The Ballad of Ron & Hermione

By TheHalfBloodPrincess93

That was it. The war was over. She had found her parents and given them back their memories. She had finished her N.E.W.T.s. Hermione's future could finally begin. Not just any future, her future with Ron. For months she had been focusing on finding her parents and studying and now, she could finally relax. She could let go of everything that had weighed down her brain in the past. She was living back at home with her parents in Henley. Her 20th birthday was approaching fast and Molly Weasley had insisted that she and her parents visit the Burrow for a celebration. As Hermione wasn't too fond on apparating with her parents, Arthur Weasley had kindly offered to pick them up in his muggle car. She couldn't contain her excitement. It wasn't the fact that she would be turning 20 within 24 hours. Or the fact that she was travelling to visit one of her favourite places in the entire world. She hadn't seen Ron since she had graduated from Hogwarts. Becoming Ron Weasley's girlfriend had changed Hermione in ways she never knew she could be changed. She could freely admit that she wasn't always right. Her bossiness only really came into action when it was truly needed. She thought things through before she said them, making sure that her superior intelligence wouldn't greatly offend anyone. Being in a relationship with Ron had changed her for the better.

"Ron hasn't shut up about you all week", Arthur smirked in the rear view mirror. Hermione could feel herself blushing. The mention of Ron's excitement just added to her own.

"I think its safe to say Hermione hasn't been too quiet either", her father winked. She had been more worried about telling her father about her relationship more than anything. She had never really been in a relationship before. Even though she had had a very brief fling with Viktor Krum, she had never spoken to her parents about him. Ronald Weasley was the first boy Hermione had talked to her parents about. Sometimes she wondered whether they knew about her feelings for him before she even did. The long drive to the Burrow felt like hours to Hermione. She looked anxiously out of the window, eager to see something familiar to let her know they were almost there. All of a sudden the roof of the Burrow came into view and Hermione could feel her heart pounding in her chest. As they drove closer Hermione could make out a tall figure standing outside of the Burrow. She knew instantly who it was. She'd know that lanky, six foot frame any where. The car finally stopped and Hermione unbuckled her belt as if it was about to explode. She swung open the car door, not even thinking about closing it and ran towards Ron as fast as her legs could take her. Upon reaching Ron she flung her arms around his neck frantically, not caring that her parents were mere seconds away. Ron wrapped is arms around her waist tightly and lifted her off of her feet slightly, just like he had done when they had shared their first kiss. She found his smell so comforting. Although it had begun to rain and the wind was deathly cold, Hermione could've stayed like that for hours. He gently let her feet meet the ground before looking deep into her eyes.

"Hey", he smiled sweetly.

"Hi", she grinned. Ron quickly noticed Hermione's parents and cleared his throat.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Granger", he smiled nervously.

"Nice to see you again, Ronald", Mr Granger smiled as he shook Ron's hand in a manly manner. Mrs Granger slowly approached him and greeted him with a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hello, Ron", She smiled. Molly rushed outside to greet her guests in a very excited manner.

"Ah, Hermione my dear!", she squeaked as she pulled Hermione into a tight embrace. Hermione always loved Molly's hugs, she found them just as comforting as Ron's. "20 tomorrow! I remember when you were just a little girl showing my boy how magic's done!", she smiled throwing her arms around her for another embrace. Molly finally let go of Hermione to go and greet her parents.

"Dan, Jean, its so lovely to see you both again", she smiled, offering a hug to Mrs Granger.

"Likewise", Mrs Granger smiled as she hugged back. Mr Granger gave Molly a light peck on the cheek and a smile before being ushered into the house. Hermione was instantly pleased to see Harry and Ginny sitting on the sofa. Harry immediately shot up out of his seat and rushed over to Hermione taking part in a tight hug.

"Its so good to see you", she smiled into his shoulder. Although Hermione had spent a lot of time with Ron during her breaks from Hogwarts, Harry had kept himself busy getting a job at the Ministry as an Auror which meant that she hadn't really seen him in months. Harry tightened the hug showing that he felt the same. Hermione released Harry to turn to Ginny and hug her in the same way she had just embraced Harry. The situation with Ginny being that they had both graduated together. Ron placed a caring hand on her shoulder as she turned to look at him. He began to place the strands of hair in front of her eyes behind her ear as he scanned her face. "I missed you so much", her voice broke, finding it hard to hold back the emotions she was feeling. She recalled back to a few months before when she had shot up out of her bed, fighting her breath, to her mother.

"Hermione, sweetheart, whatever's the matter?", her mother asked worryingly. Hermione broke down into her mothers arms. She had had the same nightmare once again. She was laying on the floor of Malfoy Manor. She could feel the breath of Bellatrix Lestrange hitting her face like a thousand knives. She felt her forearm burning as if she had set fire to it. She now knew how Harry had felt all those years whenever the scar on his forehead had pained him. She could hear faint whispers from a far. She knew instantly who it was.

"Ron", she had tried to scream. Back in reality she had clearly managed to call out his name now that her mother was sat by her bedside, cradling her in her arms. And now he was here. He was wiping her hair out of her eyes as he always did. She could smell that scent that she found so comforting. She finally felt safe. The last time she had stayed at the Burrow, Molly had finally given in and had agreed to let Hermione sleep in Ron's room, knowing that she could trust them. She knew what this meant. No more nightmares for at least the entire week. She knew they would be there for quite some time because Molly and Arthur loved introducing her parents into the magical world as much as they enjoyed learning about it. That first night back at the Burrow was bliss. The pair curled up on the sofa with Ginny, Harry and her parents and listened to Molly's stories about her time at Hogwarts and the things she used to get up to. The night grew old and Ron and Hermione made their way up to his bedroom. They weren't even tired. For what felt like hours they just laid there on his bed, sharing the odd snog and just enjoying being so close. Hermione's legs were entwined with Ron's as she rest her head on his chest. She could hear his heartbeat thudding against her ear and to Hermione, it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

"Its midnight", Ron smiled looking down at his watch. "Happy birthday", he kissed her on the top of her head. Hermione smiled to herself at the sweet gesture. This was more than she could have asked for.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! As I've already written chapters 2, 3 and 4 I shall be uploading them shortly so keep an eye out!