Alright everyone, here it is. 11 months later and we are finally at the Epilogue. Also, news! If you look up at the description you'll see that a lovely reader is translating this story into Spanish! In case anyone prefers :) Alright, I'll leave the rest of the massive A/N till the bottom so you can get right to it :)

EDIT: Sorry again everyone, I'm pretty sure I just got the last mistake :)

Eight hours later and they were disembarking the plane in Paris. Hiccup stretched out his back as he waited for his luggage at the carousel, Toothless doing the same. Hiccup had breezed through security without issue, seeing as Toothless had already gotten his Visa and his border security guard spoke English. He had been kind of nervous that he had been separated from Toothless for that part, but now it was in the past.

They sat at the carousel for ten minutes before they both had their luggage. When Toothless finally grabbed his last bag they wheeled them out to the taxi stand and hopped in the first available car.

"Bonjour messieurs, oú voudriez-vous aller?"

"Uh, Eng…" Hiccup started before Toothless held up his hand to stop him. With a small wink, Toothless turned his attention to the taxi driver.

"51 Avenue de la République s'il vous plait."

"Trés bien monsieur. Trente minutes."


With that the taxi took off, headed south towards downtown. They remained silent for a moment before Hiccup picked up the conversation.

"So, you speak French?"

Toothless looked over at the driver and asked, "Monsieur, parlez-vous anglais?"

When the driver replied with a curt, "Non," Toothless returned his attention to Hiccup.

"I guess I never told you this, but I'm not originally American. I'm Canadian. And more specifically, Quebecois. French is actually my mother tongue. I might be a little rusty since I haven't used it in a while but I think the basics are still there. The other problem is that Quebecois French is slightly different than the French they speak here, so that may give me a few problems, but I think we'll be fine."

"Well that explains a few things," Hiccup cracked. "Which part of Quebec?"

"Montreal. But enough about that. Have you picked up any French over the last couple of days?"

"I think I've picked up a little bit," Hiccup responded, clearly a little unsure of himself.

Toothless knew the best way to pick up a language was a mixture of practice and necessity, and so he said, "Well then let's hear something."

"Uh, qu'est-ce que tu veux me faire?" Hiccup asked with a slightly shaky voice.

There was only a split second of silence before both the taxi driver and Toothless burst into laughter. Hiccup looked back and forth between the two, face reddening slightly as he wondered just what he had said wrong.

"Hiccup," Toothless started when his laughter began to subside, "What do you think you just said?"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Then what you wanted to say is 'Qu'est-ce que tu veux que je fasse'. You just asked what I wanted to do to you," Toothless corrected, wiggling his eyebrows slightly.

Hiccup looked down in embarrassment, hiding his face before it turned even redder. All he managed to squeak out was a small, "Oops."

"That's ok, you'll get it," Toothless smiled.

The ride was silent for the rest of the trip, the passengers content to take in their new surroundings while the driver focused on the road. When they arrived, Hiccup took a moment to take in the building as Toothless unloaded the bags from the trunk and paid the driver.

"This building is magnificent," Hiccup commented when Toothless stood beside him. "Which floor are we on?"

"The penthouse." Upon hearing that, Hiccup's jaw nearly dropped.

"Oh wow, you really went all out!"

"Well this is the last move I want to make for a long time, so I figured that we might as well do it right. Now come on, we've got bags to move," Toothless stated.

"Alright, alright," Hiccup conceded, picking up as many bags as he could. They managed to get all the bags to the penthouse landing in two trips with the front desk security guard opening the door and pushing the elevator buttons for them, and when the last bag was up Toothless started to dig through his pockets for the key to the door.

The landing was small, approximately five hundred square feet if Hiccup had to guess, with a black and white pattern on the linoleum floor and plain white painted walls. The sole door led to their apartment, and the dark wood contrasted nicely against the room around it. Nailed to the door just above the peep hole was a golden A, which Hiccup assumed stood for the French word for penthouse.

A moment later and Toothless held the key proudly in his hand, finding it in the side compartment of one of his bags. He inserted the key into the lock and turned it, unlocking the door with a soft click. He swung the door open but did not enter, instead gesturing for Hiccup to enter first.

As Hiccup walked slowly through the door, Toothless spoke from behind him, saying, "Bienvenue à notre nouveau appartement."

