And now the chapter you have all been waiting for...

Chapter 18- Maple Syrup and Ice Cream

Larryboy stared into the brightness. His dark vision suddenly began to clear up.

He did not feel pain anywhere. He felt like he was healed. He felt alive again. Like he was almost reborn. He could also feel something dripping off of his face. It was strangely sticky, but he did not think about it that much.

Larryboy gasped and took a deep breath as he opened his eyes more. The brightness rushed everywhere as his vision returned to normal. He just was not use to have it normal, that was all.

Larryboy blinked a couple times. The light cleared. He could not believe what he saw.

The first thing he was was Archibald and Vicki, their faces soaked with tears. All around him were the buildings of Bumblyburg and a crowd of sad people and a group of criminals wrapped in a red blanket. Heaven looked like what Larry's life looked like when he was alive. Wierd.


Larryboy could not believe it. He would have pinched himself but he had no fingers.

Larryboy was...still alive?

Archibald was the first to open his eyes after crying. He looked through his watery vision to see Larryboy in his "arms." He looked green again and his eyes seemed like they were alive again. In fact, they blinked and gazed confusedly at Archibald. Archibald immediately gasped. He shook his head. He must be seeing things. For a second, he thought he saw Larryboy alive again. But when he opened his eyes again, nothing changed.

Vicki saw this too and screamed. She jumped up from Larryboy and trembled, like she saw a ghost. Her mind was messing with her again. Was it?

Archibald and Vicki both slowly stood up from Larryboy. Larryboy lay on the pavement of the sidewalk, blinking his eyes and breathing. He sat up. All around, gasps were heard from the crowd and the villains.

"What...what happened?" Larryboy asked.

"La-Larry?" Archibald gasped, "Am I seeing things? Heavens, I'm going insane now..."

"Wait, I see him too," Vicki replied.

"Are you really alive?" Archibald asked in pure shock. Immediately Archibald began to poke around Larryboy, staring into his eyes, feeling the warm feeling of life in his skin, shaking him around a couple times. Then Archibald, without warning, he grabbed a stray stick from the ground. He whacked the top of Larryboy's head with it.

"WAH! Hey, what was that for?!" Larryboy asked angrily, glad his helmet somewhat softened the impact somewhat.

Vicki gasped again and screamed in delight like an obsessed fangirl. "YOU REALLY ARE OK!"

"Yeah, I realized that," Larryboy said, still angry at the stick attack, "But how?" Then he felt the sticky liquid on his face. "And what's this on my face?" It was a mauve, sticky, thick liquid.

Archibald gasped and examined it. "It's the antidote! It somehow got on your skin! It...saved your life last minute!" Archibald jumped up and down wildly. "But how did it get in your skin?" Then he and Larryboy and probably everyone else looked at Vicki. The antidote still dripped off her face.

"I guess the antidote reached you when I was hugging you when you were dying as the antidote dripped off from my face and hair. I saw it drip on to your face and all, but I didn't think it would be enough to heal you. It reached your skin, and it saved you," Vicki smartly concluded.

Archibald sniffed the antidote. "But why does it smell like maple syrup?"

Then the Alchemist, still wrapped up, simply replied, "For texture."

"Cubby," Mother Pearl said in a low voice.

"What mother?" the Alchemist said, blankly smiling as he explained his antidote he made, "It was thick and sticky, so it stayed in tact, and remember I told you it was so strong even if it touched a poisoned victim it would save them? See mom? I'm a genius! A scientific genius!"

"Cubby," Mother Pearl said slowly again, then she yelled, "You don't get it, don't you?!"


"Larryboy's alive! WE LOST! For real this time!" she yelled angrily. Then all the villains realized this and yelled in real defeat.

Junior jumped in excitement. "So everything's ok then! All the supervillains are captured and we are all saved, right?"

Archibald's smiled disappeared. "I don't think so."

"Is it about the S.H.U.S.H?" Larryboy asked, "I bet we could rebuild it or something."

Just then Bok Choy appeared from the crowd with his cane and arm in a sling still.

"Unfortunately, no," he said.

Larryboy stared at his superhero teacher, stunned. "What?"

"Even if the S.H.U.S.H. can be repaired, everyone already knows about it, so it's secret information would not be safe from other super villains," the Chinese vegetable explained, "We will just have to salvage any still usable objects and then fill the hole where the S.H.U.S.H. up with cement." Then Bok Choy leaned closer to Larryboy. "Be on the look out for any new headquarters, ok?" Bok Choy whispered.

