My final meeting with Dave and Kurt
I seemed to have everything ready for the last interview with Kurt and Dave. Note pad, several working pens, tape recorder, and because I had developed a friendship with them over the past few weeks, I had splurged and bought good coffee and assorted pasteries from a little bakery down the street. Now all I had to do was wait. Both boys have a tendency to be punctual so I have no doubt that they will be on time, I was just finished early.
I went through my notes one last time to see if I missed anything important. My notes consisted of the infamous merged police report that someone had leaked to the press that precipitated Dave's outing, and seperate interviews with the boys still in their first person narrative. Now I just need the last part of the story to finish off the piece.
I had originally thought that this was going to be a small fluffy piece - sort of "Where are they now?" article since it's been almost a year and a half since the shooting at McKinley High School. I figured that since Kurt and Dave had not consented to any further interviews other than the initial one they did, it wasn't very likely I would have enough material for anything more. When I decided to contact Kurt I had expected a polite but cold rebuff. The call certainly started of started badly; as soon as I as I requested an interview his tone changed and I could tell he was going to brush me off, but luckily before he hung up, I mentioned the name of my blog and his whole demeanor changed. He suddenly became quite receptive to the idea. It turned out that Kurt was a big fan and follower of my little "Homo In Ohio" blog.
I suppose that's not surprising since my blog documents LGBT life in our state, with a particular interest in queer youth. He asked for my number and told me he would contact me with an answer as soon as he discussed the idea with Dave. Fifteen minutes later, I was dicussing plans for my interview in a conference call with the pair of them. They were the ones to suggest a more comprehensive interview. Now that some time had passed since the shooting, they actually wanted to talk about their experiences. Dave in particular was interested in helping other teens that found themselves in a situation where one or more parent was intolerant of their orientation. I remember being quite impressed with their maturity and willingness to share their story. They were so candid and detailed, that I almost have too much information. I'm afraid the actual piece I write will leave out a lot of details, particularly the discription of their lovemaking. I'm just glad I had the priviledge of hearing it. Editing this work will be difficult but it will be a labor of love.
That first time we met in person, was three weeks ago and after interviewing the pair individually in their homes, I am even more impressed with these remarkable boys. I had decided that for our last interview, I would talk to the boys together, hoping that my followers gain a sense of how compatable and loving they are with each other.
I heard a knock at the door, right on time, and I quickly let my new found friends in. Kurt imediately reaches for me and gives me a affectionate full on hug, where as Dave, still a little reserved, shakes my hand and gives me a bro half hug. After we exchange pleasantries, and sort out the coffee and pastries, we settle in for the final interview.
"I guess the only thing left to talk about is your first day to school. Can you describe what it was like for the both of you?" I asked, getting straight down to business.
"Well we decided that we were going to start how we meant to continue. No hiding, and no apologies or excuses". Dave began.
"We were going to take the bull by its horns." Kurt chimed in.
"So we walked into the school hand in hand surrounded by a posse of our friends." Dave continued. "Az had warned us that he heard through the grape vine that the jocks, the intolerant remnants of the hockey and football teams, were planning a 'welcoming committee' for us."
"Wow, that must have been scary for the two of you."
"I wasn't that scared, you have to remember, I had been one of them a couple of weeks previous, so I knew all their tricks." Dave answered
"He was terrified. His hands were so clammy, every time he dropped my hand, I had to surreptitiously wipe it on my pants." Kurt volunteered.
"Aw c'mon Hummel, everybody will think I have sweaty hands." Dave objected. Any heat from the remark was erased by the quirk of his lips.
"Oh don't be such a whiney-puss, Karofsky." Kurt fired back cheekily.
"Whiney-puss!? Who was the whiney-puss yesterday when we were late for the movie." Dave turned to me. "I didn't hear the end of it and we were only late because he couldn't decide what shirt to wear. And don't get me started about the day before that!"
Kurt leans forward to me leaning over Dave's lap,"Get a load of the whiney-pus whining about me being a whiney-puss." Kurt shreiked happily as Dave tickled him in the ribs. "We'll argue about this later." Dave responded, giving Kurt a look full of promise. Kurt smiled back with such a slow sexy smile, and the temprature in the room shot up several degrees. Dave's remark was obviously code for sexy time later.
This was typical behavior with Kurt and Dave, witty verbal sparring, and play fights with a constant under current of sexual desire. It always left me wistful, wishing I could share sizzling stares and knowing smiles with someone special.
