Variations come closing in / evaporating what I am / Feel some kind of strange / Close to Euphoria / Love will find you / We can't wait forever - Euphoria - Collide

"Because of your interference, a glimmer of hope sparked in that cold heart. He's as much your hero there as he is here. But he weakens, just as mortals do. He needs help to do what he needs to."
"His life has not been kind to him, has it? But my sister has sent one of her own to look after him, too. Artemis' guardian was able to follow a line of magic from her talisman, though Diana didn't know she sent it. Your little messenger should be able to follow that. It's truly amazing; she loves him in more than one universe."
"Which is one of the reasons why I never abandoned her."
Home - I Chose to Stay - Home, Hearts, and Heroes

Stories have epilogues that promise new beginnings after their original tales have ended... A forgotten line of magic traveled forward through space and time. It continued to grow, infinitesimally, as the rebound traveled towards its intended target.

Apollo was correct, Hippomenes didn't recognize this Gotham for the vibrant city he called home. A depressed haze hovered above the skyline, the city's aura dingy and sad. The air smelled of ozone and rain. He observed damaged buildings and broken streets. Time and violence had given his city a rougher edge.

Resisting the urge to find a familiar theater, he continued towards his intended destination. The opal around his neck led him towards a large, dark manor. He recognized the spacious grounds; he had hopped across its expanse while leading his favorite queen there. He had kicked a ball to a surprised boy. The rabbit collapsed his ethereal form back down to a normal bunny's size, but not before landing in the house's cavernous foyer.

The moment Hippomenes' paws hit the floor, he could feel the "otherness" of this place. Having an ear in one universe, a tail in the other, he sensed the echos of another home like this, but brighter. He heard whispers of laughter, voices young and old, gasps of desire, words of love.

He heard a warning growl directed towards him. A large brown dog pounced on top of him in one leap.

++I could smell you before you even entered the city limits. You must be suicidal, rabbit. I hunt your kind.++

==Back off, mutt. I'm here on official business. Look.== Hippomenes stood on his hind legs, letting the dog see the charm. Two pointy ears perked up.

++A surprising piece of business, rabbit. How did you get this stone?++

==A goddess gave it to me. Said I had to deliver it to the guardian of the one who lives here. Is that you? Is he your master?==

++He is NOT my master! But he is my friend. My goddess changed be back to a puppy and sent me to guard him. Is he in danger?++

==No, but he has a quest ahead of him. This has been sent to help him along the way. I bet your goddess sent you for the same reason. I know of Artemis' hunting dogs. You guys are relentless when you've spotted your prey. I nearly lost my tail because of your pack.==

++Obviously, they didn't get you. Pity, if I was there I would be gnawing on your bones by now. But, you bring me a noble cause! I shall gladly aid him. He has treated me kindly, better than what my littermates got. I don't hunt for my food and I don't compete for attention. It is not service I show him, but loyalty, the same he has shown me.++

==You don't have to convince me, dog. I know what it means to protect your human. So...can you help me get this off without taking my neck with it?==

Without opposable thumbs, both animals fumbled with the tightly fitted chain. The dog enjoyed using that as an excuse to roll the rabbit around the floor a few times. His canine instincts couldn't be denied. Hippomenes kicked him in the nose for his efforts.

++Watch it, morsel! Nothing's stopping me from eating you and taking the charm.++

==Except that you would be disobeying a direct order from the gods. You want to go back to the forest?==, what's your name? Calling you 'rabbit' is making me hungry.++

==You can call me Bugs. Oh, shut up, it's not that funny. What about you?==

++My goddess called me Alce. But here, I'm named Ace. A kingly name, no?++

==Well, that's definitely better than Spade. That would have been unfortunate.==

++Sshhh! I've been spared that humiliation! I just had to make sure to keep my baser urges under control. My human hasn't needed to do anything to curb my behavior. I just get out the frustration taking down bad guys. It's great fun!++

==I'm sure it is. Come on, Ace! Get this off me so I can go home. This place gives me the creeps.==

With one final tug, Ace pulled the charm from Hippomenes' neck. The chain took a few tufts of fur with it, but not enough to cause any bald spots. Both regarded the opal lying on the floor. Each saw something different from the silent stone.

++I can sense a storm coming, can't you?++

==Yes, one that I hope our humans can survive. It's almost better being animals, isn't it.==

++Only if we were among the ignorant and unaware. We know too much. This is our burden, too.++

==Then we shall do what we can. I won't see you again, doggy breath, so it was great meeting you. Take care of him.==

++And may you make it to your human form, familiar. Yes, I know what you are. You don't smell totally feral, and I can sense the magic on you. Like I said, I hunt your kind.++

==A scary thought indeed. Though if you go back to that profession, leave the bunnies alone. Go for the black cats.==

++There's one particular orange cat I want. I'll get him and his chaos boy, too.++

With that, Hippomenes hopped away. Ace sensed more than smelled when the familiar fazed back towards his own universe. He sat there quietly, regarding the trinket. He could sense a feminine scent on it. The image of a bitch in heat sprang into his mind. There was no mistake whose gem this was.

Carefully, Ace picked up the charm in his mouth and bounded up the stairs. The dark corridors didn't bother him, he'd memorized the way after countless patrols through the halls. He came to a particular door, one that was never closed to him. He nudged it open and entered the drafty room.

The loyal canine inspected his sleeping charge. Even in sleep he does not find peace, Ace thought as he watched his friend's eyes move underneath closed lids. He bumped a gnarled hand with his cold nose, trying to give comfort his kind was known for. The charm touched his skin ever so slightly. A small whine escaped the dog's throat when a line appeared on his human's brow.

The man's breathing labored, as if he couldn't catch it. Then his chest rose with a great heaving breath, like he was caught by surprise. Ace watched as the frown lines disappeared. Even his mouth curled upwards slightly. Ace deposited the charm on the nightstand beside the bed, then he gave his own version of a smile, his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth as he panted happily.

Abruptly, sapphire eyes opened to look into brown doggy eyes. "Ace. What are you doing here? Is it time to feed you?" The hand reached over to pet the dog's head. He responded with a pleasured "rooo".

"I dreamed of her again, Ace. I hadn't seen her in decades, but she was still so beautiful. And she held her arms out to me! Oh, how I wanted to run to her, tell her I'm sorry..."

Ace watched as his human rubbed his eyes, wiping away tears. Then he massaged his chest, as if it hurt. But the pain he was feeling couldn't be alleviated by his pills. This ache he'd felt for much longer.

"ROOOF!" The human raised an eyebrow at the dog's bassy bark. It was like he was saying his name...Bruce.

"Yeah? And you're here to make sure you get fed, I know. Hold on, boy, let me get up." Bruce slowly rolled out of bed, wishing for the umpteenth time he could figure out where that draft was coming from. The cold made his old bones ache. Between that, the dream, and the dog, he figured his day had started.

Reaching towards the light on the nightstand, Bruce found the charm Ace left for him. "What is this? Did you go out again without my permission? Bad dog." The companion in question lowered his ears, not liking his tone. He tried doing a good deed and look how he gets treated!