Larryboy smiled and winked.

"Speaking of exposed secrets, what about Larryboy's identity not being a secret anymore?" Vicki asked.

Archibald cringed, then said, "That's what I am worried about."

"Yes, this is a problem," Bok Choy said, "Everyone, including the super villains, know about this too. It would not be safe for Larryboy to continue crime fighting or even live as Larry. He and everyone else he knows can be put in potential danger."

"What are you saying?" Larryboy asked, worriedly.

"I'm sorry I have to say this," Bok Choy said sadly, "But Larryboy cannot be a superhero anymore. In fact, he might even have to move out of Bumblyburg to save himself."

Everyone gasped. Even the supervillains were shocked.

"What? No!" Vicki yelled, grabbing on to Larryboy.

"I know, I hate this too," Bok Choy said sadly.

"But we need him!" Junior said.

"A new superhero would probably take over," Archibald said, frowning.

"But it wouldn't be the same. There has to be another way to fix this!" Bob said.

Larryboy remained quiet, staring at the ground. Even after he still makes it out alive, he has to leave everyone and everything behind. Sure, Archibald would come and maybe even Vicki but they would not be as happy either. There would be no more fighting crime, driving in the Larrymobile, and having Archibald making him gadgets.

Archibald's gadgets! Then a smile crept on to Larryboy's face. He had an idea.

"What if everyone just forgot about my identity?" he asked.

"I guess that would work, but how could everyone just forget that?" Bok Choy asked.

"Archibald," Larryboy simply replied.

"What can I do?" Archibald asked.

"Didn't you say you made a device that could enter someone's mind and erase any thought or memory?" Larryboy asked. "You said this just a few days ago, when you were showing me Oswald," he said, holding up the leaf blower.

"Oswald?" the Alchemist asked confused from where the villains were still tied up.

Archibald thought for a second then his face lit up. "Why, yes! I remember now. It was invention number 322. But it would take too long to erase everyone's memories one at a time. It's because of how small it is."

"What if we made it bigger?" Larryboy said, "Didn't you also make something that grows things?"

"Of course! My sleep depravity from those days made me forget everything!" Archibald said.

Then Archibald left to get the gadgets he made. After twenty minutes, he came back, jumping off a bus.

"I'm here!" he said, holding a black duffel bag. "I had to tweak the gadgets to make sure they work right. Here is the memory eraser!" Archibald said, holding up the camera like invention. Then he held up something that looked like an air horn. "This is the enlarger!"

"Archie," Larryboy said, looking at the leaf blower, the camera, and the airhorn, all regular objects that Archibald turned into bizarre weapons, "Are all your inventions made from our own stuff?"

Archibald looked up and grinned sheepishly. "I might have taken things from around the mansion. About 478 things."

"Wait a minute," Junior said. "So we will forget everything about what just happened?"

"No, that's the beauty of this invention," Archibald said waving the memory camera, "The IATMM.3A can just allow someone to enter someone's mind and delete a specific thought. I tweaked it just a bit so that when the NETOYBIAS 41, or the enlarger," Archibald said, referring to the air horn, "makes the IATMM.3A grow, I can enter a large number of people's mind as big as the town."

"So I going to call the camera 'Adam' and the air horn will be 'Natalia'," Larryboy said, looking at Archibald's blueprints in the duffel bag trying to sound out the invention's names into real names like he did with Oswald.

"Stop trying to rename all my inventions," Archibald laughed. It felt nice to laugh again. "Natalia is not that close to trying to read 'NETOYBIAS' as a word and not an acronym."

Then Larryboy and Archibald stood next to each other as the crowd of people watched them, wondering what they would do next.

"So, are we really going to forget that Larry was Larryboy?" Bob asked.

"Yes," Archibald replied.

"Oh," Bob said, "Wow." It was then that the realization of how they were about to forget something really big and important dawned on them.

"We will ever know that Larry was really Larryboy again?" Junior asked, "I mean, we finally know, and it's so cool! Yet we are just going to not know about it again?"

Larryboy realized what that meant. "I am hoping that maybe someday everyone will know again, but at the right time. I just think that now is not the right time. For now, I'll keep it a secret again to continue being Larryboy, but in the future I want to reveal it again when its the right time," Larryboy explained.

