her breath was almost stolen into thin air when she laid eyes on the man Trevor had brought over to introduce them to – although she felt he was more interested in the man meeting Katerina than herself. He was clearly of high birth with expensive, dark clothing. He was taller than she was. Katerina was half a head taller than she but this new gentleman was much taller than that. His hair too was curled, darker than Katerina's but lighter than Elisaveta's and it reached shoulder length. His eyes were very similar to her own and bored into her as she smiled shakily. His skin was lighter than hers too but it was not ghastly like some of the other guests. And he was smiling ever-so-slightly at her.

"Elisaveta, please allow me to introduce the Lord Elijah," Trevor stated and she instantly curtseyed to show her respect to the Lord. When she rose from the position, he delicately took her hand and kissed the skin, making an odd sensation spread across her entire arm.

"An utmost honour, my lord," she said politely and his smile grew a tad.

"A pleasure, Elisaveta." His voice was like silk – slightly cool but extremely soft – and the way her name rolled off his tongue so eloquently had her breath shortening once more. She feared she would collapse if he retained his grip on her hand and attempted to think of a way to remove it without offending him. Fortunately for her, Elijah released her from his grasp and looked toward Katerina. Elisaveta sighed too quietly for most to hear, or so she had thought, as she realised her elder sister held more interest for the Lord. Katerina, however, sensed her sister's distress and linked their arms together.

"If it's not too much to ask, I beg for a few moments with my sister," she asked and both men nodded, backing away to talk to some other guests. Katerina looked at Elisaveta, who looked back sadly.

"I am sorry – I promised not to be so sour about the attention," she apologised profusely and Katerina simply waved her hand in dismissal.

"You were the one to make that promise – I did not ask for it. And you have had your fair amount of male attention tonight – one man does not mean anything," she soothed and Elisaveta knew she was right. She also knew that her sister was leaving Trevor out of it because she felt he did not count. It was true; she had had her fair share of attention in the castle but then Lord Elijah had appeared and she wanted his attention specifically. Shaking away the miserable thoughts, Elisaveta put her best smile on.

"Let us not speak of this any longer. We are still to meet this mysterious host and I find myself deeply intrigued." Katerina looked much happier upon seeing her sister's smile and both returned to Elijah, Trevor having disappeared with someone else.

"So, where is this mysterious host I have heard so much about?" Katerina questioned as Elijah led them around the party, one sibling on either side of him. She peered around for him, clearly as interested as Elisaveta was, though for different reasons. Katerina was looking for a romantic interest whilst her younger counterpart just wanted to know what all the gossip was about.

"Fashionably late. He likes to make an entrance," Elijah answered, turning his head to an entryway nearby. Katerina and Elisaveta followed his gaze but couldn't see anything. "Here he is." A head of blonde hair descended the stairs and both sisters attempted to catch a glimpse of the other Lord, but various ornaments and people got in their way. Finally, the reason behind the birthday celebrations became clear to their vision and Elisaveta instantly noted the way Katerina's eyes lit up. His dark blonde hair was wavy and fell just above his shoulders. He was ruggedly handsome whilst Elijah seemed more gentlemanly and the unnamed man was leaner and slightly taller than the darker haired man. His eyes were a very attractive, piercing blue that captured Elisaveta's attention but not like Elijah had.

"Well," Elisaveta whispered to Katerina, impressed and unaware that both men could hear her. The newest arrival to the party stopped in front of them, predictably paying more attention to Katerina but Elisaveta did not mind. She was more interested in Elijah.

"Katerina, Elisaveta, may I introduce to you: the Lord Niklaus," Elijah said and Katerina looked completely breathless. She imagined that was what she had looked like earlier. Lord Niklaus kissed both of their hands, noticeably spending slightly more time with Katerina after they had curtseyed.

"Niklaus is the name my father gave me. Please, call me Klaus," he said lightly. His smile was strangely frightening but it seemed to reel Katerina in quite simply. Elijah was smiling between the pair, obviously pleased with something that Elisaveta had no knowledge of. The impression that Klaus was so easily making on Katerina only increased as he spoke very good Bulgarian. He pleaded for some time alone with her and Elisaveta nodded, moving to find the amusing Duchess from previously. She found herself surprised when Elijah softly gripped her arm and looked at her unwaveringly.