Bruce studied the piece of jewelry. He couldn't be sure, but he thought he saw a sparkle in the dark red opal. Great, now my eyes are going. I'll be damned if I'm going to wear glasses!

"We'll have to find the rightful owners to this one. Doesn't look like there's a serial code to identify it. But it must belong to a society woman, some of her fur coat got snagged. I'll just keep this with me for the time being until we can figure this out." Bruce reached for his cane and stiffly stood. Those first few steps were getting harder to work out.

Bruce considered his outfits for the day. For some reason, he had the sudden urge to wear the charcoal suit he kept to the side. He was expected to meet with some executives who handled Wayne Enterprises' day-to-day dealings. And because of his age, he didn't have to put on the fake 'playboy' image anymore. He was allowed to act like the old curmudgeon he was.

Inspecting his reflection, he was pleased to see the suit still fit him. He smoothed down his silver hair, admiring how well it matched. Slipping the mystery opal necklace into the coat pocket, Bruce reached for his cane and walked towards the door. He paused, looking back at his bed. Alfred would have chastised him for leaving it unmade, right after having made it himself. How he missed that old man.

'Old man'. Huh. I shouldn't talk.

He allowed Ace to precede him out the door. His companion had a way of barreling down the hall in his excitement. After one particularly enthusiastic charge nearly left him on the floor, Bruce had no compunctions about following slowly after the hungry animal. Ace would pause at various parts of the house to wait for him and encourage him to move faster.

Bruce moved thoughtfully through the hall. It was a meditation he did every morning to remind him why he kept up his duties. As he passed each closed door, he would recall who stayed in that room:

Alfred. Loyal Butler. Trusted mentor. Father figure. Saddened that Bruce never found the time to settle down. Died in his arms of old age. Would there be someone there to hold him when it was his turn?

Dick. First son. Faithful side kick. Left when he grew out of his old man's shadow. Frustrated over his father's refusal to let his mission go. Hadn't spoken to him in years.

Jason. Second son. Pain in the ass, but talented. Died in the line of duty. Bruce's fault.

Tim. Last son. Sweetest boy he'd ever known. Never got around to telling him. Suffered under Joker's control. Currently a patient at Arkham Asylum recovering from the incident. Proof of his total failure as a father.

J'onn. Martian confidant. An alien who tried his best to fit in. Stayed in his home for a short time during Watchtower Two's construction. Left to learn more about humans. Last he heard, he was in Asia, happily caring for all his adopted grandchildren. At least there was one who figured it out.

Bruce stopped at one particular door. Sometimes he paused, other times he rushed by as fast as he could. And like now, he fought against the urge to open it. It had been so long since she stayed there, but he was still scared to go in. What if her scent still lingered after all this time?

Diana. Beautiful Diana.

Bruce reached for the doorknob and turned. He was surprised to find the same draft that plagued him in his room hit him full in the face here. It was cold, but refreshing. Like the first breezes of Spring. And the scent of flowers... powder...

He walked in and sat on the mattress. There was a light coating of dust everywhere. Alfred would have been appalled! No one had been in that room since Diana moved back to Themyscira. She had served occasionally with the League, but her duties as ambassador took up most her time.

And ever since that fateful mission, he couldn't find the strength to enter that room. Until now.

Bruce looked around, curious to see if he'd find any sign of her. There had been an incident. He refused to apologize for his actions, and she had been distant with him ever since. She even had a relationship with an Air Force colonel for a while. But there had always been that tension between them. He had his issues. She had her pride.

Diana. The untaken road. The chance he lost. Forever.

Bruce sat up abruptly, chastising himself for his nostalgia. None of that was of any importance. The mission was all that mattered. They couldn't handle the fact that he needed to make sure Gotham stayed safe, so they left. Except...

What if?

Bruce's cane knocked something out from under the bedspread, the object skittering across the floor and hitting the leg of the bureau. He bent down carefully and picked up the small, wooden figure. Inspecting the fine craftsmanship, he read the delicate letters carved at its base. He couldn't understand them at first, then realized they were in Greek.

He couldn't help but smile at this small treasure. Diana had kept a pantheon of idols in her room. She had explained that it was her way of bringing the old gods to the modern world. He had teased her that unless she wanted to hold worship on her bed, she might want to get something bigger than a doll. She had chased him out after that. Only his swift dodging saved him from getting hit with her shoe.

His heart lifting at this bright memory, he used the morning light streaming into the window to read what the carving said - Κόρη. Ransacking his brain for the translation, his head tilted in curiosity over this particular idol. Kore the Maiden, the Harbinger of Spring. The aspect of Persephone before she had been kidnapped by Hades.

Bruce wondered why this particular idol had been forgotten. He was sure Diana would have noticed it missing. Maybe she had a spare, or acquired another one when she went home. Either which way, he now had this as a symbol of what he needed to do next.

These dreams couldn't be a coincidence. The vision he received the other day was too vivid to ignore as the ramblings of an old man.

A vision, or a memory he didn't remember having, started filtering through his mind. A light, a kiss, swirling blue energy, traveling to a castle in the sky, dancing in the setting sunlight, a challenge, heated passion and cool touches,

He found the strength to enter that room. He held the idol close to his heart for a moment, remembering how he was able dance with her that one time. He savored the memory of that single kiss.

Kore. Persephone. Death and rebirth.

Diana's voice. "He'll always be beautiful to me."

His response. "We're going to make our own future perfect, our way. No matter what."

A fire lit in Bruce's heart when he heard those words. Our Future. Our Way.

Us? Me and you? Oh God...what if? Would I still be beautiful to you if you saw me now? I'm old, weak. So much has happened went away. I'm not the hero you knew. Someone else does that now. But is it possible? That, in some far off way, in the infinite universes hinted in Einstein's Theory of Relativity...

Could you possibly have found it in your heart to love me?

There had been a previous vision. Diana, Rex's father John Stewart, and a younger version of himself were chasing a time criminal. Even for those short few minutes, he felt alive again. She was right there! And when she disappeared, young Bruce and John chased Chronos to make it right.

It was all he could do to keep himself under control. He regarded his younger self - confident, strong, cocky... stubborn. He wanted to go to young Bruce and slap him silly.


He wasn't sure if young Bruce had taken his silent advice. Terry's arrival from patrol had startled him awake from the dream. He had given the surprised young man a stern talking to about overtaxing the Batsuit. He used that inspection to fuss over his protege. The dream had shown how Terry died covering younger Bruce's escape.

But after the vision of a blue light, Bruce knew he wasn't dreaming. He was aware that variations occurred in timestreams, and that it was possible that a different reality existed for every choice that could be made. He often wondered what this life would have looked like if he made different decisions.

The vision hinted at such a beautiful life. Diana wore a red dress. Her hair flowed around her as they danced in the sunset. She looked straight into his eyes, smiling, laughing. So much joy. So much happiness...

The sob exploded out of his mouth before he could stop it. He missed her painfully. The tears were only the latest in the long line of lonely nights in his room, in the cave. His mission was all he had left. He hadn't allowed himself anything more. And he kept this one secret to himself for so long.