Hiccup was speechless. Even just the foyer was stunning. Ten foot ceilings under a massive chandelier, and the tiles matched the linoleum from the elevator landing. Off to the left was a small powder room, and off to the right was a small den with hardwood for flooring. In the room were a bunch of boxes Hiccup assumed Toothless had shipped seperately. Straight past the chandelier was a hallway that had a dining room on the left and a kitchen on the right. The kitchen had a basic white tile, and Hiccup couldn't help but notice the stainless steel gas stove with six burners, the huge oven, and the top of the line fridge. The same hardwood from the den covered the floors in the hallway and dining room, and its dark finish complemented the deep red paint in those areas nicely. As Hiccup continued to the end of the hallway he ended up in the living space. He was immediately taken aback by the panoramic view of Paris and the street below.

"Wow," Hiccup said quietly, only to have his voice echo back at him. Looking up, he hadn't realized that on the other side of the room there was a staircase and that the living space was two stories. Dashing up the stairs, Hiccup was greeted to a loft like area, housing a king sized bed, two night tables, two closets, and a door that led into an amazing marble spa bathroom. There was a small railing that looked over the living room below, and looking up Hiccup saw that the windows from before reached up to this story as well. "Toothless, this is amazing!" Hiccup called down, leaning ever so slightly over the railing.

He raced back down the stairs and discovered that during his exploration, Toothless had simply been moving the bags from the landing into the foyer. He arrived just as Toothless locked the door behind him.

"So, I assume you like it then?" Toothless asked with a smile.

"I love it."

"So it's a good replacement for New York?"

"Well," Hiccup said before pausing, thinking his answer through. "New York was home, and there are so many memories there, so I don't think that this will ever replace it. But it seems amazing nonetheless."

"I was the same way when I had to move from Montreal. Nothing replaces home, but you find the best substitute you can," Toothless smiled as he wrapped Hiccup in a hug. When they released each other, Toothless continued. "Now let's get to making this place livable."

Toothless immediately picked up a bunch of bags and Hiccup grabbed the rest. They walked them upstairs and immediately started emptying them into the closets. They also placed the few bathroom products they had brought along in the bathroom where they belonged. Hiccup tossed his tablet on the bed before he headed back towards the stairs.

They made their way back downstairs wordlessly, and immediately started towards the boxes in the den. When they arrived Hiccup took a closer look and realized that there were even more boxes than he had thought.

"Toothless, when did you ship all of this stuff from New York?"

"Actually, this isn't from New York."

"I don't follow."

"Well I knew we'd need to have certain things for when we arrived, so the night we agreed to move here I did a little online shopping and had it delivered in advance."

"A little?" Hiccup asked with a smirk. His final count had been about twenty boxes, some of which were rather significantly sized.

"OK a lot but it's all necessary!"

Hiccup just shook his head and opened the first box. He was greeted with the sight of plates, bowls, and other assorted dishes. Rummaging through the other boxes Hiccup found bar stools, a dining room table without the tools needed to assemble it, a desk with tools that looked like they would also work for the dining room table, a television and stand, an end table, a telephone, a computer, some non-perishable food, some more clothes, and in a really small box about a dozen credit cards with their names on them. Hiccup didn't even know where to start with the questions.

"How did all this get in here?"

"I had the building manager let the deliveries in."

"So in two days you found an apartment, got an immediate closing, and managed to convince the building manager to come over and let all of these deliveries in?"

"Yup," Toothless stated proudly, allowing a smile to grace his face.

"And how?"

"Well the building manager was a simple telephone call and some persuasion. The closing, well, when you send enough extra money someone's way then they can generally be persuaded.

"Dare I ask how much?"

"Final sale was about €7 million." Hiccup's eyes nearly bulged out of his head, but he supposed the sale of all of those cars plus the New York condo would have covered it. But that brought up the next question.

"So when does the Pagani get here?"

"A few days. We have a reserved parking spot in a parking garage a few blocks away. But something tells me we'll be using the car so little that it won't be too much of a problem. It was actually a pretty reasonable price I think. It'll just charge one of our credit cards monthly."

"And how exactly did you get all of those cards?"

"Let's just say that when you give la banque significant sums of money, naturally they would be willing to give you a few cards, n'est-ce pas?" Toothless pointed out, slipping in some French words for Hiccup.

"But in my name too?"

"Well both of our names are on the account so…" Toothless started and trailed off.