Dave continued, "As I said, before being so rudely interrupted," Kurt blew a rasberry in the background, "we arrived hand in hand with our friends. We no sooner got into the main hall when we were met by all the homophobes in the football and hockey teams. I must admit, I was a little hurt that some of the guys were former good friends. They were lined up blocking the hall like a firing line, each armed with a slushy. We lined up in a similar fashion in front of them to show we were not intimidated. From out of nowhere Sue Sylvester the cheerleading coach, Will Sheuster the Glee Director and Shannon Bieste the football coach suddenly appear."
'Oh isn't this a wonderful show of solidarity -you boys welcoming Lady Face and Liberace Brows and their friends with nice cool cups of slushies.' Sue opined.
'Be careful not to spill any when you hand it to them or we'll have to give you detentions after school for getting the floors sticky.' Shannon added.
'We could always get their coordination back by mandatory Glee practise.' Will threatened.
The jocks paled at that and obediently handed the cups over to Kurt, me and our friends.
Rachael was beside me and she goes to take a sip and Puck grabs it out of her hand. At the same instant I shout, 'No! you have no idea what's in that! It might be mixed with spit, toilet water, who knows!' she looks suitably horrified and glares at both Puck and me like we are the enemy."
"You always sound so surprised at her reaction." Kurt interjects," and you always change the subject when I ask you what was in the slushies you used to throw at me."
"I don't know why you worry so much about it. It's not like we don't exchange spit almost every day."
"Oh you rat! So you did spit in the slushies before throwing them at me."
"Aww, c'mon honey, only in one slushie, and most of it ended on your chest anyways."
"And that makes it perfectly fine?" Kurt grumbles and I start to wonder if this is an actual fight.
"I love you." Dave sing songs.
"Oh shut up."
"I really, really loooove you." Dave croons and kisses Kurt's hand.
"Forget it! I'm never exchanging spit with you again!" Kurt giggles
"Never again?" Dave asks while pulling Kurt into a hug, kissing his neck and cheek while Kurt strains to keep his lips out of Dave's reach.
"No never! You brute!" Kurt's resolve fails immediately as Dave captures his lips.
"Ahem, we trying to conduct an interview here. Do you mind exchanging spit later? Can we go back to the school, the bullies and the showdown?" I ask.
"Well we're lined up facing each other and now because of the teacher's interception, we have the slushies that we know we'd better not drink so there only one thing left to do..." Dave lingers for a moment.
"You threw their own slushies in their faces!" I laugh and clap.
"It may have turned out better for them if we did.." Dave said.
"They ran." Kurt finishes for Dave. "In front of a whole crowd of students that gathered for the show down, they turned tail and ran before we could throw the slushies."
"That couldn't be good for their reputation." I reply laughing.
"It wasn't." Kurt replied smiling."Totally destroyed their street cred!"
"Was that it?" I asked almost disappointed for my readers that there wasn't a bigger confrontation. .
"We still had the Glee body guards accompany us for a week or more until everyone got used to Kurt and I walking in the halls together."
"So the jocks still gave you some trouble?" I asked.
"A little bit, they'd shout' fag' at me when they saw me in the halls." Dave replied.
"What about on the football field?" I asked.
"They couldn't do much. You have to remember, we lost quite a few football players in the shooting. Most of the Glee guys were footballers, in fact Artie joined the team. Also Coach Beiste had had eagle eye on everyone and she was very careful in chosing new players. If they had any feelings of intolerance for any one's rights be it gay, religious or disabled, she didn't want them playing.
"This one time when I was coming out of the showers, I had my head partially covered with a towel so I bumped into this jerk, Alex Martin. He says,'Get out of my way! I don't want to catch the gay, faggot!' Both Puck and Az were in hearing distance, so they grab him and throw him up against the lockers. 'Hey Karofsky! Kiss him and make him gay like you did me the other day.' says Puck. I go, 'Nah! He's too butt ugly to kiss and too stupid to make it as a queer.' So Puck says, 'Sorry Martin, your ass is too ugly for Dave, tough luck man.' and Alex looks almost disappointed like he's been refused to some exclusive club!" Daves chuckles. "In the end, the jocks weren't much of a problem, I knew what moves to expect from them, I knew their mentality so I could shrug off their insults by dismissing them as idiots. It turned out that I would have problems with the regular students."
"Oh? What kind of problems?" I asked, being rather curious.
