I love Valentine's Day, don't you? It's really just a happy day to tell all your friends, family, and your "special someone" (if you have one) how much they mean to you. 100 valentines, 100 themes, 10 valentine receivers. Enjoy! - ElementLegend

Lana blinked. She didn't usually get any valentines, and this year, she had gotten ten.

I wonder who they're from, Lana thought as she opened the first one.

The first one said, "Because you were there for me, because you were nice..." Lana opened the card. "'You deserve some sugar and spice'?! Who writes this stuff?" Lana thought out loud. "'Ms. Skye, thank you for being so nice to me. Here's a sugar packet and a packet-ful of ginger for your tea you have every morning. Happy Valentine's Day! - Gumshoe.' Well, I think someone's getting a five dollar raise soon..." Lana smiled to herself. She then started to make herself some tea with sugar and ginger in it.

Just how she liked it.

Wow...this was short...Unfortunately, all of the themes will be about this short, probably. Anyway, please review if you want to tell me how I'm doing! Thanks! - ElementLegend