Hiccup hadn't realized he had been working, but already the kitchen cupboards were stocked and the plates were almost done being put away. Toothless had placed the bar stools at the island and had started work on the desk. "Oh and our couch comes tomorrow. It was the one thing I couldn't get in time."

"That's OK," Hiccup said as he cracked open the next box.

It was 6:30pm when they finished unpacking, and by then they were both exhausted. But, the furniture was assembled and in place (not without a few arguments though), the kitchen was perfect, the boxes had all been recycled, and the clothes were all in the closet.

As they sat together on the living room floor in front of the blank television for several minutes, content on just holding each other close as they ate out of the cardboard pizza box that had been delivered about ten minutes prior.

"Do you regret it?" Toothless asked out of the blue as Hiccup swallowed a bite of pizza.

"Regret what?"

"Anything. All of this. Meeting me, loving me, being forced to move to Paris with me."

"Not one bit," Hiccup smiled. "Do you? Being forced to leave your friends and your life behind because of me?"

"Not one bit."

Stoick closed the small door to his mailbox with a small metal-on-metal clang. He was shifting through the envelopes, counting off the bills that had arrived, when he came across a plain, letter sized envelope with a hand written address and no return address. He pondered what it could be as he ascended to his unit in the elevator. He was sure he recognized the handwriting, but he couldn't quite place it. It hit him when he entered the condo and set the rest of the mail down: it was Hiccup's.

Stoick tore open the letter, but before he started to read it he looked through the open door to Hiccup's room. He'd left it exactly as Hiccup had when he had left all those years ago, only going in to clean. He looked in with a heavy heart for a moment before he returned his attention to the letter.

Dear Stoick,

By the time you read this, I will be gone. I'm sorry that I didn't take your advice, that I didn't do what you wanted me to do when we last met. But I just couldn't. I couldn't betray Toothless and my friends like that.

I don't hate you. I know that you had your reasons for what you have done over the past few years, even if I don't understand them. I guess it's just like how you don't understand all of my decisions.

Toothless and I have left the city, but I'm not going to say where we went. I feel like it would just be better that way, and I hope you understand. I have no intentions to return to New York, and I even said one last goodbye to mom. So, I guess this letter is kind of my goodbye to you too.

I did want to say thank you. Thank you for all the years we had together. We had our ups, our downs, and while everything wasn't always smooth, there are many memories I will keep forever.

I wrote this letter because I don't want our relationship to end on bad terms. I feel like just vanishing off the face of the earth wouldn't have been very mature. I hope that when you think of me, or on the off chance that we ever do meet again, that there are no feelings of anger, resentment, or betrayal. I know that there will be no such feelings on my end.

I hope you'll do me one last favour and say goodbye to Gobber for me. Over the past couple of years I've seen him around, always showing up in the back of the crowd wherever we were. I have a hard time believing that that was a coincidence. But as we were normally busy, I never had the chance to go up to him and talk. And now, since our departure from the city was rather spontaneous and urgent, I had no chance to properly wrap things up with anyone really. I just needed to make sure I wrote this letter.

I love you dad. And with all of our fighting and silence over the past few years, I realized I haven't said that at all recently and not nearly enough before that. And for that, I apologize.

May the fates lead you down a path that makes you happy in life. You deserve nothing less.

Love, your son,


OK, so, a few things. Before everyone asks, I know the wedding was not included here. That has been written separately and posted as its own one shot in TUS (again, accessible from my profile). Next, there is a chance some Englisisms (not sure if that's a word but my French teacher used it...) may have slipped into my French. If so and you catch one I apologize, just send me a PM and I'll have it fixed immediately. Also, I'll say this once more, I love to get reviews. So even if this story has been completed for years but you've just read it all the way through, I'd always appreciate knowing what you thought of it.

And before I sign off from this story for the last time, there are a few people I want to thank:

ADAMalchemist and Shadowpiratemonkey7, without whom this story never would have been written.

Warrior Nun, for the cover art.

Jayalaw and Ilmazzobro, for some great conversations throughout the story.

And of course, all of my faithful reviewers. It means so much to me that you all took the time to read my story and leave your opinion. I never imagined I would have such overwhelming support for my first ever fic, so thank you all so much.

I don't like goodbyes; they have a certain finality to them I don't like. So I'll just say until we meet again readers :)

And now, I feel like I can finally say: