Note/Warnings: Sentinel/Guide AU
So, this is the final chapter. It took quite a long time (not that anyone gives a crap xD) but it's finally over. Feels good to come to an end. I would like to thank whoever read through all of my silly stories, I hope they were entertaining (and didn't suck too much). Well, there are more fics to come. Though I probably should get back and finish some more stories. Let's keep our finger crossed then. :P
Either way, I'm happy for managing to finish it by the deadline I imposed myself, the end of January - and I did it! Now I can go back to plot this new (terrible) fic I've been thinking of. :3
Feedback's awesome, as usual.
Z - Zone
The place was a mess. A huge cloud of smoke and dust had crashed and stunned a good number of the mages into a confused state. In the case of the sentinels things were quite a bit worse since a good number of them – bonded and unbonded alike – were on the ground, completely zoned. Guides all around franticly working to bring them back.
Gray had been busy but the prickle of danger that had shot down his spine had him turning and running towards the last place he knew Natsu had been in.
They didn't have a bond yet, but it was a sure thing, sooner or later. Gray had served as guide to Natsu countless times already. It was quite difficult to do so with a hothead such as Natsu.
However, that was a conversation that they were going to have, soon. But for now, Gray just needed to find Natsu.
He finally found Natsu, splayed on the ground and with half of the wall he'd crashed against crumbled on top of him. As Gray approached, he could see he didn't seem to be breathing and his pulse seemed to be faint.
Warning bells started ringing in his head. He had to do something, fast.
Gray knelt beside Natsu. His hands reaching out to the other, the tips of his fingers skimming over the other's dirty skin at the same time that his mind and empathy were reaching out to his friend. At first it didn't seem like he was doing anything but then it felt as if the ground had been taken from under him and then everything was engulfed by darkness.
As Gray opened his eyes, he didn't seem to be in the ruins of his guild and town. What he saw was a forest.
The trees were old-looking, huge and dark, branches twisting overhear at the same time that a blue light seemed to be tinting the world alongside to a sparse mist that seemed to be everywhere, making everything look ethereal.
For a moment, Gray let himself bask in the peacefulness that permeated the world, a deep corner of his mind telling him that this should be the spirit world. It was his first time.
But, that moment couldn't last. The urgency and wrongness returned and Gray scrambled up, trying to decide on which path to take. That was why he didn't notice the shadow that had been lurking amid the darkness, not until it jumped to land in front of him, that is.
Gray nearly jumped back but the figure, it looked like a dark eagle, all dark and sharp. The eagle seemed to laugh at him.
Took you long enough, huh?
"What?" Gray asked, startled.
Your mate. He needs you.
Gray nodded at the words of his spirit animal. He knew they were true, even if he only had briefly met the golden eagle once so far, in a dream. So he took a deep breath and made his empathy spread out, covering the surrounding expanse of the forest.
Finally, he saw one fine thread of light, warm and powerful but flickering worryingly.
He opened his eyes, which he'd closed while focusing, and looked towards the path that appeared before him.
He started running, the eagle easily keeping pace with him by soaring over him.
Gray ended up at a clearing that was cut in the boarder by a stream. He had ran for an unmeasurable amount of time so he was surprised that when he looked up, just in time to see the eagle land, he saw a starry sky. He remotely thought if Lucy knew this sky and its constellations before looking down.
In front of him, a red dragon lay curled around an immobile frame. It had a protective stance but when Gray approached it didn't lash.
You're finally here. It said. You must hurry. This place isn't safe for him – or you, for that matter. You aren't ready yet.
"Okay, but what can I do?" Gray asked as he knelt by Natsu's form, the dragon standing aside slightly. The fire mage wasn't moving a bit.
You need to wake him. Gray's eagle replied.
"I'll try." Gray held Natsu's face, gently, as he'd done in reality. "Come on, fire breath, it's time to wake up."
Slowly, Natsu's eyes blinked open. The fire mage looked confused at Gray.
"Gray? What are you doing here?" He mumbled as he slowly lifted himself. He noticed the dragon, eyes widening slightly. "You? Here?"
No, you're the one who's here. But you mustn't dally, as danger's lurking in the other side. Natsu's dragon said.
"He's right. We were being attacked. We must return now." Gray acquiesced as he stood.
"Alright. Let's go back." Natsu was hoisted up by Gray.
On the next time you return, hopefully, things will be calmer. Gray's eagle said, snapping its beak in what in a human might be a giggle.
Yes, next time we hope you come with more time. The dragon let out a few puffs of smoke, quickly covering it with an innocent expression – as innocent as a dragon could be, that is.
Gray raised an eyebrow but Natsu seemed impervious to the deeper meaning of the conversation.
"Fine, be it as you wish." The guide rolled his eyes. Then he held Natsu's hand and tugged slightly.
"It's that way?" Natsu asked. "Let's go, then." He started running, quickly pulling Gray with him.
Through the forest they ran and ran, the surround area becoming of a lighter shade, that then turned to light grey and then into white.
They came to with Gray slumped awkwardly over Natsu, a few bits of plaster on top of them and a cacophony of noises all around them.
There were fights still going.
"Okay, time to go and kick some ass!" Natsu said as he brushed himself off, the glint of excitement in his eyes.
"Sure but be careful not to zone again. I can't be saving your ass all the time. Besides, I think it's time we talk about bonding…" Gray said as he also patted the dirt away from his form.
"Bonding?" Natsu tilted his head to the side. "Hm, maybe you're right. But I think that we should talk about later, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Just don't get crazier than you already are, just because you're still unbonded. It's dangerous." Gray created a shield to protect them from the salve of arrows that was flying at them.
"You're so dramatic." Natsu said after throwing a flaming fist at the guys who were trying to sneak behind Gray.
"I'm not." Gray countered. "Besides, our spirit animals agree with our bond."
"What? You're kidding, right?" Natsu said in disbelief.
"Nope." Gray shook his head.
"Okay, let's focus and finish these assholes so that we can go and have that conversation. Deal?"
"Deal." Gray agreed.
A/N: And this is another of those fics that I feel like continuing... should I?