After a long hiatus, I return! Throughout the chapter, unless otherwise noted, the Jenny is the same one from Viridian.

At seven thirty P.M., Jenny, Misty, and a whole lot of first responders were at the scene of the Air Force One crash on Route 8. News vans were to be pulling up instantly.

"Where's the President? Or the crew?" barked Jenny.
"We've got 'em!" yelled firefighter coming out of the wreckage. They were directing the President and the crew over to the ambulances/medical area to be inspected.

Once the President was settled, a reporter for the PNN quickly rushed up to the President.

"Mr. President, how are you feeling after this whole ordeal?" the perky reporter asked.
"A bit shaken up but still feeling fine," he said, "Normally the plane would pick up on that. We were having problems with the radar…"
"Do you know who is responsible or could be for the attack?"

The President looked puzzled and was about to say something when Jenny rushed over.

"Officer Jenny, care to comment?" said the shocked reporter.
"Yes I do," she cleared her throat, "It was none other than Team Rocket. Me and my detail were in part of a bait-and-switch operation over in Lavender Town with them and it ended up in a kidnapping. Plus, they shot down the President's flight."

"Misty!" yelled the President out of nowhere.
"Yes, Mr. President?" Misty asked puzzled.
"Wake up Misty!" he said, "Wake up!"

Misty awoke and found herself back in the hospital at Viridian, next to Ash.

"Ash?" Misty asked, "What happened?"
"We took Gary to the hospital," he started, "And his labor took until around midnight. We spent the night here remember?"
"Oh. Yeah. I guess I forgot about that," Misty said rubbing her eyes.
"Are you alright? You seem to be shaken up." Ash asked.
"It's nothing," Misty answered, "I just had a weird dream that's all."

Before Ash could inquire more, the TV in the lobby they were in flashed with a news alert from the PNN. The text scrolled across the screen reading:

"Early this morning, police received an anonymous tip about the whereabouts of Professor Oak's stolen poké balls. "I am relieved that this ordeal is over." Says Oak, "Goes to show you that evil isn't always successful.""

"That's great!" Ash said, "And to celebrate, I'm going to get myself and the babies some grub. Want to join me Misty?"
"In a bit," Misty said, "I still need to comprehend what my dream meant."

After Ash departed for the cafeteria, Misty went over to a water cooler and poured herself a cup of ice cold water. She was deep in thought over her dream when a female doctor with brown hair came up to her.

"My goodness!" she exclaimed, "You don't look so well, are you all right dear?"
Misty looked confused. "Me?"
"Yes you!" the doctor said nervously, "I want to have you checked out. Excuse me, Nurse? Will you please wheel over a wheelchair for this young lady?"
The male nurse who was passing by acknowledged her, "Yes, ma'am. I'll be right back."
"I don't need a doctor—" Misty started.

By then the nurse had come back with a wheelchair and forced Misty into it. Her hands were clamped in by some sort of device.

"HEY WAIT A MIN—" she attempted to yell. But it was too late. The doctor quickly had knocked her out with a gas similar to laughing gas, but minus the 'laughing' effect.

The doctor sighed, "That was all too easy."
"I know, Renge, I know," the nurse, who was Jack in disguise, said as he started to wheel Misty to an elevator, "Let's just make it out back to the others without getting caught, OK?"
"Alright, alright," she said, "I won't get cocky."

Without any further questions, to themselves or by anyone else, the duo made their way to the first floor with Misty.

"Shit!" Renge cursed as the elevator doors opened on the main floor, "Jenny's here!"
"Get Jessie and James on the line, we are in a bad situation!" Jack said to her, struggling to keep his cool.
Renge tapped the earpiece in her ear, "Well?" a voice hissed on the other end, "Do you have the girl?"
"We do, but we have a code blue here," Renge said nervously, "Jenny is in sight and we have to get past her to get to you."
Jessie sighed, "Just get past her, we'll make sure if she catches wind of you that we'll lose her en route to Celadon."

Miraculously, they managed to get past Jenny, mainly because she was busy dealing with the press about Professor Oak's poké ball situation. Moments later, they were outside, loading Misty into a "delivery truck."

"See, it wasn't that hard getting past her," James told the two.
"We can thank our own little heist for that," Jack added.
"Are we all set back there?" Meowth and Roberto asked.
"Ready!" the human Rockets replied in unison.
"Alright!" Meowth said, "Off to Celadon we go!"

He started the truck, put it into drive, and headed onto Route 2.

Quick Announcement! The poll for the gender of Ash's twins will be up on my profile for a few weeks, or a month, because I plan on having Ash go to the doctor and find out soon.

Edit (7/2): Turns out I had decided the twins genders! Doh! Go to Chapter 5 if you forgot.