Everyone in the crowd nodded in understanding except for the tied up villains, who were still there.

"Seriously, can't someone just take us to jail?" the Alchemist asked, surprised that he actually said that, "I can't stand being tied up with these other morons any longer."

"I agree," some other villains angrily replied. But as much as the villains wanted to actually be locked up again, they had to stay for now to get their memories erased along with everyone else.

Larryboy and Archibald faced the crowd. Archibald placed "Adam" on the ground and aimed "Natalia" at it. (Archibald decided he liked the names Larryboy gave the inventions.)

Larryboy faced the crowd. Then he spotted Vicki. All this time, she wanted to know his secret, and now that she did know, she would just forget it. He could not let that happen. Larryboy instantly fired a plunger into the crowd but Archibald never noticed. He was making Natalia work. He pulled the trigger on Natalia that made Adam grow.

In a few seconds, the next thing Larryboy and Archibald knew was that they were standing on top of the now giant Adam, thirty feet up in the air. A giant camera sat in the park, facing the crowd.

"Ok, let's start this," Archibald said, walking over to a large dial on top of the camera. Archibald twisted the dial while looking down at the back side of the camera where a giant screen was located. On the screen appeared what looked like a list of all the minds of every single person in the town.

"You see Larryboy," Archibald explained, twisting the dial as he spoke, "We will be safe from Adam's brainwashing because we are on top of him, and the memory erasing waves won't reach us up here." Archibald twisted the dial and pressed smaller buttons until he found that the memory of seeing Larryboy's mask come off was in everyone's memory.

"Whenever someone tries to remember who you were in the memories after your secret got revealed, they will never remember, and instead just come to some sort of "blank spot" in their memory," Archibald went on. What he did not notice was that there three people standing on top of Adam instead of two.

"There!" Archibald said, after pressing buttons and twisting the dial, "Now all we have to do is press this large button!" Archibald walked up to a black push button that was also on top of Adam. He jumped on it but nothing happened. He jumped again in frustration.

"Larryboy, can you please help me? We need more weight to push this button down!"

Larryboy joined Archibald in jumping on the giant button, but they were not heavy enough.

"Hey Vicki, come over here and help us!" Larryboy said.

"What?!" Archibald asked surprised. He looked behind him to see Vicki was also standing on top of Adam with them.

"I brought her up here," Larryboy explained quickly as Vicki joined them.

"Wait, you mean-" Archibald began to say. But then Vicki jumped on the button with them, and a big bright flash filled the air, much brighter than Vicki's camera from before.

As everyone blinked away the effects of the light Larryboy grabbed Natalia from Archibald's grasp.

"So how do you make things shrink?" Larryboy asked. Then without waiting for an answer, he pulled Natalia's trigger while making the air horn point towards the giant Adam. Suddenly, the camera began to shrink.

"Wait!" Archibald yelled, but it was too late.

Larryboy, Archibald, and Vicki fell to the ground from thirty feet up in the air. Larryboy quickly shot a plunger to a nearby building and used another to grab Vicki and Archibald, making them fall a little slower. They still tumbled though.

Archibald got up from the ground. Then the now regular sized Adam dropped on his head. He glared at Larry.

Larryboy chuckled nervously. "Sorry. At least I know how Natalia works now."

"Did it work?" Vicki asked.

"Yes, but now I have a headache. I can't seem to remember who Larryboy's secret identity was now," Bob grumbled.

Everyone else in the crowd agreed with murmurs.

"Try to remember Cubby! Fight it!" Mother Pearl yelled at her son. The group of wrapped villains still sat in the park, to their dismay.

"For the last time, mother," Alchemist said, "Don't call me that!"

"Larryboy," Archibald asked, still surprised that Vicki was on top of Adam, "Did you bring Vicki on top of Adam with us?"

Larryboy and Vicki glanced at each other. "Yes," Larryboy said, "It was last minute and I forgot to tell you."

Archibald turned to Vicki. "So you still remember Larryboy's secret?"

Vicki whispered, "Yes, I still know Larry is Larryboy."

"You see, Archibald," Larryboy began to explain, "I trust Vicki now. Even though at first I wasn't sure and I could not trust her, or anyone really after all, besides you of course, I can finally say that after all we've been through," Larryboy looked at Vicki, "I can finally trust her. So I didn't want her to forget who I really am. I just love her too much for that."

