Author's Notes: For those of you who have been reading my story, this is the update I promised in Chapter 10. Though I only dealt with grammar/spelling and flow issues in the later chapters, I did add significantly to this chapter. I realized that this chapter did not stand alone for someone who had not seen the movie, and I really wanted to make this a well rounded story. Plus, I realized that Tony needed some fleshing out for later chapters. Nothing critical has been changed, but I do think this chapter serves as a better intro to the story as a whole.
Thank you all for taking to the time to read and enjoy this story. The Water Witch is a character I have been developing for years and its a real pleasure to share her with you all. So please take the time to fav/follow my story and leave your reviews. You all are the reason I write.
Chapter 1: Some Assembly Required
The Manhattan skyline sparkled like a field of diamonds in the night. Cars, music and all manner of life added their voices to the summer song. People rushed; never stopping, never sleeping. The city pulsed with life, swaying to a rhythm uniquely its own. Underneath the surface, there was a palpable excitement racing through the city. Men and woman whispered to each other as they pointed up at the black hole in the glittering metropolis. Like a missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle, there was a single tower standing alone and unlit. What, they all wondered, could Stark be up to?
Beneath choppy waters of the Hudson, Tony cut into the metal pipe that housed critical electrical wiring for the island. Of course, Ms. Potts had advised the eccentric billionaire to hire a contractor to do the work. But how could she possibly expect him to pass up on an opportunity to show off? It was his bread and butter. Besides, he was sure no one could do this job better then himself. After all, he was Tony Stark.
With a final flash that lit up the murky depths, frightening the few fish that dared swim these waters, Stark sliced a single wire with his laser and capped the pipe.
Turning from his work, Iron Man rocketed out of the water and into the night air. Activating his coms, he patched in Potts, "You're good on this end. The rest is up to you."
Pepper's lovely face smiled back at him as he soared through Manhattan, creating a great deal of commotion as people on the street tried to catch a glimpse of the great Iron Man. "You disconnected the transition lines? Are we off the grid?"
"Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy," Tony grinned, truly proud of what he was about to accomplish. And he should be. He was taking yet another step away from the merchant of death he once was, and toward the goal a good man had sacrificed his life to give him; a brighter future.
"Assuming our reactor takes over and actually works?" Pepper asked cynically.
Tony smiled at her jab, "I assume."
He loved it when she said ours. Not until he had met Ms. Potts did he realize that there were too many things in his life that were his. Now and then, ours was nice. So what if part of the credit for the Arc happened to belong to a professor and her grad students back in California. At that moment, the world was his and Pepper's.
Taking a hard right, he streaked through rows of towering buildings. Before him stood the cold, dark outline of his building. Practically jumping out of his skin with anticipation, he gave Pepper the word to activate the Arc.
Like a newly born star igniting its hydrogen core, the Stark Tower flickered to life. Its lean, modern architecture blinding Manhattan with its glory. Musing, Tony wondered if the little people on the ground realized they were witnessing the dawning of a new age; that they basked in the glow of greatness.
"How does it look?" Pepper asked, unable to see the full effect of the light show from her position in the office penthouse.
A self-satisfied grin pulled at his lips as he gazed up at his creation, his name emblazoned in big block letters across the pinnacle of his structure. "Like Christmas," he told her, "but with more… me."
"Got to go wider on the public awareness campaign," Pepper pushed, always jumping to the next task at hand. "You need to do some press. I can do some more tomorrow. I'm working on the zoning for the next billboards."
Tony sighed in exasperation, "Pepper, you're killing me. Remember? Enjoy the moment."
"Then get in here and I will," the lovely red head crooned. Her words danced along his synapsis and down his spine. Tony shivered. The woman was intoxicating. It still amazed him that he hadn't noticed sooner. For years, she had worked as his perfect personal assistant. She organized his life, cleaned up after his messes, and even managed his bullshit; a true miracle. But then something changed. It was like the wool had been pulled from his eyes and he could actually see her clearly for the first time. Perhaps it had been his kidnapping and subsequent imprisonment that did it. A lot had changed the day he stepped out of that hellish cave and into the blazing Mesopotamian sun. Tony knew that on a deep level, he was not same man. To this day, he was still finding out who that new Stark was.
The red and gold of his suit flashed across the glossy surface of his building as Tony flew up the side. Altering the angle of his trajectory, he followed the exterior of the structure as it narrowed towards the top. He slowed when he neared his penthouse office, the free standing balcony that supported his ostentatious sign jutting out over the city. Cutting the thrusters, he landed with an impressive bang, feet planted firmly on the landing pad he designed specifically for these situations. With purposeful strides, he walked down the platform, swirling gadgets rising from the floor and removing his armor without him missing a beat.
Through the long, illuminated windows he could see Pepper lounging happily in front of their enormous coffee table, a bottle of champagne already open. Looking up, she beamed at him, her smile glowing like the sun. At that moment, Stark couldn't be happier.
