Ch. 1 April

[This version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is based on the Nickolodeon TV series. Some back stories are depicted inaccurate because I felt like it. ]

The New York breeze tickled the 4 brothers eyes and faces as they went running down the alley way. The night was young and so were these turtles, for they had been begging Master Splinter for weeks to go out. "BOO-YA-KA-SHAAAAA!" Mikey hollered while doing flips in the air and landing perfectly into a pile of garbage. "Nice upgrade Mikey." Raph said, shooting a wink. The red masked brother looked back in front of him and gasped when he fell into a larger pile of waste. Mikey giggled and kicked his legs. "Yeah! Well even with trash all over me, I'm still better looking than you!" The hot headed turtle spit back. "GUYS! Stop being so loud, we are on a mission you know," Leo whispered. "My krang radar is going bazzerk. The krang must be around –" Donnie was cut off by a high pitched female scream.

The turtles started to run towards the source of the sound. Alien robots surrounded the scene. A red haired man was tied up and being taken away, while a smaller red haired girl was being restrained. She screamed again, begging to be free. "DADDY, NO! NOOOOO" her voice cracked and became gurgles with tears streaming down her face. The red head kicked and threw her head back and let out a blood curdling scream. The turtles had a much better sense of hearing than any human and covered their small ears. "Its go time guys. Raph, you and I get the man. Donnie and mikey, do you think yall can handle the girl?" The brothers nodded and began to run. Raph threw weapons and kicks into the air, destroying robots and aliens surrounding the man. Leo was back handed by one of the Krang and went spiraling backwards and knocked into unconsciousness. Mikey took out his numb chucks and thrashed the aliens and robots back, while Donnie went for the girl. He grabbed her from the staggering krang and began to make a run for it. The girl started screaming and squirming and punching her way out of Donnie's arms. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?! LET ME GO, I CANT LEAVE MY DAD." She yelled. "Stop trying to fight me, we're the good guys, my brothers are saving your father right now, but I have to get you to safety." The girl continued to squirm and Donnie ran faster.

A loud crash and explosion soon came from the Krang sight, and the other brothers came running along beside Donnie. "WE HAVE TO GET TO THE LAIR NOW!" shouted Leo. Raph ran in front, finding an opening to the sewer in the middle of the road, and let all the brothers in before himself, closing the opening afterwards.

"WHERES MY FATHER?!" the girl screamed. She began squirming again and kicking at Donnie. "Calm down, we'll explain everything, but I need you to stay calm." Said Donnie. Until they reached the lair, the red head continued to kick and scream and yell and express her anger and sadness and began crying uncontrollably. Mikey tried comforting her, but was given another scream and the weeping began again. "Oh come on, Mikey's not that ugly," retorted Raph.

Once they reached the lair, Raph went into Donnie's lab and retrieved a syringe. Coming out, he saw that the girl was still flailing in Donnie's arms. "Raph, what are you doing?" Donnie asked, but before he could do anything, Raph had stuck the syringe into the squirming girl. "RAPH WHAT DID YOU GIVE HER?" Leo and Donnie yelled. "Tranquilizer. I'm tired of listening to her." The red haired girl fell limp in Donnie's arms instantly and was set down on the couch. "Ok, now it's your turn Mikey," Raph said, leaning over his shoulder with the syringe. "AHH! No way bro!"

Donnie was examining the girl on the couch. Her clothes were torn and dirty and tight against her slender body. Her eyes were closed which made her face more relaxed. She had pale skin and light freckles and a small nose. Her hair was like autumn and smelled of mint and sweat. Her cheeks were soft and pink and he could see she had long eyelashes. "Wow," Donnie said aloud. Mikey and Raph stopped playing with each other and looked over at their brother. "What is it?" Leo asked. "She's so beautiful…" Donnie responded.

****An hour goes by****

"Who is she and why have you brought her here my sons?" Master Splinter asked, stepping into the lounge. "Donnie's girlfriend Sensei! I rescued her and –" *Smack* Mikey stopped talking when Donnie's fist hit his arm hard. "Sensei, we encountered the krang tonight. She and her father were in trouble and we stepped in to save them. Unfortunately her father was taken by the Krang and we couldn't stop them in time. We failed our mission," Donnie said glumly and looked down. "Sensei, we tried our best. We just weren't prepared tonight," Leo added. "I see. But you all managed to save the girl. So you brought her here for safety?" "Yes Sensei. She was unwilling at first but then Raph, uhh… calmed her down." Said Leo.

"Yeah Sensei! Raph totally just took some tranquilizer and stuck her right in the –" "MIKEY!" Raph growled. "Raphael! Is Michelangelo speaking the truth?" Master Splinter asked. "Hai Sensei," responded Raph as his cheeks started to turn as red as his mask. "That is no proper way to treat a lady, especially a guest in our home!" Said Master Splinter.

The girl started to move, twisting her shoulders and blinking her eyes. "ahh…wha..?" she moaned out. Donnie's eyes shot up and he went directly by her side. "Don't freak out. We're here to help youuu…" his words started to slur when he saw the girls face when she was awake. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Even with smudge and dirt on her face, it only accentuated her large bright blue eyes and long eyelashes. "Who are you?" The girl croaked. "Well I'm uhhh.. Donatello..and these are my brothers and our Sensei. That's Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo.." "HI!" Mikey called out and waved. The girls lips twitched into a small smile. "But you can call me Donnie..and Leo and Raph and Mikey. May I ask what your name is?"

"April O'Neil."