Archibald smiled widely. "I understand. What you just said was so beautiful."

Vicki turned to face Larryboy. Happy tears began to stream out of her eyes as she began to think about all they just went through. In fact, Vicki began to wonder why she did not run out of tears yet. Out of nowhere, she jumped to hug him. But instead they both fell back into the grass.

"Oh Larryboy, thank you so much for everything! You saved my life and I almost lost you! I'm sorry for everything I did to you! I regret it all!" Vicki began to sputter random phrases over and over again.

Larryboy laughed slightly. Then he remember this was just like the night he and Vicki began dating. Larryboy saved her life and she began hugging him and saying a lot of things at once. It was exactly like what happened six months ago. The only thing missing was-

Larryboy sat up from where he and Vicki were "hugging" and leaned in. Vicki immediately stopped talking as Larryboy and she kissed. This time Vicki was surprised, but also happy. They both realized that they have not actually kissed since they started dating. Now their love felt stronger than before.

When Vicki and Larryboy pulled away, they got up and stared at each other.

"You're my hero," Vicki said dreamily.

"Augh!" one of the villains groaned, ruining the moment.

"I can't take this any longer!" another yelled.

"Can we just leave now?" the Alchemist asked. The villains felt like they have been standing there tied forever.

"All right," Officer Olaf said. He and a bunch of officers began to haul the villains away.

"What should we do with Oswald?" Larryboy asked Archibald.

Archie flinched at the mention of the deadly leaf blower. He grabbed it from Larryboy and threw it on the ground. Then he jumped on it and began to tear Oswald apart.

"There," he said, panting as he looked at the pile of what use to be Oswald, "It's gone." The cursed leaf blower has been destroyed by a British asparagus (Now that was an unusual sentence.)

Larryboy groaned. "Oswald was actually starting to grow on me. So now what?" Larryboy asked.

"Well, we were about to start a party for you when we got interrupted, "Archibald said.

"But all the decorations and the cake got destroyed," Junior stated sadly.

Archibald turned around and picked up the black duffel bag. He pulled the same instant ice cream maker he tried to show Larryboy that exploded just a couple days ago.

"Umm Archibald," Larryboy said, backing away, "Didn't that invention not work?"

"Here," Archibald said, throwing blueprints at Larryboy, "I fixed it while I was editing Adam and Natalia. It's prototype name is ILICY.745. Now read it on the blueprints and give it a real name."

"Uh, Elise?" Larryboy said, sounding out the name, "But how is renaming it going to change the fact that this could kill us?!

"This could be a little present for all those sixteen years," Archibald said, pressing a button on the red horn like invention. It began to vibrate and buzz. Before anyone could run away, the invention exploded again.

But instead of making smoke go everywhere, gallons of ice cream shot out from the horn. The whole park was covered in ice cream of different flavors.

Larryboy's head popped out of the sweet and cold lumps of ice cream. Archibald followed him.

"Archie..." Larryboy began to say.

"I'm sorry," he said, "My inventing keep messing everything up." He sighed in despair.

"This is the day ever!" Larryboy screamed in joy, making Archibald smile again.

So the whole town decided to have the new party with all the piles of ice cream. Even the other superheroes showed up.

As for the supervillains, they still never made it to the jail yet. Larryboy decided to make them stay tied up during the whole party. It was an act of both pleasure and torture to them.

At one point Larryboy walked up to them.

"So, can you believe all these years went by so fast?" Larryboy said.

All the super villains were enjoying ice cream while they were still tied up. When Larryboy showed up, they tried to pretend they were not enjoying it.

"Just wait Larryboy," the Alchemist sneered, "We will all be back for revenge."

"Looking forward to it," Larryboy said smoothly, surprising the villains again, "It's what I do best."

"Happy 16 years of being a superhero, Larryboy!" Archibald said, joining him. Vicki ran up to him too, playfully throwing a ice cream snowball his way. Larryboy laughed, engaging in an ice cream snowball fight with his two favorite people. That day, which at first turned into the worst day ever, became the best day ever after all.

As Larryboy ran through the ice cream, a smiled spread on his face as he thought about all he went through, not just that day, but the sixteen years of being hero.

That hero.

He knew his job as a hero was far from being over. He loved that. He also knew that it was far from being easy. Sometimes he found himself in tough situations, where all the odds seemed against him and he could trust no one.

