Chapter 1

Title: Nobody's perfect

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or Avatar the Last Airbender; they belong to Tite Kubo and… two people I really don't feel like looking for to put their names in this. As you seen in most of the fic's I'm currently writing, I'm doing this for my own amusement to see if I would like it. If I do or a lot of people like it as well, I will continue writing chapter's for it when I could.

Pairings: You'll find out in the fic if ya enjoy it (Laughs madly)

Rating: M

Summary: Her destiny since birth had always been that to follow the Avatar. She was tired of it, after three years of constant flying around the Four Nations; she could no longer allow this destiny to control her. She wanted a place, a home to call for her own. So she left; and on her journey she found the one man that gave it to her.

Author Notes: Idea's, nothing else and nothing more than just keep popping in my head the more time I spend at work my fellow readers. I'm sorry for not updating Eclipse like I want to, but if I don't get these ideas out of my head as soon as possible, then its possible my freaking head will explode. I really don't know where this one came, probably from all the Avatar fanfic's I've been reading at work during break do to bore. Honestly this is just an attempt to see if this will end well, since I don't think what I will do in this fic as ever been done before. If you do like it, then I'm glad. If ya don't, then just know these or idea's I'm trying to get out of my head that forms at work and long hours.

Hope you enjoy

Onto the Story

A Forged Destiny

"What the hell do you think you're doing to me Shunsui Kyoraku?" The orange haired shinigami said, the white haori of the Eight Division blowing in the wind as he was retrained by multiple high leveled Bakudo spells. "You swore to me after this damn war was over that I would be able to go home, that I will finally be able to live my life in peace!"

The newly instated Sotaicho of the entire Gotei thirteen smiled sadly at the powerful teen before, the same teen that killed Yhwach, when even he could not. He felt ashamed of himself, along with what he knew, the entire Gotei thirteen for putting such a heavy burden on a man that was so young. At the beginning of the Thousand Blood-years' war, Kurosaki Ichigo should have not had to deal with the problems of the Soul Society; it was not his problem that they could not deal with a problem that has been going on for over a thousand year. But the orange haired teen did not see any of that, he has seen every person in the Gotei thirteen as his comrades, people that he swore to protect just like that of his home town, Karakura. He had done so much for them, ending the very organization that would have been the end of them had he not been their strong as ever to help them.

He had suffered far more than anyone since this war had started, since that scum Yhwach had added the boy's family into the mix. Through all that pain that he had went through since the war had started two years ago, Kurosaki Ichigo did not let it stop him from killing the man that had caused so much pain towards both the afterlife, and that of the World of the Living. Since his appointment as the new Division Tachiou of squad eighth, he had did nothing else but drown himself in his work, pushing himself as hard as he could to forget the memories of both his family, and friends dying in the war. He never asked for nothing in return, only doing things for other and protecting them caused he thought that it was the right thing to do. As Shunsui had seen fit, it was now their time to try and make sure the boy was finally at peace with himself, and tried to live a life away from both Soul Society and the World of the Living.

The orange haired shinigami standing mere feet away from him deserve happiness, more than anyone that the brown haired captain had known. Being in this dimension was not going to give that to him, if he stayed and continue what he was doing, then he would soon be driven made before any of them could even hope to help him. Central-forty-six would always be at the request of executing the boy, do to him being the direct grandson of the man who all but destroyed Soul Society, the leader of the Wandenreich himself, Yhwach. Since that man's blood flow through the orange haired teen's body, they all thought that he would be the next rising of the Quincy Emperor, even though Kurosaki himself had already killed the successor of Yhwach.

The brown haired Sotaicho had been holding them off as long has he could, but he feared that he was no longer going to be able to if they went after him without talking to him first about it. He honestly could not allow something like that to happen, after teaching Kurosaki almost everything he knew, he felt that the boy was a bit of an adopted son to him. He chuckled mentally at the thought, he though he didn't somewhat get it before, he finally knew what old man Yama felt like with both him and Jushiro. He had tried to reason with the Central-forty-six as much as he could, even revealing that the boy was the son of the late, x-captain of the tenth Division, Shiba Isshin, along with being the grandson of the late Sotaicho, Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto.

But, as he already knew what they would have done, thought nothing of the boy's heritage, they had only cared about the dark side of it; believe that Kurosaki was going to be the cause of the true destruction of the Soul Society. He scowled darkly at that, think of every member of the Central-forty-six as nothing more than cowardly fools, who hide behind the walls that protected them from the harsh world of both dimension. Even with everything they had order them to do with the boy, he was not going to give out an order to the Gotei thirteen to kill Kurosaki Ichigo by any means necessary. He highly doubt that either of them would have done it anyway, each Tachiou looked up towards each as a comrade that deserve every last one of their respect.

So with the only option left for him to do to make sure the orange haired teen live; he had to send the boy to a dimension where he knew even the Central-forty-six could not even touch him. He could care less about them anyway, he had to make sure that the true heir of the Gotei survives, and making sure that the boy lived a life that he would want. He no longer had the follow the destiny that was forged since his birth; he could not truly be able to forge a destiny by his own hands without hands in the back ground doing it for him. It had to make sure this work, not just for him, but for every soul that had been sent to peace because of this man.

Fixing his resolve to do what he did right, he looked at the orange haired shinigami with a serious, but sad look in his eyes. "You are right Kurosaki-san," he assured with a growing solemn look on his face. "I did promise that you would be able to go home, but I did not say the home you have lived for most of your life. Now, did I?"

A few feet away from him, Kurosaki Ichigo growled darkly at his head-captain, he could not believe that the man that had taught him so much after he had come back from the Royal Palace of the Soul King would betray him like this. He thought that he had understand the reason he wanted to go back home to his home town, the very same that he had not been too for over two years now. He was now at the age of nineteen, and over the two years he has been in Soul Society, had grown into a fine young man as most of the people he knew would say. His orange wild hair had grown a bit, reach just passed his shoulder's, giving him a ruff bad boy looked that most shinigami women always would blushed when they looked his way. He shook his head a bit mentally, breaking from those thoughts as he glared at the man standing before him.

"What the fuck do you mean by that?" He seethed darkly; eyes narrowing into cold slits as his anger continue to climb. "Don't you think after everything I've done for this place, that I deserve a bit of peace in my life?"

Standing by his longtime friend's side, Jushiro Ukitake smiled sadly at the young man before him. "We believe, more than anyone else Kurosaki-kun, that you deserve peace more than anyone in the entire Soul Society, along with that of the World of the Living." He shook his head sadly, his long white hair following as he did so. "But that peace you so rightfully deserve, will never be given if you stayed here or Karakura."

"So you're going to send me to Hueco Mundo?" The orange haired shinigami accused. "How, do you possibly believe that sending me there would give me peace?"

Stepping forward a bit, Shunsui answered for his long time comrade. "That is not what we are doing here Kurosaki-san," he answered truthfully, eyes filling with disgust at himself for even having to do this to a boy that has save them twice from destruction. "We are sending you to another dimension that we do not even know of, someplace where we think you would be able to live in peace."

Ichigo's eyes widen at that, looking at both of the captains with disbelief in his eyes. "Why the hell would you even think something like that would bring me peace?" he asked through hard anger.

"It's because, if we don't do this Kurosaki-kun, then we have no doubt that Central-forty-six would make us do something that we will never like." A clam but sad voice said which was so familiar to the orange haired teen. Turning towards the source of the voice, Ichigo watched as his old teacher's Urahara Kisuke and Shihoin Yoruichi made their way towards them. They were both dress in casual shihakusho's of the Gotei thirteen, with Urahara having the captain's haori of the twelfth on. The purple haired Shihoin Leader had a lieutenant's badge on her left forearm, since she had allow herself to become one to look after her know foolish husbands acts.

"Yoruichi-san… Urahara-san" The orange haired called out as he looked at the two who taught him so much, he was a bit confused to see the two know standing with Shunsui had Ukitake. 'What do you mean by that?"

Urahara smiled a bit, getting over the fact that he had been reinstated as captain of the twelfth Division, due to Kurotsuchi meeting his end to a Wandenreich Stern Riller. "It is as I said Kurosaki-san," He answered with a growing sad look in his light gray eyes. "If we don't does something fast, then the four of us have no doubt that Central-forty-six would make a move to try and take your life?"

Ichigo was still confused, not truly understanding why Central-forty-six, one of the main government of Soul Society would want him dead. "I don't understand? Why would they want me dead?" He asked.

"Do to you being the grandson of Yhwach; they believe that you would try to destroy Soul Society if you're not stopped before you even think of doing something like this." The light blonde haired captain said, snorted darkly at the mere thought of that even happening.

The orange haired shinigami growled darkly at that, feeling lively that those damn fools who even suggest that he would ever want to become like that piece of trash. He was the main reason on why his mother was dead, and his now deceased sister lived without a mother, along with them being dead. During that time so long ago, he had taken his mother's powers probably knowing that she was protecting him from a Hollow. He couldn't care less about her, thinking that she was nothing but a disgusting impure Quincy that deserve nothing more than death, a be fiscal sacrifice to make sure that he was brought back with his full power. Ichigo would never allow himself to become that man, even if he fell to the deepest part of hell itself, becoming something like that man would make him nothing more than the man that had taken his mother away from them.

"Why would they even think something like that would even happen to me?" He asked, highly angered at the still mere thought of him becoming that man. "I may have Quincy blood flowing through my veins; I have accepted that the moment I was able to awaken my full power. But allow myself to become that man would be a disgrace to my mother, friends, and family."

Urahara smiled at that and without a word, pointed both of his hands towards his student. A few seconds later, his hands along with the others began to glow a deep black, making Ichigo remember the colors of the deep nights. He began to struggle furiously to break through the Bakudo spells that was holding him down, but no matter how much he struggled, he could not do as much as he wanted when he was in his human form. If he could just reach his badge, then he would be able to break though these damn Bakudo spells with little effort. But no matter how much he struggled, he could not find any possible way for him to break through this.

"DAMMIT STOP IT!" He roared in anger, struggling with all his might to find some way to break through to stop what was happening in front of him. "DON'T DO THIS!"

The purple haired shinigami smiled sadly, feeling her heart began to break the more she looked into her students eyes. "We all care about you more than anything Ichigo," She told him, making him look at her with wide shocked eyes. "This is the only choice we had, to make sure you were safe and able to live your life without the Soul Society's problems in your way." She shook her head, shaking away the tears that were building up the more she talked. "I- no we will always be with you in your heart, and no that Orihime and Rukia will always be with you in spirit and heart, along with the few friends that you still has that are alive."

Feeling that they were finally reading, Shunsui smiled at his student for the last time. "I'll miss those annoyed expression of yours Kurosaki-kun," He said with a small sad laugh.

Both Ukitake and Urahara chuckled as well, feeling both the same. "We will as well, "They both said with a sad look in their eyes. All four captains looked at the orange haired teen that changed so much in their lives, feeling even more broken the more then looked at him.

"Goodbye Kurosaki Ichigo, live your life finally in peace."


"Bakudo number seventy-nine, Kuyo Shibari (Nine Sunlight Traps)!"




Opening sharp, chocolate brown eyes, the orange haired shinigami blinked at the minimal amount of the sun's rays entered his expansive room as the early rays of the morning sun struck his dark pale skin. For some odd reason he could not remember since coming to this odd dimension, his body had always seem to awake around this time now. That was just how is body responded now, and he was going to somehow complain about it either. To him, it was only a call for him from his body to get up and get to the responsibilities that the day had prepared for him.

Shifting a tired yawn, the young shinigami sat up in his large bed and ran a hand though his long, spiky loose hair that flared outward onto the bed. Taken a moment to get the small tiredness out his human body, he surveyed his royal bedchamber, something he had come to acquire after the people of Be Sing Se had accept him as their king, which annoyed him still when someone called him that. The bed was high and massive, almost covering one wall of the already massive room he was in, while large, comfortable cushions were spread on the other side of the impressive bedroom. Before, the walls were covered in impressive colors of brown and green, but when he was given the throne from the people of this massive city, he had asked of the servants to remodel everything in the Royal Shrine that would be to his fitting. Pure black and dark blue were the prominent colors that decorated the room with a glossy, white ice like marble floor.

On one of the walls to the far left side of his bed hung a large tapestry with the Earth Kingdom emblem, and extraordinary illustrations of Earth Kingdom scenery and resplendent badgermoles covered the other three. On the western side of the room was a large open field, which oversaw the large garden that was growing bigger as the days passed. From there he could see where the sun touched over the large great wall as it began to set in the sky, which bring forward minutes later the sliver rays of the moon before him. It was a beautiful, breathtaking sight, which allowed him each day to toss away the painful memories of what his life was like before he had come to this dimension.

His royal suite, as the people of the Earth Kingdom called it, consisted of two large sections: the first being the massive bedroom and the other being the antechamber, which must be passed in order to enter his resting quarters-though not many were privileged to do so seeing that he, along with his wife of seven years enjoyed their privacy together. In the antechamber was where sometimes he took his meals either alone or with his family when they didn't want to be bothered by anyone. The Royal Shrine was not as simpler to the servants or advisors that seek his attention, be it not being the colors that simple the massive Kingdom of Earth. As soon as he had become King, as the people of the Earth Kingdom are getting use to not calling him anymore, he had order everything to be decorated to everything his wife had wanted, since he had not wanted to be bothered by it.

A small smile appeared on his face, which was rare nowadays to see from him, only his family that he was now fortune to get after coming to this dimension seventeen years ago. He sometimes still had trouble getting accustomed to his new room and new life, being due to the constant battles and wars he was used to. After spending two years traveling around this world to get used to it, along with staying in a small, filthy apartment in the lower district of Ba Sing Se, it seemed a bit unbelievable that he off all people would be living like he was now. However, it still surprised him that the fact that he was now the ruler of a very large Kingdom, which to him was the size of a small continent.

Tossing those thoughts aside for the moment, he turns his gaze towards the sleeping, nude figure of his wife that lay closely towards him. Drawing her closer towards him, he inhaled her sweet scent, gently caressing her chocolate-brown tresses with his left hand. The young woman sighed contently in her sleep and snuggled closer into him, laying her head into his lap. As he continued to stoke her hair, the orange haired shinigami again wondered why he of all people had been able to bless with someone like this. It was hard for him at the beginning to understand, but as the years went on he finally began to realize what Shunsui and the others had done for him.

That peace, that one thing he had fought for so long for was finally giving to him after he was finally able to end the rebellion with the kingdom he now rules. A small smirk fell over his fell, remembering the very first time he had met the rebellious sixteen year old women. In the beginning, along with the large amount of confusion bitterness he had felt against what happen to him, he had felt extremely annoyed at the girl's constant attitude. She believed, and still did sometimes, thing that she could somehow help every single person that was living hard. The very first time he had met her was at the famous tea shop Jasmine Dragon-which was owned by a well famous general of the Fire Nation.

He sighed to himself, remember just what happen that day he had first met the girl that was now his wife, who for some reason could never keep her mouth shut when it was needed. During those times eleven years ago, this world was again going through the beginnings of a new war that honestly made no scene to him, but the beginning of that conflict had rose to something that was even worse to the Earth Kingdom as a whole. During those times his wife had been visiting Iroh-his scowled slightly at the name the man preferred him to call him when the two had met. Even though he had refused to even call the old man any sort of part of his family, he still respect the man for what he had done for the woman he had now come to care for more than anything in this world.

Due to the consist conflict arising with both that of Earth King Kuei and Fire Lord Zuko, which about them not be able to come up with a solution of solving the problem of Yu Dao, both sides had broken out into a harsh conflict that ended up with a small war between the two Nations. During that time, even though he cared little for it, he had been nothing more than a foot solider in the Earth Kingdom's massive army. He had not allow himself to join because of he wanted to protect the land he was becoming fond of a bit, the reason he had join was because he wanted nothing more than to drown himself into a sea of blood. Those memories of the good times he had with his family hunted him so much back then, and the only thing he could think of to end it was to be involved with a large scale war that would end his nightmares. He wanted nothing else but to enjoy every minute of it, killing these enjoyable warriors when they dared tried to cross blades with him.

It was kind of ironic though if ya thought about it, more of a twist of fate which some people from this world would believe was brought down by the very spirits themselves. The orange haired king was just someone who never believed in something like that, meeting his brown haired wife was just a small stroke of luck from all the pain he was used to being in from the first moment he had been brought here. Katara, along with Avatar Aang, who she had been currently together with during the time, had failed to come up with a peaceful solution to stop the small war from happening. Due to former Earth King Kuei wanted to make up for his weak ruling of his nation in the past, refused such a meeting with Fire Lord Zuko and immediately ordered General How to send troops to Yu Dao and reclaim it by force. His military campaign did not pass by the Fire Lord unnoticed, as Zuko had sent spies to the Earth Kingdom; in response to hearing of the Earth King's campaign, he led his armies toward Yu Dao as well. These events during the time to his annoyance further complicated the movement.

Even though he had not been involved with that battle, he had heard of everything that had accrued that lend up to the disaster of a long two year war, along with rebellion's breaking out of the entire Earth Kingdom due to Kuei weak rule. Yes, as he had heard, they had manage to stop the battle by Avatar Aang separated the earth surrounding the entire colony, thus ending the small fight, but not the conflict that follow days after it. Do to Kuei foolish decision, he had believe after he had been fooled by his advisors, that the Fire Nation along with Avatar Aang and Katara were doing nothing more than fooling him into believing everything he had told them. Weeks after that, he sent a large army to destroy most of the Fire Nation colonials that resided all over the Earth Kingdom.

In realization to what happen to his people in those colonies, Fire Lord Zuko had sent his own army towards the Earth Kingdom to protect everything he could, which led towards a large scale war that tore over the entire massive land of the Earth Kingdom, the war had been too big for Avatar Aang to stop, and just stopping one person like he did before as he heard was not going to stopped the war. Due to an argument between the two, Katara had left Avatar Aang due to the problems that had accrued with the two. Due to her other foolishness that annoyed Ichigo back then to no end, the sixteen year old girl had wanted to directly talk to the Earth King, to try and talked to him to stopped the conflict war between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom. General Iroh to his credit had tried to reason with the rebellious girl to not try to do something like that, which would have ended up in her being killed.