"I loved you, Diana. I loved you so much."

"And I love you, Bruce, so very much."

The whisper on the wind soothed his aching heart. He looked around, searching for its source. Though he wasn't a superstitious man, he knew ghosts could exist. He'd seen too much not to believe. They were more likely manifestations of those who left goals undone. He was not afraid of them.

He glanced at the idol. Could this be the reason? But this had been hidden here for decades. Why is this happening now?

Bruce moved to put the figurine in his pocket when his hand came in contact with the charm. He pulled it out and gasped. The dark, blood red opal had lightened to a shade of magenta. Subtle, but noticeable. Not a trick of the light.

Where did this come from?

"Rooooo." Bruce looked up to find Ace lying patiently in the door. The dog inched towards him in an uncharacteristically meek way, as if asking for permission to approach. Bruce sat back down and patted his leg.

"Come here boy. Do you know anything about this?" The dog bounced up and trotted over to him, laying his head on his human's lap. The canine peered up sadly, giving soft, puppy dog eyes that melted Bruce's heart. He gently patted his large head. "I'm sorry, my friend. I think you know more about this than you're letting on. And I yelled at you. If only you could talk. What would you say?"

Ace nudged his hand and licked the fingers that held the charm. Then he stared straight into his human's eyes. Bruce reared back at the almost intelligent communication in his gaze. The messages was clear.

Put it on.

Bruce inspected the chain and noticed that it had been shortened in half, but it could be pulled out to a longer chain. Adjusting it gently, he watched as the gem glittered in the dawn light. He gingerly looped it around his neck.

Nothing. Huh. Figured that would happen. That's what I gets for thinking I could understand a dog.

"Come on, Ace. I know you're waiting for your food. I could use a cup of coffee myself. Let's go." Tucking the charm into his shirt, Bruce exited the room, closing the door lightly. I'll see about getting a cleaning service to dust that room. Time to let the ghosts go.

He carefully stepped down the stairs. He touched the banister -

Bruce ran out of the room barefoot, clothed in casual jeans and white button down shirt. Sliding down the stair rail, he raced towards the clock and the cave.

Bruce clutched the guardrail, saving himself from a tumble down the stairs. The vision hit him so suddenly, he felt like he had actually slid down the banister. But he had done that so many times when Alfred wasn't looking. That shouldn't be a surprise to him. Why that particular... image?

Using his cane this time, Bruce gingerly stepped down the stairs. He stared at the guardrail as if it could suddenly change into a snake. There was an old movie where that had happened. The poltergeist had been torturing a family so it could marry their daughter. He had watched it with Tim. The boy laughed throughout the whole thing. Bruce endured it for him.

Bruce stepped on a stair -

Bruce cleared the smirk right off her face as he attacked her lips, pushing her on the staircase. He had to take her by surprise or he might find himself at the disadvantage. But there was something he wanted to do ever since he kissed her on the stairs in the cave, especially now he knew she was bare underneath her dress.

"Whoa!" He definitely didn't remember that! Bruce sat heavily onto the stair. The visions filtering through his mind made the old man blush. "Wow." Did he really do that? And she let him? And she was WHAT under her dress?

Bruce thoughtfully tapped his cane on the floor. He had done a few things in his youth to gain his playboy reputation. He even enjoyed some of it. But if that happened with Wonder Woman - he let out a slight chuckle. If this universe existed...

Go me!

Reluctantly, Bruce raised off the stair. He had to be careful when stepping on that particular step. Maybe he should take off this charm when he did. It obviously was the source all these images. One more soft laugh escaped. Wow indeed.

As was his routine, he traveled to the sitting room that bore his parents' portrait. This was the last stop before eating breakfast and getting down to business.

Bruce stared at the frozen image of his parents. He always started with his father. The man staring back at him was now younger looking than himself. Thomas Wayne could be strict sometimes, but he always was there to pick him up when he scraped his knees. He had wanted Bruce to become a doctor like him, or go into the family business...

Sort of did that. In his own way.

Bruce gazed fondly at his mother. Martha Wayne would have wanted him to settle down with a good woman, have a few kids. She would have been a wonderful grandmother, doting over the children while shooing him and his wife out the door to enjoy some time alone. A wife would probably have made sure he led a full life away from work.

He leaned against the old couch -

Bruce slowly nipped at her jawline, traveling along the shapely ridge as she turned her head back towards him. Their lips met naturally at the middle as they fell into a quiet, tender kiss. Their breathing increased as their kiss deepened, apologies and forgiveness traded in their silent communication. Hands began to caress; strong, calloused fingers traced soft skin as gentle arms wound around muscular shoulders...

Bruce didn't stop this time. He rounded the couch and sat upon the furniture. The dust puffed up into the air. He closed his eyes for the impending vision -

Without a word, Bruce brought his beautiful wife into his arms and lowered their bodies to lay onto the couch. Between his drunken haze, Diana tired from her injuries, and their happy afterglow, they might as well just stay there. Adjusting their clothes to cover their private parts, he tucked her onto his chest, his chin resting upon the top of her head. He sighed contently as she wound her arm around his waist.

He began punching the cushion beside him. SHE WAS HIS WIFE! The thought surged through his heart, bringing pain and hope at the same time. She did love him! She was God! He had to fix this!

Bruce jumped at the sound of dishes being abused in his kitchen. His surge of joy was replaced with annoyance as he heard more noise - an electric can opener's labored whiring. Unless Ace developed opposable thumbs, that could only be one person.

"Ace! Here boy! Come on, I got some food for you. Yes, you're a happy dog, aren't you? Who's your friend...oh, hey Bruce, you're awake," Terry peeked up from the dog bowl. "Wow! You're looking dapper this morning. Just coming in from a date? You old silver fox, did you steal some grand dame's heart?"

"Is that how you come into someone else's home? Stomping around, making all this noise? And why are you feeding my dog?"

"Hey, we just came to a truce. I want to make sure I keep in his good graces. Food is usually the best way to do it. Plus he's been waiting there for a few minutes. I couldn't take his sad, hungry eyes anymore."

"And take away one of the few things I can still do? Get away from my dog." Ace's head swiveled back and forth between the two. He didn't care who fed him, just as long as it was soon. The smell of rabbit had made him really hungry. Bruce snatched the bowl from Terry's hand then placed it on the floor.

"Whatever, Bruce. We both know who he likes more - whoever uses the can opener that morning. He's my dog today."

"Why are you here, anyway? Isn't your mother going to worry?"

"Awww... listen to you. Like a concerned father." Terry raised his hand at Bruce's glare. "She's off to pick up Matt from sleep-away camp. They'll be gone for a while, so I'm taking my time."

"If you're going to be here so early, you should have at least brought breakfast."

"And you think you didn't train me well enough. I stopped off at the bakery for some beignets... damn, I left them in the cave. I'll be back. I started a pot of coffee. Save me some. It's been a long night."

Terry patted Ace on the head then bounded out the door for the pastries. Bruce waited for him to leave then walked over to the counter island. This was the same one since those days she was here. He reached out to touch it -

She turned and lifted one to his mouth to let him take a bite. She gently wiped the sugar from his lips and kissed him for good measure. She touched his lips enough times to make sure all the sugar had disappeared. She brushed away some of the powdered sweetness that fell onto his black tee-shirt.