"Sir," Jarvis intoned over the coms, his light British accent accentuating his perpetually bored tone, "Agent Coulson of SHIELD is on the line."
Stark continued his stride without a care in the world. He was not SHIELD's lackey. If he wanted to ignore them, he would and with gusto.
"I'm not in," he told the AI. And with a smile he added, "I'm actually out."
"Sir, I'm afraid he is rather insistent."
"Close the line Jarvis," he grinned at Pepper as she brought him a champagne flute, "I've got a date."
Pepper walked back over to the monitors she had been looking at and went over the Arc Reactor readouts in front of her. She was obviously fretting, "Levels are holding steady… I think."
Tony scoffed, "Of course they are, I was directly involved. Which brings me to my next question," he leaned into her, the scent of her hair tickling his nose, "how does it feel to be a genius?"
"Well," Pepper laughed and playfully pushed him, "I wouldn't know, now would I?"
"What do you mean? All of this came from you," Tony spread his arms, laying the whole lush penthouse at her bare feet.
"No," she corrected and tapped his chest, her nail pinging against the miniature reactor, "All this came from that."
"Give yourself some credit," he conceded. "Stark Tower is your baby. Give yourself…" he thought for a moment, "twelve percent of the credit."
Pepper leaned back and stared at him, incredulous, "Twelve percent?!"
"An argument could be made for fifteen," he placated.
"Twelve percent?" she reiterated, "For my baby?" She pushed the insufferable man away and walked toward the coffee table.
"Well, I did do all the heavy lifting," Stark reminded her as he sauntered after her. "Literally, I lifted the heavy things." Pepper rolled her eyes as he continued, "And sorry, but the security snafu? That was on you."
"Oh?" Pepper looked at him askance, waiting to hear his rationale.
"My private elevator…"
"You mean our elevator?" Pepper cut in.
Tony grinned, "...was teeming with sweaty workmen." Seeing that the irate look remained, he continued, "I'm going to pay for that comment about percentages in some subtle way later, aren't I?"
Pepper picked up her flute and sipped, "Not going to be that subtle."
"I tell you what, next building's going to have Potts on the tower."
"On the lease," she countered. Ever the shrewd business woman.
He loved it when she talked business. Leaning in, he asked the question, "Call your mom. Can you bunk over?"
Pepper laughed and leaned in as well, her red lips full and inviting. Of course, Jarvis chose that exact moment to interrupt.
"Sir," the damnable AI managed to at least sound apologetic, "the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten."
"Stark," Agent Coulson's face appeared on Tony's phone, "we need to talk."
And the night had started off so well, thought Tony as he held up his now hacked phone. SHIELD must be keeping closer tabs on him than he thought to get the timing so irritatingly perfect.
"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message."
Across from him, Pepper rolled her eyes.
"This is urgent," Agent Coulson stressed, his tone mild, but insistent.
"Then leave it urgently," Tony dismissed as he turned off his phone and shifted his attention back to his lovely companion. After all, things were just starting to get good. Of course, he should have known that he couldn't get rid of SHIELD that easily.
From across the room, his private elevator dinged; or should he say, their private elevator. He was really going to have to talk to Fury about boundaries. Without so much as an invitation, Coulson stepped out into the room, looking both apologetic and unforgiving for his intrusion.
"Security breach," Tony yelled, throwing his hands up in mock dismay. He turned to Pepper, giving her his best accusatory look, "That's on you."
"Phil!" Potts exclaimed as she got up to greet the SHIELD agent, completely ignoring Tony, "Come in."
"Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent," Stark countered. He had honestly never considered Agent Coulson as a person with a first name. It's not that he didn't like the guy. He was always just Agent Coulson of SHIELD. And apparently Pepper now knew him on a first name bases. Tony was not the jealous type, but he also didn't like to share.
"Come in, we're celebrating," Pepper said, smiling at the agent.
"Which is why he can't stay," Tony protested. See, not the jealous type at all.
"We need you to look this over," Agent Coulson said, indicating the black folders in his hands, "As soon as possible."
If SHIELD thought they could just barge in, on the night of one of his greatest triumphs, and order him to do their work then they were sorely mistaken. Besides, Tony didn't like the way SHIELD operated; too many secrets, too many unknowns.
Like a petulant child, Tony snidely replied, "I don't like being handed things."
Pepper sighed at Tony's idiosyncratic behavior and smiled at Phil, "That's alright because I love being handed things. So, let's trade."
He could tell she was up to something as she handed Agent Coulson her glass of champagne and took the folder. She then just as quickly took Tony's glass and handed him the files. With a slight smirk, she took a sip from his glass.
Looking down at the offending black files, Tony knew he had lost this little battle. The night was officially ruined. All the plans he had made, all the things he was planning to do with/to Ms. Potts, all of it went up in smoke and all of it was SHIELD's fault. Yes, he had lost this battle, but that didn't mean he had to accept his loss graciously.
"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday," Stark flippantly remarked, fiddling with the files.