Taking a moment to rub his hand across the former Southern Water Tribe woman body, he chuckled in dark amusement as when he had stopped her from doing something so foolish outside the Royal Palace of the Earth King. She had cursed at him for not allowing him in, even going as far as to use her status as a war hero to be able to enter. But he had cared little for it, even though he didn't understand back then, he couldn't allow the girl to walk into something that would have caused her death. On what she had wanted to do to be able to enter, and allowing her anger to get the best of her, she had attacked him with reckless abandon. But still none of it matter, even in his human body, he had effortless beaten her without getting a scratch on him.

Due to his Quincy power awakening fully after he had attained the true form of his zanpakuto, his human body seem to have changed drastically to be able to store a large amount of his spiritual pressure without breaking down. It was a bit of a small shocked to him, but nevertheless beneficial scene he had no idea what would happen in this world if he released his full power in his shinigami form. He had refrained himself from using it, and trained his human body as much as he could to be able to hold captain-level reiatsu without much as a problem as he should. Back then after figuring this all out, he felt immense pleasure in know this, now fully knowing that he could cause as much destruction as he could during battle. Katara, being who she was at the time, began following him wherever he went, thinking of him nothing more than a bastard for not allowing her to talk to Kuei.

He could care less about what the girl at the time thought of him, he just killed as much as he could on the battlefield to get over the constant pain he was always felt every time he made a mistake and sit down and think. She wasn't a part of the Earth Kingdoms army, which he had thought would allow her not to following him everywhere he went. But that didn't seem to bother or stopped the girl in the least; the Master Waterbender had found someway to be able to follow him even when he had went to battle. He could still remember those words she said, the same words that had stopped him from being annoyed with her following him around like a lost puppy.

"Even though you seem to take sick pleasure in killing anyone that stands in your way," Katara stated coldly, but the coldness in her eyes seems to disappear the longer she stares at him. "I can't seem to go on with the day without seeing what you're doing. You seem to have a dark painful reason on why you enjoy killing, or you're so lonely that you find happiness when you put your life on the line."

The orange haired shinigami glared at her, his chocolate brown eyes narrowing into dark slits. "What the fuck are you trying to say girl?" He asked coldly.

She only smirked at him, which annoyed him even further, she seem to be getting use to his dark attitude. "I'm going to stay with you as long as I can," She announced with a proud smile. "I'm going to show you that there's more to life then killing, that you can find happiness without it."

That vow she had made was over eleven years ago, and not that he would ever say it to her, she had managed to accomplish something that he vowed to make her never be able to. At first he thought that she was going to do nothing but leave after seeing too much blood, seeing just the devil he had become the longer he had stayed on the battlefield. But to his annoyance and shock, the young woman had endured it all and stayed by his side during those years of the war between the two countries, and over time he began to become very fond of her. He rose up through the ranks of the Earth Kingdoms army fast over those four years, and even after the end of the war she still stayed by his side. After those four years, a rebellion started up, due to the Earth Kingdom losing truce in Kuei's rule over the nation.

Ichigo felt himself scowl at that, feeling annoyed constant during those times until Kuei's death by a rebellion Leader of the Dai Lee managed to enter the Royal Palace unnoticed. Due to him being the highest ranking general at the time, along with most of the army having completely loyal to him due to his many victories over the Fire Nation, the people of Ba Sing Se had chosen him to become its next ruler. He had never wanted a position as high as this since he had believe that he would end up in nothing but chaos that was sure to come, but he had accepted due to him growing very fond of the land that he had live and fought for so many years on. But none of the problems had ended there, after he had come to the order change of him fallen in love with Katara over the years, along with her having gave him twins, he had married her without any hesitation whatsoever.

He paused for a moment, looking down at his beautiful wife to see that she was still sleeping as soundly as ever. He chuckled at that, remembering that Waterbender's did not like waking up as early as other's which could control elements, which still held as small bit of surprise to him. Even though it was far weaker in pure power to him, it was still a bit amazing to see human off all things being able to control the elements to such a degree. Due to her being a Waterbender, he had learn from her during their short travels in the army about her tribe, about her culture and other things that mostly dealt with the moon and the ocean itself. A smirk crosses over his face, feeling that the moon was a bit of the reason why they were so strongly connected towards one another.

His hands moved away from his wife's soft hair to caress her shoulder before his fingers trailed down her arm. Then he lean down to kiss her temple, inhaling her scent once again. Katara seemly feeling what he was doing stirred and murmured as sleep began to leave her eyes. She blinked a bit, looking upwards towards her husband with a somewhat shocked expression on her face. A few seconds later she smiled fondly at him, moving her right hand up to caress his face as soft as she could.

Lifting his self-up a bit, a small smile showed on his face as he looked at her. "Sorry about that, Katara." He told her, "I wasn't planning on waking you up right now."

Her sea-blue eyes twinkled a bit with mischief, which Ichigo seem to catch the instant it showed on her face. "Don't worry you're self to much Ichi," She assured him with a smile on her face. "It's time for me to wake up anyway, to get started on the day just like you should be doing right now."

The orange haired form of her husband scowled slightly; already knowing where she was going with this. He held up three fingers, to try and get his point across as best as he could. "I still have three hours before I have to meet any of those lazy cowards," He answered her, voice lowered to a cold tone.

Her sea-blue eyes flared a bit, shifting a bit to a brighter ice like color. "Stop that Ichigo!" She scowled, slapping him a bit across his harden chest. "I know you don't have a particular taste for them, and neither do I." She sigh a bit as she pushed her body close to him, "But they are your advisor's that has been the former Earth Kingdom's King Kuei's advisor as well. Their nothing but snobs, but you have to get most of their approval to be able to end these small rebel armies that are still around."

The scowl was still plastered on his face, but his eyes soften a bit as he looked at the women on his side. "You're right, like always I must say." He replied, sarcasm entering his voice a bit. Hearing this, the sea-blue eyed Waterbender giggled softly at him. "But, I really rather be talking to The Council of Five rather than these cowards."