Bruce reached down to wipe at his lapel, then realized that he hadn't actually eaten anything. But it was so sweet; not the beignet, but her kiss. He looked around. The coffee service -

Bruce reached over to take a sip of Diana's coffee. He reeled over its super sweetness, then stretched to the center of the island to pour his own cup of coffee - straight black.

He poured a cup of coffee, then added a few lumps of sugar. Bruce kept these for Terry, he never really wanted them. Pouring a liberal amount of cream into his cup, he gingerly took a drink.

Yep. Just how she liked it. He set down the cup, smiling softly to himself. A flavor to remember her by. His fingers brushed the counter again -

Bruce leaned in to kiss her, the tip of his tongue asking for entrance. She allowed him to go for a deeper kiss, tasting the wine that he had sampled a minute before. Diana lowered her glass to the counter as she wound her arms around his neck. She continued to savor the flavor.

He squeezed his eyes shut against the vision and took off the charm. He couldn't take it anymore. Each vision taunted him with the chances he'd lost. Kisses, affection, sharing simple flavors. He wanted to hate that Bruce. What about Gotham? They needed him. They needed protection. Did she get in the way of all that?

Then there was the secret part of him that said 'damn Gotham'. They still haven't learned how to take care of themselves. He gave her up for them? What have they done to make his sacrifices mean something? Are they happy? Did they take the chances he'd given them?

Was this to taunt him about the road not taken? Or was this something different. A chance to capture what he had given up? He thought back to each vision. They all had two things in common.

Diana loved him, and he was deliriously happy.

This all meant something. He didn't believe in chance. That charm found him for a reason. He was going to find out why.

Bruce furiously wiped the wetness off his face as he heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. Swiftly pocketing the charm, he sipped at the coffee. Ugh. He'll have to make another cup. Too much sugar!

Terry entered with barely a glance at Bruce. Any sooner, he would have seen the tears. "They're still kind of warm, so we should eat these now. Then we'll need to go down to the cave. The Bat Suite's propulsion system was damaged last night."

"How'd that happen? Did you get hurt?"

"No. It was that monster of a storm I fought through. I never saw anything like it! It came through fast and furious, then poof! It was done. Really weird. Rex said he had a problem flying through it, too. Nearly damaged his wings."

"There was a storm? I didn't hear anything." Bruce glared at the younger man doubtfully.

"Just because you didn't hear it doesn't mean it didn't happen. You must have been sleeping like the dead. It was hard to miss. Loud and bright." Terry leaned up against the counter and folded his arms across his chest. "Your hearing could be going, too, old man. Or you're so accustomed to loud noises, it didn't phase you."

"It must have been powerful. That's the third time this month we'll have to repair the suit. You must think I'm made of money."

"Old joke, Bruce. Still works. Anyways, I was out there since last night. Other than that storm, nothing else happened. Freak occurance, not my fault."

"You mean you were out since this morning. You didn't leave until after midnight."

"Morning, night...tomayto, tomaaato...semantics! Stop trying to have the last word. Come on Ace, I'll take you outside. There might be some deer and rabbit out there. Go chase them away!" Gobbling up the last of his breakfast, Ace's nails clicked on the kitchen's linoleum floor as he bounded towards the door. He was ready to chase some rabbits!

Bruce sat there silently, absently rubbing the charm in his pocket. He had to be careful how he used this. A mystery had been presented to him, and he had evidence to gather. This would be difficult - he didn't even have a picture to tell him what the puzzle pieces would reveal. The jem was the only thing he had to give him an idea of how to proceed.

But it was a drug waiting to happen. He already found his fingers itching to put the charm back on and run around the house, touching everything along the way. She was everywhere - in her old room, on the stairs, in the sitting room, the kitchen...

And the one vision that made him feel so much younger. The one that haunted him more than all those other images. The one that woke him up in the first place -

He gently laid her down, helping her position herself on the middle of the bed with her heels still on. Like the way he observed her on the transporter pad, he ran his eyes along her body, taking in the details as she waited for him to join her. Her eyes, darkened to almost the cerulean color of the Mediterranean, gazing up at him with a hunger he hoped to fulfill.

Bruce was so transfixed with the sight before him, he nearly forgot to move until she reached for him. Her arms stretched out, inviting him to join her.

Join her. He wanted to so badly. To feel her arms around him, smell her scent, hear her whisper in his ear. Bruce walked over to the window over the sink. He watched as Terry ran after Ace, the young man and dog enjoying the early Autumn air.

The sun was rising later, and the days were getting shorter. Soon, he would be waking up to cold winter darkness. But for now, light filtered through Gotham's skyline. It was a hopeful time, a day full of potential. For once, Bruce allowed himself to feel some very rare emotions -




The growl of the powerful motor echoed through the cave. The vehicle's driver jumped out of the cockpit and ran towards the transporter. The night had been peaceful after his sons had inspected the city that past weekend, so no other incidents had happened. But then, Tuesdays tended to be slow days, even during the early morning darkness. He had all the energy in the world, and he couldn't stop his heart from pounding in his excitement.

He arrived on the station's transporter pad in a hail of light. The technician snapped to attention, recognizing the senior leaguer's dark uniform. With barely a glance, Batman strode out of the room.

He met no one on his journey to the turbo lift. He punched in his destination, then nearly started tapping his foot impatiently. Lower level, executive section. Note to self: make these lifts move faster!

The hall lights were dimmed, giving the illusion of darkness. He knew certain senior members were sleeping in their quarters, so he walked as quietly as a Bat could. He stopped in front of a particular door - Room 3. Glancing around, he pushed a button.

Almost immediately, the hatch slid open and a hand reached through, grabbing him and pulling him inside. He was pushed against the wall and soft lips touched his in greeting. He let her deepen the kiss, luxuriating in the thought that this was his. He parted the touch to glance down at his wife.

Aquamarine eyes sparkled. Dark hair flowed down past her shoulders. Her smile gleamed in the soft light of Earth's glow.

She smelled of powder and roses. She wore a shear white nightgown.

She pulled down the zipper on the side of his uniform.

Batman reached up and took off his cowl. Bruce looked back into Diana's eyes, tears nearly welling up with the love he felt for the woman in his arms. Slowly, she undressed him: cape and cowl fell to the floor, gloves and gauntlets settled upon a bureau. His utility belt was carefully laid upon a chair.

His armored top bounced onto the deck as she pushed him back onto her bed. She slowly knelt in front of him to take off his boots. He didn't like how that made it seem like she was supplicating herself to him, so he drew her into his lap to stop her.

Bruce let his hands roam her body. He was in no hurry. She was his, he was hers. He would savor each moment as if it was the last.

He cuddled her closer to breathe in her scent. She wound her arms around his neck and snuggled against his neck.

"Morning," she whispered in his ear.

In another universe, an old man glanced out a window at the glowing dawn. His heart ached at the dreams filtering through his head. He would get there. He promised.