Suddenly, another ice cream ball hit his face. It was his favorite flavor, chocolate. As he tasted how sweet it was, he saw Archibald and Vicki, cheerfully smiling at him. He smiled back.

Because when you know people like them, there will always be someone you can trust after all.


Wow it's already over? Ugh, I'm happy and sad right now!

I hope you enjoyed this story! I sure did!

This turns out to be my longest story yet, and at first when I began writing it I thought it would only be like twelve chapters, but eighteen chapters later and I sure was wrong!

About the ending, if you are confused about how Larryboy is still alive, when Vicki was hugging him, some of the antidote on her face kinda touched him. I know that seems like a terrible way for Larry to be healed, but hey, who cares? HE'S ALIVE! XD

About the ice cream part, yeah, the ending was like a Veggietales ending. Not that that's a bad thing! And who doesn't love ice cream?

Also, if you look way back into chapter one, you will see that Archibald actually shows Larryboy the ice cream maker, and he also mentions making a memory eraser and an enlarger. Yes, I was actually planning that whole bit out to have something in the first chapter affect the last chapter. Yes, I'm a clever person!

Anyway, for the whole "sixteen years" thing, like I said before, it's just a number. It doesn't effect anything like the character's ages or anything in the Veggietales timeline, it's just a number. By the way, in case you forgot, I don't own Larryboy!

For the Larryboy x Vicki bit in this chapter, I was not going to add that whole entire part at first, but then I decided the story needed something like that before it ended.

It seems like I made Vicki into that sort of nagging girlfriend. Ha ha, I'm sorry but it's kinda funny to me! Anyway, one reason I did this to Vicki was because in the series all she really seemed to do was snap pictures and smile, and scream once in a while for Larry, and maybe even seem like a smart and smooth girl once in a while. But other than that, since the series only ran for a short time, we don't really get much out of Vicki like more on her character and personality. If only it did run longer. Sometimes I actually wonder what would happen if someone who helped work on the series or someone from Big Idea read my stories...

So if you don't hate me for twisting Vicki or almost killing Larryboy, check out my other stories! I write mostly for Larryboy, once in a while something else. I will have some more stories coming out, so stay tuned! Well in this story I twisted one character and almost killed another. Well, I'll be doing that again, and you have no idea who it will be! Or do you? Lol!

Well that's all for now. Reviews would be awesome. Oh yeah, if you want to see more notes and stuff about this story like behind the scene notes, or even that explanation for Larryboy's dream in chapter 14, which I said I would be posting in the last chapter of this story, which I did, keep scrolling below!



1. Larryboy's poisoning was based off something in the book the Giver by Lois Lowry. If you read that book you might now what I mean.

2. Larryboy and Vicki were not going to be a couple in this story at first. My original idea was that they were going to randomly meet and kiss on the roof of the Daily Bumble (yeah, romantic) but that didn't make sense so I just made this a sequel to the One that Got Away.

3. This story was going to be originally about all the superhero working together to save a "junior" superhero, and that this story was a sequel to another story idea I had a long time ago, but I decided not to use that idea. Eventually this story, after about three years (yes, I had this idea for that long) went from being about a kidnapped child superhero to being about how Larryboy almost fell apart and died on his sixteenth anniversary of being a superhero after he lost a deadly weapon and must face all his enemies while he has to deal with relationship problems with his girlfriend...

4. Awful Alvin was going to be the main villain for this story but when I came with the idea for Timeless Moments with You, I decided Alvin should share the spotlight since he was already starring in a big story.

5. Instead of the S.H.U.S.H. being blown up, I was going to have all the superheroes including Larryboy somehow get locked in the Bumblyburg College and that place would somehow get up. But I also came up with the idea of an exclusive superhero headquarters, so I added that idea into this story instead.

6. The whole villain showdown was going to take place in the jail, and none of the villains were going to be freed except for the Alchemist and Mother Pearl, but that sounded like it would get boring.

