Chapter Twenty Four: Meeting the Fortunas

Mikoto's P.O.V

I waited at the front steps of the Castle of Eternity. I cocked my head this way and that, trying to pick up any sounds of life.

Where is Hisoka?

I stood up and paced around, glaring at the exit of Riddler's Passage. No one actually knows about what happens inside the labyrinth but I'm guessing Hisoka must be having a hard time. It happens.

But I'm still worried.

"Oh stop prancing around, little sis, you'll worn out the marble." A familiar voice snickered behind me. I glared at Zanork, "Well aren't you a classy little prostitute?"

My elder brother shrugged and looked towards the maze, "He'll be fine. It's Hisoka, after all." I shook my head, "He always take risks."

I was surprised when Zanork burst out laughing. "Oh, look at you! Worried to the death like a granny!" He ruffled my hair good-naturedly, "I've known him longer than you, Mikoto. Hisoka will take care of himself." I frowned at him and opened my mouth to counter but a spluttering sound made me swerved to the source immediately.

A beaten looking Hisoka emerged from the maze gracefully as he flick away some leaves from his clothes. Blood trickled from his mouth and his hair was a mess but aside from the scrapes and bruises from his body, he looked completely fine.

I sighed in relief and took a step to him, "How was it?"

The sly magician smirk, "Piece of cake."

Rolling my eyes, I retorted, "It would be more believable if you weren't so busted up."

He chuckled and wiped the blood from his mouth, only to have more trickling back down. He looked up and realized Zanork's presence.

"Oh? You're here." He stated bluntly and Zanork snorted, "I bet you forgot my name again."

Hisoka tapped his fingers on his lips thoughtfully, "I distinctly remember it starts with a 'Z'."

Zanork flicked a small fireball at Hisoka but the latter caught it in his palm easily, "Now, now, Zanork-chan. No need to get so worked up." Hisoka smiled, waggling his finger at my frustrated brother.

"It's a wonder how you can forget my name when so many women dream of me even in their sleep." Zanork pouted. Typical for drama king over here.

Hisoka licked his lips, "I'm no woman."

I groaned, "Okay, okay, lover birds. Let's go." I tugged Hisoka's hand, "You need to get cleaned up before you can meet anybody, pal."

I noticed Zanork raised an eyebrow when Hisoka nodded and followed me, our hands still holding on each other. But he said nothing.

"I'll tell Dad that you'll come over later!" Zanork called out after us as we left. I waved a hand at him in reply and dragged Hisoka with me.

Hisoka's P.O.V

Mikoto led me through a corridor where shadows and light warped with each other in a slow dance. The walls of the castle had no exact color as it's always shifting from one color to the next, most of the time it was black or white.

I held on to Mikoto's hand, trying to wash off the memories resurfacing. She glanced at me a few times when I gripped her fingers a little more tightly before relaxing again. The emotional turn of events wore me out a little but I can manage.

When I spotted her sideways look again, I smiled at her, "Yes?"

She blinked then looked away, licking her lips and looking very flustered. She waited a heartbeat and asked the dreaded question, "What did you saw inside the passage?"

I pondered whether or not to tell her but she shook her head quickly, "It's okay if you don't want to tell me." I smirked a little at her uncomfortable position.

"I saw my past actually." I admitted and looked away. I felt her gaze draw to me and I took a deep breath, "I hope you can… take it away. The memories."

Mikoto hummed a bit, "Well, I can't erase them." And in a softer voice, she continued, "But I can blot it out if you wish. It will still resurface but it wouldn't be so painful."

I nodded and a short silence stood between us.

At a silver door to our right, Mikoto tugged me and pulled me into the room.

It was quite quaint for a room in a castle but who am I to judge? It had a simple bed of white, a dressing table made of white and black wood, and a shelf with some medication and books. An open door on the left shows the bathroom.

Mikoto sat me down on the bed and peered into my eyes. I watched as her emerald green eyes inspect me.

Suddenly I remembered a small detail about her, "I thought your eyes changes color."

She blinked in surprise. Then a small smile toughed her lips, "I guess you were fooled too, huh?"

It was my turn to be stunned.

"It doesn't actually change color depending on my emotions. It changes color when I want to." She quickly explained. She blinked and her eyes turned violet. Blink again and it reverts back to emerald. "See? We just do it to mess with people minds. But each time we do it, a day from our lives are deducted."

Then I mused, "I recall that it changed a lot during the Hunter Exam." She laughed good naturedly, "Daimons live a very long time. I think minus a few thousand days and I'll still be able to see the world for a few generations more or less." She faltered and cocked her head at me, "But I'm surprised you noticed I stopped."