Both men answered with all their hearts.


To be continued...

Author's Notes (Mostly Wikipedia references, others found by Google searching.):

Hestia, goddess of hearth and home, granted Diana "sisterhood with fire, that it might open men's hearts to her." This power has been shown to control the "Fires of Truth," which Diana wields through her lasso, making anyone bound by it unable to lie. This ability also grants her resistance to both normal and supernatural fire.

Hestia's name and functions show the importance of the hearth and its fire in the social, religious and political life of ancient Greece; essential for warmth, food preparation, and the completion of sacrificial offerings to deities, in which Hestia was the "customary recipient of a preliminary, usually cheap, sacrifice". She was also offered the first and last libations of wine at feasts. Her own sacrificial animal was a domestic pig.

Hermes, the messenger god of speed, granted Diana superhuman speed and the ability to fly. She is one of the fastest beings (obviously inferior to the Flash Family and an equal to Superman). She is capable of flying at speeds approaching half the speed of light. She is swift enough to deflect bullets, lasers, and other projectiles with her virtually impenetrable bracelets.

Hermes was a god of transitions and boundaries. He was quick and cunning, and moved freely between the worlds of the mortal and divine, as emissary and messenger of the gods, intercessor between mortals and the divine, and conductor of souls into the afterlife. He was protector and patron of travelers, herdsmen, thieves, orators and wit, literature and poets, athletics and sports, invention and trade.

In some myths he is a trickster, and outwits other gods for his own satisfaction or the sake of humankind. His attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster and the tortoise, purse or pouch, winged sandals, winged cap, and his main symbol was the herald's staff, the Greek kerykeion or Latin caduceus which consisted of two snakes wrapped around a winged staff.

Artemis, goddess of the hunt, animals, and the Moon, graced Diana with the Eyes of the Hunter and Unity with Beasts. The Eyes of the Hunter ability gives Diana a full range of enhanced senses, including telescopic vision and super hearing. Unity with Beasts grants her the ability of empathy particularly that to communicate with all forms of animal life and to calm even the most ferocious of beasts.

Artemis was often described as the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth, virginity and protector of young girls, bringing and relieving disease in women; she often was depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and deer and the cypress were sacred to her. In later Hellenistic times, she even assumed the ancient role of Eileithyia in aiding childbirth.

All of her companions remained virgins, and Artemis closely guarded her own chastity. Her symbols included the golden bow and arrow, the hunting dog, the stag, and the moon.

As a virgin, Artemis had interested many gods and men, but only her hunting companion, Orion, won her heart. Orion was accidentally killed either by Artemis or by Gaia.

Apollo is one of the most important and complex of the Olympian deities in ancient Greek and Roman religion. The ideal of the kouros (a beardless, athletic youth), Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste huntress Artemis. Apollo is known in Greek-influenced Etruscan mythology as Apulu.

As the patron of Delphi (Pythian Apollo), Apollo was an oracular god—the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle. Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his son Asclepius, yet Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague.

As the leader of the Muses (Apollon Musegetes) and director of their choir, Apollo functioned as the patron god of music and poetry.

In Hellenistic times, especially during the 3rd century BCE, as Apollo Helios he became identified among Greeks with Helios, Titan god of the sun, and his sister Artemis similarly equated with Selene, Titan goddess of the moon.

Pallas Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war, granted Diana great wisdom, intelligence, and military prowess. Athena's gift has enabled Diana to master over a dozen languages (including those of alien origin), multiple complex crafts, sciences and philosophies, as well as leadership, military strategy, and armed and unarmed combat. She can mimic voices, although it is more difficult for her to mimic a man's voice. More recently, Athena bound her own eyesight to Diana's, granting her increased empathy.

Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and is the goddess of heroic endeavour. She is the virgin patroness of Athens. The Athenians founded the Parthenon on the Acropolis of her namesake city, Athens (Athena Parthenos), in her honour.

She led battles (Athena Promachos or the warrior maiden Athena Parthenos) as the disciplined, strategic side of war, in contrast to her brother Ares, the patron of violence, bloodlust and slaughter—"the raw force of war". Athena's wisdom includes the cunning intelligence (metis) of such figures as Odysseus. Not only was this version of Athena the opposite of Ares in combat, it was also the polar opposite of the serene earth goddess version of the deity, Athena Polias.

The character of Athena, as we have here traced it, holds a middle place between the male and female, whence she is called in an Orphic hymn (xxxi. 10) arsên kai thêlus, and hence also she is a virgin divinity (Hom. Hymn. ix. 3), whose heart is inaccessible to the passion of love, and who shuns matrimonial connexion.

Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility, blessed Diana with strength drawn from the Earth spirit Gaea, making her one of the physically strongest heroes in the DC Universe and the strongest female heroine of all in the DC Universe.

Though Demeter is often described simply as the goddess of the harvest, she presided also over the sanctity of marriage, the sacred law, and the cycle of life and death. She and her daughter Persephone were the central figures of the Eleusinian Mysteries that predated the Olympian pantheon.

Demeter's epithets show her many religious functions. She was the "Corn-Mother" who blesses the harvesters. Some cults interpreted her as "Mother-Earth". Demeter may be linked to goddess-cults of Minoan Crete, and embody aspects of a pre-Hellenic Great Goddess. Her other epithets include:

- Aganippe ("the Mare who destroys mercifully", "Night-Mare")
- Potnia ("mistress") in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Hera especially, but also Artemis and Athena, are addressed as "potnia" as well.
- Despoina ("mistress of the house"), a Greek word similar to the Mycenean potnia. This title was also applied to Persephone, Aphrodite and Hecate.
- Erinys ("implacable"), with a function similar with the function of the avenging Dike (Justice), goddess of moral justice based on custom rules who represents the divine retribution, and the Erinyes, female ancient chthonic deities of vengeance and implacable agents of retribution.

Opal is thought to have been discovered as long as 4,000 years ago, and myths and lore abound in practically all cultures. The ancient Greeks thought opal to be the tears of joy that Zeus wept after defeating the Titans. They believed opal gave the gift of foresight and prophecy, which would ensure the owner success in war, business and life.

To see a rabbit in your dream signifies luck, magical power, and success. You have a positive outlook on life. Alternatively, rabbits symbolize abundance, warmth, fertility and sexual activity. In particular, to see a white rabbit in your dream symbolizes faithfulness in love. The white rabbit also serves as a guide to steer you toward the right direction.

To see a dog in your dream symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities.

"Might; Valor". One of Actaeon's hounds in Ovid's Metamorphoses, attacked his owner on Artemis' command. Also, a recommended dog name in Columella's On Agriculture.

The Khimaira (Chimera) may have symbolised the cold of winter: her fire-breathing lion-head representing frost, her goat-head the storms of winter (aigis in Greek means both goatish and storm), and her serpentine-head winter sickness. Khimaira's name was perhaps derived from the Greek words kheima (cold, frost, winter) and aera (air). The father of Khimaira was Typhoeus the daemon of deadly, winter-storms and her mother was Ekhidna a daemon of illness and disease.

