Hello everybody! thank you all for still fallowing the story! 3
i must say that it's really fun to write and have people actually read it! 3
last chapter was still a little to short for my liking so ill try to make it longer mkey?~



As shocked as Usami felt when Harry had kissed his cheek goodnight, he couldn't help but keep the delightful smile as he went down the stairs. As soon as he got to the balcony he was met by a very displeased look on Misaki's face.

''So...when is he leaving?'' He asked it in a nonchalant voice while frowning slightly.

''He will be staying here for as long as he like'' Usami replied as he went to bend over the balcony fence as he reached down his pockets for the cigarettes.

''Why? Doesn't he have his own family?'' Usami couldn't do anything other the sigh and close his eyes while pinching his nose bridge.

''An abusive one, so I have taken over his guardianship'' Misaki made a choking sound and just looked at his lover whit wide eyes

''YOU DID WHAT?!'' Misaki couldn't believe that the little shit was actually staying for maybe years!

''You heard me, and don't start screaming he just went to bed'' Usami answered in the most calm voice he could muster.

''Since when have you ever wanted anyone to stay with you?! I thought I was the only exception!'' Misaki did not scream but raised his voice high enough for Usami to get the message.

''So your saying I should have left him there with his whale like uncle who abuses him; That I should have left a helpless boy just because I'm not really a people person?!'' Usami was almost screaming and had a hard time calming down as he was panting after his rant.

''Why not just call the cops?! It's easier than to take care of some brat! What's next?! Adopting a fucking zoo?!'' Usagi-san just looked at his lover and walked passed him without a word.

''DONT YOU JUST LEAVE!'' he screamed and Usami turned around with a glare at his boyfriend.

''I have nothing more to say to you'' he said in such a cold voice that made the atmosphere so thick you could cut it with a knife.

They just stared at each other in silence; hearing each other panting and heavily breathing- signing each other that they both tried to stay calm-. Then it came clear to Usami that Misaki really had changed. He doesn't cook, his staying out late being irresponsible, he is friends with Usami's brother-who they both knew he wanted Misaki to be more than just a friend-, he insults the elder one more than ever, and most of all Usami couldn't see any love in those beautiful green hued eyes that once held and reflected his whole heart.

''Misaki... I think it's time for us to end this...'' Usami's voice was nothing more than a shallow whisper, but Misaki heard it loud and clear.

''IS IT BECAUSE OF THAT DAMN BRAT?! DON'T YOU CARE ABOUT ME AT ALL ANYMORE?!'' Misaki's face was flushed with anger and he kept his stare on the author before him.

''You know your feelings have changed for me and don't you dare try to deny it!'' Usami didn't scream but was clearly un-amused by Misaki's outburst and accusations.

''It has gone on for too long and I can't take the insults anymore! When was the last time I kissed you without being called pervert?! When was the last time you said you loved me?! When did my brother start being the reason of our fights?! You don't cook food for us anymore; all I ever eat is somebody else's food that's cooked without any love...The love that once was here, does not exist anymore'' as Usami ranted, his voice grew more desperate, stronger, more heart breaking while also slowly tuning down to a shallow whisper until he became quiet; only his heavily breathe reminded to be heard.

The silence stretched in the air until Misaki decided to finally break it ''So it's over now?'' Usami just nodded and Misaki was still looking at Usami until he decided it was enough.

He walked passed Usami and in to his room and the author heard drawers open and after a few minutes the younger of the two stood fully dressed with his bags in his hands.
''Misaki you don't have to leave you can st...'' he was cut off by Misaki who looked emotionless at the author.

''It's okay, I have friends who's willing to take me in'' and as on cue they heard a knock and as Misaki opened the door Haruhiko stood there waiting for the young man with a knowing smirk at the author. Misaki walked over and gave Haruhiko a quick kiss on the cheek and left the apartment and Usami just stood and stared at his brother whose smirk just grew at the sight of his brother's shock looking face.

''It seems I won at last, doesn't it brother?'' Usami you stood and stared as the door closed and he was left alone in the dark hallway.


