Tada! This fic is finally done... I just want to thank (again!) percyjacksonfan16 for the idea to expand- this fic wouldn't have been possible without you! Please review and tell me what you thought about the overall story! Thanks! ~Alianna3


Annabeth and Percy lay on the sand, soaking up the warmth. Percy's bandaged wings are splayed out, and Annabeth plays with some of the silky feathers. They're just enjoying each other, neither one of them quite believing that they are here, together.

Percy told all of them the story once he woke up from a three day coma after Apollo's four day healing process, since Percy was near death when they found him and Annabeth in the throne room.

When Kronos was dying, he took Percy and escaped back to Tartarus, where he slowly recovered. He forced Percy to serve him, threatening to hurt Annabeth if he didn't. It was Kronos's power that had changed Percy's hair and eyes to the mysterious golden. The Lord of Time had also given Percy a new name, telling him that this was his new life and that he was better off now. The wings, too, were Kronos's doing. He had very painfully grafted the wings into Percy's back, enabling him to fly. The wings never stopped hurting, a reminder of his hatred.

But now Percy was back, and with Apollo's help the wings now didn't hurt anymore. Apollo had also been able to heal many of the scars that Percy had received down there, but a few had been irremovable.

"What's it like?" Annabeth asks Percy, still stroking the feathers.

Percy shivers, he can feel her stroking his wings and it feels weird. "What is what like?"

"Flying?" Annabeth asks wistfully.

Percy laughs, a sound that Annabeth thought she'd never hear again. "It's likeā€¦ Well, I don't really know what it's like. Maybe I'll have to take you sometime. It's the best feeling in the world. Well, almost the best. The only thing it doesn't beat it though is spending time with you."

Annabeth blushes, a ridiculous picture of her hanging on to Percy's feet as they fly through the air appearing in her head.

Percy leans over and lightly kisses her cheek, deepening her blush. Everything is alright. Nico says that Katie, Travis, and Will Solace, who also died, are partying it up in Elysium. They continue to lay there, holding hands, in their idea of a perfect heaven.