"Please permit me to walk with you." It was said like a question but she had the impression that there would be no choice. Not very much minding, Elisaveta took his offered arm and they paced outside into the manicured gardens bathed in weak moonlight.

"It's so beautiful out here," she breathed, running her fingers along some fully bloomed roses. They would be a rich pink colour in the daytime but the moon had leeched their colour, making them seem almost white.

"Yes, Niklaus is very firm about appearances," Elijah responded as they continued to stroll idly. It was almost relaxed but Elisaveta couldn't quite make all of her body just enjoy itself. Something was troubling her but she had no insight as to what.

"Your brother already seems quite taken with Katerina. Do you suppose they have a future?" she queried as casually as possible. Elijah simply shrugged, unsure how to answer. Elisaveta had never been an excellent conversation starter, always relying on the other party to begin. From there, she could continue it. Elijah, though, did not seem adept at starting either. Otherwise, he did not wish to speak to her at all, which furthered her uneasy air and made her even more unable to think of a topic for discussion.

"How close are you with Katerina?" he finally asked, not looking at her though she gazed at him quite obviously. They sat on a stone bench, some distance between them and Elisaveta gave up staring to look over the expanse of land instead.

"We are as close as siblings can be. If anything were to happen to her . . ." She suddenly stopped and laughed awkwardly, avoiding Elijah even more. "Forgive me, I sometimes say too much. I just meant that we are close." She saw Elijah nodding from the corner of her eye and resisted turning back to looking at him fully.

"Klaus and I are not dissimilar. We too find solace in our relationship – something only other siblings can relate to," he informed her and she surrendered to her weakness, moving her head only to find him already staring at her. A little jump in her heart startled her and she jumped, surprising Elijah. He eyed her warily but she tried to distract him from her strange behaviour. A shiver prevented her from saying anything else. "You are cold. We should return inside." Thankful for the chill in the air, Elisaveta took his arm once more and he escorted her back within the warmth of the large building. Katerina and Niklaus were nowhere to be seen but she was not concerned.

"Dear Elisaveta, you must come and meet my husband!" cried the Duchess from before. She had clearly had several drinks since their talk but was remarkably steady on her feet.

"If it does not bother Lord Elijah . . ." she trailed off, looking at her escort questioningly. He nodded his consent and pressed a lingering kiss to the back of her hand.

"It has been a pleasure, Miss Petrova," he said before departing. Elisaveta was left lightheaded but found a sufficient distraction in the Duke that had accompanied his wife. Both were enchanting and Elisaveta fell easily into their conversation, taking in the stories with plenty of giggles and rapt attention.


It was some time later when Elisaveta was walking alone in the gardens. Since the night of Klaus' birthday party, she had grown more and more smitten with Elijah – a problem that only Katerina noticed. Still, Elisaveta did not mind, for she knew he enjoyed occupying her sister, who was in a courtship with Klaus. Although Katerina was pleased with his offer, she was disgruntled that he spent so much time away from her.

Elisaveta's attention was removed from a beautifully arranged assortment of tulips in varying colours by Katerina being led away from Elijah by Niklaus. Pulling herself up to her full height and gathering her courage, the younger Petrova made her way over to Elijah, who looked slightly dejected.

"My Lord," she called softly once she'd reached him. He turned abruptly, yet did not look surprised to see her there. He was dressed in more durable clothing than he had at the party and looked extremely dashing. Elisaveta removed her eyes from roving over him to gaze into those beautiful brown depths of his.

"Elisaveta." Once again, the way he said her name gave her pause for breath – something she had become accustomed to over her time with him. "What brings you here? I assumed you would be with Katerina." She smiled kindly at him and perched where she assumed her sister had just vacated.

"I had a meeting with Duchess Constance – the charming woman from the night of your brother's party. We have become quite close over our time and Katerina assured me she would do without my company for today." Once more, she spoke too much but Elijah didn't seem to mind.

"Your sister revealed something to me that I feel the need to question you on," he informed her, sitting next to her and staring beseechingly at her.

"Please go on, my lord," she urged, curiosity bringing her to lean forward. Elijah noticeably retreated, if only a bit.

"She informed me that she does not believe true love is true . . . if it is not returned," he replied and Elisaveta felt her eyes widen. Katerina rarely made her opinions about true love known as they were frowned upon in modern society. People did not take lightly to others claiming they wanted to marry for love – and for that reason both Elisaveta and Katerina kept mum about their thoughts.