Harry woke up at 06.00 and as much as he would like to sleep more, he couldn't. Instead he dressed in the white button up shirt and black pants that was given to him the day before.
It was about 2 sizes too big for him but it was defiantly better than his cousins' old clothes. As he walked down to the kitchen, he didn't see the author or the brunet being anywhere on the bottom floor so he assumed they still were sleeping and walked in to the kitchen to make some breakfast. As he opened the fridge he saw a carton with eggs and some milk. He also saw some bacon, but other than that the fridge where empty, so Harry decided that some scramble eggs with bacon and some toast would be served as a breakfast today. When the clock turned 07.00 he heard the door to the authors' room open and a half asleep ash-blond man walked down stairs in a black pair of sweatpants and a green t-shirt rubbing his eyes with one hand and the other where occupied with caring a giant bear.

As Usami walked down stairs a wonderful smell hit him and he turned his stare to the kitchen where he saw Harry cooking breakfast and his heart jumped a little at the idea of eating home cooked after so long. But he quickly frowned when he saw Harry lay out 3 plates with food. He walked up to the table and sat down and as Harry came back with a teapot and 3 cups he smiled sadly at him.

''I'm sorry Harry, Misaki isn't going to eat with us'' Harry stared at Akihiko and felt even more confused when the man before him smiled sadly at him.

''Why not?'' he asked softly when he noticed how upset Akihiko were.

''We had a fight last night.. And broke up... so he left'' Akihiko looked out of the window seeing how god mocked him by making the day sunny when he felt like going back upstairs and hide in his bed while listening to the rain hit the roof. He looked back at Harry and saw how the young ones face had turn shocked and had a glint of guilt in it.

''Is it because I'm staying here?.. You know I could al...'' he was cut off by Akihiko grabbing his hand and looking sternly at his face.

''It's not your fault'' Harry looked in to the authors' eyes and saw that he was serious.
When Usami let go of his hand he started eating some of the food and Akihiko did the same. They ate in silence but it weren't an uncomfortable silence, just a quiet meal with sneak peeks at each other from time to time.

As both of them had finished their meal, Harry started doing the dishes and got worried as he saw the author lit a smoke while looking lost in thoughts. He dried the last of the dishes and went to Akihikos' side, laid a hand on top of his shoulder and the taller of the two turned his head to face a worry looking boy.

''Are you okay?'' The question was asked so softly it melted the man heart. Akihiko weren't really sad about the break up with Misaki but about how Misaki had change under the years they lived together and the betrayal he felt when Misaki had befriended his brother without a word. He was glad though that he had Harry here with him even though they still didn't know much about each other.

''I'm fine, just a little tired'' Harry still had the worried look on his face but nodded and went in to the living room and sat down on the red couch had stared around the room, taking a good look around where he now lived as he was too busy yesterday.

''Akihiko-san do you have any books around here?'' Harry looked back to see if the author where listening.

''Yeah, but I keep them in my study. Harry nodded as Usami went to show him the way.

As they stood in front of the shelves stuffed with different books Harry noticed that most of them had the name of the man beside him on them.

''Akihiko-san... Are you a writer?'' He didn't look at him but instead took a book from the shelves to inspect them.

''Yes, in fact I'm quite well known in Japan'' As Harry looked up at him he saw the little one just studied him, but his eyes quickly returned to the book he was holding and after a while he put it back and looked at the other shelves. Usami noticed that Harry didn't seem shocked when he told him he was a famous writer but instead examined his books.

''You know you can barrow any books you would like to read, and we can always go to the book shop if it's something you would like to read that's not here'' Harry just looked at him and nodded with a smile.

Harry had chosen two books; both written by the author who currently were his landlord. Usami smiled at the interest the young one had in his books. Misaki had never been interested in reading and it hadn't bothered the author at all but he felt pride spread in his heart as Harry showed interest in his work. As Harry sat down on the couch again he remembered he still had his belongings shrinked inside his hoodie and he knew he was strong enough to un-shrink them but he couldn't just un-shrink them because what would Akihiko say if he suddenly had strange books and other stuff in his room when he hadn't brought anything then the cloths he had on.