"I know," Katara said in a soft voice of understanding, being constantly around him for over eleven years, she had gotten use to her husband's cold and strict attitude for a long time. "Just bear with it as much as you can," She looked up at him with a small worried look in her eyes. "Do it for me, okay? I just want these rebel armies to be over with so you don't have to leave me all the time like you do."

The orange haired shinigami sighed a bit, hearing the slight displeasure in her voice. "As I said before countless times Katara, I'm not like these other spineless cowards that run over numerous cities, nations, and other small regions around the world." He replied to her, a small bit of coldness entering his voice. "I'm just not going to send my men off to deal with a problem without me being there, what kind of Head-General- no king what I be if I don't even fight alongside my men like all king's should?"

The sea-blue eyed Master Waterbender sighed in slight annoyance, knowing that no mattered what she would say to him, he would always go into battle with his men no matter what happened. Katara sometimes as come to the fact where she hated his pride, the very same thing that sometimes made him make stupid mistake that end up with him being hurt. But that really wasn't the only thing, the orange haired man had always been like this, but he also enjoyed battle more than anyone she had ever met. Before meeting him, she thought she would never see anyone that was more battle hungry then Toph was, but Ichigo had proven to be far more then she had ever seen from Toph. He was a man that she had come to known that loved fighting more than anything, even going as far as to draw the battle out to enjoy it more.

In the beginning when she first met him, he had been one of the coldest people she had ever met, looking at her with the coldest eyes she had ever met. When she had made the mistake of changeling him to a fight to enter the Royal Palace eleven years ago, his entire personality seem to change into something of a dark sadistic man, who enjoyed causing pain to others when fighting. When the fight would be to boring for him or he just wasn't in the mode to play around, he would end anyone that stood in his way that dared challenged him. He honestly couldn't care who it was, be it man or women, anyone to him that enter a battle deserve to be treated like a warrior and nothing else.

That pride and character of his was something that she had come to admire, but it was something that also worried her greatly as well. Looking at his left shoulder, she traced the long scar that went around his entire shoulder that connected his left arm to his body. Two years after he had become King of the Earth Kingdom, he had fought and entire army of thousand soldiers of the rebel army, one that was filled with different kinds of benders of all the elements. He had won the entire battle, which still amazed her to no end to this day, but he had suffered with having his entire left arm removed from his body. She was just happy though, if it would have been later, then she would have never been able to reattach the arm back to where it belongs.

It had taken her three days to be able to reattach it back to his body, those three days she didn't dare allow herself to go to bed, in fear of him dying on her if she did. After she had managed to accomplish what she had set out to do for those three days, along with him waking up, she had refuse to talk to him for months after that. That damn pride of his to refuse to back down from anyone almost took him away from her, along with almost making her children live the rest of their lives without their father. After that, even though she would never admitted it, Katara had become to fear the rebel armies a bit, due to them being able to wound even that of her husband, who she thought not a single person on this planet would be able to do. It wasn't that she fears for her safety, it was that of her two kids and her husband.

"I know Ichigo," She told him with a soft smile on her face, but a small bit of worry was still clearly shown in her eyes. "I just don't want anything to happening to like five years ago."

The orange haired King of the Earth Kingdom frown at that, remember that day how his body had just shut completely down on him for some reason. It was odd, but it seemed like something from an outside source had completely shut down his body for a spit second, giving the rebels he was slaughtering enough time to be able to remove his entire left arm. If his body had not shut down on him, then it would have been like nothing but a small bite due to his Blut Vene or just his harden skin. But due to a small source of reiatsu running through his body at that second, his body didn't seem to have the power to be able to use it like he wanted to.

Five years ago he admitted that he had jacked up; he had never wanted this woman to be as worried as she was like that. For right now, at this current moment, he had to reassure her that nothing like that was ever going to happen again. "Nothing's going to happen like that again Katara," He stated. "I promise okay?"

Stuffing down the constant worry she had over the man she was laying on, she giggled a bit at him before getting up from where she was, not even caring that she was walking around completely naked before him. This was a constant thing for them every time her husband was able to come home from wiping out another small rebel army, he had been home for two weeks now and she was going to enjoy every moment she had with him. Most of the time she had wanted so badly to come with him, but she had to thing about the two engines-like kids they had. She giggled at the thought of her two little rascals before walking towards large bath chamber that was on the eastern side of the Royal Shrine, she shrieked suddenly when she felt a hand pull her back into the massive bed.

Looking up, she lightly glared at her husband who was currently above her, his long hair acting like a blanket that covered them from the light. "What do you think you're doing Ichigo?" She asked… no demanded from him.

Grabbing her small hand towards his face, the heir of the Gotei thirteen kissed her fingers before replying to her, his voice be smother over with a powerful wave of lust. "To answer the question you were going to ask me before, I spelt damn well since I have you by my side." He answered. Feeling it as well, a rose burned color began to color her cheeks. She raised her head up a bit, biting on the orange haired shinigami's lips as she did.

"Mm… I have to say Ichigo." She moaned out, feeling the large budge that was grinding against her private area. "I so do love the mornings when your here with me."

He chucked darkly at her, but the lust he was currently feeling was growing with each passing second. "As well as those nights, right, Katara?" The girl below him moaned louder as she too, began to grind into him. "In the pond, not a single shred of cloths on our body, making you scream my name even under the nights of the moon?"

He flashed her a fanged grin when her cheeks began to turn even redder then before, he bent down and started making love with her mouth, going as slow as he could to make her feel nothing but pleasurable torture. The Master Waterbender moan into his mouth as he deepened the kiss, pushing his tongue into her sensitive mouth, their tongues dancing around each other passionately.

"You have a meeting to go to Ichigo…" She shuttered out as best as she could, watching as he went down her body and started kissing her well-formed breast, which had grown to an impressive size over the years. "We… can't be doing… oh GOD!"

The former Captain of Squad Eighth grinned mischievously. Seeing the devious glint in his dark chocolate-brown eyes, Katara shivered at the welcoming anticipation that coursed through her entire body. "It can wait, as I said before Katara, I have three hours to do everything I want to you." He replied huskily as he gently pushed her onto her back, thus continue his mission done her body.