"She told this to you?" In her haste to gain answers, Elisaveta forgot to sound respectful but Elijah seemed to understand and did not mention it.

"She did," he confirmed and Elisaveta felt her body loosen somewhat in shock.

"Forgive me, my lord, Katerina does not normally show her opinions so openly. She must trust you, deeply," she finally said, turning to look at him once more. Her gaze had previously locked on her knees as she processed what had been said and she found Elijah once more already looking at her.

"Do you feel the same?" he questioned and her heart stopped for a brief second. Something about him was very enticing and she wanted to learn more. Although her feelings had developed from the brief flares on Klaus' birthday to something bordering on intensity, she did not know much about Elijah as he did not spend time with her as he did with Katerina.

"You must not take this the wrong way, my lord, but I do not know you very well at all. Therefore, I cannot trust you as my sister has chosen to. I do, however, believe she holds good judgement which means I am more inclined to trust you, pending further interactions." Elijah looked mildly impressed with her deduction before he rose from his position and held out his hand to her.

"Then permit me to show you that you can trust me." Just like when he asked her to go for a walk with him, she felt as though she did not have a choice. Then again, she also did not mind and took the hand, letting him lead her on yet another walk. They spoke of childhood experiences – varying very differently as he was of higher status than her – and of their siblings. They exchanged likes and dislikes and Elijah courteously assisted her over various obstacles she was certain Klaus had no knowledge of in the gardens. They reached what would be considered a small lake or a large pond and found another stone bench on which to sit to catch their breath before returning to the castle. Elisaveta looked at her companion with a wide smile.

"I have had such a nice time, Lord Elijah. It has been lovely getting to know you," she complimented truthfully. He smiled and nodded.

"The feeling is mutual, Elisaveta. But I must ask – do you share your sister's view on love?" he asked and her smile froze in place. Was it not considered improper to ask a lady of such things? She realised, though, that it was simple curiosity and obliged to answer his question.

"I do, my lord. What is love but pain and heartbreak if it is unrequited? If it is not mutual, it can be recovered from – and therefore is not true." It was quite cynical but he had asked and she told the truth. Elijah looked intrigued by her confession and she blushed under his unyielding stare. She was beginning to feel that she should listen to herself and find someone to return her feelings. "And you? What do you believe, my lord?" she asked to mask her growing unease.

"I do not believe in love, Elisaveta." A hand clenched around her heart and she felt it stutter before regaining a more natural rhythm. Clearing her throat awkwardly, she gained the impression that Elijah had said that for more than just answering her question – a warning for her.

"That is a sad view to hold but it is your own," she qualified after her voice returned. He looked mildly surprised but it was gone as soon as it appeared.

"Might I escort you back to the castle? It is almost time for dinner, I presume." Fighting back the raging feelings within her, Elisaveta once again took his offered hand and walked with him back to their residence. He did not believe in love. So she would try not to believe in him.


She laughed joyously, as though there was nothing more she would be willing to do in that moment. He liked that she was so passionate about everything she did, never doing anything halfway. When she laughed, she really laughed. When she spoke, she did it too much and revealed more than her original intentions. When she smiled, it would spread wide across her mouth. Yet, he knew that the same would apply to sadness and guilt and pain. She would be strong in those emotions too – although he had never seen them adorn her or heard them about the castle. Elisaveta could not conceal what she was feeling from anyone and he enjoyed watching her show so much of herself with just her expressions. But he could not think such things. Love, as Klaus often dictated, was a vampire's greatest weakness. He had told both she and her sister of how he did not believe in the strongest, most potent emotion besides hate in hopes that both would be deterred. Katerina, despite her playfulness and the time they spent together, did not love him like he was very aware Elisaveta did – or was progressing towards, although she would not recall.

He kept himself at a safe distance but found himself always admiring the younger sibling, thinking about her in and out of company and subtly questioning Katerina on her when Klaus was otherwise engaged. The way her hair danced in the sunlight and how it almost turned blue with its dark colour. She was smaller than her sister, putting her at five feet and four inches tall. It was amazing but he cared for both of them – Elisaveta more than Katerina – and it was dangerous. The trust he had spent time building would be completely destroyed if Elisaveta were ever to learn of their plans for Katerina. And the full moon was that night.