Harry was considering telling Akihiko that he was a wizard but he was afraid and could you really blame him? He had lived in an abusive environment all his life because of his ''freakiness'' so what would stop Akihiko from not doing the same? He felt bad for his distrust against the author, but he couldn't do anything to defend himself if the author was going to go against him. He couldn't use magic against a muggle that had guardianship over him, that was going against the law even if said guardian was abusive which made Harry once again hate the ministry of magic.
As Harry was deep in thoughts just staring at the cover of the book he was holding Usami looked at his face waiting for the young one to finish his thinking.

Harry turned his face and looked seriously at the author.

''If I...Were a bit different... Would you... Hurt me?'' he asked as he tried to form the words so it wouldn't sound too rude.

Akihiko just looked at Harry and wondered why the boy looked so nervous but serious as the question had left his mouth.
He though it must be something very serious to the boy as he secede reassurances.

''Harry it doesn't matter if you would have green skin or were half a dog! I would and will never hurt you''

Akihiko looked in to the green eyes of the young one and saw that he was believed.

''I...I'm a wizard...'' he said it slowly and soft enough for the author to let it sink in and they sat in silence until the author nodded slowly in confusion.
''...Would you mind if I showed you...?'' Harry looked even more nervous now and fidget whit the sleeve of his shirt. Akihiko didn't know what to say... ''Do he think he's a Wizard? ... Or is he good with tricks?.. that must be it'' Akihiko nodded again and his eyes wived as Harry came back with his black hoodie and took out small books and placed them on the couch and made them grow to its original size.

Harry looked over at Akihiko and saw his shocked face as he stared at the books and then at Harry and then back to the books again. Akihiko slowly touched the books and looked back in to the boys' face which was filled with un-fallen tears. He caressed the boys' face and smiled. It was a miracle! Magic was real!

''Why are you crying little one? This is amazing'' Harry looked in to the lavender eyes and saw that the author was speaking nothing else than the simple truth.

Harry flew his arms around the authors' neck and cried on to his shoulder.
Akihiko let him cry until he was finished which were several minutes later.

''I thought you would hate me'' he said softly not looking up from the crook of Akihikos neck.

''Why would you think something like that?'' Akihiko was speechless as he heard what the Dursleys' had done just because the boy had been brought a gift. ''It's nothing wrong with you; you're just more special than I thought you were''

This time Harry looked up and saw that Akihiko had meant every word. Harry sniffed and looked at the pile of books he had un-shrieked and let go of Akihiko.
He levitated them to his room and once again the two of them sat in silence but not for long. The door opened and a pissed of looking Takahiro was standing in the hallway.
''Takahiro?..What are you doing here? You should have called.'' Akihiko thought he knew the reason for his best friends visit, but surely Misaki hadn't...?


Harry just looked at the unknown man and the face of Akihiko as the man who claimed to be Misakis brother was screaming insults.
As Takahiro was finished with his rant Akihiko stood up and walked up to him to try and make him calm down but he didn't get far as he found himself on the floor with a throbbing cheek. Takahiro just looked at Akihiko and then at Harry; still looking pissed.
Akihiko and Misaki had told Takahiro about their relationship 3 years ago so it wasn't as he didn't accept homosexuals but that his brother had called him in the morning saying that Usami-san had broken up with him because of some slut he picked up from the street.

Takahiro threw a disgusted look at Harry which made Harry want to go and hide.
He banged the door behind him and once again they were left alone. Harry raced from the couch and sat down beside Usami and gently touched his hurt chin.
''Are you okay Akihiko-san?'' Harry had been shocked and afraid of doing anything since he couldn't defend himself.
''I'm okay, it doesn't hurt so much.'' Akihiko sat up slowly and rubbed the back of his head ''Think our friendship is over huh?'' Akihiko stood up, sighed and went to lock the door if he decided to come back. He didn't want to take the chance of Harry getting hurt.