He moved his skillful hands all over her nude body, her moans of pleasure and delight aroused him even more. He placed hot kisses down her throat, to her collarbone, her large sweet breast, stomach until he reached her sweet spot where he kissed her as slow as he could. Her head snapped back, her eyes wide with intense pleasure as a scream tore passed her lips. Her hands ran through his long hair, gripping it tightly as she struggled to get control of herself. She loved everything about this man! Not a single moment goes by that she has regretted marring him.

"How I love the mornings Ichigo!" She moaned, wrapping her legs around his head and forcing him even deeper into her.

Hours later

Sitting silently on his throne, Ichigo listened carefully and somewhat impatiently as the member of his Court Council argued amongst themselves about the welfare of the Earth Kingdom like a bunch of withering children. Hours had passed since he had stepped into the meeting room and he could feel a headache coming on. This is why he had told his wife that he hated most of these spineless bastards, they did nothing but argue amongst themselves. Over the seven years since he had been in rule, the Court Council had surly been losing their power as the days went on. In all honestly, sometimes he didn't even listen to a thing either of them have to say, due to not a single one of them worry about the welfare of the Kingdom itself, but worrying about how their pockets were going to keep fatten.

His annoyance of them was bordering a tad bit of hatred, due to them reminding him of the Central-forty-six that governed over Soul Society. The expression on his face remained an impassive as cold like as ever, but mentally he was scowling darkly as he remembered the group that forced his mentors to send him away, to try and give him a better life then being feared by the very people he swore to protect. The orange haired shinigami was kind of glad really, he never would have thought that after all this time he would have find some sort of peace, even after everything he's been through. At first, he hated them for what they did, taking him away from the only home he ever known his entire life. But he no knew why they did it, not even caring about what could happen to their own well-being.

Sending him to another dimension could end up bad, which could end up with both Urahara and Yoruichi being exiled again. They discarded all that though, only going as far as to be able to get him to safety, without him every having to worry about the Central-forty-six again in his life. They feared him immensely, thinking that he could very well end up like a second rising off Yhwach, the only person he could think of that really manage to destroy Soul Society like it was nothing. They cared about the rules of the Soul Society that has been in place since it's foundation, and as they say the well-being of every soul within the Seireitei. As he looked down upon his Court Council, he could see in most of their minds that they care little about the people that has been suffering for generations within these very walls, thinking that their nothing but peasants that don't deserve the right to breath the same air they do.

"More soldiers should be sent to protect and gain control of our colonies!" One old and rather obese advisor yelled. "If we do not show more control, the Fire Nation residents will surely start another rebellion and seek to overthrow our rule!" Some of the older advisors agreed with him with low grumbles and nodding heads, thinking what the old advisors said was indeed correct.

During the war that was started over the movement of Yu Dao: the Earth Kingdom over the course of four years won over many of the colonies that were once ruled over by the Fire Nation. The orange haired shinigami actually snorted at that, feeling a bit amused that either of them had the right to even suggest about the rule over the colonies that he had taken over during the war. His annoyance grew at himself this time, wishing that he had remove every last Court Council member that stood before him, and replaced them with soldiers that actually fought with him during those times when he was nothing more than a General.

"But we cannot spend more money on recruiting more soldiers. Besides, as much as you hate the fact, we are not at war anymore with the Fire Nation, which should have never started to beginning with. We have to use out funds in order to keep manufacturing goods so we could export them to the other nations, which need a bit of our help after a war we stayed out of for so long." Another elder explained calmly, which gained the support of most of the other advisors. "If we spend more money on the military, we won't have enough to help our people."

Glancing at the elder man for a brief second, Ichigo felt himself nodded somewhat in agreement. Opening up trade with other countries would help his kingdom regain and bit of its feet, and not to mention a bit more trust from the Water Tribes and Fire Nation. And what the elder advisor had said, in order to keep goods going they needed the funds. Even though most of that would indeed help with most of the small cities that still needed help across the Earth Kingdom, it would show that his Kingdom that he fought so hard to protect was nothing more than weak. He had already opened more than enough trades with both of the Water Tribes and Fire Nation; he did not need to open more where the other countries thought that the Earth Kingdom would always need help.

"But a good bit of our products some from our colonies and if we do not keep control on these colonies, then guess what will happen… if your smart enough to figure that part out." The first advisor sneered, his large belly jiggling as he moved. "We would not only lose the colonies we fought so hard to gain from the Fire Nation from these damn rebel armies, but we will also lose your precious goods, you damn fool!"

Currently leaning on his right arm as he listen, the orange haired king narrowed his eyes a bit as he looked at the cowardly old man. His name was Isamu, and he was nothing like his name met. His was nothing more than a coward, a person who gave nothing but orders, but wouldn't dare stand up to fight. He was rather old, but had a sharp mind and a sharp tongue. He was one of Kuei's old advisors and one of the few who still favored destroying everything there is about the Fire Nation, due to him not being able to when Long Feng ruled over them. But he never said anything about it, following everything Long Feng said without question, due to the said man keeping his pockets filled with wealth. He constantly tried to argue that the Fire Nation was nothing more than heartless demons, people who were using these peaceful times to be able to build a better and stronger army, but Ichigo knew that Isamu only wanted power and wealth for himself.

The orange haired shinigami hated the man, thinking him of nothing more than a manipulating coward who did nothing but bask in wealth, while the people around him suffered greatly. Isamu was the first on his list of the advisors he wanted to get rid of when he was given the title of King, but some of his most trusted Generals convinced him it was best if he kept the most influential and most wealthy around him in order to gain their trust and their support. When discuss about, the blue-eyed Master Waterbender he had married agreed whole hearty, which annoyed him. Unfortunately, Isamu was the most wealthiest and most influential of them all. Even though some still sided with Isamu, many of the others started to see the foolishness of another war with the Fire Nation and longed to for peace to settle among all nations once again.

