The Dreaded Note
Well, this is going to make some people either mad or sad, but I'm declaring this story Complete!
After reading it through, I think I made myself cringe and so I rewrote parts of it and added some. After reading it, I felt that it was a nice enough place to stop anyways~
Plus, I ran out of ideas. And forced humor isn't going to work anyways... So why not stop before I make this story more horrible ;)
And I haven't watched One Piece at all lately... That Arc is long though...
Maybe one day I'll get another idea and write another chapter for this...
This should just be a drabble series in the end.
If someone feel's like rereading and actual remembers the original, do tell me if it's better... or worse...
Sorry for taking up your time waiting for 2-3 years and the minutes you took to read this~ Peace