In the popular myth, her opponent Pegasos has a place amongst the stars as the spring-rising constellation Pegasus. Conversely, the Khimaira may have been represented by constellation Capricorn (the serpent-tailed goat), whose rising heralded the onset of winter.

In Medieval art, though the Chimera of Antiquity was forgotten, chimerical figures appear as embodiments of the deceptive, even Satanic forces of raw nature. Provided with a human face and a scaly tail, as in Dante's vision of Geryon in Inferno xvii.7–17, 25–27, hybrid monsters, more akin to the Manticore of Pliny's Natural History (viii.90), provided iconic representations of hypocrisy and fraud well into the seventeenth century, through an emblematic representation in Cesare Ripa's Iconologia.[16]

Daemons are good or benevolent nature spirits, beings of the same nature as both mortals and gods, similar to ghosts, chthonic heroes, spirit guides, forces of nature or the gods themselves (see Plato's Symposium).

Daemons scarcely figure in Greek mythology or Greek art: they are felt but their unseen presence can only be assumed, with the exception of the agathodaemon, honored first with a libation in ceremonial wine-drinking, especially at the sanctuary of Dionysus, and represented in iconography by the chthonic serpent.

Eudaemon, eudaimon, or eudemon in Greek mythology was a type of daemon or genius, which in turn was a kind of spirit. A eudaemon was regarded as a good spirit or angel, and the evil cacodaemon was its opposing spirit.

The word eudaemon in Greek means having a good attendant spirit, happy. It is constructed by the prefix eu, which means "well" or "good", plus the suffix daemon, which is divinity, spirit, divine power, fate, or god. Also daemon is the Greek derivative for the term demon, in which case "demon" means "replete with knowledge". Sometimes eudaemon is incorrectly taken to mean literally "good spirit".

Eudaemons in Greek mythology included deified heroes. They were regarded intermediary spirits between gods and the men. Eudaemons, the good daemons, were understood as guardian spirits, bestowing protection and guidance to ones they watched over.

Anagenesis, (also ancient greek for "Reborn") also known as "phyletic change", is the evolution of species involving an entire population rather than a branching event, as incladogenesis. When enough mutations have occurred and become stable in a population so that it is significantly differentiated from an ancestral population, a new species name may be assigned. A key point is that the entire population is different from the ancestral population such that the ancestral population can be considered extinct. A series of such species is collectively known as an evolutionary lineage.

Antiope was an Amazon, daughter of Ares and sister to Melanippe and Hippolyte and possibly Orithyia, queens of the Amazons. She was the wife of Theseus, and the only Amazon known to have married. There are various accounts of the manner in which Theseus became possessed of her, and of her subsequent fortunes.

Theseus was the mythical founder-king of Athens, son of Aegeus and Poseidon, both of whom Aethra had slept with in one night. He was responsible for the synoikismos ("dwelling together")—the political unification of Attica under Athens, represented emblematically in his journey of labours, subduing highly localized ogres and monstrous beasts. Because he was the unifying king, Theseus built and occupied a palace on the fortress of the Acropolis that may have been similar to the palace that was excavated in Mycenae. Pausanias reports that after the synoikismos, Theseus established a cult of Aphrodite Pandemos ("Aphrodite of all the People") and Peitho on the southern slope of the Acropolis.

Hippolytus was a son of Theseus and either Antiope or Hippolyte. The most common legend regarding Hippolytus states that he was killed after rejecting the advances of Phaedra, his stepmother, the second wife of Theseus. Spurned, Phaedra deceived Theseus saying that his son had raped her. Theseus, furious, used one of the three wishes given to him by Poseidon to curse Hippolytus. Poseidon sent a sea-monster—or, alternatively, Dionysus sent a wild bull—to terrorize Hippolytus's horses, who dragged their rider to his death.

Two versions of this story appear in Euripides' play Hippolytus and Seneca the Younger's play Phaedra.

Zeus killed Asclepius, Son of Apollo, with a thunderbolt because he raised Hippolytus from the dead and accepted gold for it.

Molpadia was an Amazon who was said to have fought for both Antiope and Orithyia. She was a participant in the Attic War, where she witnessed her queen Antiope sustain heavy injuries. Antiope was hurt so seriously, she could not defend herself from Theseus and his retainers. Knowing this, Molpadia killed the queen with an arrow (some say spear), saving her from violation by the Athenian king. Other sources, however, state that she killed Antiope by accident. She was afterwards killed by Theseus, and her tomb was shown at Athens.

Like many other Amazons, she may have been named for a goddess, in this case a psychopomp deity. Her name means "Death Song".

A/N This story was brought to you by the number 3, the color blue, and the letter "H", for Home, Hearts, Heroes, and HIPPOLYTA!

So if you made it this far, you either read all of that I posted above or scrolled really fast. (You'll want to scan those to see where I got some of my ideas from.) Either which way, congratulations! You found me. Thank you so very much for reading my story! I hope you had fun all the way through. I'm actually going to miss posting every day. Guess that means I should get back to writing. Right?

This is a story that took many twists and turns - even it's origin was a surprise to me! As I was researching characters during "Baila Conmigo", I came across a wikipedia entry for Hippolyta that said something like "Hippolyta had been known to put her daughter's interests above all others, to the detriment of her kingdom." That intrigued me! She had been written so one dimensional, I wanted to give her a chance to tell her story.

As she grew in my head, Hippolyta became clearer: she was a feisty little girl, an unsure teenager, a young woman questioning her convictions, a competent warrior, a loyal and annoying sister, a loving (if strict) mother, a queen worried over the survival of her people, Amazon champion, and most importantly, a woman with faults, strengths, hopes, fears, regrets, desires, and the ability to learn and grow.

Her story brought along this one. Thank her, everyone!

And the major challenge - create a character that lived and breathed, and readers cared for very much...then kill her. Enter Antiope. She was already a tragic figure. I tried staying as close to her myth as I could. So even as I created her, I knew she was going to die. That didn't stop me from giving her a beautiful life. But, in my studies to become a better writer, that was one issue that many instructors stressed. You HAVE to be able to kill a beloved character if it forwards the story.

Sucks. I know. But I cheated. She still lives... just in a different way. ;-)

And I hope I was able to present a story that gave Diana and Bruce a chance at coming together on equal ground. This may be a stretch, but I figured the pursuit of happiness is an inborn need for everyone, even Batman. First I wanted them to break down and admit their feelings. Then I wanted to push them into a situation where they realized that their love goes beyond surface attraction. And finally, I wanted them to commit on their own terms. Considering the extraordinary lives they led, it would take drastic events to do that.

Include gods, monsters, villains and a few original characters, I was able to present you a frolicking story across time, the Zodiac, and Gotham. And...I was able to show just how badass Alfred was. The power behind the throne. :-)

Reveal time! I'm sure you've figured out the format for this story by now. Like I said, as "Baila Conmigo" was a fairytale, this one had a very specific idea in mind. To give you a hint, Bruce read two of them in a week. (Damn, Bruce. Speed-read much?)