Harry hadn't understood anything the angry man had said and then it hit him. He rushed up to his room with a confused looking authors eyes looking at him as he ran. As he got to the room he quickly searched in one of the books of magic and found what he searched for; A language spell. ''~Meam alteri tabescere~'' as soon as he was done he ran down stairs and smiled wildly.
Akihiko just looked at him and then smiled back confused
''What?'' This made Harry smirk.

''Now I don't have to be so confused when people visit you'' He proudly replied.
Akihiko was looking with wide eyes at the boy. ''He answered in Japanese!''

Harry was still smiling and almost jumped with joy when Akihiko smiled widely back at him.


Hours had been wasted in shopping cloths for Harry and some food as the fridge gave out the idea of collecting spiders if it stayed empty. They both were feeling starved as they arrived home and Harry went in to the kitchen to make them both dinner. Akihiko was about to go and keep the boy company since he had explained for the boy that he couldn't cook at all and what a mess he had been before Misaki had entered his life. But his phone started ringing so he went out on the balcony to answer. ''Aikawa-san..''

''Sensei! We're hitting it big this time! Your latest book was a success!'' She screamed excitedly through the phone.

''That's great, was that all?'' He wanted to end the call as fast as possible before any unnecessary questions started.

''Oh, sensei! Don't be like that! It's good isn't it? Anyway, how's Misaki doing? I haven't come over for moths!''

Too late, it was true though. After having Misaki in his life he had a reason to finish his books as fast as possible to spend time with his lover, now though he wondered if Harry was going to be the change he needed.

''Don't know; he moved out last night'' And there was a sharp silence from the other end of the phone call.

''He... Moved out?...Why?'' Aikawas voice had turned worried. He knew about their relationship even before they told her and she knew how much the author loved the boy and would do anything to keep him.

''..We had a fight... but it had been going bad for moths, if not years. It's not so much of a surprise as you would think'' He heard soft sobs though the line and stayed silent until Aikawa was ready to speak.

''I'm so sorry sensei... how are you holding up though... would you like me to come over after work? I can bring some food with me'' That made the author smile widely at the thought of having Harry here.

''It's okay; I have a house guest who's making dinner right now. But feel free to come and meet him if you want to'' Usami waited and heard a confused ''HUUUH'' from the other line and only smiled wider as he saw Harry lay out the food on the table.

''...A house guest?'' Usami heard some noises in the background and Aikawa had to end the call but she would be coming in an hour... or two at max.

The author went inside to see delicious looking food on the table. He smiled as he saw Harry struggling with taking of the apron the author had bought to him as he didn't want him to use the old one Misaki had somewhere in his old room.

''This looks delicious Harry'' The author said honestly when Harry had been able, with a little struggle, to take of the apron. He noticed how the boys' cheeks flamed up with a nice crimson color and saw the boy smile up at him.

''Thank you and I hope that it's okay not eating something Japanese though... I don't know what too cook as I never really done that before'' He looked at the food with a frown as if he was disappointed.

''It's more than alright, I haven't eaten an English dinner since I was a kid'' He looked in too the green eyed boy who nodded and started serving the dinner. As Usami took the first bit of food his taste buds started to explode with flavor. His eyes looked up with wide eyes at the younger one who looked at the authors face with a slightly afraid face.

''Was it alright?... did I over cook it? I knew i should have put more salt on th...'' He cut himself of as he saw the authors smile get wider and wider and he started feeling more confused by the minute.

''This is... Amazing! i haven't eaten anything like it before! You're a really good cook! it's perfect!'' Harrys' cheeks turned even darker then before and he averted his eyes mumbling thank you and as his hands were realized he let out a breath of relief and smiled as they continued eating

As Harry now was in the kitchen doing dishes and the landlord sitting with his computer starting up with a new novel called 'You put a spell on me'. Guess where he got the inspiration?, They heard someone knocking franticly at the door. At first he though Takahiro was back again with a new lash of insults but then he remembered that Aikawa was probably the one on the other side of the door. You see the author had gotten back the key from her as she saw it inappropriate as he had Misaki taking care of him. Now he had to remember giving it back just in case, He trusted Harry to keep him sane and healthy but the boy was so fragile despise his magical ability that he wanted to give Aikawa back the key just in case anything should happened to any of them.

