Dr. Julian

I walked out of the room no one was in the hallway, I walked through and heard talking in the game room. I took a deep breath and opened the door, their heads all turned towards me. Everyone was in the room Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Jay, Nya, Misako, and Wu. Jay stood up from the couch.

"Is he okay?" Jay asked. I breathed deeply, I couldn't tell them, and I had to though.

"Zane… Zane didn't make it" I said sadly

"No" Cole said under his breath.

Jay burst out crying along with Nya. Sensei was motionless, probably stunned his brother would do something like this. Cole had tears started to form in his eyes as he slid down the wall. Kai sat next to Nya trying to calm her down, I just held my head low.

"It can't be" Jay said

Jay pov

How could this happen, I-I was supposed to save him. I was stunned, my brother can't die. I fell to the floor crying, I was going to kill Garmadon for this.

If I didn't get captured… if he didn't save me, he would still be here. This was all my fault

Kai pov

I didn't think our nindroid could die, yet here we are. I rubbed Nya's hair trying to calm her down. I couldn't believe it, I can't believe I sent those two, alone.

This was my fault

Cole pov

I hid my face in my knees as I sank to the ground. I started to cry, I didn't care what anyone thought my brother is gone. I was supposed to be the leader, I was supposed to protect my family.

This was all my fault

Nya pov

I held onto Kai in a hug, I needed one. I cried rapidly in his red ninja suit. I knew Garmadon was evil but I couldn't believe Garmadon would go as far as murder. I had anger, hate, and sadness building up in me.

Lloyd pov

I was stunned, my dad killed my best friend. I was angry and sad at the same time, angry at my dad, probably seeking revenge. And sad for my friend. I turned around facing the wall and punched it making a hole.

I should have went with them, I could have helped them, and I could have prevented this.

It was my fault.

Sensei pov

I couldn't believe what my brother had done, He killed my student. I bowed my head, my tears were the most silent out of the room. This was not going to end well.