I smirked at her and leaned close, "I notice everything about you." A blush colored her cheeks and she turns away immediately, "Anyway."

I bit back a chuckle as she hasten to get a towel from the dressing table and she went into the bathroom to get water and a small tub. She returned and gesture me with her head, "Shirt. Off."

I felt my face broke into a grin, "I never thought you would be so dominant, Mikoto." She rolled her eyes at me, attempting to look undeterred although the redness of her face said otherwise, "Just do it. I need to heal your wounds."

Obediently, I removed my garments and innocently look up at her, my upper body bare for her to see. Her face redden even more at the sight of my body which I was quite proud of. I saw her swallowed slightly and quickly squeezed the wet towel dry.

I watched quietly as she swabbed the scratches and scrapes swiftly, repeating the process of cleaning, wetting, and drying the cloth.

Finally, she was done and she cocked her head, inspecting me. "Your cuts are small enough for me to heal." She stated simply.

I blinked for a moment and watch as she conjured a card then cut her tongue slightly. Oh, I've seen this before.

I watched as she came close to me and licked the scrape on my cheekbone. I felt the wound seal within seconds. I watched as she frowned slightly, "I don't really want to lick your whole body so I'll just do your face. You'll heal quickly enough but right now, my family can't see you in bruises or else they'll think you're weak." I noticed she explained really hastily but I just smirked at her, "I know you want it." She snorted at me, "That's the last thing I want to do."

She pulled my face towards her and quickly licked the wounds and scrapes on my face. I relished as she washed me and shivered slightly when she reached my jaw.

"Okay, that's it. I'm not doing this anymore." Mikoto retorted, pulling back, and I pouted slightly. She gave me a disbelieving look, "No. If you're going to keep releasing those weird scents the whole time, no more. You can go in looking like a beaten puppy."

I tried to frown cutely at her and nudged her shoulder with my head, "Come on, I can't help it."

She groaned and used her finger to swipe at her blood. She brushed it against one last wound on my neck and she got up.

"Okay, now wear your clothes. We got to go." Mikoto scolded and I sniffed in disdain, "And there you go again. Ruining all my fun." She smirked and touched my nose daintily, "That's why you love me."


Mikoto's P.O.V

After the unwelcome exchange of affection from Hisoka, I finally made him look decent enough to meet the rest of the family.

As we enter the throne room, I heard Hisoka took in a small breath.

Prince Fortuna watched us as we reached the foot of his throne. Maganta Fortuna lay against her husband, looking at us kindly. Serea Fortuna and Magi Fortuna sat nearby, each on a wooden plank, adorned with earthy drawings. I knew Hisoka was watching them with curiosity because they were slightly hovering in the air.

I half bowed and looked up cheerily at my family, "I'm home~" Dad's mouth lifted into a lopsided grin. "My, how my daughter's grown." His eyes shifted to Hisoka, "And this young man?"

"His name is Hisoka, Father." A voice interrupted us and I sighed. And whoever would that be?

Dad gave Zanork a look, "As if I was talking to you, Zan." My brother shrugged and walked to Hisoka's side. "He's staying with me."

Maganta raised an eyebrow, "But Mikoto is the one who brought him here."

"Yeah, because I told her to."

"Hardly a good explanation, Zanork dear."

Zanork pouted, "But, Ma…"

Prince rolled his eyes, "And here I thought you've grown into a reasonable man."

As they were squabbling good-naturedly, Hisoka leaned over to me, "I thought it would be some great high and mighty family meeting when we came in."

I lifted my shoulders and leaned closer to him, smiling, "They get distracted easily."

Prince cleared his throat, "Well now, rules are rules, young man. Hisoka here may be your friend but Mikoto is in charge of him."

Zanork rolled his eyes, "We can at least bend the rules. Hisoka can stay at my place in the light, yes?" Prince pondered for a while before sighing, "Okay. But only during the light. He would only be permitted in Mikoto's territory during the dark."

Zanork smirked and playfully whacked Hisoka's arm, "So you get to enjoy my territory now, huh?"

Hisoka returned his smile, "Whoever said I was going to be with you?"

"I do." I retorted and Hisoka looked at me, "I need to do stuff too, you know." Hisoka frowned, "Why can't I tag along?"

Rolling my eyes, I waved at him indifferently, "You'll get in the way. Zanork will entertain you."

Zanork draped himself over Hisoka elegantly, "You going to the Dungeon?" I shrugged at him, "Maybe yes, perhaps no. Depends on my mood."

"If you're going, I'm coming along too." A voice stated a few ways from me.