Disclaimer: Enjoy the FANfic. See the word FAN? It means I don't own the characters used.

"Mworning mwy evil cwouncil!" Dartz announced. "We have lettars!" he handed some small envelopes to Zombie boy and Valon to give out.
"Crickey! Theres one for Bakura!" Valon exclaimed, handing a lilac enelope to the Kitty.

"Who'd want to send him a letter?" Asked Allistar. Bakura ignored him and ripped open the letter. Reading it quickly once and twice slowly.

Dear 'Kura,

please excuse my writing.
I can't stop my hands from shaking
'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight.

I miss you and nothing hurts like no you.
And no one understands what we went through.
It was short. It was evil. We tried.

And if my words break through the wall
And meet you at your door,
All I can say is "Fluffy, I mean them all."

Dear 'Kura, please excuse my writing.
I can't stop my hands from shaking
'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight.

I miss you and nothing hurts like no you.
And no one understands what we went through.
It was short. It was evil. We tried. We tried.

"I understand where he's coming from." Bakura muttered, reading on.

Been thinking about the ally we met in.
Feeling like the sofa was sinking.
I was warm in the smirk of your eyes.

So if my words break through the wall
To meet you at your door,
All I can say is "Fluffy, I mean them all."

Dear Kura, please excuse my writing.
I can't stop my hands from shaking
'Cause I'm cold and alone tonight.

I miss you and nothing hurts like no you.
And no one understands what we went through.
It was short. It was evil. We tried.

Oh I can't cope. These arms are yours to hold.

And I miss you and nothing hurts like no you.
And no one understands what we went through.
It was short. It was evil. We tried.
We tried

I love you,


Bakura got up from his seat and immediately went to write a reply to the letter.