The other man who was arguing with Isamu glared at the fat nobleman, which caused an amused smirk to cross over Ichigo's face. Susumu was his name and he was one of the only men within the Court Council that Ichigo could trust and appointed to his Council. Not only was Susumu one of his wife's friends, along with Iroh, but he was also a wise and patient and he argued the best against entering another war with the Fire Nation with his fellow advisors. Not to mention, to his pleasure, the man never seem to make a major move without asking for his approval.

The wielder of Zangetsu always had refrain himself from killing Isamu out right due to his disrespect, something Ichigo wish he would have did a long time ago. The obese old man disregarded him because he thought he was too controlled by his emotions to rule and not intelligent enough to comprehend how to be Earth King. Ichigo had wanted to kill the man for so long now, but he had promise his wife that he would not make a mistake a kill any of his advisors. He was just kind of glad that the old bastard didn't say any of it to his face, knowing exactly what he would do if he even suggest to do something like that.

He refuse to allow himself to become so type of dictator, but he absolute would not allow anyone in his own court to disrespect him. A leader from what he had seen from his grandfather demand respect, by anything he did for his country he swore to protect with his very life. He was going to allow himself to make the same mistake as Kuei did, even though the cowardly foolish former leader did not have to die. Living around Ba Sing Se for six years, he was just how it was for the people of the Lower Ring to live, and he swore that he would do as much as he could to be able to make their lives just a bit better than it was.

"Well, if you truly thing we must send more soldiers to gain control over the colonies, let's see what are King has to say about this." Susumu replied, looking confidently up at the thirty-four year old ruler.

All the advisors turned to look up at him, waiting for him to give his suggestion on what was being said amongst them. Narrowing his eyes a bit coldly as he looked over all them, Ichigo could feel Isamu wishing to see him make a fool of himself, but thanks to years of being in politics and running an entire army to battle harder than ever, this was nothing more than an annoy game to him that was always far too easy for him.

"Yes, let us see what he has to say," Isamu simpered as he leaned back in his spot, looking at Ichigo with an arrogant look in his eyes.

Ichigo frown at that, looking at the old man with a cold look in his eyes, causing the old man to freeze up slightly in fear of death. Even though he might be able to get away with something's, Isamu would never hide that he feared him more than anything. Tossing the thoughts off cleaning himself of the man, he leaned forward onto his lap and looked over each of them. He honestly couldn't care less about this, but he knew that this was serious matter that he had to deal with to make sure the colonies that counted own him were safe from rebel armies from attacking them. Over the years the rebellions that cross the major of the Earth Kingdom had ended, due to most of them accepting that Ichigo was their king. But there were still some that wanted to toss the Fire Nation citizens out of the Earth Kingdom, which he wasn't going to do no matter who told him to.

A small cough brought him out of his thoughts. He glared at the man that did it before inwardly shaking his head before he began.

"I believe that what you said is correct, Advisor Isamu. Our colonies are a very important source for the growing production of out trading goods to the other nations," Ichigo began, eyes as impassive as ever as he looked over each member of his Court Council. He could see Isamu's smug grin broaden.

"But…" He continued and he inwardly smirked as Isamu's expression changed, "I don't think sending more soldiers would be a good idea. Our colonies are well protected as they are and the governors my wife personally appointed are running the cities with justice and a fair amount of control. I have received reports stating that both Fire Nation citizens and Earth Kingdom residents are living well together. There may still be some tension even years after the war has ended, but I am sure that with time, trust amongst them will surly win out."

Many of the men in the Council meeting room nodded in agreement, but he knew some were still skeptical.

"Besides, if we send more soldiers to the colonies, we might give the wrong impression. The Earth Kingdom citizens might believe they are being protected because they are in danger and might begin to distrust their neighbors even more, while the Fire Nation residents might think we are trying to throw them out or oppress them," He glanced at Isamu for a second, trying to get his point across with the old smart fool, "which might actually end up with another rebellion starting."

Isamu sneered at him, making sure that the man standing before him did not see him. "Then what do you suggest we do then your majesty?" He stated, each word dripping with nothing but sarcasm. "If we don't do something about the small rebel armies, then they will do nothing more than destroy those colonies you're trying so hard to protect."

The orange haired shinigami glared at the old man, blasting him with a small amount of killer intent to cause fear to build up in him, even though he wanted to kill him badly, he still needed him a small bit on his Court as long as he was still of use. "I advise you to watch the way you speak to me Advisor Isamu," He said coldly. "I will not have you talking to me like that! If you haven't notice yet after all these years, I'm the king here and you are nothing more than an advisor." His glare darken, "Learn your place before you end up dead next time." Isamu, to his disgust, nodded fearfully towards the ruler of the Earth Kingdom.

"Now, what Isamu said is right a bit Advisor Susumu." Ichigo began, looking over towards the wise old man towards the left of the court table. "If we don't do something about those small rebel armies, then they might accomplish in destroy those production goods we need."

Susumu nodded in agreement, along with the other advisors around him. "What do you suggest then, your majesty?" He asked.

"I will deal with it." The orange haired shinigami stated simple, not a single ounce of hesitation in his voice. "I will not send a large army with me to deal with this small problem, only a small battalion of elite soldiers."

Yugo, another old man that had been quite most of the time, stood up in protest. "You cannot do this your majesty!" He all but shouted. "You are a symbol of hope to be people, the god that most of the Earth Kingdom should not even have the privilege to see. Our army is here to protect you first, then that of the kingdom." He explained, "Please reconsider in your decision. You cannot just run of when a rebel army as shown up again."

"I can, and I will Advisor Yugo." Ichigo stated, showing no emotion as he looked over his entire Court Council. "This country as been here for centuries and ruled by many King's, but not a single one of them as I can remember as fought alongside their men who vows with their lives to protect them. With me by their side going into battle, my men draw strength from me, just like I draw strength from them." He stood up, looking over them as he did. "This rebel army will be over in the eastern part of the Earth Kingdom will end with this armies destruction, I will leave with my men in two weeks. This meeting is now dismissed."

One hour later

Royal Shrine: Bath Chamber

The Master Waterbender sighed a bit, closing her eyes for a moment as the warm waters of the large bath chamber touched her skin, soaking up the soothing feeling for a moment. The Royal bath chamber which was connected to the Shrine was huge, being bigger than a third of her old tribe. In the middle was a very large bathtub which covered a large part of the room, which was always covered in a warm steam. Her husband had made major modification to the room once they moved in; making it into a large spa that was constant warm, due to the small warm fire that was under the tub. It was enjoyable to have, and she was happy every time she and her husband were able to spend time together here.