"What have you done?" Klaus demanded as he stormed into the room. Elijah was sprawled lazily on a chair with a recently acquired novel and looked up at his seething brother in confusion.

"I don't understand," he claimed, hidden dread filling him as he put the book aside. Klaus glared.

"Katerina is gone. She has fled," he spat, shaking quite obviously. And the way he placed his blame was quite obvious. Elijah rose from his chair, feeling shocked.

"No." His denial was not all for Katerina. If she was gone, surely she had taken her sister with her. The betrayal was revealed.

"What did you tell her?" Klaus snarled, not open to alternatives. Elijah knew it wasn't him that had disclosed the information to Katerina. He had placed hope in the elixir the witches had procured. So who had told her?

"Nothing," he said honestly. Klaus instantly spun him around and slammed him into the wall, the familiar veins appearing underneath his red eyes.

"Do not lie to me!" he yelled furiously. Further denial on Elijah's part would result in a dagger to the chest, so he chose the safest route for him, to spare his life and hope for the best.

"I will find her. You have my word," he promised, not looking away from Klaus. His brother stared back, vampire features not vanishing.

"If you do not, I give you my word – you will be dead," he replied easily but Elijah knew better than to question his word. If Katerina was not retrieved, there would be dark troubles. He was released from his grasp and instantly went to gather a search party. Katerina's fate had already been sealed but Klaus did not seem to care about Elisaveta – would she be able to leave unharmed?


"I do not understand," Elisaveta gasped as Katerina dragged her through the woods. They had already been directed by Trevor to a small cottage they had yet to find and everything in her body hurt. She had been begging for an explanation ever since Katerina had come to her rooms and ordered her into the first dress she found. After finding shoes and a cloak, the sisters had fled and Katerina promised to explain when they had a moment. But they had been running for what felt like hours and they had yet to stop.

"Please hurry, sister," Katerina begged and she listened, not liking the fear in her sister's voice. "Klaus . . . Klaus is a monster. He and Elijah have been using us so I may be sacrificed in a ritual that will make him unstoppable." Although she was ahead of Elisaveta and practically dragging her, the younger girl stared in horror at the back of Katerina's head. What on Earth was she thinking?

"Katerina, you are sick. We must find some help," she pleaded in worry, halting her movement, much to the relief of her legs. Katerina furiously turned and Elisaveta noted that she would not be so serious about something that was not true. She always believed her sister had good judgement.

"I am not sick! They are vampires and if we do not flee, I am dead and I have no idea what will happen to you. I won't let that happen!" she cried and Elisaveta took a moment to process the new facts. Vampires were real and they were after them. Nodding, she decided it best to put her fear on hold and run for her life – or Katerina's life. Soon enough, they came upon the cottage and were grudgingly let inside by a vampire named Rose. Sadly, she was not on their side and locked them away.

"Katerina, no," Elisaveta hissed but it was too late. Her sister rammed a knife into her side and Elisaveta watched in terror. It would eventually kill her – what was she thinking?

"Please . . . please do it too," she whispered and Elisaveta's eyes widened frighteningly. She would not kill herself to escape these . . . things! If they were to find her, she would taken her punishment and not act like a coward. Genuinely worried for her sister, she approached and sat next to her. "I'm sorry." Confused, she turned her head to look at Katerina just as the same knife was driven into her stomach. A scream of pain escaped her and Rose was instantly in the doorway.

"What have you done!?" she cried, blurring over and holding her bleeding wrist to Elisaveta's mouth. She struggled against it, not wanting to taste the red liquid but Rose assured her it would heal her and she took it, not wanting to die so soon. The female vampire then forced Katerina to drink and she was not happy. Trevor arrived home and that was when a rope was wrapped around Elisaveta's neck. She gasped for air but her sister just held on tighter until air stopped entering her body and darkness took over.

Hello! So, I'm back with another story – this time something I've never written before. As in the summary, the story isn't all about Elijah/OC, clearly, and the friendship with Damon and Elisaveta is a large part of the story too. There will be various flashbacks etc and this will follow the TV series – but not in-depth. I won't do every episode and it won't be taking dialogue from the episodes directly all the time. It's different, basically. Anyway, please let me know what you think! Love Bianca :) x