As Aikawa was let in to the house she looked at the author with tear filled eyes and hugged him. Usami stood and held till she felt like letting go which were almost immediately. She wiped her face and smiled with still tears in her eyes at the author who invited her to sit down on the couch. They sat there and talked about the fight and how long the love been feeling one-sided but he skipped the part about saving the boy until Harry would give him permission as he didn't want the boy to get upset by something he wanted to keep a secret until they heard a soft voice behind.

''Would you like some brewed coffee? I made some tea too just in case.'' Harry looked a little nervous as he saw the unknown woman.

''OMG HE'S ADORABLE'' She shrieked and jumped of the couch hugging the boy while having one of her fan-girl moments. Usami sat there, chuckling until she let go of the now confused and slightly terrified boy. After she let go of Harry he backed away slowly looking between the two adults.

''We would very much like some coffee. Could you bring it out here and sit down with us? '' Harry nodded and was back after 10 minutes.

Aikawa kept looking at him and he felt more and more uncomfortable as her smile reached her ears and her eyes glittered of excitement. For what, he didn't know...

''Oh how rude of me! I'm Eri Aikawa and this mans' editor'' She said while pointing at Usami beside him.

''It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Harrison Evans but you can call me Harry'' Harry reached out his hand while smiling at her. He though she looked like, and reminded him a lot of a slimmer version of .
She jumped up and down while smiling at him.

''So polite! And a real cutie too! Say is it a British accent I hear?'' Harry nodded and smiled at the woman's behavior. It made him miss the twins' pranks as they always jumped as excitedly as they come up with a new ideas.

''Yes I'm from England, visiting Japan'' He looked at the author wondering if he should tell her that 3 days ago Usami had saved him. ''Ugh, I'll just let Akihiko handle it if she asks something''

''oooh!~ how wonderful! Say is it raining a lot? Sensei has told me that when he lived there it rained quiet often''
She glanced at the author now and then seeing that he looked at the boy with a happy smile she long ago started missing seeing. Harry giggled a little until he put the cup down on the table and wrapped his arms around his knees and rested his cheek on the knee while looking at Aikawa.

''Yes it does actually, Akihiko-san did you live in England before?'' he tilted his head and looked at the author with a questioning look.

''I lived there until I was 11 and then moved to Japan with my older brother and father'' Harry looked at him and nodded, he was happy that Akihiko were able to speak English so great otherwise he were afraid he would still be in the Dursleys care and the boy shivered at the thought of it and it didn't go unnoticed by the author.

''So how long are you staying here Evan-chan?'' breaking Harrys' thoughts. Harry looked between the two while thinking of a good way to answer. He looked at his knees and frowned.

''I...I'll stay as long as Akihio-san will allow me'' Aikawa got confused as she looked at the cute face getting scrunched up in a frown.

''Won't you family miss you?'' She asked softly and when she noticed Harry avert his eyes going silent she looked and saw the author looking worriedly at him; did she say wrong?

''I have taken over his guardianship until he is a legal adult and he'll be staying here until he feels like leaving'' Harry looked at the author with gratitude showing in his smile but he still had the sad look in his eyes as the smile once again disappeared.

''Guardianship?.. I don't understand.'' The author sighed and looked at Harry asking for permission to tell her and at his nod he began the tail. As she listened to the story silent tears fell down her cheeks and she felt her heart immediately finding a place for Harry. She stood up and sat down beside him giving him a hug. The sudden move and embrace was too much for Harry who started sobbing while returning the hug.

All Usami could do was sitting there, looking at the heart-broken boy vowing to never let anybody hurt him ever again.

So... Misaki has left to live with Haruhiko. But Aikawa-san is now with us in the story so that's something! 3
Any requests on the next chapter?

please leave a review!

~ Meam alteri tabescere means 'Turn my language in to another' ~