She wrapped her arms around her husband tighter who currently had his eyes close as he seems to try and relax himself. "You know I was waiting for you at lunch?" She told him, trying to start a conversation after being silent for almost ten or so minutes.

Opening his eyes a bit, Ichigo looked down at his wife with a small smirk on his face. Taking her closer in his arms, he gave her a gentle kiss, although what he really wanted to do was ravish her at the moment. She half pouted at him, but the light in her eyes made him know she was not truly mad at him.

"Sorry about that, those dumbass advisors of mind kept me in longer than I had intended to be." He told her, moving her nude body closer towards his.

Katara giggled a bit, 'its okay, I understand fully. I married a man who is now the King of the biggest nation in the world; I just have to deal with it." She replied as she lifted her head to smile at him before frowned as she took in the dark look in his eyes. "You look tired. Trying not to think about much and just try and relax."

The orange haired shinigami said nothing a first, seemly deep in thought about what he had just learned at the Council meeting. "You're right, "He finally spoke. "I should try and get as much rest as I could."

She looked up at him, her sea-blue eyes narrowing as she could already tell that something was wrong. "What do you mean by that Ichigo?" She asked, but saw the look in his eyes. 'Something happened at the meeting, didn't it?"

Her husband nodded, "yes. We received news that a rebel army has been terrorizing the colonies and have taken over one of the colonies. They have been destroying the area and are killing anyone that stands in their way."

Katara looked up at him in worry, squeezing her arms around him. "They just want leave you only will they?" she asked. It was never going to end if this kept going on, just when will so many problems stop tormenting her husband? Hasn't he already suffered enough?

"I have to stop them before more people are hurt. I'm taking a small battalion of elite soldiers to stop the chaos. I plan on leaving in two weeks' time." He told her.

A foreboding feeling began to swell in Katara's chest. A feeling that something bad and painful was about to occur. Panic began to rise within her, but she quickly pushed it down. This was not the right time for her to be feeling like this, not when she had finally began to enjoy the time she had been spending with him ever since he got back from Omashu. This feeling was the same thing she had felt five years ago, and she refuses to feel like this again.

"Alright, that will give me just enough time to get my things ready, along with getting someone to watch over our kids while we're away." She said, trying to keep her voice from trembling.

Ichigo suddenly glared at her, a slow growl building up in his chest. "What the hell do you me 'we'?" He asked her, a dark tone entering his voice. "I'm going. You are staying here with the kids."

"What?!" The blue-eyed Master Waterbender practically screamed. "Don't you dare tell me that it's because it's dangerous for me! I'm a Master Waterbender! How many times do I have to make myself clear that I'm not the same girl you protected during the war?! I'm coming with you no matter what you say," She told him defiantly, trying to stand up from the large bath tub, but couldn't as Ichigo kept a firm grip on her body.

Ichigo smirked mentally at that. Since she had become a mother seven years ago, she had rarely showed that stubbornness of hers that kept her following him around for years. But right now he didn't have a need for it right now, he refuse to allow her to go to a battle that might end up with her killed. He hated it sometimes that he had to keep her away from him when he left the palace on business like this, but she had to see that she was the only thing that can watch over their kids.

"Look Katara, right now I really don't have time for this bullshit right now." He snapped a bit as he looked down at her. "You're not going with me no matter what you have to say about it!"

She glared at him and slapped him across the chest, feeling frustration began to build up within her heart. "And what do you want me to do huh Ichigo? Just wait here at the palace for word of you being killed?" She asked him, "I'm not going to allow what happen to you five years ago to happen again. No matter what happens, I refuse to see… you lying almost dead before me like that again…" Tears began to fall, but that didn't seem to bother her at the moment. "You… hear me you selfish bastard!"

Ichigo frown, "What the hell are you talking about Katara?" He asked her with an angry look on his face. "Why the hell would you even think that I would die?"

"You seem to have suddenly forgotten how you came back a month later with your arm remove from your body, along with you covered in blood." She stated to him coldly, her eyes covering with tears as the memories hit her in full force. "I refused to see you like that again Kurosaki Ichigo!"

The orange haired shinigami sighed a bit, "Look Katara that was a mistake on my part." He told her, "Nobody's perfect, I made a mistake that I regret. You might think that I like to see you said, but that was something that I never planned on happening. You might think that I'm doing this to crave my bloodlust, but I'm only doing this to protect you and the kids." He told her, a serious look in his eyes.

"But I want to be by your side Ichigo!" The brown skin woman moaned out in worry. "Why can't you see that?"

He leaned forward and kissed her, which caused her to instantly moan into him. A second later he broke away, looking at her with a clam look in his eyes. "You will always be by my side no matter what happens." He assured her, "Just let me protect you out there, while you protect us here. Even though these bastards of advisors don't see you as much like I do, you have responsibilities to look after the Kingdom while I'm away."

Katara sighed into him, burying her head into his chest. "Just promise me you'll come back," She told him. "Come back to me without being half dead."

He smirked and pushed her down a bit, "You have nothing to worry about Katara. I promise that I will return to you without injuries, have fate in me okay."

She moaned as her husband was between her legs again, causing the intense pleasure to build up in her entire body again. He shouldn't even ask something like that, it should show more than anything that she has complete fate in whatever he does. This man before her had never failed her when he promise something, never going back on his word do to it being an insult to his pride if he even did something like that. Katara was happy, being with him for eleven years has been some of the great moments in her life, and she wanted nothing else but to keep spending her days with him in her life.

"You shouldn't… even have… to think something like that Ichigo." She moaned out, her back arching up in pleasure as she tried desperately to control her breathing. "I have… always had complete fate in you."




End Chapter One

Author Notes: Just something I thought of while I was at work. Don't know when I'll be able to update again, do to other fic's needing to be updated along with my job. Thanks for reading and hope ya enjoyed the new idea!

Tensa Zangetsu 17

Signing out