Yep, I modeled this off The Iliad and Odyssey -

Greek Epic.
- Plot centers around a Hero of Unbelievable Stature. The epic hero completes what everyone only attempts. In ancient epics, the hero often is either partially divine or at least protected by a god or gods.
- Involves deeds of superhuman strength and valor. Accomplish feats no real human could.
- Vast Setting. The action spans not only geographical but also often cosmological space: across land, sea, into the underworld, or thru space or time etc.
- Involves supernatural and-or otherworldly forces. Gods, demons, angels, time/space travel, cheating death etc.
- Sustained elevation of style. Overwritten. Overly formal, highly stylized (poetry, lyricism (singing), exaggeration) Okay, I tried not to do this too much, but I possibly did get a little fluffy. Fluffy...get it? Moving along...
- Poet remains objective and omniscient. The narrator sees and knows all and presents all perspectives.

There are other elements involved: rituals, wine/alcohol, sex, moral codes. These have been the roots of many of today's storytelling anyway, so all of these are familiar to you. I hope you enjoyed it so far.

So far? You mean there's more? Of course! I planted so many seeds in this one, I'll have my own star glowing forest soon. (NO MOON SIRENS ALLOWED!) I'm going to have to take a break though, this one sucked the energy out of me. 220,000+ words written between 10/14/2012 through 9/18/2013. 34 days straight posting. I'm pooped!

I need to rest, regroup my thoughts. I'll try not to take so long, but you know me, I have to finish writing a story before I post it. I don't know how to do it any other way and guarantee my best. Hope you'll stick around.

Your encouragement helps me write! There are still stories inside of me, but I have to know if you want me to share them. How can you do this?

- Review on a chapter(s) through out my stories. Tell me what you like about them.
- Send me music! What songs do you think fit the BMWW story? Perhaps it'll inspire you to write your own story!
- Let me know if I've inspired you to write. Nothing flatters me more than knowing that someone has found their creative spark while I demonstrated mine.
- Place me in your favorite author's list. That will also let you know when I post my next story.

And though I try not to troll for reviews, I want to give you some incentive to do so. I have three insider secrets that I don't think anyone picked on in this story. They involve Bruce and a god, Hippolyta and the gods, and Alfred and Diana. Want to know what they are? Just review on a chapter, tell me what you liked about it, then tell me which secret you want to know. Do that three times and you'll get all three! But I need to know where to send it. PM me if you want to review that way.

Oh, and to my loyal reviewers Lloyd RPGFan, The Mortal Knight, mbembet, Preferably, and JericaMMADfan, I'll tell you those up front. Keep an eye out for some PMs!

And to prove to you that I will keep going, I have a present for you...


Okay - So I may have been working on one of the future stories while struggling with Heroes. I knew where it was going, so I would ponder that when I was having troubles forming a coherent thought. Consider this a reward for those who have stuck with me so far.

There are at least two shorter stories coming before I write the next full multi-chapter installation. Those will fill the promised deleted scene in Heroes and one that I started in Tuesday Morning Breakfast. Below is a rough draft and may change as I write it, but this will give you an idea of what's to come.

True story title:

The Fewer...the Proud.
(Dedicated to Fourth Battalion Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, North Carolina - the birthplace of Lady Leathernecks, female Marines if you don't know. I've wanted to write this story since the time I trained with true Amazons. Semper Fi, sisters. - NLA "D. Nox", USMC)

"Oh, by the way, I just got a message; I'm going to be touring Fourth Battalion on Parris Island later in the month. I passed your ideas along to the Pentagon and they were intrigued. They want me to observe their recruit training up close to see if they are compatible with Amazon culture.
"Your idea, I just helped you work it out."
Two Days - Trinity: Friday Morning

"Kal, do you really think this is a good idea, telling him like this?"

"Of course, Diana. He should be surrounded by friends when he hears."

"I don't know. He's a very private person. What if he doesn't like it and reacts wrong?"

"Then we'll be there to support you. Besides, this doesn't affect just him. We need to get this resolved quickly. It'll be okay. Come on, the meeting should have started five minutes ago."

The two senior leaguers entered the council room, the last of the group to arrive. This was different, usually the Man of Steel was the first there, waiting for everyone else. He felt as the leader of the league, he had to set the example. This time, a friend needed him more. Friendship over decorum, he thought.

The two heavy hitters sat at their respective seats next to each other. Diana's seat also placed her next to the third in the leadership trinity. Batman seemingly ignored their arrival as he read through a general station report. Yet after she sat down, she felt him run a finger down the side of her leg in an intimate greeting. She reached down under the table and took his hand in her own, squeezing his fingers lightly in response.

She hoped this wouldn't be the last time today that he deemed to touch her. It could be.

"Okay, this meeting is now in session. So, does anyone have anything to bring to our attention before we go through the report?" Superman handed over the floor to those sitting around the table.

"Um...I do, Kal." Every head turned towards the Amazon at the front. She usually presented messages from Themyscira or the United Nations. She glanced at each person there, ending with her lover...and secret husband...currently holding her hand. She gave him one last squeeze before releasing him and stood to make her request.

"As some of you know, I proposed a cultural and military exchange between Themyscira and the U.S. government. With help from Green Lantern and Batman, I was able to draw up a plan that would have women from the Marine Corps establish a test post on Themyscira. There, newly minted female Marines and their Drill instructors would continue their training, after Basic Training, in the traditional Amazon way.

"I was invited earlier this month to tour the Recruit Depot Fourth Training Battalion training facility at Parris Island, South Carolina. I was impressed with what I saw and forwarded my opinion to both our governments. From that report, they proposed that a longer, more thorough observation would be needed to determine if this plan was viable. So with that, they asked me to take part in a cycle of recruit training. They figured that it would be a good introduction to Marine history and indoctrination, and I could also observe from behind the scenes how the instructors handled new recruits.

"I received a message this morning that a fourth battalion training series is about to pick up their incoming recruits next week. These have actually been hand picked as the best candidates for this program. This would be the only time I could integrate with this particular series. I passed this by Superman and we agreed that this wasn't just my decision. While I'm the ambassador between these two nations, I'm also a senior member of the league. My absence would be a major disruption on our schedules and duty responsibilities. So we proposed putting this to a vote."

"What you're saying, Di? That it's up to us if you join the Marines?" Flash asked. A low laugh filtered around the table. Leave it up to the speedster to hit straight to the point of the matter. It didn't go unnoticed that the darkest member stayed quiet.

"Yes, Wally, that's basically what I'm asking. I wouldn't be actually enlisting, though they offered an honorary rank of Staff Sergeant while I was there. They factored in combat experience, leadership rank here in the league, and my standing as ambassador."

"You should have received a higher rank. Your experience is equal to officer grade, not non-comm." Batman's gruff voice cut through the air like a grenade.

"Well, they did offer Major at first, but I didn't think I deserved such a high rank while others are working hard to get there themselves. And I didn't want to outrank those who would be mentoring me. They shouldn't worry about disrespecting an officer if I needed to be ordered around."

"Why not? That's what they do in SEAL training." Diana could feel that Bruce was being contrary for more than being Devil's Advocate. He was taking this personally.