7. Oswald's prototype name, OCWAD ZE.126 2.0, actually has a meaning. The acronym, OCWAD, stands for "Oh Crap We Are Dead." "ZE.126" is just a reference to my username, minus one "e." The "2.0" is just completely random. Larry calls it Oswald because "Oswald" is somewhat similar to "OCWAD (Ah-Ckwad)." As for the other inventions, IATMM.3 stands for "I Am The Mind Master." The ".3" is referring to my third Larryboy story, Forgot It All, since that story has device that erases memories, only unlike the nice IATMM.3, it erases the entire mind of memories. As for the NETOYBIAS 41, it stands for "Never Even Try On Your Head Because I'm Always Smarter," with the "41" being random, and the ILICY.745 stands for "I Love Ice Cream Yay," the "745" also being random. When Larry renames the inventions Oswald, Adam, Natalia, and Elise, he is basically reading the invention names like a real word and finding a name that sounds similar to what the invention names sound like. (IATMM= "I-Atum", NETOYBIAS= "Ne-toy-be-es" (Not even close to Natalia lol) ILICY= "E-lisy")

8. Archibald's Integrated Probe for Analytical Diagnostics, when it's name is put into an acronym, is "IPAD." Are you mind blown? It's ok if you are not. But the Probe in my head was basically a really advanced iPad. I do not own the name iPad or anything obviously.

9. The title Trust No One came from the phrase Archibald says in chapter seven. I used it because throughout the story trust was one of the themes, from Larryboy and Vicki to Larryboy and the way the other villains got into stealing from him and invading his secrets. I added the "Larryboy:" part in front because there happens to be a lot of stories titled Trust No One on this site.

And now for the full explanation of the dream in chapter 14 and what it meant:

The dream was basically based off the events in chapter 13 through 17. The tea stood for the poison, obviously. The three superheroes stood for the most significant people affect Larryboy's life in the story. BTW the names for the superheroes I got from a superhero name generator. Sorry their names were really corny.

Mind Motor was representing Archibald. His name alluding to how Archibald was really smart and the "motor" part was referring to how Archibald was going to push Larryboy's wheelchair, his mode of transportation. The motor part also is a reference to how Archibald rode a motorcycle in the 3D episodes- it would have been cool if he did that in the 2D series. Anyway, Mind Motor was also a leek, a vegetable similar to an asparagus. Archibald and Mind Motor both cared for Larryboy deeply.

Roboman was based off of the Alchemist. Roboman had robotic arms and wore turquoise like the Alchemist. At first, he did not seem that bad, but in the end he kept demanding Larryboy to drink the poison. In fact, in chapter 14 he yells, "LiVE yLlaEr m'I!" If you spell the gibberish backwards it says, "I'm rEalLy EViL!" Also, Roboman was a parsnip similar to the Alchemist being a carrot.

Glimmer Gal was representing Vicki, being a pickle for obvious reasons. Anyway, the lights strung all over her body were referencing to Vicki's job as a reporter, and more importantly a photographer, with the lights being her camera's flash.

The deaths of each superhero were referencing to how Archibald, the Alchemist, and Vicki failed or messed up in the story. Mind Motor's motorcycle accident is like when Archibald was pushing Larryboy on the wheelchair and got separated from it, only to get beaten up by the super villains. Roboman getting choked by his cape was meant to be like the Alchemist getting wrapped up in the red cape. Glimmer Gal shining all her lights into her sidekicks face and making him fall into a vat of acid is like Vicki's camera flash blinding Archibald and making him drop the antidote.

How the fake superheroes and Larryboy interacted with the poison was meant to reference to how each character got effect by Larryboy's poisoning. Roboman grew bigger because when Larryboy got poisoned, the Alchemist had more power and was kind of winning at that point. Since the Alchemist was the one who poisoned Larryboy, Roboman was the one forcing Larryboy to drink it. Glimmer Gal drinking the tea made Larryboy shrink because the poison made him get "farther from Vicki than they already were," a quote in chapter 13. Glimmer Gal was the first to drink it since the poison was at first aimed at her. Mind Motor did not even drink his tea because Archibald refused to let Larryboy die. As for Larryboy, when he drank the tea everything became dark and even more Larryboy was the one getting poisoned, causing him to get sick and begin to die. Glimmer Gal got completely disintegrated instead of disappearing because if Larryboy died Vicki would have been completely separated from him. Although it seemed like Vicki was the only one disappearing, remember that when Laryboy drank the poison he was disappearing from the dream as well. So basically it means that if Larryboy died Vicki would have never gotten to reconcile with Larryboy and she would never be the same, like an old part of her disappeared.

All the other distorted words are just there to show that the dream was not real. So did this explanation make sense? If you guessed this was what the dream meant, you're awesome! If not, you are still awesome for reading this. Hehe.

If you have any other questions, PM me.