This isnt what i usually type about. {Anime Addict} But i love Wild Kratts. When i had like no cable, that was the only show i watched. Anyway my first WK fan-fic so R&R what you think. ;P

Chris was running. Not to, but from. Something was chasing him, but he didn't know what. Sweat ran down his head and he was running out of breath. Thats when he stopped. Not from being tired, but from shock and fear. Standing in front of him was something he feared the most.


"Chris," He stepped closer to himself. "CHRIS!" His heart was puonding. "CHRIS!"

Chris's eyes shot open. He was in his room, in his bed. Looking up he saw a worried Martin stareing at him. "You okay bro?" he asked. Chris put on a weak smile and nodded. "Just a bad dream." Martin frowned. "The one wit-"

"Yes." Chris cut him off signaling his older brother that he does not want to talk about it. Martin messed up Chris's hair and stood up. "Well tell me if you need anything bro K?" Chris nodded.

When Martin left the room Chris just sat there. He knew he couldn't go back to sleep. Because every time he did, the same dream would reappear.

The next morning Chris dragged himself out of bed. The past few weeks have been horrible. Not a wink of sleep. And even if he did get any sleep he wouldn't sleep for long. He walked into the main room with all of the gadgits and stuff.

"Mornin Guys." Aviva, Jimmy and Koki turned their heads to him and smiled. "Morning Chri-" Aviva quickly turned her head with a blush across her face while Koki dropped something glass from her hands. "Ch-chris, y-you're pants." she pointed out with a shaking hand.

Chris looked down only to 'just now' realize he was only in his boxers. "Chris you need sleep." Koki blurted out, and at the same time covering her eyes. She and the rest knew about Chris dreams lately and have seen him going through alot. Especially him being very tired and forgetting stuff and not noticing stuff.

This being the perfect example.

Martin walked into the room and his jaw dropped. "Ch-CHRIS!" Martin grabbed the nearest cloth and wrapped it around his groggy sibling. "Thanks bro." Chris smiled with half-lidded eyes.

Martin sighed. "Chris," He spoke softly. His younger brother looked over at him. "When i left the room last night," He stopped and sighed agian. "Did you go back to sleep?" Chris shook his head. "Bro!" Martin looked at Chris with a stern face. "You have BAGS under your BAGS!" He shouted while pointing under Chris's eyes. "Dude," Chris chuckled. "Im fine."

Martin looked up and down Chris's body. "Fine? Bro your half naked." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly and laughed. "Yeah, i guess i am." Martin face palmed. "J-Just p-put on some clothes." Aviva stuttered still blushing.

"I will, i will." Chris headed back to his room. "Martin." The blonde haired man looked over at Koki. "Yes." Koki frowned. This whole issue has taken alot of energy out of Martin to. He had to be there for when his brother started to scream in his sleep, or just like now be there for him before something happens.

"You okay." Martin put on the brightest smile ever. "Yup!" He stretched. "I was tired until what just happened though," They all laughed. "Well that woke me up!"

"Yeah about that." The room went silent when Jimmy spoke. "How long has this been going on?" Martin ran his fingers through his hair and thought. "Ever scince he got captured by Zach." Martins face looked a little angry. "When I reached the jet Chris was just sitting there with puffy eyes and Zach in the backround laughing." He clenched his fists at the memory.

Chris didnt even notice Martin was there until he stepped directly in front of him. Now, about two weeks later, Chris still doesnt tell him what Zach had said. "That BASTARED!" Martin punched the table making the rest jump. "Sorry." he said. "Dont say sorry to me," Aviva walked over and tapped the table. "Say sorry to the table."

Martin grinned. "Im sure this will end soon anyway." Martin stood up and smiled agian. "I mean, he's Chris Kratt!" Now all of them smiled.

"Did I hear sombody call me?" Chris walked into the room, fully clothed, and yawned. "Yes."

"Well what is it?" Martin swung his arm around Chris's shoulder. "Nothing." Chris rolled his eyes. Then they all started to burst out in laughter.

Little did they know that this was the last day of happiness for them all.

Well how was it. I apologize for the miss spelled words because i am cursed with word pad. Anyway tell me what you think about it. {By the way, i dont care if you dont like it or not because i will still continue this story :} But if you like it thats awsume! And i spelt Awsume like that because i love spelling it like that.