I don't know why, but the chapter wasn't uploaded correctly. So here we go again….

I finished my master thesis last week, so I am back from hiatus and glad to continue my stories. Thank you for your patience and encouragement, it meant the world to me!

Today I am updating 2 stories and a new crossover, so check it out if you like troubled heroins.

I know this chap is quite short, but like I said I just started writing again, so enjoy and let me hear from you.

Xo Anna


"I need you to calm down, I know you don't want to be sedated. I understand you. Please help me here. I know you can do it!" Please Ana, you are so strong, you can pull through this, I need you to. But her eyes rolled up and she blacked out in my lap.

"Oh Rosie!" My mom cried and cuddled her in her arms, but soon pulled herself together and checked her pulse.

"She is ok now, her heart calmed down, this is a protection mechanism, she will wake up when her mind is ready. You two should spend the night. This way I can monitor her and she don't need to wake up in the hospital."

"That's a good idea mom. We will stay."

"Good, I will prepare a guest room."

"No mom, Rosie stays with me! She always sleeps in my room. She is my best friend and my room will always be hers, too!" Mia interrupted her.

"No, she will stay with me! End of discussion! She still has problems with her memory and as long as she can't decide I will. I know what is best for her. We won't be parted!" And with this I simply stood up and carried my love to my childhood bedroom.

"Will you come back?" My father called after me, "We should talk about this."

"You are right." We really needed to talk about this, so I returned, laid Ana comfortably down on one of the sofas and Mia tucked her in with one of our blankets. I sat down on the floor in front of her and made sure to keep body contact. She should always know that I was there.

We spend the next hours crying and mourning our loss. But we did so as a family, which was a complete new feeling for me. After the first shock dad had called Elliot and asked him to join us and when he did he explained in a hushed voice what had happened. Elliot was speechless, a side I had never seen of my brother, the jokester. After he shared a long hug with our dad he slowly came closer to us as if Ana was a frightened animal. The moment he really saw her he caught a sob in his throat and jumped in our mother's arm where he buried his head in her neck and cried. Mia climbed on our dad's lap and that's how we stayed for the next hours. Now and then mom would check on Ana and made sure that she was ok and after her fifth check she told us that she was sleeping now.

But we still didn't part. Slowly we started talking, still in hushed tones, aware of our precious gift who was sleeping peacefully in our midst.

"I still can't grasp that they told us Rosie died, too. How could they do this? And how could they claim arson if there where two bullets …" Dad started, but had to stop.

"I see only one option, they knew exactly what happened. The evidence is too obvious for a simple fuck up." A part of my mind had pondered this the whole evening. "The question is why. Did they do it with the hope to find Lilly or did they do it because they wanted to conceal it. The third option I really don't want to consider is that they were bribed, too."

"I see your point Christian and I would really like to hear the answer of this question it all sounds really suspicious, but is it sensible to get involved? Should we be the ones to ask uncomfortable questions? What would it help to know? Don't understand me wrong! We should have asked those questions years ago, years ago when it could have helped to find Rosie. I will have to live with myself for the rest of my life that I didn't, that I believed them, that I saw no reason to doubt them and it kills me. But I am also scarred. We've got her now. And I will never ever let her go again! I want to keep her safe. I failed her before, but I won't again. I am scarred that us asking questions would raise suspicion. You heard that she escaped. This means that they are still out there. Shouldn't our scream for justice and retribution be outweighed by Rosie's safety?" I gnashed my teeth in frustration. She was right, of course was she right, but still.

"You are right mom, I would never risk her safety, but there have to be ways. I am not the same little boy I was before. I have the best security and investigational guys work for me. Ana deserves answers."

"Why don't you let her decide? Maybe she already knows some of the answers. But even if not, it is her life." Elliot stopped me. I didn't like it, but he is right so I dropped it, grumpily.

"What I don't understand is why Uncle Jamie killed himself, why wouldn't he shoot the burglars if he got the weapon? Why would he leave his daughter alone with two killers?"

"I think he hoped that in sacrificing himself he could safe me." A small, husky voice behind me said.

My mom jumped up, left the room and returned with a glass of ice water.

"Here, baby, drink a sip."

"Thank you Gracie."

"Hey Rosie-posy."

"Hej Yelli-lot."

"I missed you."
"Missed you, too."

"Can I hug you?"

"As long as you don't spin me around."

"Nay, Ed Hardy is out, don't need some vomit on my shirt."

And while the two of them hugged the rest of us laughed, remembering the last time Elliot was spinning her around.

When they were done Ana climbed on my lap and stifled a yawn.

"It's late, let us continue in the morning, shall we?" Dad suggested and we all agreed.

"Are you ok with staying?" I asked Ana concerned but she only nodded in my neck and was already asleep again.

Let me hear your thoughts!