"I had no defence when the religious kids came up and called me a sinner. Those remarks hurt deeply because inside my head I had my mother's voice agreeing with them. Many students were angry at our timing, for coming out and being generally happy on the heels of such a tragedy. Again there was this voice in my head telling me I didn't deserve Kurt or deserve to be happy.
"There was this one time during that first week when this kid came up to me and said 'Why did you get to survive and be happy? Robbie should have put a bullet in your brain. You don't fool me, you dumb, fat ugly fagot. You're a bully and you'll always be one.' with that he horked up and spat on my shoe. Az was walking with me and he grabbed the kid by the collar and was getting ready to rough him up a little. I had to do some quick talking to convince Az to leave him alone. I knew the kid, his name was Lionel Lindekker - who names their kid that!" With a name like that he was doomed to be jock fodder from the very beginning. I knew him from public school and I used to bully him. Not like Kurt, I didn't have a crush on this guy, he was just a convenient kid with a funny name I could take my frustrations out on. All the jocks picked on him because he was small and weak. Funny thing was, I hardly recognized him. I didn't even know he went to Mckinley. He must have been in hiding from me or at least avoiding me all that time. I felt terrible."
"Do you here any regrets talking to the newspaper back then and coming out go publically?" I asked Dave.
"Sure I have regrets. I regret that I was such a colossal fool that it took a gun pointed at my head before I realised that I have to be true to myself. I caused a lot of grief to all those around me just because I hated who I was.
"I regret that I haven't been able to reconcile with my mother. I'm more then willing to but unfortunately she is not. I have recently learned from one of her sisters that still talks to me that she has ovarian cancer. I've tried to contact her to find out what's her prognosis, what treatments are they giving her but she is shutting me and my dad completely out of her life. I may lose her before we can get over this thing that's between us." Dave stops talking obviously upset. Kurt who had started stroking his hand moves closer and starts rubbing his back. Dave takes a deep breath and smiles at Kurt, reassuring his boyfriend that he okay.
"Do you have any regrets Kurt?" I ask to take some of the pressure of Dave.
"None what so ever." he said, beaming at Dave.
"Did you have any of the name-calling and hassles Dave did?"
"No more than I did before the shooting. Less maybe. You must remember that, though it was tragic that those boys lost their lives in the shooting. They weren't innocent. They were part of a strong bullying culture that had taken root in McKinley High School. Some remnants of that group tried to hold on to what they had, but it was dying. When the jocks ran away from us that day, the bullying culture was dead."
"Did you have problems from the religious students?"
"I was openly gay and I'm an atheist I have always had problems with them. The only uncomfortable confrontations I had were from people who would come up to me, and claim I was insane for trusting Dave. I had plenty of people, sincerely worried for me, because of my choice of boyfriend. They couldn't believe that he had changed. So when confronted with anti-Dave sentiment I would have to resist the urge to bite their heads off. I would hold my tongue, thank them for their concerns and assure them that Dave was a great guy."
"You had no doubts about Dave?"
"I had no doubts what so ever about Dave's sincerity; he really wanted to be a good person. Essentially he was a good person - is a good person; I had just not seen that side of him before the shooting. I did worry, at times that the pressures and obstacles of coming out would weaken his resolve and I worried that he might falter." Kurt replied carefully.
"This is news to me! You didn't think I was going to come out?" Dave asked.
"Come on Dave, you yourself had doubts."
"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to."
"Didn't I support you 100%? Did you have any inkling I was worried?"
"Well, no."
"Then what's the problem?"
"I went through all that shit thinking you had absolute confidence in me and I didn't want to let you down. Now find out you had some doubts. I feel like I've been lied to." Dave finished sulkily.
Kurt rolled his eyes. "It was over a year and a half ago, David. Are you going to crawl back into the closet just because I kept a few fears about you to myself?"
"No!" David groused.
"We got through those first few days perfectly fine and you never looked back. Right?"
"Well then!"
"Tell me about some of your successes?" I asked trying to keep the interview moving.
Dave smiled,"Once people got used to seeing us in the halls hand in hand. Things got really good. The student body didn't just accept us, everybody who was different was accepted. The whole atmosphere of the school changed. Everyone was a lot kinder to each other. People started coming out of the woodwork - I should say the closet in droves. Three cheerleaders came out Santana , Britney and Frank. A basket ball player and our physics teacher also came out." Dave chuckled, "Az asked me if I was sure gay wasn't catching because how else do you explain the queer epidemic that hit our school."
"Az is an ass!" Kurt sniffed.
"The football team gradually jelled and I actually had one of my best seasons in football. We actually won in our division. It was amazing!"
"Glee got to the nationals." Kurt added excitedly.
"Oh! And we had the best Prom night ever!" Dave added.
"It was amazing!" Kurt gushed.
"Santana got it in her head that she wanted to be Prom Queen so she pestered me to try out for Prom king." Dave explained. "So Kurt and Britney decide that they're gonna run as well to give us some healthy competition." Dave explained.
"Not true actually, I only did it to annoy Santana."
"Anyways, we ended up going as a foursome to Prom."
"I wore this fabulous kilt I made myself."
"Kurt looked really hot in it." Dave agreed. "The foursome worked out great; I always had someone to dance with. Sometimes I danced with Kurt, sometimes with Santana or Britney. It was a lot of fun! Then the moment of reckoning came, the vote for Prom King and Queen. I was picked for Prom King and Santana was picked for Prom Queen. It was pretty cool, but the best was yet to come. Before we received our crowns and scepters, our principal Mr. Figgins said that there were quite a few mail-in votes and in light of those results he had a special anouncement to make.
"Because the theme of the Prom was acceptance and tolerance, gay couples were now accepted for Prom Royalty. To that end, this year there were going to be two Prom Kings and two Prom queens and he called up Kurt and Britney. Mr. Figgings gave me the crown and Kurt the scepter. He did the same to Santana and Britney. It was so cool! I immediately grabbed Kurt and kissed him in front of everyone and Santana did the same with Britney. There were loads of hoots and hollers and cheers. After Mr. Figgins invited us to the dance floor, I proudly walked down the stairs with Kurt, hand in hand followed by a beaming Santana and four of us danced together, boy, boy and girl, girl and when I looked around I could see only friendly smiling faces. We danced to our Glee friends' singing "Dancing queen. It was totally magical, the best night ever!"
"We had mind blowing sex in a hotel room later." Kurt added
"Totally mind blowing." Dave agreed.
"It certainly sounds like you have turned things around at school, what are your plans for the future."
"New york!" They both say together, and then they smile and laugh at each other.
"As you can see, we have plans to go to New York after our senior year." Kurt starts.
"We can't wait! Kurt's hoping to get in NYADA."
"Dave wants to become a sports agent so he wants to take some business courses at NYU."
"I'm hoping to get a football scholarship. I played really well last season so hopefully I'll do well in this upcoming one."
"Of course you'll get a scholarship darling," Kurt says smiling proudly at his boyfriend. He then turns to me and says, "he's a phenomenal player."
Dave chuckles, and gestures towards Kurt."He's my biggest fan."
"And don't forget loudest, I can out shout any of those skanky girlfriends from the other teams."
"He knows to project his voice from all his time in glee."
I laugh, "I hope you do get that scholarship Dave. You do realise that the two careers you've picked are very competitive and you'll be so far away from home." I caution.
"We'll be fine." Kurt states simply.
"We have each other." Dave declares just as determined.
"It sounds like you both have a bright future in front of you. I only have one question for each of you before we wind up this interview." I turn to Kurt first. " What is the best piece of advice you can give our young queer followers?"
"Be yourself. Believe in yourself. And lastly don't listen to any opinions or talk that makes you feel less than what you are, a unique and amazing person."
"Dave? Same question."
"Well I want everyone to be safe and secure in their home but that being said, get out of the closet as soon as you can. It might be scary and awful at first. You might loose friends and family, but coming out into the sun is totally worth it. It is better to live out of the closet and be 100% true to yourself than stay inside and only be a fraction of yourself. Ultimately you might live an easier life, but it won't be a happy one."
"Both of you are very wise. Now then let's finish off with a photo of you two hugging just like that famous photo taken after the shooting. I know it's corny," I say holding my hands up, looking at Kurt, "but sometimes corny can be poignant."
" I don't know, Kurt's so tiny and fragile I might snap his bones if I hug him." Dave jokes.
"Hey you big galoot! You can hug me tight as you want, I won't break." Kurt fires back, his face beams as he walks into Dave's waiting arms.
The End
A/N The last few chapters were written on my Galaxy Note. It has no spell check so please ignore the spelling errors you come across. I would love a review or two. I hope you enjoyed the story.