"Well, I can discuss with them the issue of my rank once we've decided if I'm actually going to join them. So, what do you all say. Please, put everything out there." She glance derisively at the man sitting next to her.

"I think its a great idea. But then, I helped you work it out." John gave his enthusiastic assent. "I didn't train at Parris Island, but that's where all the women go no matter where they are in the country." Flash gave a sudden sneeze that sounded a lot like "Hollywood!"

"Yeah, I'm a Hollywood Marine. What of it?" John's glare made Wally hold up a hand in surrender. "If you're going now, the recruits can't complain about the cold weather. At least I didn't hear that in San Diego, though we found other things to bitch about. And you'll be hearing a lot of complaining. It's what recruits do best."

"Okay, so that's one vote for. Anyone else?" Supes wanted to go around the table to get their insight. He was glad they started with GL. That worked them clockwise around the table, putting Batman last.

"I'm okay with it," Shayera added. "I've been through my own training, and I kind of wish I was going with you. It would be interesting to compare Earth training with Thanagarian. But then, I don't think flight formations would translate well among the non-winged."

"Um, I have a question." Flash raised his hand. "There's a certain special duty roster for Diana's monitor duty that we're filling in for. Would that count during this time?"

"No." Batman's abrupt answer startled everyone there.

"Okay, just thought I'd ask. Go for it Di. It sounds like fun." Wally looked over to Shay and John. They shook their heads. At least he tried getting out of fulfilling the bet they lost to cover Diana's duty schedule. Looks like they would be picking that back up after her return, too.

"While I have reservations about being without you for so long, it is for only personal reasons that I say so. But, you have to promise to write us while you're there. I hear that trading letters is one of the traditions of being in the military?" Martian Manhunter asked.

"Yes it is, J'onn. I'll give you all the address where you can send me correspondence. It would be nice to receive letters, too." Diana gave a slight nudge to Batman's boot. She nearly slumped when he scooted his foot away from her.

"Okay, that's four votes for Diana taking this assignment." Superman paused, not looking forward to the last member that still needed to comment. "Batman? Is there anything you'd like to add?" The silent shadow sat there, a brooding presence sucking the anticipation out of the air.

"It seems like a beneficial exchange of ideas and culture. It would benefit both our governments to open up communications this way, and a good opportunity for both our citizens to learn about each other. Wonder Woman is the ambassador and an Amazon. She is the most qualified person to take the post."

Surprised at Batman's comment, Superman nodded his head decisively. "Well then, that settles it. Diana will be leaving next week to join the Marines." Just as he finished his sentence, Batman abruptly rose out of his chair and stalked out of the room.

Diana watched him leave, then sat down heavily, her head slumped down. She glanced up at Superman, her eyes conveying her disappointment. "So much for his friends being here for him." Kal shrugged his shoulders in embarrassment.

"What's wrong with him? He just agreed that she should go." Flash glanced around the table.

"No, he just gave reasons why 'Wonder Woman' was the best person for the job. He didn't agree that 'Diana' should go. But he was out voted, so his say didn't matter." J'onn explained.

"But it matters to me!" Diana exclaimed. She appreciated everyone in the room knew of their relationship...sort of. It made it easier for her to call upon them for support.

"Diana, I'll talk to him. See if I can make him lighten up. In the scheme of things, this is only a blip in time, especially for you."

"I guess, Kal. But its still fairly recently that we got together." Yeah, we also recently got married, but you don't know about that so I can't tell you why he's so upset. Urgh! Diana didn't mention the revelation she shared with Bruce about the possibility of their time being limited. But he was also the one who said that they shouldn't live as if they were sitting on a ticking time bomb.

"So what's his problem? I don't get it." Flash asked.

"Look at it this way, Wally. Imagine you just started a relationship with the woman of your dreams," Shayera offered. Diana blushed at her description. Flash sat there with a stupid grin on his face. "Well?"

"I'm imagining. Hmmm, I like this thought."

"Okay, now imagine you wouldn't be able to see or touch her, or even hear her voice for a week."

"Oh, that sucks. Damn, that's his problem?"

"No, it's worse." GL added. "Diana's going to be gone for twelve weeks. Possibly longer depending on her responsibilities."

"Oooh. Okay, I get it. Yeah, Di, maybe you should have talked to him first. Bad Bat girlfriend." Diana slouched even farther into her chair. Anymore and she would be laying her head onto the table.

"Wally! That was mean. True, but mean." Diana's head rose to glare at Shayera. "What! You spring on him that you're leaving next week for three months and he was supposed to...what? Dance the fandango? You need to make this next week really nice for him if you expect to receive letters from him. Believe me, you'll be wanting them like you crave air." GL nodded his head in emphatic agreement.

"Computer, locate Batman," Superman called out.

"Batman is no longer on the station." Diana laid her head heavily onto the table. Supes placed a supporting hand on her shoulder.

"How did he leave? By transporter?"

"Negative. Batman signed out Javelin Four and is enroute to Weigh Station Alpha on the lunar surface."

"That's where he was assigned to today," Green Lantern offered. "The ongoing investigation into the Doom Goo."

"'Doom Goo?' Is that what they're calling it?" Diana raised her head in incredulity.

"Had to call it something. Booster Gold came up with it. Said it was sufficiently catchy for the press if they needed to use it." They all looked at the resident reporter.

"It is catchy. I'd use it," Superman admitted. "So Diana, did you want company to talk to him?"

"No. I did this all wrong. I should have taken him aside first and at least prepared him. I need to do this alone." She glanced over to GL. "John, can you make it convenient that no one else is in that area except us?"

"Diana! When we said be nice to him, we didn't mean THAT nice!" Flash exclaimed. "What?"

"Get your head out of the gutter, Wally. She just needs to talk to him," Shay chastised him. She gave Diana a sidelong glance that said 'I agree with Wally.'

"I'll see what I can do. But it's busy there, so make it quick. Don't want to tie up shipping lanes over a lover's quarrel." John also gave Diana a glance that said 'don't worry, I'll hook you up.'

"Good. Diana, let me know if you need anything. Take whichever Javelin is free." Superman peered down at the general report in front of him. "Do we really need to go over any of this? No? Good. I'm pretty much blown. Meeting adjourned." With that, the Man of Steel stood up and left the room. The rest of the leaguers sat there quietly.

"Do you think he picked up on any of that?" Hawkgirl asked.

"Nope. Still blind," GL commented.

"Come on, I thought it was obvious," Flash added.

"No. He didn't get it. He's already moving ahead at planning how we're going to cover Diana's absence and keep Batman from driving us all crazy," Manhunter contributed.

"Oh, well, then good for all of us," Wally stated. "Di? Are you okay?"

"This was a bad idea." She looked around the table at her friends. "I'm still going through with it, but I'm not as excited anymore. It's just now hitting me how long we'll be apart."

"Well then, I guess now is the time to get those memories in that will get you through it all, yes?" J'onn hinted.

"Yes," GL grunted decisively. "Operation Lunar Hook Up will now commence. Diana, get to the Javelin. Wait for my signal and then you can go." John gave her a dazzling smile. "From one Marine to another. It's what we do for each other."