After TMoA. Just suspend your disbelief okay.

Nico's POV

Percy and Annabeth...Gone. Percy and Annabeth...Gone.

It was surreal, everyone (Piper, Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel) was sitting around the table. Staring at their uneaten food. Percy would have eaten food, heck, he would have eaten all the food.

"What do we do now?" Jason asks, looking up from comforting Piper.
"Yeah, we are pretty much screwed without them. They are our leaders." Lea adds.

Something surfaces in my brain. Something Percy told me I could do if I ever needed help. Something I could only do in case of an emergency.

"I might have an idea. Percy once told me that he had a friend, and that he would help us, if we called him."
Frank looked up. "That's great how do we call him?"
"Umm, does anyone have a pen?" I ask. Piper fishes one out of her pocket.

I begin to draw on the table. It was a complicated symbol. A symbol that looked like an eye, but was strange. I was pretty sure it was an Egyptian symbol.

"Why are you drawing an Eye of Horus?" Piper asked.
"You know it?" I look up surprised.
She nods.

I continue my drawing. When I'm done, I look up.

"Everyone place their hands on it." They look at me, wanting to know what the heck I was doing. "Just do it!" I snapped.

Once everyone's hands were on the symbol, I close my eyes. I concentrate hard on the eye.

"Per Ankh." I say.

The eye begins to glow, casting a strange blue light around the room. All of a sudden I fel t a tugging in my hand. One look at the others told me they were feeling it to. A bright flash of light, followed by me being tugged into a tight space. I screamed, as did everybody else.

When we looked up, we were all standing in the middle of a huge living room. We collapsed to the floor, whatever that was had taken a great deal of energy from each one of us.

I heard footsteps coming down the stair. We looked up as people entered the room.

In the lead was a black boy, with curly hair and holding a curved sword. Next to him was a beautiful blond girl, with red streaks in her hair. She was wearing a strange amulet on her neck. They were followed by a large boy, wearing the same amulet as the girl. Last came a pretty Arab girl, with a don't-mess-with-me kid of attitude.

"Who on earth are you?" The blond girl snapped.

Leo's POV

First of all, getting sucked into a magical vortex table, not the highlight of my day. Meeting biker-barbie girl. That was nearing the top of my list. Blond, beautiful, and totally out of my league. Just my type.

"I said who are you?" She raised her hand and pointed at us. A strange glow beginning to surround her.

Nico tentitivly stood up. "My name is Nico DiAngelo, this is Leo Valdez, Piper Mclean, Jason Grace, Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang. We're friends of Percy Jackson."

The curly haired boy moved forward. "He told you how to find us? Why do you need us?"

"He told me that if we ever needed help, to call you. And Percy and his girlfriend are gone."

Curly hair, moved to say something, but Biker-Barbie pushed him out of the way.

"Yes, yes all very urgent. But I take it you don't even no who we are, yes?" I liked the way she talked, with only a hint of a british accent.

Hazel nodded. Barbie continued.

"Well my name is Sadie Kane, and you'll do best not to forget that name. The rather rude idiot is my brother Carter."

Frank finally stood up. "Sibling but you're..." I could see what he meant, they looked nothing alike, but Sadie didn't look like the kind of girl you wanted to mess with.

Sadie ignored him. She pointed to the large boy wearing the same necklace as her. "This is my boyfriend Walt, and that's Carter's girlfriend Zia. Welcome to the twenty-first nome!"

Rats, she had a boyfriend. Oh well, I can work around that.

"Okay, Sadie. Now why are you guys here?"

Nico told them the story. From the beginning to the end. "And now our ship is being tracked, and we need somewhere to stay. Somewhere hidden fromthe Greeks and the Romans."

Walt moved beside Sadie. "Well, I think that can be arranged, what do you think Carter?"

Carter slowly nodded. "I don't see why not. No one will attack Brooklyn house anyway."

Jason cleared his throat. "No offense, but why would no one attack us here?"

Zia moved forward. This group moved as a team, they knew each other.

"Carter here is the Pharoh of Egypt, Sadie is the most powerful magician in the world. Walt is the host of Anubis, and I'm the host of Ra."

"So, how lond will you need to stay for?" Carter asked.

"Shouldn't be more than a week." Nico replied.

Sadie clapped her hands. "Lovely, now...let's give you the grand tour. Khufu!" She yelled.

Down the stairs came perhaps the strangest thing I had ever seen. A baboon...In a Lakers jersey.

"Khufu can you get rooms ready for our guests? Cheerios is you do!" She said this like it was the greatest thing in the world.

Khufu the Laker Babbon grunted. "Arg!"

Sadie sighed. "Fine Oreos, now go!"

Piper looked at her like she was crazy. "You speak baboon?"

Sadie nodded. "Oh yes. I also speak English, French, Spanish, Egyptian and Latin." (A/N I don't know if that's true but I thought it be cool."

I looked up. "Oh, si. Tal ves usted y yo podemos tener un poco de carino diversion. Que dis usted?" (A/N translation at bottom.)

Sadie stepped forward and slapped me across the face. "Te lo juro, voy a arrancarle el higado y empujar hacia abojo su gargantuan!"

Walt stepped in between Sadie and me. "What? What did he say."

"Really Leo?" Jason asked.

"Can you last two minuted without hitting on a girl?" Piper rolled her eyes.

Sadie pulled Walt back. "Don't worry, we just had a pleasant exchange."

"So...Ahh..." Carter began. "How about that tour?"

Translation: Leo- Oh yes. Maybe you and I can have a little fun sweetheart. What do you say?

Sadie- I swear, I will rip out your liver and shove it down your throat.

I don't know how good these translations are, I used google translate. To anyone who actually speaks Spanish, I mean no offense, I just am not gifted with languages.

I'm sorry it's short, but If you like it I will keep writing.