"This isn't a consultation," Agent Coulson calmly replied, hands tucked behind his back.
"Is this about the Avengers?" Pepper asked, looking back and forth between Tony and Phil, "… which I know nothing about."
Agent Coulson smiled pleasantly at Pepper. SHIELD already knew that Pepper knew about the Avengers and she probably knew that SHIELD knew that she knew. Coulson chuckled to himself. Who said he didn't have a sense of humor?
"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought," Tony called over his shoulder as he made his way to his work station. "And I didn't even qualify."
"I didn't know that either," Pepper replied in feigned ignorance.
"Yeah," Stark continued, his tone rife with indignation, "apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others."
Pepper smirked, "That I did know."
"This isn't about personality profiles anymore," Agent Coulson said. His tone was serious.
"Whatever," he dismissed the agent. Waving to Pepper, he called, "Ms. Potts, got a minute?"
He placed the now open data base on his desk and began hooking up the folder to his own computer systems and patching it through the holographic drive. Pepper walked up behind him, trying to take a peek at whatever Agent Coulson had brought them.
"You know, I thought we were having a moment," Tony said, exasperated. When did his perfect evening go so wrong?
Pepper peered at Tony out of the corner of her eye and reminded, "I was having twelve percent of a moment." She turned and looked back at Coulson, then to the data screen that Tony was already getting absorbed into. "This seems serious, Phil's pretty shaken."
Tony glanced behind him at the ever calm and bland Agent Coulson and rose a questioning eyebrow, "How can you tell?" He paused and looked at Pepper, "Why is he Phil?" he asked with mock indignation.
Again, Pepper rolled her eyes and ignored him. "What is all of this?" she asked, indicating the random data and flashing windows she could see on the screen.
"This is, uh..." Tony said, taking the data from the files and expanding them into a holographic projection above the desk. For once, he was at a loss for words, "This."
The two stared in awe at the flickering images of the Hulk, Thor and Captain America in action. Each image or video clip had a dossier attached, outlining histories, strengths and weaknesses. Out of the corner of his eye Tony noticed an additional dossier, obscured by the Hulks rather large one. He pulled up the file and expanded it.
"Is that who I think it is?" Pepper asked in astonishment.
The dossier consisted of a single photo of a woman in her early thirties, wearing a simple button up blouse and blazer. Her short brown hair framed a heart shaped face with ice blue eyes and blue rimmed glasses. She looked like a college student's favorite professor; seeming even more out of place when compared to the three heroes she was thrown in with. Next to the photo was a video clip of a masked woman dressed in a black suit that shown blue in the light. In the video, she was fighting strange thugs in yellow hazmat suites. Tony peered in closer and realized that the projectiles she used, which he assumed to be from some sort of weaponry was, in fact, water; ice to be exact. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out where it was coming from. It was as if she drew the water from the very air.
From behind them, Agent Coulson supplied, "Dr. Miranda Prospero. She's my next appointment."
"We've met," Tony said, a little shocked, "A bit on the nerdy side of the spectrum, but cute." Pepper slapped his arm. "Ouch! Hey!"
"As you may recall, she is also the foremost expert on logistical computation and theoretical technologies. And I believe she put you in your place more than once," Pepper said, glaring at Tony.
"Yeah, well she never mentioned the whole water flinging part when we worked together. I mean, now she is doing the super genius crime fighting thing? That's my thing!" Tony grumbled, watching the fight scene play out.
Suddenly, he stopped the image and rewound it, his brows furrowing. He expanded the image until it the letters S.T.A.R.K. could be clearly read on one of the crates in the background.
"Hey!" Tony exclaimed, dismayed, "That's one of mine! Those are the arc reactor proto types I sent to Berkley. How come I haven't heard about any of this?"
Coulson merely shrugged, "Nothing has been stolen. She stopped every attempt so far."
"Well that makes me feel better," Tony replied sarcastically. He made a mental note to shore up security. Iron Man might even have to pay a little visit to these yellow wearing weirdos.
Pepper sighed and turned away from the screen. She had made up her mind. "I'm going to take the jet to D.C. tonight."
"Tomorrow." Tony promptly countered.
"You've got homework." She looked back at the floating holograms, "You've got a lot of homework."
"Well, what if I didn't?"
Pepper smirked, "If you didn't?"
"You mean if you finished?" Pepper asked coyly.
Stark nodded his head.
"Well, um...then..." Pepper leaned in and whispered into his ear. Tony gasped. When she wanted to, Pepper could wrap him around her little finger.
"Square deal. It's a date." Tony said, finally admitting defeat.
She kissed him, concern etched into her lovely features, "Work hard."
As Pepper and Coulson left, Tony analyzed the data before him; twisting this bit of data, reading that bio. From out of the screen he pulled a small glowing cube. He looked down at the data and the image of Loki. His brow furrowed. He had seen this cube before, in his father's notes. What was SHEILD doing with it, and why did this Loki character take it?
Pepper was right. He had a lot of homework to do.